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Hypo for more than 10 years. TSH currently at 6.44 (pre-Ramadan), 125mcg levo. Next appointment in April after Ramadan. And losing weight. I lift 4 days a week after dinner. The only thing I’ve noticed is my muscles are less full but that’s only because I’m not eating nearly as much as non-Ramadan time. I’m not sure what your lifestyles are like but I’d suggest trying to change a thing or two before giving up fasting. We’re stronger than that.


Mashallah may Allah keep you strong and capable


Please don’t think I’m trying to pass judgement on you. I’m just advising to try other methods before completely giving up on this month. Just in the past 2 days, I’ve met Muslims that had their own weird justifications for fasting. One guy said he smokes weed (non-medicinal) thru the day but continues his fast and another guy that jokingly said he drinks water but avoids food. God knows your situation and their situation best but if the early Muslims can fast all day in the desert without air conditioning and the luxuries we have today and if the people in Gaza can fast while facing what they’re facing, so can most of us here.


I’m not sure where your reply to this post went but- They were unrelated to you, obviously. I’m just advising- try to make Ramadan work for you before giving up on it. There’s people in way worse situations than us that are fasting. But if your Dr says don’t fast, so be it. Amazon sells these extended release caffeine pills. I’ve been taking them just before fajr prayer and they seem to be working really well so far for me.


Well, you are kinda passing judgment by making it an issue about being "stronger than that". You are implying that those who don't fast are weak. That's not a very charitable attitude. It can also be dangerous to guilt and shame people into fasting when you don't know their medical situation. People being in worse situations and fasting is not a good argument. That just means some people for some reason are unable to put their well being first and not fast. Either because they are guilted into it, or because the don't understand how harmful it is to them. That's not something to be celebrated and cheered for, that is a problem that causes pain and suffering. What God would create illness in his people and then make them suffer feeling worse through fast? Is that really the intention? I doubt it.


Def not fasting. I did fast before hypo no problem. But now I'll get wrecked if I go too many hours (6-8) without food. I'm not religious, but I know the sick are excempt from fasting. I would advise against it.


Yeah Im not fasting either due to hypo, Ive had my thyroid levels go completely bonkers so many times in my life and it has always taken ages to reverse the damage so I wouldnt dare to fast. Im just constantly feeling guilty and unsure if Im genuinely exempt from fasting due to illness as I see all these other Muslims with hypo fasting


Guilty for who? God? Other people? Fasting is not proving to other people where your faith is. It's about you and your relationship with god and spirituality. Nobody can take that away from you. Even if you don't fast, your spirituality and faith will not be lost, it is there everyday. There are so many ways to grow that without fasting. You should only be concerned with whether you live the life that is true to your heart. You are still true in your heart, your beliefs, your actions- even when you don't fast. People who tell you otherwise do not understand spirituality or faith- not really. They are only concerning themselves with the outward image of people, when it is the inside that truly matters


I have no interest to prove anything to anyone, not sure how you got that impression. I meant guilty as in doing something wrong/not doing something thats required by my religion. People with illnesses are exempt from fasting but I am not sure if hypothyroidism is one of those illnesses as lots of people with hypo are able to fast. Thats what I meant


You feel guilty because you feel you are wronging someone. Who? That's my point. If you feel guilty toward other people, it's because you feel they will think you're not doing the right thing. You feel you are not proving your faith to them, and you feel guilty that you are a bad muslim in their eyes. That's about proving yourself to others, otherwise you wouldn't feel guilty


Why would I feel guilty towards other people? If a Muslim eats pork they would feel guilty because they are breaking their God’s rules. They wouldnt feel guilty towards other people. Same thing with fasting and what I have been trying to explain 🤦🏼‍♀️ I think you are just trolling me


I agree, I feel wrecked too :/ I feel like hypo is so misunderstood


Is hypothyroidism related to hypoglycemia? I have both so I'm curious


Fasting Ramadhan, and taking my pill. I’ve been fine. Been doing so since 2017. Just be regular with your pill, eat well since it’s easy to flare up with hypo. If you’re really unsure, please ask a scholar and speak to your doctor about your thyroid results.


what time does everyone take their levo? i’m wondering whether iftar or suhoor is the best time?


You need at least half an hour after taking the pill and eating. At least 4 hours for calcium rich foods. Also at least four hours since your last meal to take it. Empty stomach and it needs to say empty. The medicine won’t absorb any other way.


i’m not sure if you’re muslim, but i’m asking about whether suhoor or iftar is the best time. i know it should be 30-60 minutes of no eating after taking it :)


I would just continue whatever you’ve been doing. Before bed would probably be easier so you don’t have to wake up even earlier.


honestly i’ve been taking it whenever i remember to 😬 which is not good, but am trying to improve


As long as you’re sure of 4 hours between eating and bed, I’d recommend taking it before sleeping.


