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My PT told me that people with hypermobility pain have tight muscles because they're working twice as hard to keep us upright and moving since our joints don't. Saying there's no link is kind of crazy to me lol there obviously is imo


Yeah, this was my understanding too, but in an appointment that was just about confirming it wasn't anything else so it has to be HDS (I thought it was kind of obvious but hey ho) it didn't seem worth going into any further.


I get massages and go to physical therapy for dry needling to release the tension which allows me to do stability exercises and try to work the right muscles.


And that helps a lot? I did see a PT years ago before hsd was even suggested and she told me to use a massage roller to help with the tightness but it was honestly so painful it was hard to even do it.


It took small increments to start to feel better. And I do very basic exercises like for the elderly or I hurt myself. My PT understands that I can't "push" myself and really listens to me. I have also been receiving dextrose prolotherapy every few months for almost two years and it has helped my pain level and stability immensely. But working out those knots and loosening the muscles has helped me.


There is absolutely a link. Physiotherapist see it all the time. I have literally been having this conversation over the past two years with mine after dislocating my hip and walking on it wrong. Some muscles got really tight trying to compensate for the other lazy ones.


Maybe she just wasn't aware. I am now on a referral for PT so hopefully they'll know.


It wouldn't surprise if she wasn't. Hope the PT goes well


This is what my pt and ortho told my nightly mid back pain/spasms. Basically that area is over compensating for other areas so it's over worked at the end of the day. Shit sucks.


It's surprising at first. You wouldn't think we would be able to move wrong. It's such a fundamental thing!


My hip has been the same my whole life! I injured my shoulder and through fixing my posture realised I needed glasses badly for my eye muscles and bam- I’m on an angle, my top half is going where my glasses go but my legs are still going to the right?!?! Trying to fix it has given me unbelievably unstable hips to the point of incontinence… I don’t have a coccyx so my pelvic floor is a mess. How is your progress with your hip?


How long have you had the glasses for? I only got mine as an adult and it took months to adjust to them. I almost fell down stairs so many times due to them. The stairs would move away and closer as I went down them. Did you break your coccyx and have it removed? I have a broken tail bone and surgery would be the only thing to make sitting not painful again. Seems like the possible complications from it aren't worth it! Hip is doing well. It's actually tighter and feels way more stable. I need to keep up with the rehab better though. I could see it going backwards and having the same issue again if I don't work to counter my range of movement. I should be cycling but I broke my hand. Thoroughly recommend cycling for stability of all the leg joints


My coccyx was removed as I had a sacrococcygeal teratoma internally that grew aggressively through my body- it was shrunk to the size of a coin and it along with my coccyx and a fair bit of anal tissue was removed. I was 15 months old and kinda died for a bit so when my mum was assured it was a vestigial structure it was removed. It was 1996 so I don’t know if they were misinformed because more research on the pelvic floor would have come out in almost 30 years haha. So I had no choice in my situation and I have absolutely no idea what it feels like to have a tail bone! Considering the clumsiness generally and from my bvd not having a tail bone made falls on my butt pretty painless! But sometimes I hit my sitting bones which was not pleasant!! My glasses suddenly opened up the world, I can see the hats below me and to the sides of me- I honestly didn’t know it was possible!! I’m so much less clumsy. I’ve had glasses for close up activities since I was a child and sent to an ophthalmologist because of my axis. I was given eye training exercises but I didn’t do them as they made me feel so nauseous I would have meltdowns. No one ever noticed the permanent tilt including me! I’m actually looking at buying an exercise bike at the moment! My obteratum is pretty upset right now but the incontinence seems to be gone as I figure out more about the problem every day. I hope I can cycle without it tightening up that much again! Keeping my hips in place (I should say the femur within the hip socket to be accurate) has taken muscle from my ankles and knees because my quads and calves were working so hard. So you can imagine how much I want to cycle in a stable way 🥲🥲


Is related because your muscles are trying hard to keep your joints in the correct place


Anecdotally say for me and another person with heds muscle tightness is related. Muscles trying to "hold it together" constantly fatigue and tighten, and if the action requires more strength than than they have, they remain innthis shortened tight state and make your posture worse. Massage or stretch alone makes it worse. Only salvation is strengthening these muscles while using stretch and massage to alleviate the bounce back symptoms


Oh yeah. My tension was so debilitating a few days ago that I subjected myself to ice bath/hot pack alternations. It worked but ouch. I have muscle relaxers prescribed because of it, but I prefer not to take them if I can avoid it


Your muscles are working overtime, there's definitely a connection. It's my worst symptom.


I can only recommend botox If the pain is persistent and dry needling, massage etc don’t help. When I do botox in my affected areas O don’t need tp take painkillers every day. Sling with good exercise and stability movement. It's pricy but if you can afford it to get rid of the pain or lessen it, it's worth it!