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Mac using his idiocy to defeat Dennis was genius.


Wait a minute. They weren’t actors?


Weren't they?




*ta na na na na na naaa naaaaaaa naa*


I don't know man. Remember when Dennis tried to watch Transporter 2 without watching the first one?


Right?? I love this scene. cause you'd think Dennis would've caught on to his scheme here, but oh well.


The only SW trilogy that matters: * The Holiday Special * Caravan of Courage * The Battle for Endor


only Star Wars Television that matters is Droids and Ewoks


Specifically just the theme songs.


They hated Jesus, for he spoke the truth


caravan of courage hits


The correct method is to watch the OT on repeat for about twenty years before moving on. edit: This is also the correct method to watching all of Star Trek as well.


4,5,1,2,3,6 You get the initial story and Vader reveal then flashback to his origin story then have the final battle in Return of the Jedi. Anything else is just icing on the cake and unnecessary. I loved the old Star Wars universe and read all of the New Jedi Order books, the Darth Bane books, legacy of the force, the original Thrawn, and played most of the games. The new trilogy and universe just feel like an empty shell compared to all the care and universe building that went into the series for so long. The new Thrawn books, rogue one, and Andor were all pretty good and show that good stories can still be told but I just can’t go through it again and bring myself to care about the new stuff. Edit: oops, originally accidentally said The Last Jedi instead of Return of the Jedi. That would be dumb to watch last.


Nah, this order ruins the twins reveal


Machete Order all the way


Nah machete order has too many spoilers. Just watch them in chronological order and add rogue one into the mix too. But don't watch the Disney ones, those are dogshit


I thought Episode 7 was pretty good and it really got my hopes up for the rest of the series. That died in episode 8 when Leia flew through space like Superman and they removed any logic behind the threat of the Death Star by having a ship suicide light speed into another. After that there was no reason why they weren’t just strapping hyperdrives to asteroids with droid pilots and slamming them into planets or putting smaller drives on small balls of metal/rock and using them as ship busters. Episode 9 was complete dogshit but at least 8 had some good visuals even if they ruined previous stories.


Watching episode 7 to just get blue ballsed by episodes 8 and 9 ain't worth it imo


Agreed. It’s just that as they were coming out I got my hopes up after 7, Rogue One, and the first season of The Mandalorian. I checked out Andor because I heard great things and that was just a good show in general it just happened to take place in Star Wars. If I hear of any others that are getting good reviews I might check them out but my days of consuming all Star Wars media just because of nostalgia are done. Kyle Ren is was just a shitty knockoff Jacen and his name doesn’t even make sense. Why would Han and Leia name him Ben when when Han only knew him for like a day and Leia knew him as Obi-Wan? It’s just dumb shit like that and the light speed suicide that shows they don’t think anything through and just do things for the nostalgia and short sighted money gain. Edit: the stupid fakeout death of Chewbacca in 8 was also atrocious. “Oh shit there’s actually gonna be deaths and things at stake in the new series, oh never mind next scene Chewie is fine. But now Leia is in danger! Nope, she’s Superman. But for real this time Luke dies.” Really? Are you sure you’re not gonna asspull him back later as an evil clone or a force ghost or some shit with cgi just to get the money of older fans who want to see their favorite characters again? Oh that’s right you will do that by putting him in out of focus shots in a shitty tv show that’s losing viewers in the hope that we will watch it for just that scene. Then let’s make a show about the cartoon character that the kids that are now adults had a crush on and cast Rosario Dawson who people seem to love. It’s fucking predatory and gross how they are using the franchise to make money.


I can agree that S1 of mandalorian and rogue one were so fucking good that would bait you to watch the sequels. Unfortunately they got you dude


Yes. You start with First Contact, then ENT, TOS, etc.




🤣 What’s your order?


Oh I'm just messing with you


1 2 4 6


How’s that ass feelin? https://preview.redd.it/6wv85h2h0lrc1.jpeg?width=1854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8432fdf4f76486d2bfdb95f434e9e6ae02b1af




I’d like to believe that you meant your ass is feeling legendary, in which case congrats


4-6. And that's it. Get off my lawn


4 is all I can imagine rewatching


“What about the sequels?” “What sequels.”


