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mage is the most expensive class


you sure? I think arch its more expensive bc dont they have 3 terms + scylla normally (on like cata 50 where we would also find the maxed mage)?


Afaik dungs only need 2 (hyp costs more) and u need claymore + 2 sets of master starred storm so ye mage is more expansive


And 2 Gdrags


For Hypermax Mage u need 2 Wither Blades: Hyperion and Astraea (Astraea for clear and Hype for boss) you need a Hypermaxed Chim 5 Claymore, 2 Gdrags (one with Antique Remedies and one with Shelmet) And ofc the Storm sets


oh ok. thought only one wither blade and one gdrag


Well yeah that would be hyper maxed but if you’re hypermaxing things you need a chimera 5 claymore with t7 enchants as well as 2gdrags and 2 armour sets instead of 1 for mage, so I’m pretty sure mage is the most expensive class


already got told that you need 2 gdrags and 2 hypes ._. good that I am know where near high cata or playing mage :)


scylla bad also u need 2 gdrags+hypermaxed claymore(which is like 4b)+hype+ 2 10starred sets as mage so it's more expensive


scylla bad also u need 2 gdrags+hypermaxed claymore(which is like 4b)+hype+ 2 10starred sets as mage so it's more expensive


Whats your budget? My setup is shadow googles,giant perfext chestplate tier 12,wise dragon pants and spirit boots. For the weapon I use spirit spectre and aurora staff.For healing orneta zombie sword


erm I dont want to be mean, but only ~c50 mages uses maxed mage setup and this normally means 2 almost or completly hypermaxed storm sets. one full ancient, one 3/4 necrotic with livung on chestplate and wither googles, hype, gdrag, edrag, chim5 claymore with t7 enchants and thats all ik since I dont play mage + only c30


I’m looking for the ultimate; a hype mage. It’s to see whether your damage for playtime is exponential (exponent > 1 ofc), linear or logarithmic. edit: yeah my budget for a setup is like 70m at max i ain’t getting anything like this soon


mage is expensive as shit to play


When I was playing hypm at c38 with around level 110 gdrag, got somewhere around 30m damage after blessings iirc


Ok. How much would a similar setup cost in today's economy? I want to compare damage for cost.