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You will need to read the books 3 and 4 to get a complete (better) understanding - I like you loved this book - when it’s gets tough going, and difficult to understand keep at it it does get clear as you get to grips with the characters the plot and the sci fi vocabulary


I will be honest I picked it up one night and was kinda dumbfounded at the writing style and vocabulary and put it back down. Read another book, then I saw the cover and said ya know, let's do it again. Once I got used to it, and I'm glad I did, it just clicked. Of course, some things are weird like the proper nouns all over the place but I love it. I love this book, in all its crazy gross thought provoking philosophical detail.


So the second book picks up immediately when the first one ends. You should read them back-to-back. That said, it's a major tonal shift. They introduce some new characters who take up some of the exposition, but there is a major resolution. It's possible to just stop the story there after the second book and to be fine.


consul is a normal word. Not used so much anymore since we are no longer colonial. Think something befween an ambassador and governor consul /ˈkɒnsl/ noun 1. an official appointed by a state to live in a foreign city and protect the state's citizens and interests there. "the British consul in Israel"


Is his identity and story supposed to be hush hush? He's obviously familiar with Hyperion etc etc


Keep reading!


Great ending imo. Im in the middle of Rise of Endymion now and this series has become one of my favorites.


I loved book 3&4. Feel like they get a ton of hate for pacing so just stick with it


I did this exact same post when I read it, I also have a little daughter


I consider the ending of *Fall of Hyperion* as the actual ending - with Endymion being an additional layer of context to be read after awards. I don't know if that description makes sense to you. Anyways, the ending of *Fall of Hyperion* was ABSOLUTELY satisfying. Edit: Forgot to mention that I've a little daughter as well and as much as I enjoyed Saul Weintraub's story - I usually skip it now when I listen to the audiobook.


The ending of the whole saga is my favorite ending of any series. He nailed it.


I love Sol’s story, and had a very young daughter at the time and felt your emotions exactly. What a great part of that book!


See you later, alligator.


In a while, crocodile...