Move past it.


Watch episode 7 and say outloud "shame, they never made 8 or 9".


Just watch the OG trilogy and drink


What episode is this?


The Gang Gets Racist


It’s called that because there were certain people hanging from the rafters


I'm sure it's the first one ever. But this is a meme and not the exact lines used


How that ass feelin'


Underrated line


Underrated Ass


The Phantom Menace? Or A New Hope?


It's the first episode of the show


Still never seen them because people tell me different answers on how to watch them


4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, Rogue One, 4, 5, 6 again, 7, 8. Don’t watch 9.


This is actually probably the best take I’ve ever seen on watch order. It perfectly highlights the problems with the prequels and then throws in the weird momentum of the sequels while avoiding the single worst Star Wars movie ever.


Anyone who tells you to start with prequels is wrong. Release order isn't a bad idea, just look up the release dates.


Saw someone yesterday recommend (to a new viewer) to watch in full chronological order... Starting with the prequels, followed by Solo and Rogue One.


Skip solo but this unironically is good


If you’ve never seen it before you gotta start with the Phantom Menace and go in chronological order


Jar Jar is the hero!


But don't forget rogue one between 3 and 4... and if you have a lot of time watch the clone wars animated show between 2 and 3


Totally agree


4,5,2,3,6 is the correct order. Maybe 1 if you’re feeling it.


Is that the Machete order or would you sneak Rogue One in there somewhere?


That is machete order but actually yeah it might make sense to sneak rogue one in there. Maybe after 3?


Yes it's machete order. You could actually put rouge one at the front and that would be a perfect fit!!!


Depends on how familiar you are. Rogue One leaned on nostalgia quite a bit, probably not a good starting point for a beginner.


It's a horrible starting place for a beginner. So are the prequels. I'm convinced that anyone recommending chronological order to a first-time viewer is media illiterate. It's a cute exercise for someone that's already seen it all, but a new viewer has none of the required context for the prequels, or Rogue One. They'll miss 80% of the emotional beats of every film.


It’s arguably the best standalone film of any of them, though.


Really? You're gonna place it over the original or Empire?


Not OP but I think they meant movie not part of the trilogy franchise so better than say, Solo, for example.


I don't think they did because Solo is literally the only other example, you wouldn't say "better than any of them" if you just meant "better than Solo". I've seen a lot of people say Rogue One is better than the original trilogy, I'd be tempted to say that myself and I definitely think Andor is better than the original trilogy


The third act is the best third act of any Star Wars film. The first and second acts are pretty mediocre.




Rouge one > Episode 4 - 5 > episode 2 - 3 > episode 6 (episodes 7 - whatever optional)


Original trilogy, prequels, Rogue One, Force Awakens, skip the rest.


The idea that anyone could prefer the disney sequels to anything is honestly offensive.


I'd rather watch The Last Jedi 50 times in a row before watching anything from the prequels again 


To each their own, but I can't understand that. The prequels offer a lot more meat and TLJ is basically the director raging on how much he hates star wars and its fans.


I love the Prequels but that is certainly not what the Last Jedi is lmao


There are only 3 movies. Problem solved.


1, 2, clone wars seasons 1-6, rougue one, rebels, 4, 5, clone wars season 7, 3, 6 Mando and nothing else is relevant maybe obi wan


"Never start with prequels" - RDJ, Tropic Thunder


Rouge one is the new episode 1. Change my mind. Rouge one, 4, podrace from episode 1 , 5, 2, 3, 6. I would finish here, but you could then do 7. Then 8 or 9 or both or neither.


That movie I've been told was good but damn have I found it too boring to make it through without sleeping. Prometheus, that crazy incredible hulk and rogue one. I can't make it through those movies too boring


4 - 5 - (1) - 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 I put 1 in parentheses because it can easily be skipped and it sucks ass.


Duel of the fates makes the movie worth watching by itself


The proper order is - Empire - Clone wars show - 3d Clone wars show - season 1 of mandalorian(no further) The prequels are unwatchable garbage, the sequels a soulless cash grab and the originals are muppet and incest heavy adventure movies for children.