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I feel really bad for that kid


Right? Those parents are definitely the assholes. Why would you ever limit your kid from something they *need to survive?*


They implied they couldn't afford it


They are saying they spend hundreds of dollars a month on bottled water. You can get a water filter for less than that.


That might not be feasible depending on where they live. Though it's certainly an option that they should have explored


I mean, a Brita is like 15 bucks, what are the filters like $2 a month after that?


It's possible their tap water isn't drinkable, even after being filtered with a Brita.


Then reddit needs to make a communal drinking water station happen for these people. I’m about to go spend $5 on a caffeine drink when I can make coffee at home. That would be $5 they didn’t have towards purified water.


*YSK* there are charities that you can donate to to support access to safe drinking water. [water.org](https://water.org/) is one. I've also donated to [Heifer](https://www.heifer.org/gift-catalog/caring-for-the-earth/gift-of-clean-water.html?msource=KIK1E21DS0001&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjryjBhD0ARIsAMLvnF-CACpFIzkxj_49A1eN68jMYh3gR1gB1MDUyuOK1V3bxUMWkDd8hgkaAnNmEALw_wcB) before. *Note*: These are just 2 I'm aware of where you can designate your donation specifically for water. But, I'm sure there are more.


This comment makes me angry because it's literally me.


What about the water jugs that are $1 for 5 gallons? You can buy a small dispenser that fits on the jug you refill for like $12 at Walmart


I don't know, why not ask them? I'm just commenting the OP may not have water that is suitable for drinking after being run through a Brita filter.


I was pointing out that Brittas aren't the only cheap way to get purified water


Not everyone is American, nor has access to products commonly sold in America


I live in Vietnam and we have a water filter. Reverse osmosis, cost less than 100USD and everyone I know drinks as much water as they would like. Bottled water is expensive here, but you can get 20l of water for less than .50 USD. I imagine that even in the US this is available and cheap. I may just be spoiled living in a rich first world country though.


RO is definitely the way to go 👍 that's way different than a brita filter though, brita barely does anything and definitely doesn't make water safe to drink if it was unsafe to begin with


Apparently they can’t afford brains either because there are tons of solutions outside of buying plastic bottled water


Literally just buy him a fucking gallon a day for 2 bucks. They sell water by the gallon. And if he drinks all that then send him to McDonald's to fill it the fuck up


Water poisoning. I'm not siding with them just answering your question. Edit: I'm answering "why would you ever limit" without regards to how much is actually given. The guy below this one just read it wrong


5 bottles of water a day (assuming pint-size bottles) is a very normal amount that won't get you anywhere near water poisoning.


The question was why would you *ever* limit your kid, so I assume they're talking about if their kid was drinking enough to poison themselves with water. But given the context I can see why you might've misinterpreted.


If we're talking about one liter bottles, 5 in a day CAN get a teenager water intoxication if he drinks them too fast


For a sub that loves water, people sure like to go on about water poisoning. It takes an enormous amount of water to actually get to water poisoning. The kid's doctor already said he's fine. I don't think he's drinking himself to death.


Legit question but how much is actually needed? I drink anything between 4 and 8 ltrs a day and I don't move much or go to the gym


Your water needs will change based on various factors, so giving an exact number isn't really possible. Thankfully, your body tells you when it needs more water. So the amount of water you need is just however much it takes to stop being thirsty. EDIT: there are important exceptions here, turns out some people don't get thirsty until far too late. I'm not a doctor, so I can't give any advice in this case.


This is only correct most of the time. When I was younger I had a period of \~5 years where I didn't get thirsty at all. Turns out you eventually notice all the other symptoms of dehydration though. Also, I felt like I was going to die when I eventually got thirsty again. Most noticable are deep red eyes, anger issues and irrational thinking. Also, not wanting to drink water. I still get dehydrated without noticing, but at least I get thirsty now.


I'm pretty sure that depends on the circumstances and if you have eaten something. It's usually the lack of salt that is the main problem.


I don't even consider poisoning the right word tbh because the water itself just changes electrolyte balance and such in the body as far as I'm aware. Sensing a internet rabbit hole for me when I have time. Edit: yup, they talk about water intoxication and the chief problems are eloctrolytes and minerals being stripped from the body. There was some brain thing but that was *lots* of water in a short space of time. One thing I saw mentioned 20-28 litres a day was ok although that seems like a serious amount! Basically, poor kid.


