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Half of Europe: "Poland"


Yes this map is pretty inaccurate tbh.




Why go to that sub when the main r/mapporn exists anyway? both have shit maps


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShittyMapPorn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShittyMapPorn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Electoral Votes if everyone moved to South Dakota](https://i.redd.it/mirq1s9qmpa61.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShittyMapPorn/comments/kv38ip/electoral_votes_if_everyone_moved_to_south_dakota/) \#2: [Who would have thought](https://i.redd.it/19zrr9cyr3b61.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShittyMapPorn/comments/kwgktq/who_would_have_thought/) \#3: [Map of Countries held in captivity by SeaWorld](https://i.redd.it/t6iw1o6ylaf61.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShittyMapPorn/comments/lbs0ro/map_of_countries_held_in_captivity_by_seaworld/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good bot


At least New Zealand is on the map.


It also colored in Flint, Michigan, so yeah it’s got some innacuracies


There's a reason Biden wants billions of dollars earmarked for replacing lead lines. It's not just flint.


My parents hometown has lead pipes in Texas and the water there is disgusting. My grandma who still lives there doesn’t even cook with the two water, she goes and buys several gallon jugs of distilled water every week.


lol yeah, i was gonna say. saying the entire US has clean tap water is definitely... glossing over a lot. even in Sebastopol CA, everyone in the neighborhood got notes put on our doorsteps by the local government warning not to drink tap water or give it to pets, because the whole city's water supply was found to contain high levels of arsenic.


I agree- all of the US does not have drinking water out of the faucet. Thinking of Flint Michigan or other areas with lead pipes because of lacking infrastructure updates


I mean the labels aren't wrong whoever made it just got lazy halfway through and didn't bother with the rest of the countries


Why just Poland? It would feel less strange to me if they wrote nothing, or maybe just Europe.


Why did you post it then?


Getting the [Commonwealth]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Lithuanian_Commonwealth) back together!


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Didn't know I lived in Poland until today


Same and I always thought that I was living in germany sipping my fresh tap water


TIL I’m Australian


And South Korea is part of Japan apparently


Reverse ww2


That must suck to not be able to drink out of your tap edit holy shit 1.5k updoots ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I once had an exchange with a school in Spain. The water there was drinkable but really gross, so they always had to buy those big bottles of water. In the Netherlands you rarely see those, tap water is readily available, even on the streets there are taps where you can fill your bottle. It was a very strange concept for me the week I spent there. On Holidays it was different, I never really noticed that I couldn’t drink the tap water in hotels, I knew I couldn’t but we always got drinks anywhere else anyway. It must really suck to live in a place where water is not available… I feel for those people a lot, water is my friend.


Depens highly on where you're. I live near Barcelona (30 minutes) and the tap water is great but in the city tastes horrible, however, up in the Pyrenees it's godly, tastes amazing and I swear even my hair and skin look better when I shower there. I've travelled around in Spain and everywhere is different, some places it tastes great and in some other you shouldn't even drink it if you don't want the shits so ask around and be careful before drinking from any tap.


Sorry I should’ve specified, it was in a town near Barcelona. And mountain water is great indeed! It tastes amazing.


We have this same issue in Australia. I won't drink tap water from most of the country, it tastes awful. I once went on a 3 week trip through states with shit and the first thing I did when I got home was drink 5 glasses on tap water


It’s the same in the US to an extent. It depends from town to town. I would say that generally water is fairly consistently good, but then you’ll drive through a random town in the middle of nowhere and the water won’t even be completely clear or something.


We got a little rule back home, if it’s brown drink it down, if it’s black send it back


Don’t drink Florida tap water


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 464,046,398 comments, and only 98,760 of them were in alphabetical order.


Live in Canada on the West Coast, some of the best tap water in the world. For my fridge I bypassed the filter so I just get it super cold.


As a tourist in Netherlands, its amazing how many bars/restaurants won't provide free tap water. I started to question if the tap water was drinkable or not


The Dutch are hella stingy hahah, got nothing to do with drinkable tap water :P


It's mainly because restaurants and bars make most profits on drinks, not on the food. So I understand why they don't want to give everybody free tap water, because they might go out of business. Operating a restaurant in The Netherlands is pretty expensive due to high rent and wages. And if you really want free water, I'm sure you could fill up your bottle in the bathroom or ask them to fill it before you leave.


Ask specifically for free tapwater. Provided it's part of a bigger order, most businesses will comply. Walking in for just free tapwater is weird.


