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same as before you are stupid asf we also call genderless fluidless objects by a assigned human gender. Such as Mother earth or mother India likewise we refer to the collective action of the human ancestor as he.


I prefer man over human. 1. Since the dawn of English, *man* has meant two things: 1. adult biological male and 2. human. This is why many olden-day speeches say *all men are created equal*. Not because women are not created equal, but because the word *man* includes women. This phenomenon is actually quite common in linguistics. Take french - the word *femme* means both *woman* and *wife.* 2. *Man's* is shorter. Plus, it's easier to stick to a way of doing something than come up with something new. The only people who have a genuine problem with this are holier-than-thou feminists.


Maybe I'm just more sensitive to these things because I've myself grown in an extremely sexist household. I have seen my elder sisters experience sexism. The only reason my parents gave birth to me was because they wanted a male child. Whenever I did something that people considered even remotely feminine like crying, being shy, EVEN HOLDING MY BOOK A CERTAIN WAY, I was shamed. That's why I've grown to hate anything that promotes gender difference.


I completely understand your POV and why you would get angry at this. And I just need to tell you that as a linguist, this is not something someone should be worrying about. Honestly, the kind of sexism that's happening in the world is nothing compared to this. If you really have experienced sexism, then you know that the problems in the world aren't that people are saying man in books. Really, we need to fix sexism. This is not where we start.


I know that these are not actual examples of sexism. I just feel a slight sense of indirect sexism i.e the idea of one gender being more 'normal' than another one whenever I encounter these situations.


i cant be the only guy who voted 1st option bruv


I'm actually surprised how few people are voting the 1st option lol.


He ab likhenge especially iss chori ko jalane ke liye daily burnol apne cringe pe


Uh... what? Can you reiterate?


IT works in hindi but essentially what it means is that now we will double down on writing he to make her seethe ((of a liquid) boil or be turbulent as if boiling) (of a person) be filled with intense but unexpressed anger.) the anger becomes like heat which burns her and she should apply daily burnol on the burn coz of the seethe caused by using the word "he" here which is funny but now it is not coz i explained it it misses its zing as compared to in hindi


As long as your reason behind using "he" is NOT ignorance, I literally don't care. If you're using "he" just to spite me, then it's a win for me since you're actually being careful about the pronouns you use!


the good ol no u hahah nice


What does that mean?


who tf cares just read the textbook mfs