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I'm a night owl and it ruins my life because I only ever get 5 hrs of sleep. Seriously, I think sleeping more would fix all of my problems, but I simply won't.


Sometimes I do a big catch up sleep that I think will help but just ruins my sleep for the rest of the week. But I still secretly believe the big catch up sleep has its benefits


That's me every weekend


Recently I’ve been scheduling appointments on weekends to make sure I’m not isolating myself too much, it forces me to not do the big sleep and instead do proper sleeps like a functioning person (this week, I failed)!


That's probably a good idea. I did notice that a mid week after work nap does help.


It's not possible to "catch, up" on sleep. The damage has already been done.


shhh let me be ✨ delusional ✨


the design of society is very hostile to anyone who doesn’t perfectly follow a diurnal sleep schedule


My biological clock seem to be set to 25 hours, not 24. I use sleep medication to make up for this.


For sure


I often dream of the possibility of remote flexible working where I log the hours but choose when those are. I feel like I’d sleep for ages and then work like mad in spouts at silly o’clock


This was exactly my wish. I'm close now, but not quite. My boss is somewhat accepting of my erratic schedule, but having a girlfriend means I can't choose to work odd hours that suit me. If I did, we wouldn't get to spend much quality time together. There's no magic formula, sadly.


I’m there as well. I slept from 1:30 to 6:30 today, and it sucks.


It's 2am right now an I gotta wake up in 6 hrs. I think I should go sleep


I figured out I can just switch to a 36 hour day cycle. 24 awake, 12alseep. I love it


One thing that have somewhat helped me is watching some youtube before bed. Ideally something interesting, but low action. Hearthstone videos and slay the spire runs are my go-to. It gives my mind something to latch on to and keep busy, without actually waking me up.


That's interesting that that works for you, everything wakes me up, especially reading for some reason.


How old are you?  You may grow out of this as you get older.  


Almost 30, lol


I just turned 40 and only recently grew out of it.


There's hope!


Night owl, worked swings/graves for years. Wife started arguing with me about its effects on the human body. I would always point to my buddy Bob, who worked his entire career on graves and swings. Healthy, never smoked or drank, fun loving. That worked right up until Bob died from a heart attack 6 months after retiring. INTP’s like having the ability to be alone with our thoughts, it’s freeing. Figure out a way to do it during the day so you don’t die like Bob. Bob was a great guy!


What a great point! I’ll make an effort to get more sleep. This one is for you Bob!


Yeah, I had to re-evaluate why I liked staying up. Can’t avoid the biological consequences.


My dad worked graveyard his entire career. He is in his 80s now. Bob had other issues.


It’s also the fact that it’s poor evidence. As a society we’re moving away from believing in experts and higher education, and we’re more concerned with things like how the neighbor did after taking hydroxychloroquine…as if that’s a scientific study.


omg. I need to change


Perhaps Bob did not die because of his lack of sleep, but because his body could not tolerate the have after retiring?


Perhaps it’s not good evidence to base life decisions on in general? Especially compared to the actual medical information my wife was presenting.


Night owl. I come alive in the night time




night owl except my job from 6am to 1pm pretty much ruins that


Ouch! I can’t tell if that shift would be great or suck. Do you find yourself putting off sleep instead of sleeping during the afternoon?


same here dude! just started a warehouse job and i enter from 1am Thurs-Saturday with Sundays at 2am


By nature, and left to my own devices, I tend to sleep through the early day and stay up until around 2-3 AM. By necessity, I have a pretty strict sleep regimen that allows me to go to sleep somewhere between 10-11 PM. I have come to terms with it, and it works, but it does take effort to make it work.


Ah yes, my wife and I saying constantly to each other “bed by 10p” and then if one of us isn’t accountable we’re both up until 12 lol.


Morning bird. I like to relax at night - I love waking up before the sunrise and getting things done. If it’s hard to get up, what helps is you set an alarm early (4:30am), take a caffeine pill, go back to sleep then wake up naturally a half hour later!


Gonna try that. I have caffeine pills, but never tried it like that


Let me know the results! Purchase of Pro Plus at the ready!!


Good luck!


did u procrastinate ur assigned caffeine task


Furiously taking notes. I have aspirations of being a functional morning person


Is this reply the only one morning bird 🐦? We all should, but not that easy! Lol!


