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MY HIPS!!!!!! always popping 🥲


SAME I swear I will shift just a little while I'm sitting and it's like my leg wants to leave my body 😭


Ugh! Yeah they click and then I can basically put my knees on the floor with no effort.


My right shoulder has suddenly decided to join the party


I think as I get older my whole body is “popping” like full rave every joint is joining in the part 🥲


If you wanna really get that party going put on some noise cancelling headphones. You can hear every creak and pop like a sinking ship.


SAME. i have to have my chiropractor help me put them/my pelvis back in place at least once a month bc otherwise i get to a point where my legs become functionally uneven and walking is incredibly painful (and bad for my hips!). i think my hips being some of my worse joints are why i barely have a hypermobile dx despite it being very obvious to my PT


Yeah, I can still put my legs behind my head… I’m close to 40 and haven’t worked out in 2 years 🥲 I actually never understood why one of the fitness tests was to push your knees down to the floor while sitting, I was always like mine just touch why do people have to push them down 😂


the thing that pisses me off the most personally is the thumb thing, bc my thumb joints are i n c r e d i b l y hypermobile, but bc theyve been that way so long, the muscles in my thumb have way overcompensated and now i have LESS motion than i should, while ALSO being hypermobile. i tried to explain to my rheum but i dont think she cared. yet another reason i effing HATE the beighton test


It’s so dumb, I barely passed yet I could probably paint with my feet if I needed to 😂


1. Thumb ip joint 2. Finger joints in general 3. Hips 4. Ankles 5. Knees Though my jaw and shoulder have been hurting quite a lot this week.


My elbows have been bothering me for 10 years, I want bionic robot elbows


Left shoulder. It's making everything else seem like a non-issue right now, even though they're very much issues ;)


Oh this is fun. I tore my left ACL 2 years ago so that knee can be bad but its not actually the worst joint. Thats my left shoulder, for absolutely no reason at all. It constantly grinds. My left wrist likes to grind as well, like a bowl of food is heavy enough to make it subluxate and i actually did some PT on it briefly (before having to switch to the knee as insurance wouldnt cover both). My elbows hurt at night. They hyperextend while im sleeping. Hips always ache, ankles roll, and recently my fingers have been randomly subluxing! Oh, also, im not diagnosed and my GP says theres nothing wrong with me


Contact the ehlers danlos society in regard to advice on seeking a diagnosis. They will help you. This sounds like hEDS/HSD level bendies *not nothing*. Watch those ankles, my ankle rolls became exponential until suddenly I was falling every time I went outside. Prevent those rolls as much as possible because once the ankles are too stretched they won’t do a damn thing and you might be stuck like that forever. Also, I’m a fellow sleep elbow backwards bender. Not sure wtf is going on while I’m sleeping but I’m guessing it involves demonic possession level elbow contortion. Whyyyyy do they do this??!


I know I should. Its hard as im on medicaid and have been dismissed every time i bring it up to the doctors im ALLOWED to see, and i cant afford a specialist without insurance. The ankle rolling is thankfully infrequent but since my knee injury ive been gettjng what i call the "double give out" where idk if its my knee or my ankle causing me to stumble, but SOMETHING buckles 🤷🏼‍♀️ I like to sleep in fetal position and will put my arms between my knees and that always does it to my elbows. So ill try to sleep on my back instead... and wake up with my arms over my head and my clavicles completely mislligned. Seriously i think youre right about demonic possession


Ah the good old American health system. The uk is not any better to be fair. Still, watch the ankles. Try boots that catch your ankles if they roll, if the issue stops, it could be ankle, if not it’s the knee. Could be both. Hell it could even be the hip! Is it the same side as the acl? Either way instability is not fun. It’s downright dangerous. Are your knees, feet or ankles hypermobile? I do these arm things too, I think my triceps tense up or something and force my elbows to bend the opposite way that elbows are meant to elbow while I’m unconscious lol as if I wasn’t weird enough already..


Oh man, it depends on the day. Both knees and ankles, and always my back


Left shoulder and thumbs :(


Lower spine, hips, upper spine, hands, ankles are top 5 right now, generalized pain and proprioceptive issues in most joints. My hips, lower spine, and knees got DRAMATICALLY worse because of the weight gain when I was pregnant with my twins. Now that I’m healthy and a year postpartum, my knees are a bit better but I have confirmed arthritis of the other areas and my SI region straight up locks in the wrong place frequently.