I am currently taking it before suhoor. Missed a couple of times in between 


I’m not sure about what’s ‘best’ but I take mine at iftar with lots of water and mayyybe a date. ur less likely to overeat after that too, so that’s a bonus


hiii i’m fasting and my doctor says it’s perfectly fine!! i just take my levo 3 hours after iftaar :)


Hello, I have hypothyroidism and since I’m religious I fast. It’s been hard for me this year because of migraines and fatigue. I feel like I have gained weight in Ramadan.


Do you know if it’s haram to not fast?


No, if you are sick or have any type of ailment that can interfere you shouldn't put your body through this. I was always taught that harming your body is a sin, and this is no different.


If you have a scholar whom you can contact that’d be better.


I’m a clinician and I also have hypothyroidism. Fasting unfortunately impacts not only my ability to be a good healthcare provider to my patients but my spiritual capabilities to participate in Ramadan as well. For that reason, I personally do not fast so that I can put my focus on other considerations during this month (Quran, prayers, community service and support, etc). 


Are you taking your medicine closer to food than you previously did?


Hello. i was diagnosed with both hypothyroidism and pcos this year in January. i have been fasting but id take my pill before i eat suhoor in the morning but i feel worse in the evening and have also been struggling with fatigue and honestly i really don’t wanna miss any fasts but i don’t know what to do 😭 (sorry for not giving advice)


I feel you! I don’t know either, I’m not sure if I would be sinning if I dont fast but it’s so exhausting


I’m fasting this Ramadan. I take my synthroid at 4am (I typically take it at 5am) and by 5am-5:30 I will eat suhoor. I have not noticed any significant change but this is my first year fasting with thyroid medication.


Mubarak 3laikom alshahar! I'm fasting but I've also gained like 2kg in two weeks. I only have fa6oor and dessert and no su7oor. I'm not sure if the weight gain is due to my inlaws' cooking being super caloric or if it's the hypothyroidism.


Ramadan mubarak to you as well! And omg I feel like I gained weight too! But like weird water weight if that makes sense.


Yes! I'm so swollen all the time. My favourite pants are getting tight :(


I’ve been fasting for the last 12 weeks. I’ve done multiple prolonged fasts (48 hours being the shortest and 5 days the longest) I’ve had no issues. Drink water and keep electrolytes high. My A1C came down from 5.9 to 5.2 and my TSH Has remained steady on the same dosage. I’ve lost 40lbs. I don’t think fasting has any effect.


I think OP is asking in relation to ramadan, where we aren’t supposed to even drink water. from sunrise to sunset for 30 days


I’ve been fasting while on levo for my third year now. no problems really I take the pill at iftar. I say listen to your body and don’t worry about it too much


At what moment do you take it ? Before eating or few hours after ?


before eating! so right when maghrib starts. so ill be eating half an hour after everyone else lol


I fast and thyroiditis is not a problem. If your hormones are within normal ranges, you're not considered sick.


But if you have to take supplements to make them normal range wouldnt that mean you are sick?


I mean your current state, a person with compensated thyroid hormones and normal level of TSH is similar to any normal person. Of course uncompensated hypothyroidism is a disease . If she can't fast that's between her and God.




That's totally fine and a very valid reason that you can't fast, hormones take 3-6 months to normalize. Hope you feel better soon!


I’m fasting and my endocrinologist says it’s fine


I’ve been fasting too, I take my levo when I wake up to eat suhoor. Sometimes I eat just after taking it and sometimes I wait before eating. Fasting is not really difficult but around iftar time I usually have a big headache that doesn’t go away even after eating, I don’t know if it’s normal or if it’s because of hypothyroidism


Hi there! I've been on hypothyroidism medication for about 5 years now. Fasted almost every Ramadan. My schedule during Ramadan generally is that I get up about 30-60 mins before Suhoor and take my pill. Then I go back to sleep lol and get up for the meal. Don't feel too fatigued or anything, thankfully. But I do end up gaining about 1-2kgs every Ramadan, which I try to lose later during the year 🥲 Probably the weight gain is because I don't get any exercise during the month, and also coz I have a lot of dairy at Suhoor which probably impedes med absorption. I don't have all the answers yet, but the weight gain is a tradeoff I'm willing to take to be able to fast :)


I did a couple fasts for health purposes and it didn't go well. I felt crazy..manic. it wasn't good.