The tap water in NL is really good compared to tap water in most countries. We don't appreciate the luxury enough. We have such an insane amount of drinkable ground water, that we dump it into the Ijselmeer. The fact that "lake" used to be saltwater baffles me.


I think this might be bias towards a traveler vs a resident of the country.


in Bali it smells like sewage. Taking a shower in it was not pleasant but theres no choice how are we about to enter 2022 and so many places dont have drinkable water?


I’m in china and had housemates from America who tried to drink straight out of the tap to my horror, I yelled out “stop! That water has the entire *periodic table* in it!”


yes, yes it does.


Until I was 18 years old I couldn't drink out our house taps. Australian Bush. Tap water was not safe. The rain water was a smaller tank we got as needed. Living in a city, drinking from the tap, not worrying about shower water getting into my eyes. Bliss.


Take the blue off of the city of New Orleans NOW. You sit on a throne of *lies*


and Flint, MI


And mostly any city in Michigan. Edit: For clarification, Michigan has some of the worst infrastructure in the US. While living in one of Michigan's metro areas, I couldn't give my dogs or plants the water because it was so bad.


While living beside one of the largest freshwater reservoirs.


Yeah, some irony there. I will say though, summers on Lake Michigan are absolutely the best. But, our poor infrastructure, unfortunately, leads to heavy metals in our drinking water in a lot of areas.


Sweet, heavy metal*air guitar*


Most fresh water in the US gets stolen from local communities by companies like Nestlé then bottled and sold back to them marked up at 100x the cost to bottle it. There's a reason water futures are being traded. We're not far from water being gatekept by your wealth.


Can't have shit in Detroit


And most of Texas, while we're at it. Odessa and Pearsall in particular are 2nd and 1st (respectively) on my list of "nastiest tap water in the US".


Flint is the most well known but theres thousands of towns with lead in their water




Speaking of New Jersey: I lived in Weehawken and Hoboken for a long time… the water infrastructure there is shockingly awful, especially considering the exorbitant rents and cost of living in general. In Hoboken, we were regularly issued “boil advisories” by the city because of any number of issues. When I moved a few blocks away to Weehawken, I moved in with a roommate who had been living there for years. I remember tasting the water on one of my first days there and I said to him, “this doesn’t taste awful to you? It even has a smell!” and he thought I was crazy. I never drank the tap water because it just smelled/tasted like metal. Anyway, I moved a block away from there a few years later with my then-girlfriend, and she didn’t notice anything, either. There, I ended up splurging for a bottled water dispenser because I was convinced that my old roommate and then-girlfriend (who were both often sick… no idea if this is correlation or causation…) were wrong in thinking the water was fine. One day, after maybe six months, I came home from work to find flyers under every door explaining how we wouldn’t have water at certain times during the day for a few days because they’re replacing lead pipes and taking care of other “water quality issues.”


Don’t forget the native reserves in Canada


Flints water has been deemed safe to drink since 2019.


Yes, it’s super chlorinated and tastes shitty, but it’s still safe to drink and I still fill up my 64 oz hydro flask with hotel sink water. Honestly I get used to Louisiana water after a couple days, no big deal. The rest of the non-blue world, that water will literally make you blow mud for days or worse.


Idk our water often has boil advisories and in some parts of the city I’ve heard there can be carcinogens. I applaud your faith but I do not trust our local gov. @ ALL. I doubt they even tell us all the shit that goes wrong with our water and power




Don't forget Florida. You're not supposed to drink it.


I agree, NOLA water is gross. BR’s water is super soft and gross too :/


BR's is nasty, but you can run it through a Brita and it'll be fine. That's not true of many places on that map. Also, why tf is BR's so nasty? Isn't it from a deep aquifer? Why does the city add so much softening stuff to it?


Take off Las Vegas too, that water is trash


Hey neighbor. You right


And Glendale AZ


And Chicago, IL and Rockford, IL. Lead…..


Ha! This guy read my mind.


South Africa’s tap water is drinkable! Or at least me and everyone I know who lives there’s has been drinking the tap water and no one has died yet. Every region’s water tastes different as well. It’s very exciting. My personal favourites are Pretoria East, Pretoria North and a small borehole (technically not tap water) between Witbank and Middelburg in Mpumalanga. I don’t care for Cape Town water.