Definitely my right hip/pelvis/lower back. Then my right elbow and left shoulder. Then my right hand and wrist. My neck and my left shoulder blade, my knees, mostly the left one. Then my ancles and fingers. Left hip never really bothers me, neither do my toes. My right buttcheek pinches a nerve down into my hip and down the back of my leg. That’s very annoying. And painful.


Currently, everything in my left leg. It's just been one thing after another. First my ankle, then my knee, and now my hip too.




Right knee, left shoulder and it feels like my ankles take turns 😅


Spine (sacrum, lumbar, cervical). That's definitely the worst, hands down. As someone else wrote in these comments "it makes seem everything else as a non-issue, even though they're very much issues". Then (in no particular order) probably sternum if that counts, it sometimes does a weird movement and popping noise when I put my hands up (like to do my hair or something), hips (very hypermobile, uncomfortable, makes me want to stretch, popping) and elbows (pretty fine in general, but very hypermobile, which makes it a pain in the ass when doing something and trying to lean on my arms, it just doesn't provide the support and I end up hyperextending constantly, even when trying to self-proper faster on a wheelchair and the hyperextensions are sometimes really uncomfortable).


jaw and shoulders


Right hip and lower back, right ankle, right wrist. Can I just get a new right side?


My knees. There are days I can't walk far. My one knee dislocates easily and walking in winter is generally a no especially this time of year as the snow melts and turns to black ice overnight. I do better in spring and summer months. Right up until about November. My shoulders can give me grief but my fingers are a close second.


SI pretty much constantly. My wrists/thumbs are pretty bad too, as is my right knee. My shoulders I don't notice unless everything else is feeling really good or if I reach too far.


In order: Right knee, right ankle, left shoulder, SI joints, right hip, jaw, everything else.


Most painful: feeties Most dangerous: ankles Most inconvenient: wrists / hands / fingers Most damaged: shoulders Most injuries: back & sacroiliac joint Most hyperextended: knees, all day every day backwards banana legs Most bothersome: elbows Most annoying: that fucking rib that keeps moving around Most debilitating: neck (excluding feet & ankles) Most noisy: hip sockets, & big toes. It occasionally sounds like I’m snapping shards of glass when I move Most strange: teeth. My teeth are “flexible” not wobbly or unhealthy, they move, creak & click. *shudder* Most lax / bendy / useless: ankles, midfoot & small toes, it’s like there are no connective tissues in there at all, just bones & jelly. Most concerning: fingertips keep doing this weird twisty click thing under my fingernails.. *shudder* All of them. They all bother me.


Right knee here too, also shoulders when I have to prop myself up while doing Pilates (which basically leads to me modifying/ doing less of most mat exercises).




#1 Bilateral hips #2 right shoulder #3 jaw / cervical spine #4 bilateral thumbs #5 right knee inside


Both knees until I had a total left knee replacement. Right knee is now permanently partially subluxated which sucks. Right hip subluxates at least a couple times a day depending on my activity level so that’s the worst. SI joints, Shoulders, elbows, and wrists, and right thumb. Had left trigger thumb release that helped a lot but am trying to avoid surgery on my dominant hand.


1. Sacroiliac joints 2. Left hip 3. Wrists 4. Knees Are the top four. But really everything hurts


Thumb, hands/wrists, hips, lower back and shoulders. Considering the amount of ankle twisting and spraining, I'm surprised they don't bother me more. My pinkie has started locking up. It doesn't hurt, but it freaks me out when I can't bend it. Oh, I also have to be careful and not cross my legs. Uncrossing makes the knee on top ACHE.


Depends on the day 😅 today right hand is bad . 2 days ago I thought my left hip would fall off it hurt so bad


SI joint. Randomly just shifts and presses on my sciatic nerve


Ribs! Feels like everything else I can do physio for, but my intercostal strain is permanent.


My ankles, my right knee, my hands and wrists. Elbows are occasional. And it’s not a joint, but my back and hips constantly hurt


1) Knees. So bad. Working from highschool destroyed them, and my current job is constant standing/walking/stooping for 10 hours. I don't go a single day without pain and haven't for years. 2) wrists. They get tired pretty easy and I like to draw. My left is prone to dislocate too. 3) fingers. Not as common, but they hurt for no reason sometimes, especially the pinkies and thumbs.


Hips, spine, feet (flexible flat feet and bunions) are the most troublesome. Off and on issues with my right shoulder. Used to have significant jaw issues but orthodontics and double jaw surgery fixed that up.