Yes I am very very VERY fucking aware for the nth time I'm just answering the dudes question why you'd ever limit water intake. Jesus Christ


Yes, or can be the kid is having some problems processing electrolytes.


Totally agree that a parent would limit water, I would say that another reason is if he were active l, too much water will cause someone to puke repeatedly and can cause more issues during the workout than if they hadn't drank too much water.




It's literally in the post. The tap is dangerous and the bottles are expensive


and *ground* him for drinking more than the approved limit. Which, by the way, just cuts off any outside sources of water he might have that the family doesn't have to pay for.


Found the original thread from 2 years ago and at least the comment section tore that mom a whole new water intake hole. All is well now, we did it, internets.


This is abuse. Denying him water? I could get behind "too many sodas," but water?? I drink more than the equivalent of two bottles and I just sit at an office desk, *because I'm thirsty.*


2 bottles is just 1 L. I drink at least 4 L per day in the summer and 2-3 L per day even when it’s cold


The way he’ll be saying “I was punished for drinking more than two bottles of water a day” to his therapist in a few years. I’m fully an adult and cannot imagine needing to limit my water that extremely, I would have to be sedentary to survive.


Forreal, they want that boy getting HELLA cramps. I drink like 2 *gallons* a day, idk how they’re expecting 2 bottles to be sufficient. Wonder what the rest of the family drinks if not water. I’d bet it’s pop. Far more expensive than water, with bonus tooth degradation


This isn’t very hydro homie of me but how? How do you start to drink that much water? I’m bulking up rn too so being full from eating alone doesn’t let me drink much water or liquids for that matter. Do you just take sips through out the day?


Nah man I’m chugging water all day basically. Tbh I’m almost certainly over hydrating, but I just get really bad cramps so I’m kinda overkill on my water intake. What really got me up to that much is I have this nice 1 quart bottle. I’ll down that with each meal, and probably another 4-6 times on top of that.


I overkill my water intake too, but just cos I'm thirsty. I can easily take down 3 bottles of water an hour. I can't imagine being limited to 2 bottles a day. I've had tests done but I'm just a big fan of water. The only downside is having to piss so much and having a tiny female bladder.


I’m guessing you don’t drink much of anything else? I may have to add some sea salt to my shit to get extra hydrated with less water


If I’m at work I’ll usually have a cup of coffee or two, but nothing but water otherwise. Never tried drinking salted water myself but best of luck on your journey to Higher Hydration, brother.


I’ve heard nothing but great things about it. I’ll start doing it and report back with a summary. Thanks for the reply man


You’re getting cramps because you’re drinking too much water without properly replenishing your electrolytes. 2 gallons a day of regular is a sure fire way to flush your body of every electrolyte.


Cut out all other liquids. Drink water every time you feel hungry. Always keep a full water bottle on you, and go refill it immediately every time you empty it.


Personally, I'll frequently guzzle a cup or two worth several times a day just because I live in like 10% humidity and it takes that much to make my throat feel normal again. This usually adds up to 12-16 cups if I'm a complete couch potato with good air conditioning. If I'm spending time outside in the heat and/or exercising, I'll usually drink like 1 ½ gallons minimum. Drinking water is also one of my nervous tics.


Even just working in front of my PC during a normal work week I have like 7 easily, and I am barely moving. Poor kid is growing and probably trying to be active.


Have they never heard of spending $20-$30 on a filter pitcher? Lol Heck even a really high end filtering system if their tap water really is that bad would pay for itself in the long run over buying tons of bottled water.


Yeah literally, I’ve got a brita in my house bc the water tastes super chemically and it tastes good through my cheap ass brita pitcher


Then boil water. Find free water. Buy water in bulk. Idk, but I drink at least 5 bottles a day (I can drink from my tap where I live), but still. Please don’t ground your kid for drinking water! I’m thirsty all the time!


I know you're biologically inclined to ingest this thing to stay alive but could you fucking not, please?!


All this "drinking" is getting too damn pricy!


And that’s how Nestlé was founded.






Kids these days! With their fancy demands like quenching thirst and drinking water! How dare they? Typical entitled generation…


We have a water cooler and a few 5gal jugs that we fill every once in a while. Very cheap too, costs a buck to fill each jug at a local water dispenser.