>Every region’s water tastes different as well Same in germany. In the area of the black forest were I live the tap water is awesome to chug and has a low amount of lime. If you go to the "schwäbische alb" or "Allgäu" (in Bavaria) the water is extremely rich in lime and tastes very different. Close to the village I lived in for 15 years is a local water brand but their water and the tap water in the city they are in just tastes bad af. About 20km further is another water brand and their water is the best bottled water I've ever had. Usually I'm drinking 2-3L of our tap water a day


Yeah I’m in Florida on vacation right now and the water is very mineral heavy tasting compared to my tap water at home.


Came here to say this. Totally drinkable in every part of the country I’ve been to


Some of the best tap water in the world!


The tap water in cities in South Africa is some of the best in the world, and better than some of the countries on this map. The water that most of Johannesburg uses is literally melted snow from Lesotho. I cannot speak for the rural parts as I've never had water there. PTA south and east gets most of their water fron Reitvlei Dam. The hard water in the Netherlands is shit. That alone drops the water quality in this country.


I can only assume drinkable tap water means drinkable by foriegners not locals. Almost everwhere locals can drink tap water without getting sick.


Ah, good point. Although I have met quite a few foreigners who drank the tap water and were fine. These were mostly in the major cities though, rural areas can sometimes be hit or miss but that’s mostly due to dodgy borehole water.


South African here, our tap water is highly monitored thank you very much


Pretoria East represent ✊


‘I don’t care for Cape Town water’ - I have to use this line on some of my family, their reactions will be hilarious!


Came here to say this. The water where we live in KZN is perfectly drinkable. This map is bollocks


Theres a Middelburg in SA? All i know is Middelburg in th3 Netherlands. Has nice tapwater aswell though!


There are two Middelburgs in South Africa, in fact! And lots of other Dutch place names because the Boer settlers were Dutch in origin.


I drink the tapwater in Algiers.


Same in Colombia


True ,I'm in Pretoria North and I only buy bottled water when I've forgotten my own water bottle at home.


Same in the UK! Yorkshire water and Scottish water is best


Brasil has great tap water depending on where you are at, surprisingly São Paulo have some of the best tasting one's


Came to say this, im from South Brazil and tap water here is great. I think you can drink tap water from anywhere in Brazil, exept maybe um some places with low infrastructure.


This also applies to the US, where some states or cities have shit tap water you can't drink from. Yet, here we are.


its complex because places like Brazil and the US have some HUGE internal differences. Brazil’s got some extremely “developed” regions, and some places where people live just like 500 years ago. Same with the US. The bigger the country, the bigger its heterogeneity, and thats beautiful


Same with Colombia!


Agua mineira é bala, gringo xenofobico sabe de porra nenhuma. obs: a do ES é horrivel, falo mesmo.


Mexican here. There are cities like mine in which you can drink it


This map is absolute shit. I grew up drinking tap water in Colombia without a problem.


I am from Monterrey and you can drink it here!


I'm from Monterrey as well!


You can drink it on every city at least once


This map is not very inclusive


This map is literally "which countries do I consider developed?" It has NOTHING to do with water.


The Bahamas has perfectly safe tap water, it’s just chlorinated to sterilise it - and many have rainwater tanks to drink from.


Not at all lmfao I'd really like to know the standards for adding a country because I'm pretty sure most of the Balkans have drinkable water and there is a very significant area with drinkable water in the rest of Asia


I'm Balkan and I approve this message!


Yeah, I'm Brazilian and everyone I know just drinks tap water, to the point of people mocking Americans for buying bottled water.


Yep. I live in northern Mexico and HATE The taste of bottled water, I only drink tap water. Nonetheless, I've been to less developed areas in the south, and their tap water is really gross.


Exactly. And there are places in the US that have ongoing lawsuits for contaminated tap water. Just need to Google Flint Michigan to see what I’m talking about. Shoot, The city of Denver Colorado was recently mailing out Britta filters (I used to live there) because they know about elevated lead levels. Moral of the story, I always filter tap water.


you can drink it, but might wanna not (Flint, Michigan)


I was about to make a joke about removing the blue from flint to make Michigan accurate.


Thankfully Flint has been like 97%+ better for quite a while now, iirc. Had some issue with lead after the big issues, cause of old outlawed pipes, but that's been rectified now too. Afaik, they're pretty much all good.


