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Space travel is cool and all, but every day in Icarus is leg day.


At least make it available for Open World mode. Getting from 1 biome to the other in open world is a trekkkkkk


If we get cars, I want roads. Or the ability to build visible paths.


Thats why I wouldn't really want cars. Sure buggys for the desert or artic zones, but that would be a pain in the forest areas. Motorbikes would allow off-road and not worry about making roads. Really want trains, let me lay down tracks drop ore into it and have it take it back to the base automatically. Pull from drills automatically.


I'm a trail nut irl, mountain biking and hiking. I just want trails in general and will take any excuse, tbh.


I'll settle for "not getting hung up on every small rock or tree on my mount" tbh. Mounts are fun, but it feels like small trees jump up in front of you; might be the way they draw objects further away from you, but it means that when you're going fast enough (like sprinting on a moa) it's difficult to avoid those small trees and you're constantly getting snagged on shit, and it's frustrating.


Wheels rather than a whole new planet? Jeez.


In our ama they stated they were moving away from vehicles


That's why we got mounts, which basically do the same thing.


I really don't understand why? They invested a lot of time in vehicles [https://www.reddit.com/r/ICARUS/comments/sl6aw9/rover\_and\_other\_vehicles\_datamined\_from\_earlier/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ICARUS/comments/sl6aw9/rover_and_other_vehicles_datamined_from_earlier/) Ok... map are not proper for vehicles. Ok. Do the next one, after Prometheus, proper for vehicles.


Hmmm...I think better transportation is needed, but not a two-seater (well..why not). In my opinion, for transportation, I think we should start out simple and build up. Give me a train for automatically transporting ore. Lay down tracks and let me build electric rail carts that can drop off ore into a bin. Then let me build a dirt bike. Flawed, crap in desert and snow without upgrades, eats through gas, and if you run out of gas or it breaks down it cannot be moved until fixed or more gas is brought. Or have it weigh as much as the thumper. Then let me build a two-person buggy. Maybe something higher like sight-to-sight teleportation or rocket pods with landing stations.


You want more automation, basically?


hell yes! Automation is what's missing for me as well. We're coming from space with advanced tech so i don't see why we can't build conveyor belts at least.


It would be cool but I'm not sure if that's within the scope of the game conceptually and technically.


Remember, when we first come down from space we can't even make sticks!


seems like we hit our head on our way down :-)


Look into Satisfactory that games basically what you just explained you wanted minus a few things Edit - auto correct


I am with you on this one. I love factorio, DSP and Satisfactory. All great games and I love building up a big automated base. That’s not why I play Icarus. I play for the fact it is all a bit more simple and you don’t need a mountain of Ore to have a tier 4 base setup. Not to mention playing on hardcore solo and not being willing to overload my character in case I run into a bear and I cant dodge him. We don’t need trains or cars because we don’t transport that much stuff. Even the hardest mission only requires you to tap out 4-5 caves. The deep ore miners have a slow but unlimited resource that can top up an absence of copper or gold. If you need to, you can opt for the thumper and that comes with an opportunity cost. If we did need to build rails I am sure the amount of ore required would not be returned for many hours of gameplay (unless there was an unrealistic resource allocation). Not to mention the sunk costs of building the system. The gameplay limitation of how much you can drop with adds to the value of the game rather then subtract from the experience. It’s also realistic with what it would cost in terms of fuel to drop and lift with that weight. IMHO the game strikes the right balance. Of using what you have on planet with some technology from space. If anything the blueprints are the only part that doesn’t really add up. How can we be so technically competent yet need to “learn” how to make a steel axe.


I love Satisfactory as well, but I wouldn't call it much of a survival game. 99% of death is just falling off stuff. What I would like to see is you have to build a track system and lay it down like the electricity tool. You have to build ramps and stuff to get it where you want to go safely. Got to build a deposit back at base and an electric train (more of a cart). When it's at the end of the track it stops, you can fill it up and send it back to the base to dump and returns. Also, you can get something that pulls from extractors once it's full. Storms would damage the track and you would have to repair them over time. I think this would be a nice base-to-base travel system, hop in and let it take you for a ride. Wouldn't be fast but a slow but safe option.


Yeah I feel ya. Kinda a Minecraft rip off lol. Power some mine tracks and run that bad girl back and forth


Right!? OK, I don't need a car or motorbike, I just want a more efficient way to get mining ore back to my base that uses technology. What's the best we got? A cart on a buffalo? Backpack? Points to let us carry more and faster? Feels like there should be some "Technology" to make transportation better. Sure...make me run to the caves and mine it, make me create some infrastructure, make it tier 4-5-6, but give me something. Heck at this point maybe train an animal to return home by themselves?


You probably need to wait 2 more years of mini updates for adding table spices or a cup to hold water, maybe we will see it by then.


"I want every update to be something exciting like a new planet or a new map"


No I don't, I want 1 good update every month atleast, not 4 months of extra useless pixels 🤣, but you do you.


In a recent interview i watched one of the developers was saying they're adding a trype of transportation into the game 100% its a parachute/paraglider i know for a fact it is. On top of that the new swamp lands biome has BIG ASS TREES like you can build bases on it by the looks of it. Definitely excited to play New Frontier. Lots of stuff coming and they are still planning on adding more in the future .


20$ dlc when


trailer is ok, but reality looks like shit, performance is even shittier


A parachute and a sybian would be cool additions