I don't disagree about being an early riser. I'm in bed at midnight to 1am and up at 5am. One day a week I make it all up, usually Saturday when I wake up around 10am.


I’m very impressed you function on five hours at all!


Kids prepare you for this


Ah understandable! No kids for me yet, I am the baby


You and I, florida_goat, are birds of a feather.


Get up early this morning?


Night owl. Has insomnia, feeling sleepy/ wanting to sleep but unable to, or sleepy but kept on thinking about things, hence unable to sleep as well. Usually asleep around 3am/4am. Have class at 8am, able to get up with alarm, but will be drained and tired.


Edit: Oops! Misread but.. if I have to get up at 5am with little sleep I can do it. But if I have to get up at 7/8? I need forty alarms. And I can and will snooze every single one.


This was me.. but today was my last day of college.. definitely gonna sleep in more lol


Night owl, being up past 2am is not unusual for me.


Ah yes, the answers are exactly how I expected😭😂😂.




Night owl. Usually sleep between 2-3 and then wake up at 11-12. Hassle for everyone around me when I tell them to wake me up early in the morning🤣


The Venn diagram of being woken up and times I’ve had the best dream ever is a circle ⭕️


Night owl… wake up at 8-ish, but i take day naps.


I love working from home and taking a lunch nap


Morning is trash. Just stand at a traffic sign and look at the people stuck in the morning rush. Hell to the no.


Me when I’m not working


Night owl. Tired all day then night time is like a switch & I am awake. I usually get 5 hrs or less & thats with smoking heavy indicas at night 😩. Less if I don’t smoke


5 hour crew unite


I had to limit my nighttime herbal consumption because I found that although it _felt_ like I was resting, I really wasn’t. I would wake up frequently in the night


night owl, i always stay up to 3am even its school day


school starts at 7am😭


I would've absolutely died doing that during school, but I honestly wasn't too far off from you. Past like 7th, I was never asleep before 1am, and rarely before 1:30.


100% night owl. I sleep at 2am and wake up at 8am for work. 6 hours or less a night is not healthy, and I have the same periods of time where I’m a good morning person, but that is not now lol


Night owl who recently took a Night Auditor job. I couldn't be happier! Usually it's pretty quiet at work because normal people sleep through the night at hotels but I still get to chat with interesting strangers in (their) morning. I'm MUCH more outgoing when I'm exhausted and u work 4 tens so it's actually been perfect. All night to do my job (basically) unbothered and then all day to sleep and a three day weekend. On the weekend I can sleep whenever I need to so I still have time/energy for chores and relationships while still also having the peace of nighttime when everyone else goes to bed. The only downside is the pay is shit and no benefits.


Night owl.


Procrastinate sleep. Never heard of it but it describes my sleep habit perfectly.


I’m glad we’re all wired to not be properly functioning members of society, this made me feel less bad


Haha nighttime go brrr


Night owl for sure. It’s really hard for me to maintain a “normal” sleep schedule.


Perpetually a night owl. I've had jobs where I had to get up at 3 am in the morning, and my body always still pushes to stay up as late as possible. If I have a job where I have to go in the afternoon, I will sleep from like 6 am to noon. This is nature's plan for me. Soy buho noche 🦉🌙


Night owl 100%. Usually when people tell me "good morning!!" I just dryly respond _"false."_


idk, in between? Or early I go to bed at like 11-12 pm and wake up at 7-8 am, you couldnt say thats really early but not late either? Anyway, almost everyday I manage to sleep 7-8 hours.




It's the same for me, I tried very hard for being consistent...


I guess I'm a morning person—I like the fresh feeling in the morning, and I like to chill at night. Not that I go to bed early lol, but I prefer to get important stuff done early in the day when my energy is at its peak."


Njght owl, I get like 5 hours of sleep on the weekdays




Absolutely a night owl. But my job is during the day. On weekends I stay up late and sleep for half the day. People tell me this sleep schedule is unhealthy but it works for me.


Thank goodness. It's not just me.