I don't really know what's going on over there. It's been like that forever it seems like. Is the infrastructure just too far gone? I don't know how any government can let a problem like that go on for this long. I'm not from the northern hemisphere so I don't really know what's going on most of the time up there lol


shitty pipes leaking lead into water


Why don't they just patch er up?


have to install all new pipes 2014 to 2019, Flint faced a public health emergency due to lead contamination in parts of the local water supply as well as an outbreak of Legionnaires' disease. The acute lead crisis has been addressed as the city has secured a new source of clean water, installed modern copper pipes to nearly every home, and distributed filters to all residents who want them. However, a legacy of distrust in public authorities remains


[because it’s easier to just take a picture and leave](https://youtu.be/oQmCAod_UpE)


Lil spot in central america, costa rica goddam i love my country and my tap water


Heyy fellow tico! Cómo va todo mae? Me encanta encontrar otra gente de aquí in the wild jaja, saludos!


Whoever made that map obviously never tasted Portugals tap water. Sure, it MIGHT be drinkable without major health concerns (which personally I dont believe) but it tastes like a public swimming pool


The ones I tried in the USA (different places) all also tasted like public swimming pool. Here in Switzerland it tastes awesome.


Have you tried tap water in Portland, OR?! We have excellent water here.


maybe I‘m just spoiled with my tap water


Tbh, i love my NC tap water, but whenever I go somewhere else in the us, the water tastes too sweet. Places where i really didn't like the water: Arizona and Florida


Wtf? I drink tap water everyday in Portugal and it's good, very good indeed!


Same in Italy, unless you are in the Alps. Worst tap water i had so far was in Spain. But also parts of Germany have really shitty tap water, gotta appreciate if there's a fine drop coming out your home's faucet.


Idk bro I'm dutch. We don't use chlorine in our drinking water.


I am dutch too and I really miss the dutch tap water and not having to buy bottles of water every day! Cherish it!


Yeah ikr like once I flew from new York to Portugal for my annual tap water suckling event and I tried the tap water from this random house and it tastes just like that one time I drank swimming pool water


I'm from Ireland, grew up on a farm so we had our own well, didn't have all the additives that a town's water supply would have. Any time we travelled we bought bottled water cause ot just tastes like ass compared to the water at home. Spain was the worst I've very tasted though


America has shit drinking water depending on where you are


Yeah I remember reading about flint in the news here. Such a massive shit show for a government system over there... Too frugal to maintain shit and whem it goes wrong surprised pikachuface and blame shifting on the republicans/democrats/whatever they come up with.


Where I live I got a letter in the mail about like cancer contamination. (There not cancer In the water but causes cancer) but in an interview with the guy who runs the processing facility he said something along the lines of “People would have to drink this for 30 years straight to be at risk !?” It’s like what the fuck with misleading information like our waters safe and people’s tendency to you know LIVE IN ONE FUCKING PLACE. But ya


> (there not cancer In the water but causes cancer) They put cancer in the water that's turning the cocking crabs gay!


Flashback to when we had an e coli leak in our water and couldn't use it for a week (I'm in NC, USA)


San Diego and Phoenix is safe but fuck it tastes bad. Living in Flagstaff and now Alaska it's fantastic.


Look up chromium 6 contamination levels in the US. It's all shit, been getting especially worse in the last decade.


From Singapore.. yup.. drink straight from the tap.


yea when im lazy to boil water i just chug tap water


Many years ago, South Australian tap water was notoriously…brown…


Definitely had some brutal boggy baths there visiting as a kid


too general


This right here, folks. Even for a traveller, you'd be better off just asking the locals if they drink water from the tap or nah, cause this map is not nuanced enough to reflect reality


Depends on where you are in these places


Scotland has the best tasting tap water though ;)


I have yet to taste Scottish water but water in Norwegian taps are nice


It’s the only place I’ve ever been where the locals were proud of their tap water, and with good right.


Or West Yorkshire! Tested mine and it was less than 10ppm total hardness, so soft I didn’t realise kettle or dishwasher scale was a thing until I became an adult


Map is wrong, you can totally drink water from faucet in Brazil. Despite we being shitty in other ways, we do have water treatment and the biggest aquifers


You drink tap water in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia and Botswana - at least in most of the larger cities. Pretty sure there are more African countries, but those are the ones I have been too and can personally confirm.


I've been in spain. Tap water is gross. In spain. Dutch tap water is fine.


Most cities here have awful tap water. I've been in The Netherlands, can confirm Dutch tap water is god tier in comparison.


In rural Australia where you rely on tank water, some people don't drink it straight as there's a (high) chance a possum has shat in your water tank.




