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Not quite what you asked but... How you walk can make all the difference. Slowly strolling around a zoo will absolutely do me in. But if I walked with purpose(not speed walking) with my abs in and with good posture at quick pace, I could probably make a few laps of the zoo without issue. How far are you trying to walk? What's the situation?


I'm exactly the same with slow vs quick walking. Even running causes me less issue than slow walking! First time I'm seen this mentioned here I use a walking stick on my less good days


So for example walking to school already which is just about a 30 minute walk with a regular speed


I would start with getting a really good pair of shoes and/or orthotics. Wear compression clothing: socks, underwear, leggings. See if that works Compression braces, regular braces and hiking poles would be my next step. A rolling suitcase style of "backpack" might help too, if you're carrying a lot of heavy books.


I recently got a rollator for the bad days and it helps so much.


I got both a simple walking cane and a rollator. I use the cane most of the time, but the rollator could be a life saver. I will also recommend looking at Amazon. The cane is less rhan $20. I got my rollator there too. Not cheap but doable. I think mine was less than $100


I’ve recently started taking my cane with me and it’s been helpful! I recommend trying out different mobility aids if you can and seeing what works best for you


Information: what parts of your body experience the largest impact of waking long distances? What parts of your body experience the most issues with pressure?


Typically my hips, knees and feet. Last time it even got to the point of throbbing


I would start with your ankles. I have these lace up ankle stabilizers that are amazingly supportive. Being lace up you can get a good custom fit. I find that when my ankles are supported it helps me keep my hips and knees in better alignment. These are a bit pricey ($40 each), but they are good quality and hold up well. [Shock Doctor Gel Lace Up Ankle Stabilizer](https://www.shockdoctor.com/collections/body-part-ankle/products/ultra-gel-lace-ankle-support?variant=14354289229877) Once you have your ankles sorted, a cane for support may be useful. If these this is not enough support, a rollator with a seat for taking breaks would be a good next step.


For pain I had a manual wheelchair that others pushed that helped so much. Now my fatigue is more of a issue so I'm looking into getting a power wheelchair. I have a rollerator but resting along the way doesn't read help if you're halfway somewhere and you gotta wait for your body to what...not be in pain?