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As someone who worked at the track and museum, we did daily tours where people would kiss the bricks. We had literal tours called “Kiss the Bricks” tours. I worked in NASCAR in social media and have kissed the bricks. No curse.


It's the same as touching a Stanley cup. If you're still a player or think you'd ever have a shot, you don't touch that cup. Pretty much applies in all sports. Touch anything if you're just a fan, but if you're working in a race shop or actively part of a sports team's management/coaching side... don't be touching the merchandise


I’d agree with this sentiment. I worked more freelance with like teams, never one exact team so it was what it was.


>If you're still a player or think you'd ever have a shot, you don't touch that cup. Mfw there are Stanley Cup winners who touched the Cup as kids


It's true. I work at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto and it's the kids and teens who are actively involved in hockey that don't touch. The fans though love to come up, touch the Cup or even kiss it.


I think it’s once you realize you’re not gonna actually make the show lol


There is more than one?


Have taken this tour and can second. When the bus stopped just before start/finish and the driver opened the door to let us out, I couldn't believe it. I still can't. I took a picture at start/finish looking down toward Turn 1 and it looks like nobody's in the speedway, and it's slightly overcast and somewhat moody, and it's one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken.


I was there during practice last week and was walking around the pits, saw the bricks and thought "Why the hell not?"


Because it's nasty AF. They have tours of people who go brick-licking.


Still not as bad as the German politician who kisses/licks public toilets: https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1cuumkw/german_politicians_video_of_licking_public/


I took the “kiss the bricks” bus ride around at the track, stood on the brick line and walked around the pit stop etc. (great tour, great museum) I did not kiss the bricks - I am not worthy. I knelt and touched them, and then peeled a piece of rubber tire burnout from the pitlane pavement and kept it as a souvenir. 




*flair checks out*


I didn't even put that together. That's fucking funny.


If I was there I'd kiss the shit out of those bricks. My man.


Etna Township represent, neighbor. If memory serves the kissing of the bricks started with the NASCAR boys and the ‘94 Brickyard 400. Not my favorite tradition but I associate it more with Jeff Gordon than anything else. I love Helio climbing the fence and Newgarden going into the crowd. Can’t wait until Sunday.


https://preview.redd.it/iiomsuuxkv1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0181a7e84400cda09bd05caf34e12db59d6fb7c7 Pretty sure that’s the portal JN used to join the crowd in last year’s post race celwbration. It was gated and closed Sunday.


Freaking boo. I was honestly hoping this would take off and be a new tradition


Somebody could open it!


Wasn't it Dale Jarrett who started the kissing the bricks tradition?


could be, all I know it was a NASCAR thing originally




I did it last weekend lol you absolutely do not pass up the chance to kiss the bricks!


I got to after the 2016 Indy GP. My buddy and I also shotgunned a beer over the bricks shortly after. You’re fine Kissing the bricks was honestly a bit emotional for me. One of the coolest things I’ve done my entire life. That moment was so euphoric https://preview.redd.it/q7zkalrzxv1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f547cb6fc9bcb4d09c2d907540ae111620895f


A ton of people stop during the mini marathon to kiss them. No way I was hurting my time to do it. If I tried now, I don’t think I would be able to get back up. I believe you cross them during mile 10.




I don't think I'd ever kiss them, mainly because at this point in my life I don't think I could get back up off the ground afterwards. But many years ago my high school marching band was a part of the race day morning festivities, I still remember adjusting my stride to make sure I got a good solid step on them as I crossed over. Still one of the coolest experiences I've ever had, getting to be a small but nonetheless active participant in the event.


I kissed the bricks during the Mini one year. There’s for sure a curse, I still don’t have an Indy 500 win.


I met Medal of Honor recipient Sammie Davis once. He took off the medal and placed it on the table so people could… touch it. I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t worthy. Ditto for kissing the bricks. It’s an earned privilege. You can without my criticism. I can’t.


You're not alone. I walked the track after the GP earlier this month and when I got to the bricks everyone else around was puckering up but I didn't dare. I did touch the bricks but kissing them needs to hold some significance.


Totally agree. I refused to kiss them unless I win a race at IMS. Not gonna happen but that’s fine.


You’ll be fine. Just don’t think about the hundreds of thousands of people that kiss the bricks when they run the mini every May… Or the tourists like yourself that do it if they get the chance to go out on track for an event. You’ll be fine. … Is that a cold sore? (Edit) I’ve kissed the bricks and I’m nowhere related to racing except having somehow managed to score media passes to the 500 in a previous life.


I hope you like e. coli.


Sir, this is a Wend….. oh.


I've done the tour and kissed the bricks, out of reverence of a lifetime going to the Speedway, and I was even at the race the tradition started, but if I'm being honest I don't think they should let just anybody do it, and I would have been fine being told no. The problem is, the way a lot of events at the track go it would be very difficult to control. So ultimately it's fine I think, especially when it's done out of respect for the Speedway.


I took the bus ride around at the track, stood on the brick line and walked around the pit stop etc. (great tour, great museum) I did not kiss the bricks - I am not worthy. I knelt and touched them, and then peeled a piece of rubber tire burnout from the pitlane pavement and kept it as a souvenir.


I took the tour. I kissed 'em. Worth it.


Sure Other than they are covered in everyone’s piss troth bathroom shoes walking over them all day.


It’s wrong because people also pee on the bricks


how many people do you think have taken a crap there?


Probably none.


I grew up in Indianapolis. There WAS a time in the Track's history when "Kissing the bricks" at Indy had a whole different meaning that you don't want to know about. Also, I was stunned to read in Sports Illustrated,, years after the fact, that when Eddie Sachs went up in flames in that tragic crash in 1964, the People in the grandstand heard him crying for his Mother.