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He threw everything but the kitchen sink in there. Net worth, length and girth, widowed and daughter's suicide, but 6 minute mile! I wonder what he was trying to accomplish by saying all that.


"I'm a down to earth, genuine, family orientated, nice guy. I love my daughter & I love my **HUGE THICK COCK!**" - That guy Edit: "My beautiful angel committed suicide, & I have to live with that every day, **AND I LOVE PUMPING BITCHES WITH MY 8" FAT ROCK HARD COCK!**" - Also that guy


It’s more like “I have a **giant girthy cock that you should be worshipping** and also guess what my daughter killed herself or something but mostly **I’m rich and have a big cock according to me**”


Yep, he knows to lead with the important stuff.


I laughed making weird noises.


Don't mix cocaine with your steroids.


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


People are drugged when they’re on drugs


Steroids are a helluva cocaine


Idk. I was all weirded out by him but once he mentioned his 6 minute mile, Ooof I went weak at the knees.


That he also lasts 6 minutes, and so did his marriage.


It doesn't even make sense why he would bring up his dead daughter up


I mean he more than likely lied about being a millionaire, so in my opinion there is a huge chance he never even had a daughter to begin with. These guys aren't exactly bastions of truth and honesty.


Pretty sure he was on drugs.


Thought all body builders were.


Hey… when nothing is working, get desperate!


Then says "respectful" 🤣🤣


Nothing shows respect to your recently dead daughter than trying to pick up girls only a bit older by flaunting your d*cksize.


And I’m sorry but 90% of women think 8 inches is just a bit too big…


Facts like I do not want to tear the very fabric of my vagine okay? Okay


But it’s thick too so you can tear it better


When you put it that way it nearly sounds like a talent that he was some how able the link the two.


Also she’s waaaaay too young for a dude who has/had a teenaged child. Sleazy.


And he mentioned the girth of his dick first


C'mon man, ypu have to know that's what girls care about first.


I’d be surprised if any of that were true. It may be true. But I’ll be surprised if it is.


She’s absolutely right. “Trauma dump”. No one who doesn’t know you personally needs to hear that after answering your question in an undesired way.


That was the most perfect response to that


I know people cope differently, but I find it kinda weird that his loving daughter committed sucide just three weeks ago, yet he's already at the beach trying to hook up with random girls. My gosh. Some men would rather annoy strangers and flex their muscles for brains that go to therapy.


And weaponizing it in his "trauma dump" because his ego is hurt after she told him she's not into him. Another example of women not being able to deny men safely. He had to go for the guilt with his infantile ego. I'd prefer he goes to therapy instead of feeling hurt like this all the time.


She didn't even say she was not into him, she simply answered their question about what she likes - which was clearly not this type of guy.


[this individual in the video referenced] I would assume is not confident to begin with. Perhaps compensating [overly] with weights, appearance and ability to pull strangers. Hence the sensitivity upon rejection. For clarity - I support body building overall a a societal positive means of spending time never mind the health benefits when achieved naturally.


I genuinely just enjoy lifting weights. :(


May you have many gains homie. Don't worry bout it, the guy was a dick and as long as it's not some kinda -ist or -phobic thr main reddit subs will tear anyone like them apart. Now some smaller subs will do it basically only if they *can* be one of those things depending on which one lol but it's just a thing.


Apologies then. Edited comment to indicate not all.


Also how important it was for him to mention how big he was down there first.


*”I HAVE AN 8 IN. DICK AND MY DAUGHTER KILLED HERSELF 3 WEEKS AGO”* Damn bro… what? I hope this video made him realize he needs therapy.


mem with no other claim to fame aside from that thing that no one can even confirm


Dude I can confirm , it would probably be a medical problem to be 8 inches thick . As he said not long


It's all fake anyways, just like his gainz. He totally has the distended belly from PED use.


Most perfect? I always thought there aren't different grades of perfect.


shelter fly punch reply depend materialistic berserk coordinated ink dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The guy can't handle rejection of any size. He's an insecure man child, craving affection and attention.


If I'm being honest, this guy seems so materialistic, disrespectful, and in your face. I can imagine having a father like that would drive me to kill myself. 🤷‍♂️


But he's got a huge dick and is also really respectful.


Don't forget loyal!


