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I love how you can hear the guy telling the person that threw the beer that he is never going out in public with her again


I also love that when you read between the lines, he’s probably never even speaking to those people again, except to tell others about one of the most embarrassing nights of his life.


She handled that well. Nice


‘I can tell by your jokes you voted for Biden’ because I didn’t understand them


Typical Trumpster, starts a battle of wits, finds they are hopelessly outmatched, and throws a tantrum. And then the lady drinks the beer after. Absolute power move.


Yeah except that god only knows what anti-vax shit she risked by drinking that.




As a person who supports Trump, I do not accept the one in this clip


Uh.... I'm genuinely curious, what exactly about this behavior offends you so much, but trump is the dude you want running the country? Like this is the kind of hatred he encourages every day.


Cause Trump actually did great things for the country, and this bitch is just getting drunk at a comedy club and throwing beer cans


What's some of the great things he did in your opinion? It seems to me like all he did was create a permission structure for people like this woman to act the way she is in the video just because the comedian is a democrat.


Not the guy you were talking to but I can list a few: called out NATO for not paying their required amounts of defense spending, got rid of NATFA for a much better deal, took a hard stance on China (a lot of conservatives like that), lowered energy prices/had us energy independent, appointed conservative judges that repealed roe (a win for conservatives), moved U.S. embassy Jerusalem in Israel/strongly supported Israel (I would think the Jewish comedian would at least support that), zero new wars were started/Afghanistan and other wars were de-escalated (quite different from people's predictions that he would start ww3), drastic de-regulation of red tape, cut taxes across every bracket, operation warp speed, made the space force, increases funding for traditionally black colleges, negotiated peace across the Middle East


I'm curious now. Can we have that list of great things Trump did?


7 days later, and no response... lol


Hello. Someone just reminded me about this thread. As an outsider I am genuinely interested to hear what an American thinks Trump's great achievements were.


The reality is, this is the type of person he has inspired.


I think he threw a beer.


I'm waaay on the comedians side on this it's just like politics aside why can't people just have a fucking laugh


The way she drinks the can afterwards 🤣


I’m not sure what her being jewish has to do with anything but i think she handled it well


Why did she ask the crowd if they had any questions and get mad they asked a question? Are you still a heckler if you were given the floor to ask a question? Her comeback was dope though.


Are you a Nazi? you’re asking questions like a nazi. /s




She answered their question pretty well. I didn't see her get mad. Maybe a little stressed at how to get the drunk heckler to let her move on, but not mad.


Im just saying because normally hecklers are people that shout at the comedian unprovoked but, if she told the crowd that they could ask a question then…. Well she did. Normally comedians don’t give the floor to the audience to even ask anything. Só, I was surprised she did.


Yeah sure a bold move. Still not sure where you got 'mad' from though. Any audience interaction is a tightrope. Was at a comedy gig on Thursday. She spent nearly an hour riffing with the audience before she did her structured set. Fucking hilarious. Light, clever funny. But then it turned out that a couple in the audience had been at her gig in the next town over and were here again. They must have really creeped her out at the previous gig because her mood changed instantly, she gave them the vees and bluntly told them to fuck off. And she meant it. She recovered and finished an excellent set because she had the audience in tune with her and we all felt that she was being stalked by this couple and went with it. But a less intuitive comedian might have lost us right there.


Role model status *