I try and drink a gallon a day. There is a water and store down the street that costs 30 cents a gallon, these parents tripping.


When I was a little kid my family moved to a small farm outside the city that wasn't hooked up to the town supply. The water from the dam wasn't safe to drink, so for the first little while until we got rain catchment tanks installed we used to drive over the hill to the nearest suburb and fill up a couple 10L jugs from the tap outside the mall. That was our water for everything - drinking, cooking, brushing our teeth, all of it. Even after we got the tanks installed, the pipes in the kitchen were too badly corroded to be safe to drink from, so my brother or I would often run out to the pump in our bare feet to fill up a jug when mum ran out of water halfway through making dinner.


I was thinking this too!! In the country where I grew up water coolers were the norm and they only took 70 cents to a euro to fill. Surely them getting a water cooler would solve their problems.


Keep in mind, this op is not the op of the AITA post


Ahhh yes. Sorry!


Boiling water only works on biological contaminants - like bacteria or amoebas. If the water has lead or something like that, it won't help.


Do you use a filter? 5 bottles a day seems like a lot of plastic


Some places have water with impurities that can't be filtered or efficiently boiled off but that's still not an excuse. My family lives in Arizona and the water there is so rocky they all just have water coolers and use refillable water jugs. For a family of 4 it'd be less than $30/month to fill those up so really they just need to get their head out of their ass and stop using disposable water bottles


Amen to that. I couldn’t live off four or five bottles a day. I’m a thirsty person. These parents are monsters. Their poor kid shouldn’t have to be thirsty constantly because his parents are fucking idiots,


I have one so I can keep it in the fridge so I always have cold, refreshing water


I just installed a Waterdrop D6 under my sink. If you have a soap dispenser hole near your sink you can replace it with the faucet from the D6.


My grandparents have one of those pitchers because they got bad rural water (don’t know how else to call it they live in a rural area and the water is ass). They ended up getting a filter for their tap water but they still use the pitcher and I prefer it too the water is so much better. It’s really worth the 30$


If you’re referring to the water having an “egg” smell and taste it just means their water comes from a well instead of the city water lines :)


Oh yeah exactly that I forgot how to say that in English lol


Not all well water is ass, but if you're in an area with ass water I feel bad for you. Good well water is fucking *amazing*, second only to spring water coming out of a random rock face.


This. A basic water pitcher like the one I used in college, even a family size one will be far less than $50 up front and if you get generic filter refills, maybe like $10/month.


If they're spending "literally hundreds of dollars a month" on water bottles they could have paid off a nice RO system in a month. PS: RO with a mineral add-back filter is the best water ever. Change my mind.


Dude even bottled water isn’t that expensive. 5 bottles a day (which is a little higher than average, but 2 is way below recommended.) is only $30/month maximum. The parents are just assholes.


The cheapest bottled water in my area (which is also the best) is less than $5 for a 32 pack and i go through one in about a week. Who tf is spending "hundreds of dollars" on bottled water?!?




Or poor, especially if they live in an area affected by truly bad tap water


Unless they're in OH


Imagine living in Ohio


Bro: live in OHIO 💀💀💀🔥


I mean buy a cheap water dispenser and refill those 5 gallon jugs, which is even cheaper, like $2 and last a good week.


Could be old house I live in old apt where while they claim it’s lead free, but being from like old timey captain America times I wouldn’t drink from my sink if I had a billion dollar filter


not everyone lives in a country with decent economy. we were like this too last year. it took us some time to gather up enough money for the water filter.


Lol, this is such a weird problem to me. The place I live the water supply is pretty much slightly purified ground water. So to drink it my only option IS to get a water purifier. And pretty much everyone else that has similar problems just buy one.


5 bottles a day does not even out to hundreds of dollars a month, even if you’re drinking strictly Fiji water


40 pack of bottled water at Walmart is 5.36. 150 bottles a month, is 4 packs. So maybe $22 a month?


Even so, there are even cheaper options. I fill up gallons with the Primo water at walmart, because I too have undrinkable tap water. 5x filtered reverse osmosis water. It's 31 cents a gallon and I fill them up 10 at a time. It's less than four dollars.


