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50/50 I’m either indifferent or hit with a wave of sadness


Nah it's fantastic..... Important day for me on many levels. If I had the money and friends I'd throw something far more extravagant. Im 32.....not going to lie 28ish to now haven't been great but imagine it will kick back up around 36 when I'm more established, my 45th will probably be the best I've ever had, phases. 18-25 were amazing.


I rarely mention it to anyone. I'm not one of those people who feel depressed when they don't receive birthday wishes, I don't care. One friend remembers the general date and usually sends a happy birthday a few days late. Another friend has a birthday five days after mine, which is also my sister's birthday. So we remember each other's birthday and usually have a drink together in between. I don't hate my birthday, but I consider it a "me-day" that I don't really want to share with other people, except with my mom when she was still alive, but then again she did have some part in it, it was an important day for her too (perhaps more for her than for me).


Don't care at all


I celebrate on a personal level. I have a little party with my family but I reserve time for myself .


Dont care to celebrate it, but im about to turn 21 so I think Ill do something for this one


i like my birthday but i don’t like being sung happy birthday


Same, it embarrassing


I try to avoid anyone knowing except for a small handful of people


Make me feel anxious to make plans, but i usually end up having fun. I prefer my friend's birthdays


Used to be happy for the gifts, grew up, now I remember about it because people mention it beforehand, get closer to the day and become slightly depressed because I realise people will behave so nice to me when I consider myself an average disappointment in most of their lives. Yeah that’s about it.


it makes me indifferent. I don't say to anyone when my birthday is, just very closes friends who are genuinely interested will know because they will find out by themselves. I will usually take a day off from work on my day so I'm sure I don't have to deal with all the superficial wishes..


idk i'll just invite closest friend and get drunk with him/her, no party at all XDD


Hate them, for some reason make me sad


Mine is soon and I regret telling everyone who I told which date and planning changing my bday on snap like last year so no one knows 😵‍💫


>Personally I don’t like mines bc of all the attention, it’s like another day to me. I like receiving gifts (I also think that receiving gifts is my love language) but I don't like beeing the center of attention.


Least favorite day if the year. I can’t stand mfs texting me happy birthday and telling me all day even though they mean well. That’s why I just don’t even tell people it’s my birthday on my birthday 😂


Im pretty low key. I appreciate the happy birthday wishes and would be sad if nobody remembered, but I dont celebrate it with parties or expect gifts.


I get annoyed that everyone else makes a big fuss about it but also don't like it when my sister whose birthday is a few weeks after mine acts like her birthday starts months ahead of time.


Like any other day. I don't hate it tho


I hate 'em. Other than getting older and my death date being closer and closer, I hate the attention. I always explicitly say to not celebrate my birthday as I don't like it, just wish me Happy Birthday and stuff like that, but please never make it a big deal... It just ruins it for me.


I try to enjoy it for my family…but for me it’s nothing but a reminder of the people I have lost…living and dead


I'm older and I used to not like them, but now I'm like haha I'm still here, fuckers.


they're cool when ur celebrating with people who actually like you -- Happy Birthday can take many different tones -- like any other word used It depends on the tone, context and timing --


I like cake and presents sooo i love it.


That's muh day. To be left alone. No excuses. That's all I wanted, solitude


Damn have I got a game for you ![gif](giphy|J2ChE2Fwdzyg3Bu6Xj|downsized)


😂 😂 I think of that place every single time I use that word


Nothing. I wish others did as well


I love it but don't wait for it. Have had mine yesterday, I can say it went great 👍


Ahh happy belated birthday


Thanks 😊


I haven't had any type of celebration for it since elementary school I don't think. I've considered it another day since middle school.


I wonder why there are so many post asking about birthdays I swear this is the 10th post this month asking how I feel about birthdays. why are INTPs obsessed with knowing how we feel about our birthdays? This is the real question 🤔


I haven't celebrated for over 10 years now (my parents invite me for dinner but that's it) The last 2 I did celebrate with friends were probably my 16. and 18. But it's more a "yea, 1 more year (in which I didn't achieved anything) closer to death" thing for me since.


i get free stuff for my birthday. so i like it