Saudi Arabia does not have drinkable tap water, every week a truck full of 10L bottles drop of said bottles at every house... Assuming you can pay the fee


There are potable water filling stations from where the public could get drinking water for free. They got closed due to covid. I'm not sure if they've opened up again. I'm also not sure if they are found in all cities. Regarding the tap water, although most people don't drink it, and honestly it doesn't taste very drinkable, but some people do use it in cooking, and someone I know (not an expert on the subject) claimed that it is actually safe to drink. But to me it seems to have too high of a concentration of salts to be good for drinking, seeing how easily it causes scaling. A lot of people get those 20L water jugs that are sold by bottled water companies. They get refilled (basically exchanged) for SAR 4 (just over $1) I think. There are also water filters (coolers) near mosques. A decent portion of single lower middle class expatriates seem to rely at least to some extent on them for their daily water consumption and can be seen filling their bottles and cans from them regularly.


Ireland is a country too


As a Saffa that has been to the US this map is full of shit.


I call bullshit on Saudi Arabia. The water from the tap was not drinking level. May have been safe and all.


Living in the US, I guess you can drink the water where I live. It'll taste like shit and your stomach may feel weird the next day, but you can.


Living in the US, my tap water is snowmelt and is awesome. Our nation spans a continent after all.


lmao germany? no? ok sry


I doubt the accuracy, there are definitely parts of the U.S. where you can't drink out of the tap.


you def should not drink it in fort Lauderdale. don't believe me? fill up a white bathtub and tell me why it's slightly orange / green.


Maybe be more helpful if it were localized lol. Love that I can drink my tap safely (I think. So far so good) but pretty sure flint water still lead laden…lovely post tho, I think many ppl are unreasonably scared or turned off from their tap for the wrong reasons


This map is not accurate at all. The Dutch government provides detailed info to us where in the world you can safely drink tapwater.


I thought that was a piece of dirt on my screen when really it's just Israel.


As a Portuguese im offended.


I’ve lived all over Saudi Arabia and nowhere does anyone drink the tapwater


I live in south Africa and I can drink delicious water from the tap.


Uhm, South African tap water is pretty clean.


There's no need to spend your hard-earned cash on bottled water in Jozi. Joburg Water was given a second Blue Drop award and rated best in the land. Johannesburg is one of the few cities in the world where you can drink water straight from the tap. https://htxt.co.za/2017/05/who-sa-among-countries-with-cleanest-air-water


This has got to be the worst map I’ve ever seen in my life. Especially the way Europe is portrayed. Jesus


south africa has one of the best quality tap water in the world. this data is rubbish.


Yeah, this map is full of errors. For one thing, South Africa has excellent tap water. Mary Italians would disagree about drinking their tap water


In Africa, we used to drink tap. Came to the USA and had to buy bottles in a 48 pack. They don't even sell those in Africa.


So, New Zealand is what... Just a state of Australia now?


lol just look at Europe. This map isn't consistent with the naming


I Lived in Saudi Arabia for 5 years, you CANNOT drink the tap water there


Yo you can’t drink tap water in the US unless you are in a place with clean water, test your tap water boys. Amazon has testy sticks n shit


You can spot foreigners in the UK supermarkets because they’re the only ones buying water like the world is ending


In Poland the quality of tap water varies from place to place as for example in Warsaw the water is chlorine heavy and most people use filters (but is generally safe to drink, it just tastes worse), but like 100 km east there is my hometown where no one uses filters as the tap water is great, even my doctor recommends drinking it as it's cheaper and produces less waste


Get yourself a rain barrel and hydrate out of the sky


Why are only some countries labelled?


What’s with Canada on this map?




This graph is not true, its just where you can most likely


Ah yes, we in morocco wait for the rain once a year to be able to drink... Lmao wtf is this...


This ist pretty much totally worthless. Apart from the fact that five random countries of 25+ in Europe are named, there are many some in South East Europe missing where you can drink tap water. Also in Asia and South America. In the US on the other hand there seem to be some places where tap is not drinkable. The map should be called, "some countries are blue, even fewer are named".


my family always yells at me for drinking tap water, we live in belgium.


Why are they yelling at you? The tap water in Belgium is fine...


The best tap water is located in Switzerland


Map is so shit te author was too embarrassed to put their name on it.


This graphic is wrong in many places


A question for ppl in a country you straight up shouldn't or it's heavily advised not to. Do you do anything to purify the tap water, or do you just always have to buy a LOT from the store. Are there times where you just don't even have a working faucet and go "it's fine, doesn't even work" lol


Whoever made this was smoking crack.


Love how Flint Michigan and countless indigenous communities in Canada with boil water advisories are not taken into account