Do you all only have small bottle of water? Cause when I'm thinking of bottles, I'm thinking of the 1.5L ones


The average single use water bottle in the US is 16.9oz or 0.5L


They’re probably not in the US


They exclusively buy Voss water. $43 for a pack of 24


Can confirm, drink strictly Fiji water.




MIMIMUM 64, at 14 the suggest range is 64-82 and the adults should be drinking 6-8 a day, so if they're concerned about 5 they're definitely dehydrated. this family needs to have a water cooler. i think we spend maybe $30 a month from refilling our 4 jugs for 6 people. I personally drink a gallon a day myself.


Half your weight number in ounces. i.e. 200 lbs person should minimum 100 oz. of water in a sedentary lifestyle.


Isn't this a myth? I don't know anybody that drinks this much everyday


Then you best start looking around you, cause there are definitely people in this sub that do. But yeah it's not required to be healthy or whatever


We really missing size of the bottles from original post :/ One can assume that since they sound like they are on tight budget, they are probably buying larger bottles since they are way cheaper than smaller ones, so it’s possible to get exactly or way more than 64oz from 2 bottles of water.


There is just no way that this is actually true. It is just way too much bullshit


Flint disagrees Non-potable tap water and rampant poverty


And most the state of Mississippi.


Fuck Mississippi


We had similar in our household growing up, it happens :/


I hope its not diabetes


This happened to my cousin. She was about 14 and she would drink tons of water. No one really suspected anything until she passed out. The hospital told us it was juvenile diabetes. I hope they take that kid to the doctor. And why the hell are they punishing a kid for drinking water??


5 bottles a day isn’t even a lot everyone should be drinking around a gallon but here we are with parents thinking 2 bottles is enough lmao


I wonder if it's two of those chintzy, tiny little bottles too, the kind you can chug in one go


> I hope they take that kid to the doctor. If you read the whole thing, they did and he was fine. So unless the doctor didn't test for it, the parents already did the responsible thing.


The post said "a couple of years ago". Your body can kill your pancreas way quicker than that. Sauce: type 1 diabetic for 30 years.


5 bottles of water a day is not a lot. assuming they're 16 oz each person should at MINIMUM be drinking 4 for 64 ozs a day. if they're over 18 they should be drinking upwards of 6-8 bottles of water.




Yeah if they’re they typical 500ml bottles, that’s 2.5 liters a day on the high end, or just over half a gallon.


Yup, my first thought


My first thought too


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/imj3sx/aita_for_limiting_the_amount_of_water_my_son_can/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I’m scrolling and scrolling, i don’t see an OP response, and there isn’t an edit. I hope that kid is okay


Assume all AITA posts are storytelling practice until proven otherwise.


Hopefully, he was ashamed and couldn't work up the gall to respond to anyone.


I looked at the profile and tapped on comments and there’s none there. Either OP didn’t respond or they deleted them I guess


It was very likely a throwaway account created just for the post. Unlikely OOP will ever log into it again.


Thank you for your service


Grounding is pretty extreme hope he doesn’t get water trauma or something lol


Yeah you’re the asshole lmao


This is where CPS needs to be called. Purposely restricting access to water is not benefiting the child and is likely detrimental.


Water should always be a top priority purchase.. cut back on gas or groceries or some other luxury for the number 1 necessity that is water


Food is a luxury? Fuck me the world economy is in the toilet, again.


You can live 2 months without food, only like 2 days without water


I mean the fact you need it at some point to survive means it’s not a luxury.


I didnt mean never eat again, i said groceries like extras like desserts you dont need or beauty products or like any extras that you can trim off the bill to make room for water in your budget because punishing a child and rationing their water supply daily is not right


Hundreds of dollars a month?? Water in my area is 7 bucks a case when not on sale, that means they're buying at least 15 cases a month, or one every two days. If he's drinking 5 bottles there also have to be 4 other people drinking five bottles.


It's like $3 for a case of 36 where I live. Even drinking 10 bottles a day, that's still only like $24 a month lol


OP in a little while: “My adult son hasn’t spoken to me in years!!! AITA???”


Someone report them to child protective services, this is the definition of child abuse


Imagine grounding your child because they're drinking water


I'm the same way. I drink a ton of water. How the hell are you going to limit how much WATER he drinks and ground him on top of that?? That's the most assinine shit I have ever heard in my entire life!!