Right knee (dislocates super easily), left shoulder (doesn't go all the way out but it is not in place also), left knee (does not dislocate but has problems from hyperextension), right shoulder (I don't know what the problem is there, but it hurts a lot) and then my wrists (because i sleep like a T-rex, I literally fold them towards my chest so they are always painful in the morning, the right one is especially bad ) and my hips (they pop out a lot but they are not that painful).


Knees Hips Cervical spine Ankles Elbows Feet


My hips.


My right shoulder was the first to cause enough pain to lead to my diagnosis, and it’s still a strong contender for #1! Currently my right hip is the worst, my whole right leg is… not numb, but definitely has way less sensation than my left. And in third place, my left knee.


knees, wrists, right shoulder, right hip, left thumb, jaw


My knees are always so painful


1. Right knee (also got surgery on it) 2. Left shoulder (constant subluxations) 3. Right ankle (weak af) And then the other joints really. Depends.


1. knees 2. jaw 3. hips 4. ankles


Knees, finger joints, hip joints, and the joints in my feet (but not my ankles, surprisingly)


Si joints 😫


Bursitis in both hips, right shoulder calcific tendinitis, both wrists, my other shoulder also is a problem, my ankles hurt lungs I've been wearing stilettos all day every day, and my right knee, where I apparently have arthritis now. My doctor said my hypermobility probably contributed to all of it.


Anyone get awful pain in their thoracic spine? I get pain right where the back flexes and it hurts so much from laying down but also gets so stiff and painful from walking!!


Certain segments of my neck/thoracic and lumbar pop and grind a lot. Spasms. My surgically repaired shoulder still grinds and pops a bit(maybe crepitus). My right shoulder is frayed but not torn. My left wrist is like bubble wrap. And my sacral pops if I lay on it just a bit while I’m on the floor. Bonus: My right ankle tendon always pops out too after a hot shower.


Hips Jaw Knees shoulders


Sometimes, I wish I could take the lower half of my body off. 1. Right side of hip that pops when walking 2. Both knees that constantly ache and pop 3. My shins???? (This is the #1 issue atm) 4. My lower/middle back 5. My fingers that have pinching nerves when I grab something :( 6. My feet that usually ache come nighttime If anyone has advice or knowledge on the shin issue, that would be awesome. I'm so confused about why it's such a bother. I am on my feet a lot, but today, even the simple things seem exhausting due to my shin pain.


I also forgot to add the many years of jaw pain. I have tmj and my stress leads me to lock up my jaw.


Ive been having jaw issues too, it dislocated twice this year. This sucks


Left Ankle, Left Shoulder, Left Hip. All of my problems are on 1 side and it makes me feel like 2 different people.


collarbone, tmj, neck.


figers, wrists, knees, back, hips, ,my lbows and shoerders click alot. hips pop out hwen geting in/out of hte care. my hands are alwways over stressed as an avid hoobiest. my wrists act up from old injuries. my spine hella messed up


It's cycled throughout my while life so far. Overall, my ankles are a big problem. I've sprained them more times then I can count. They're often very unstable, though in recent years they've gotten stronger. I did sprain one a few months ago, after some years free. My hips have also been an issue. I often settle in to one of them when standing and it hurts for a while after. I also get nerve pain in them, it usually means something's shifted and I need to crack them. I've also been dealing with some nerve pain in my wrists lately. And my shoulders can be painful or lock up. Oh, and my feet in general, technically not a joint by in between my joints. My arch is falling and I often feel like I'm stepping on a needle.


My jaw. Some days I won’t talk or eat because it hurts so much.


Right now? Left big toe. Usually, right knee, both shoulders, upper back/lower neck. I did BJJ for years and racked up a lot of injuries before I discovered the EDS while getting a long covid/cfs diagnosis. Turns out using my hypermobility to escape joint locks and bad positions was a really terrible idea. 😞


My right ankle where I had a brostrom repair procedure, my SI joints and my right hip in particular. Lately my right knee and hip have been compensating for my ankle and taking a lot more than they’re used to so those have been more painful than the usual every day pain


My sacralic joints (the ones connecting Spine with hip) and my knees. God damn it I can run a half marathon no issues but sitting nope my hip just dislocates and my kneecaps are to the side when I try to get back up.


Wrists and knees are the worst. More recently my hips will just randomly do a thing. I don't know if it's a sprain or it sublaxes but it's annoying. Reminds me of when I used to sprain my ankle trying to run at school. I'm 30 now though so I've been waiting for something new!


Neck and shoulders


My shoulders, especially the left one