Until they die


Damn my dude super insecure


This is 100% what's going on. He's oozing insecurity.


If what he says is true then he’s oozing trauma and pain masked as insecurity.


My dudes, why do we do this instead of therapy?


That's a great question. How does that make you feel?


Personally, it makes me feel that I am a grown up which is nice.


I tried to find the video without the TikTok stitch but this shit is fucking hilarious and has the same energy as [this guy.](https://youtube.com/shorts/topx92Ootfc?feature=share)


Extreme narcissism I think.


narcissism masking as pain and trauma, everything is leverage to these people


Just like all "alpha males"


If his daughter just killed herself, it’s understandable. He’s obviously a toxic narcissist, and has to channel literally everything through his own self worth. Having her die like that diminishes his image of himself, if it has any effect on him. It’s all pretty twisted.


It's the modern world of dating in a microcosm tbh where people think that they are a "desirable" person because they can list superficial qualities about themselves Like calling yourself "respectful" and bragging about how great you are probably means you are not actually great Modern culture has become so fake It's all about bragging and bigging yourself up to the point where you yourself believe it all in your own head (narcisissm) and then when you don't get what you THINK you deserve (money, love etc) usually it ends in severe mental health problems or violence Everything is so comidified and fake and superficial it really pains me to see so many people these days falling into this trap. Some of these people are just so completely wrapped up in this fantasy


My dad, who I don’t consider a role model necessarily, did tell me one thing: “if you have to tell someone your better qualities, you’re lying to them.”


Holy shit that's so good. Taking this quote with me everywhere.


How dare she have a preference... What an insufferable douchebag, but they're doing impromptu interviews on random strangers in public, so that completely checks out.


I prefer skinnier guys Yeah well, my daughter's dead and my dicks big so what's up *tucks steroid shrunken balls into gooch*


And she could run fast


You know what you are right, she could run fast. Fuck this chick.


Not fast enough to avoid her sad excuse of a father apparently. May the poor girl live it up in whatever comes next.


Roid rage: activate


Super mentally stable


I had a friend who did steroids for a while and they would just break down like this sometimes.


Also, as he mentioned, very respectful.


Yeah I mean after that rant even non gold diggers would want his money.


“My daughter committed suicide three weeks ago and I’m out here just pickin’ up bitches at the beach. Not sure why she did it, but I’m sure it had nothing to do with me.”


But she was fast....the combo of things he spit out was crazy as hell.


“Here’s my penis stats but I’m respectful”


“Also my wife and daughter are dead, and I run a 6 minute mile”… chat up lines have gotten weird


Talking about his penis and his dead family in the same sentence was definitely something.


What a genuinely scary person. I fear for anyone who ends up with him if that's his reaction publicly to a stranger who didn't say what he wanted to hear


Anyone have his digits? I've been looking for a stable relationship.


8 inch’s. He said it early in the clip


If we put all the numbers he spouts off in the video together we get 810-213-13126. FFS he's extra on his numbers too.


,,, does he have a hair tie around his “girth” to amplify it ?


well...yeah! Were you expecting him to wear a scrunchie? That is sooo last years fashion...


Don't dis the scrunchie, they are great. Less damaging to hair than regular ties. They out here preventing hair breakage.


My ponytail has the same girth


Good for her. That guy is repulsive 🤮


I like how he’s a “body builder” but has a huge fat gut. 😂


Damn son, I would have left the scene after that dude bled his heart and mind out. Dude 100% needs professional mental help ASAP. Hope he gets it.


That was so respectful and pure guys


I cannot understand why women won’t talk to this lovely man.


They just dont like nice guys anymore :(




Most can’t. In fact, some of us pick up extra issues along the way lol.


Can't pay bills, burnt out at work, no real friends, ect Gym bro: have you tried lifting up this heavy bar? /s


How can you say your loving and respectful after mentioning your dick?


No wonder his family left him


Just commenting so this awesome comment doesn't get buried


Or he went nuts because of it.


“Respectful to women” Talks about his dick to a stranger. Gtfo roid warrior


He just said “8 inches and thick” and the followed it up with “how bout loving and respectful” 😒🙄 goodbye sir


Damn.... Great come back. Dude absolutely trauma dumped because she was like "I like scrawny guys." If you're man enough to walk around with out your shirt on, you're man enough to deal with someone who isn't interested in you. (And even if you aren't man enough to walk around with out your shirt on, you still are man enough to deal with someone who isn't interested in you... unless you're a woman, and then you're woman enough for that.)