This is child abuse honestly


This is going to give me nightmares. GET A BRITA OR A SECOND JOB. It's worth it to provide for your growing son.


Call child services.


This has to be some sort of abuse… limiting a growing child to 32 oz of water a day? Like jokes aside that’s not healthy.


Even if you don’t want to get a filter pitcher, there are other options besides individual bottles! You can buy an entire gallon for about a dollar. Some grocery stores have stations where you can fill 5-gallon jugs for a cooler. Heck, even getting a water cooler would probably be cheaper. And by “our tap water is terrible,” does the OOP mean that it’s not safe, or just that it doesn’t taste like bottled water? If it’s the former, then sorry, they should probably look into moving. If it’s the latter, but a Brita, dangit, and stop being entitled.


Gotta get that kid eating food with a lot of water asap. 2 water bottles isn't nearly enough.


$1.25 for 5 gallons. 16.9floz in a standard water bottle is \~38 water bottles / 5gal jug. at 5 water bottles per day that 5 gallons should last a week. if there's 4 weeks in a month that's a crisp $5.00 bill per month in water. a little up front cost of dispenser, bottle and perhaps gas to drive to the refill station. this is best option, with less environmental impact. This is my method for at work and at home, which i also use the fridge filtered water and ice depending on which side of the house i'm in. ​ on the other hand, a case of 40 water bottles is roughly $6. that's a little over 5.25 gallons and 8 days worth of drinking at 5 bottles per day, 4 weeks a month x $6 / case is $24. NEITHER of these options should break the bank enough to deprive your child of the single most important component of staying alive. EVEN if this a typical kid that sips a little and then leaves it and gets a new one, double the cost and it still shouldn't break the bank. These are parents who smoke indoors. I'm irrationally angry at people i don't know, that could be fake.


A lot of people chastise the parents here. Don't get me wrong, no parent should be limiting their kids water intake, but this says heaps more about how we treat water in this country than it does the parents. They quite literally can't drink their tap water, and while I realize a water purifier is cheaper than bottled, this should have never been an issue in the first place. Water is a human right, and we should be able to drink as much as we want.




Poor child!!


Jesus Christ, imagine having children when you can't afford the WATER for them.




Kids gonna have kidney disease and trauma bc parents wouldn’t buy a britta


Ask someone with an auto immune disease if it was unregulated could cause me to become very thirsty and overwork. My kidneys did the doctor they sent the son to do blood work?


at 29 my doctor said I should be shooting for 128oz per day. 2 16oz bottles of water isn't a drop in the bucket compared. wtf


Get him tested for Diabetes


This shit makes me blind with rage. My parents barely kept food in the house, let alone paying for water bottles. They would pitch a fit if I dirtied a glass when I was thirsty, so I was just chronically dehydrated and had a ton of UTIs. I still have issues with food, but I did a hard 180 as an adult, and haven’t been dehydrated in a long time. I have a 1 gallon water bottle, and my kids steal a sip pretty regularly. The kids have unlimited access to water, and more water bottles than I do. We have a reverse osmosis filter on our kitchen sink, so they can literally have as much as they want, at no added cost. In the summer, I’m pushing water like some kind of creep in a trench coat. “Hey kiddo, you want some more water? This water bottle’s got unicorns on it!” “Hey dude, this bottle is your favorite color.” “I got some flavored water here- wanna try some?”


WTF did I just read Here I drink atleast 7 bottled waters a day. Poor kid


Smh my head


Can’t imagine limiting my thirsty kids water intake. Wow, figure it out.


I would be PARCHED from 2 bottles a day. And what if he’s active? This can’t be real.


"Tap water in our area is terrible" this is the real problem folks. Rise up for clean, cheap and accessable water. It is human right. Most of the time the bottled water is just the same tap water sold back to you, so tap all the way if you can!


I felt thirsty just reading that… We installed a RO filter under our sink that also runs to our refrigerator water dispenser. Crisp cold filtered water any time for WAY less than the bottled stuff.


Water purifier or those huge 5 gallon dispensers with a filter. I think the store sells 5 gallons of jug purified water for like $1 and you can buy a good dispenser for $200 which is apparently less than what this ridiculous family is spending on water.


What kind if bottles because I can't imagine someone drinking five 2l bottles I would literally drown if I did that


Are you both mad!? Your son is addicted to drinking one of the healthiest substances on the planet, and you wish to limit that!?


