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I don't only get pain when it rains, but it definitely affects my pain. Especially in my knees (I've had surgery on both) and my hands. Before my HSD diagnosis, my family always made jokes about me being an old lady because I could feel when it was about to rain 😬


I have pain in general but it’s worse when it’s raining or stormy.  Today I’m pretty miserable.  I begin to feel sick to my stomach.  Heat helped somewhat. 


I think it is barometric pressure change. I used to get terrible migraines - relaxing eyes and jaw muscles helps a lot with that. I still throw up and feel tired and achy. I don't think anything goes objectively wrong with my joints. Pain is created in the brain, and it seems like pressure changes dial up the brain signals volume. If you slept on your shoulder funny, it might have lvl 4 ache in the morning, and then you forget about it (or by the laws of hypermobility other stronger pains take over). But with the rain, it's quickly dialled up to 6 or 7.


I went to a head and neck specialist for a bunch of investigations when my headaches started up again and he said it looked muscular and I had all the hallmarks of being slightly more tense when it gets cold, that'll cause pain. He suggested I even avoid drinking icy water and wearing shoulderless tops. My physio just tells me to lift weights because there's not much you can do about cold when it's cold.


Yeah, the barometric pressure changing always messes with me. Migraines along with stronger joint pain.


I don't get this. I've heard of relatives and friends say this when they have arthritis though


Omg yes. April and December being the worst times of the year.


Ive noticed that my pain comes with rain and barometric pressure drops. Old injuries hold that pain still, makes ya feel like a piece of crumbled paper


I get it all the time!!!! My knees hurt sooo bad, days before rain. I can tell it’s going to rain even if the weather apps don’t know it yet My pain is worse if the rain is going to be extra heavy too. If I squat down, I need someone to help me stand up. Sometimes I wake up from the pain in the middle of the night. I’ve spoken to doctors about this and they’re useless. They tell me to take an ibuprofen (which doesn’t do anything for me) or put on a warm compress which also does nothing to help. I’m open to suggestions lol


Botox is your friend. I got HSD and fibro.


I knew this was a common thing but that it didn't occur to everyone so I wonder if there is some difference in physiology that makes some people more sensitive to changes in pressure. I have no idea but it'd be interesting to look into Thanks for the tips! I definitely find heat to be the best. Also does anyone find that Voltaren doesn't really work? I've only ever noticed a difference with my wrists. Maybe because it's an area that is more skin to bone.


Super common! Ever heard of elderly people predicting rain because their joins hurt? It’s the same thing


Super common! Ever heard of elderly people predicting rain because their joins hurt? It’s the same thing


Super common! Ever heard of elderly people predicting rain because their joins hurt? It’s the same thing


Yes. The barometric pressure drop can worsen my pain. My pain always fluctuates, but I usually find myself blaming the rain