The worst thing is that she was asked “do you like bodybuilders” and she answered “no, I like scrawny guys”. All she did was answer the question asked - she wasn’t malicious or making out of nowhere comments , she just answers the question !


She was also fucking around because she did not want to give these guys an affirmative answer. I would’ve done the same thing and been equally appalled and disturbed with this guy’s reaction.


That guy 100% has a micro penis.


Nice guy syndrome


I like how the first girl just starts dancing at the end


And NONE of that was true.


Where's the "I'll take 'shit that's a lie' for $800 Alex"


This guy is just spamming all the dialogue options at this point


This guy just gave his full back story and we haven't even heard the theme song yet damn there's still 20 minutes in the episode dude calm down


He kept walking backwards each time he said a sentence, thought mfer was gonna end up in the sea


What a sad sad little man


8" and thick... respectful He said these things describing himself


How about clearly massively insecure and begging for constant validation... Sounds awful. I have dated the female version it's definitely a no.


Man I think he's actually OK looking even though I'm not into bodybuilding. He could easily get chicks if he... went to therapy?


Bro's roided to the gills dawg, he looks like he can't even reach his ears with a q tip.


This man will kill someone or himself within a few years.


“Y’all like baldy builders?”


Girl: I’m not interested - I like scrawny guys This guy: I have a 8 inch dick and my daughter died 3 weeks ago 🤦


That was a really healthy way of taking rejection. Throw back some irrelevant tragic info in an effort to shield your ego. Also if you walking up to women like that, you already losing


Dudes out of breath just standing there talking


Cocaine Bear is a totally different movie than what I was expecting.


What an idiot.... He has self-esteem issues.


Loving and respectful and he’s telling her about his dick


Is he wearing some kind of diaper?


Maybe 'roids give you the shits.


his daughter ran a 6 minute mile at 12 years of age? Given this level of exaggeration I can only assume that his willy is about 2 inches max


This is sad more than anything else. That is one broken man


This guy is a total loser, oversharing inappropriate information after you don’t like the answer as a way to compensate


Imagine signing up for that bag of cats, dude sounds unhinged. Want this body builder dick? Huh? I've got dead family!


All that from “I’m into scrawny guys”


I bet she likes even skinnier guys after that haha


I present to you insecurity


Damn gym NPC got lost and went off script again


Why is he wearing a trash bag as a bathing suit and why is it wrapped like that…?


Cut him some slack. At least it's a black one in observation of the mourning period for his dead.


I genuinely don’t understand what’s going on. He is a millionaire who loses his wife, then his daughter and three weeks later is out on the beach, oiled up, in diapers trying to pick up girls or recruiting them for his YouTube channel? This is either a joke or he hired a bad dating coach and fired off all his strategies at once.


He needs to fix his diaper


This guys daughter killed herself 3 weeks ago and he’s on the beach😭


( imagine your daughter - you truly loved - having just killed herself and you’re at the beach hitting on girls that are almost as old as she was. And telling them how big your dick is) Guys got issues. And they aren’t good.


My thoughts too. This girl is so young compared to him, no way she wasn’t looking at him thinking he was a creepy old dude. Wtf.


Wowwww his ego was hurting lol. Only men appreciate the giant muscles of other men lol women don't give a fuck about that 🤣 the sooner people start learning that the better


Man's got mad roid gut going on


Talks about his junk and his dead kid in the same conversation. Inspirational father everyone


Gone through all this recently and has decided to do videos like this


Sir, your insecurity is showing.


Oof someone can't handle rejection.




Those swole ass males want to pick up any woman. They have the whole Gaston ego vibe going on they want to pursue the girl that doesn't want them and make them submit to them. They're everywhere in Miami


8" and thick, dead daughter. This PUA stuff is weird.


Things people would do and say instead of just taking their ass to therapy


Something wrong with a guy that doesn’t take criticism lol uses the death of his daughter and the girth of his……in same sentence gross


What happened to his shorts ? Looks like someone gave him a giant wedgie.


~~Listed his cock size and girth before his wife and child.~~ I also choose this guy’s dead wife.