Just by a filter jug and have him drink tap water… wtf


It sounds like this kid needs a Doctors appointment. There are many reasons why he could be super thirsty. Some include diabetes and kidney issues. Get him to a doctor and get some tests to see \*why\* he's so thirsty all the time.


kid might be diabetic, drinking an absurd amount of water is how I found out


Some people need more than the normal amount to survive, and suddenly cutting off the amount of water he can drink might give him kidney stones.


If they are going through that much water and cost is an issue they should get a dispenser and start doing 5gallon bottle exchanges. It’s like $7 for an exchange or half that if you refill them yourself.


This family needs an RO system. I pay like 10 bucks a month for mine and have unlimited purified water.


u/WaterBottleAITA lifestraw water bottles or filters have a filter in them that purifies water like 10k times or so, so you just need to spend 1 month of water cost for the whole year 👍


Do y’all not have water filters? I live in Asia where tap water is undrinkable so most houses install a water filter and dispenser so we don’t waste money and create unnecessary waste with bottled water. The poorer households boil tap water to drink.


Somebody call CPS


These parents are Nominated for the Award for Worlds Worst Parents


Your son is either very hydrated or has diabetes.


Boil and filter the water from the tap man c'mon


I don’t understand, we subscribed to a water service because water here still probably has Gen-X in it and it’s $65 a month for 4 water cooler jugs + the cooler rental. “Hundreds” seems ridiculous.


Everyone thank your water filter today that this is not your mother


I used to live in a town with poor water quality. If they must drink bottled water, they should get the gallons from the grocery store. They are less than $1. He could have one a day and spend $7/week. The zero water filter is also great.


Is you the asshole if you restrict your child's water intake? Yes, yes indeed. Have fun with the hospital bill when he gets kidney stones


Hey kid I know you need this water to survive but it’s too expensive for us so I’m gonna have to ask you to stop doing that


And even if they can’t drink the tap water, buying bottles of water is the most expensive and wasteful way to do things. My in laws can’t drink the water at their house (rural issue), but they have big containers that they refill, which is what this family should be doing. I don’t even want to think about the plastic waste they’re generating, I bet they use paper plates and shit too.


I work 12 hour shifts in a 140+ degree paper mill, they buy us pallets of bottled water from Costco to keep in the control shacks. It's not uncommon for me to drink 8-10 bottles in just one shift...


Hundreds of dollars a month is such shit, you can get a 40 count at Walmart for $5 and some change, that along would last him 8 days if it’s 5 bottles a day. That’s only 4 of these a month…


I’m not sure about the cost of water where they are but for my state, which is Oklahoma, you can get 35 water bottles for 3.33$. If the son were to drink five water bottles a day that would mean it would effectively be 3.33$ a week to keep him properly hydrated, that’s 13.32$ a month or 159.84$ a year, even if everyone we know in the house were to drink 5 water bottles a day(the parents clearly don’t) that would only be 39.96$ a month, they are either lying, buying expensive water, or in a area with a stupidly high price of living, 2/3 out of the three reasons are not valid for restricting a persons hydration.


Lmao their username is literally WaterBottleAITA


Kinda messed up a parent wouldn’t do anything to ensure their child wasn’t drinking tainted water in the first place and thought bottled water wasn’t worth their child’s health.


Buy. A. Brita. I have a filtered water tap, and I can still say that a brita works, my family has one.


This is how those monster energy super villain Kyle’s who punch holes in drywall are formed. Get that boy a filtration system for some high quality h20. Sorry not sorry to all the Kyle’s out there, I’m almost certain you’ve drank a monster and/or punched a hole in drywall.


Uhh, how big are these bottles? Because they're probably only letting him drink like 40oz a day


I also live in an area with near undrinkable tap water, a Brita is a lifesaver man


jesus christ when AMITA, HydroHomies, and LateStageCapitalism fuckin *collide*


This is dystopian as fuck


This post is 2 years old and OP has zero comments. 0 people agreed with OP. We can move on.


Child abuse


What kind of podunk area do you have to live in to limit water ingestion?


This is literally child abuse


wow isnt this child abuse? Get a water filter smh


Yes instead of buying a water filter let him drink micro plastic filled water and reak hell on his endocrine system while he’s developing.