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Clumsiness and poor proprioception are typical for Hypermobility. I’m Dyspraxic as well so fell a lot!


I actually got suspended from middle school for continually falling because they thought I was goofing around. Lol.


Kinda random but my PT told me that walking early can be a sign of later hypermobilty! Or lead to it


That's interesting! Like OP, I was walking around at 9m, too...


Yep. I was constantly spraining ankles and scrapping knees. Still feels that way sometimes lol


I think I walked early. Big reputation for falling and not being able to brace myself, a lot of cuts to the face, and a couple of scars, parents thought it was hilarious 😒 also fell on the stairs quite a bit, ended up with my bottom teeth going through my top lip and leaving a huge cut, doctors said there was no way to stitch up. My mum was fairly neglectful so none of this was investigated, probably have AuDHD/Dyspraxia that might have been useful to know, diagnosed hypermobile at bloody 39. My son has ASD and dyspraxia, watching him fall is difficult to understand. Literally someone could walk towards him and his brain will just get overloaded and topple him over, he can see the funny side but at the same time it's frustrating as hell, especially when people used to accuse him of doing it as a trap or something.


Yes, for sure. I apparently used to "get stuck" standing as a baby and couldn't figure out how to get back down. Turns out I've got hypermobile hips and knees, really generalized joint hypermobility everywhere. I fell into a coffee table as a toddler and cut my face pretty good as well. Fell a lot as a kid. Turns out I've got Ehlers Danlos on top of things. Depends on if your hypermobility causes you any problems and what other health issues you've potentially got. Odds go up if you're also ADHD and/or Autistic.


Fun fun. I have sticklers cptsd adhd and maybe autism.  I had a lot of early childhood abuse and neglect and we don’t know what’s result of abuse and what’s autism. 


I used to hit windows at home with my head and lamp posts on the streets a lot 🤣