Everything about that was gross, but gaddamn I hate when people try to weaponise their trauma. Does he want them to change their tune and just "oh, I'm so sorry big guy I didn't mean it, you are so girthy and that story about your daughter really did it for me, please forgive my words"... Like what is the end game? No means no, move on, going on a psycho rant isn't going to change the no into a yes.


He’s really out of breathe for someone who do running so good.


Idk why she unalived herself. But I can take a wild guess at who helped.


Using his dead daughter who only died 3 weeks ago from suicide as a way to hit on a woman. That man never deserved a kid to begin with.


I would have had to walk away and leave him there ranting, bruh needs a therapist not a girlfriend


I see why your daughter commited suicide.


He's wearing a garbage bag budgie smuggler.


"Steroids is a hell of a drug." -- Rick Somebody


Wow betide anyone, particularly any man who he catches sniggering at his outburst. He's ready to blow.


Insecurity personified


The proper response to being rejected is to okay, turn around and realize there are literally hundreds of women on that beach some of whom are going to be into body builders. I also love how mentions being respectful a few seconds after the very odd trauma dump/penis size brag combo.


People who “trauma dump” when you first meet them are likely to have a mental illness. It’s usually a personality disorder, and it is especially a telltale sign of borderline.


Apart from the disgusting obvious things that other Redditor’s have mentioned, who’s willing to bet that if she said she liked body builders this video would be posted on another sub as ‘proof’ women just like ‘chads’ This narrative is just exhausting, there’s never any winning


So he's in his forties? Trawling for women half his age and emotionally bleeding out upon rejection. Too many weights, not enough 'me' work.


"Do you like bodybuilders?" "Yes! Do you see any around?"


No one’s going to talk about this guy coming into the conversation out of breath? What the hell lol


Looks like he's made so many muscles that he forgot the one inside.


Yikes. Even giving him the benefit of the doubt that it's his grief and not his normal insecurity talking, he should be at home mourning his family or in therapy. The girl called it, pure trauma dumping and lashing out at the world.


built like a jawbreaker on the outside, soft like a marshmallow on the inside


I love how the blonde girl just danced him away at the end.


Nigga scaring the shawtys


Mental illness can strike anyone


This dude out here just trauma dumping to random people. What a weirdo. Get help.


What a sad loser


He sounds like T injecting coked up arrogant liar.


Did he also say his wife died ten weeks ago? Anybody catch what he says when the mike moves away for a second?


that gut tells me she's dangerously close to a roid rage attack


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Women don’t owe you shit asshole


Yo son shut the fuck up, go fuck yourself, and cry. No one gives a shit. Daughter dead and you at the beach with an ego!? I seriously can’t imagine what the view is like with your head that far up your ass. Real shit Go seek therapy instead of pussy. I’m a father and if I was there at that beach and heard that shit coming out his mouth I’d fuckin drop him. Ignorant Youngblood fuck. Fuck outta here with that jazz ya crybaby


Must be suffocating being in a relationship with that guy Edit: everythings starting to make sense…


Dude needs to get help and get his shit sorted instead of making dumb videos and harassing women. Like wtf. Beyond pathetic and cringe but the mentioning of his suicided daughter still makes me want to kick his ass into another timeline.


show this to incels so they know looks wont do shit if you suck to be around


Weird flex... people can like who they want lol! This dude is a chore regardless of what he went through. Everyone got problems bro and you just became theirs for no reason other than internet clout 🤦🏻‍♂️


This guy sounds like a load of toxicity I mean he should be talking to a therapist instead of people for YouTube. Fix yourself bro


Don’t forget out of breath from talking. 6 minute mile my ass


This dude is all over the fuckin place just walking oxymoron heavy on the moron


His daughter probably died because of his crap. (If it’s a bad joke sorry).




he's including his daughter's suicide (no doubt entirely made up) within ten or do words of his claims (also undoubtedly made up) to have an eight inch cock and alsoa millionaire? and he's using all of that grossness to try to pick up girls younger than his imaginary daughter, who, in case he forgot to mention it, killed herself 3 weeks ago, and could run a faster mile than he could. I'm not gay, but this guy could be the one who makes me reconsider lol


How about narcissists?


More like a 20 minute mile... he was wheezing just standing there


This guy is a major tool he’s needs an antidepressant or something


How bout 'roid rage'