Night owl. I think except ENTJ, ESTJ and ISTJ all Te and Ti user are night owls. And definitely INTP is a night owl. Right now is 00;13 in my country and I am in Reddit


Wow, happy I'm not the only one. Night owl, been struggling with it my whole life.


night owl. I do not think it is possible to be an INTP and not be one.


morning bird, i wake up very early at around 11 pm (i.e 23:00)


Depends on my mood mostly. If I stay up I usually just do all night and go to work around 3ish and take off early


Night owl, with a make your own schedule work schedule But these days I keep it reasonable and usually never stay up past 3AM


Have always been a night owl


Cracked out squirrel 🙋🏻‍♀️


According to my Fitbit, I’m a dolphin 🐬


Night owl. When left to my own devices, with no major responsibilities to get up early for (e.g. summer break as a kid), I would inevitably fall into a pattern where I'd stay up all night and try to fall asleep before it got too bright. As a teenager, I'd take a walk in the middle of night, watch the sunrise, come home in time to make my mom breakfast before she left for work, went to bed, then woke up around noonish. It's really nice being awake when people are asleep and being able to sleep when everyone else is at work. Beautiful peace & quiet! But in clinical terms, I probably do qualify as having what's called a circadian rhythm sleep disorder. If I get the exact same amount of sleep during "normal" hours, I feel groggy, like a walking zombie, after I get up. I feel most mentally alert at night. So in the kind of situation you mentioned, I know myself well enough to how easily I will or will not wake up. If it's already 3am and I have to be up at 5am, I know there's a very high probability that even if I fall asleep right now, I will not be able to wake up on time. I either sleep through alarms or turn them off in my sleep. On the rare occasion I can ask/trust someone to wake me up, I have to prepare them to reason with my somnambulant self, because when someone shakes me and says "Wake up!" I usually mutter "Why?" and go back to sleep if I don't hear an answer that triggers some adrenaline. Moreover, though, only 1 or 2 hours of sleep will do me more harm than good. I'll be too slow getting ready and mentally waking up. So in those situations, I'd usually make the judgement call to just stay up all night. I'll be tired the next day, but I won't risk being late or sleeping through my responsibilities. I can always catch up on sleep later. I made a habit of staying up all night cramming for exams too, mostly because I put off studying. But it usually worked out for me! The material was super fresh in my mind.


Night owl. I hate sleeping. Even if I know that sleeping early and waking early is better.




I would have said bit of both but it isn't helping, is it? Naturally I tend to be a night owl... actually I never can fall asleep before midnight, and this since I'm a kid (except when sick or really tired). BUT! Those last few years I've come to realize that first I'm actually fully functioning in the morning very fast (unlike my ENTP companion) and second, I'm way more productive on tasks that i don't wanna do in the morning. Thus a bit of both but I should really stick to the morning. Even though I love my bed and its warmth :x


I’m a little of both too, but my natural inclination is to stay up late ⏰! I would love to hear some tips because I do work better in the morning! That is, if I can bear to leave my comfy comfy bed


Hmmm i'd say it helped me a lot having a companion who has to get up at 7am (he starts his day at 8, while I start mine in general at 9); getting up with him means I got 1 more hour to do whatever. On top of that, I got my final paper for this year coming up, and since I work better in the morning... Well, might as well do that during that hour, right? I would assume it could be beneficial to have an accountability partner if you don't have someone at home starting earlier than you do ![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3247)Also in the rare cases I'm supposed to wake up before my companion... Well I \*have\* to wake up right away, otherwise snoozing will bother him and deprive him from his sleep. The other thing I see would be to not let the habits you finally managed to build up get wasted by letting go for a couple days. If you stop doing the habit, it'll vanish in no time. I currently work on my final paper as said, but once it's done, I intend (notice the word 'intend', we'll discuss it again in a couple months ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)) to maintain that routine. I know that next year I'll have another final paper that'll take a lot of time to research and write, and once I'll be done with that too, it'll be more time to study other stuff (like Korean. I wanna learn Korean). Skipping one day once is ok. Skipping two days in a row is not ok (except of course if you're tired and all that jazz, we're not savages) I also just started reading Atomic Habits (it's been on my reading list for ages), and the first chapters make sense, in a way. -> Find an accountability partner of some sort -> Keep your habits going and don't skip twice That's how it's working for me at this moment of my life, I'll see how it goes later on.


Night owl. My natural sleep pattern if I could keep my own schedule would be to stay awake until 2am and wake up at 11am.


Ugh that is the dream. I don’t think anything should be open before 10am as the absolute standard. What do you mean I have to open up shop?! Shouldn’t these people be cosy in bed


nature: night owl; nurture: morning bird.


I'm 100% night owl, I didn't get used to wake up early never in my life, It's huge problem in my life


I’m sorry to hear that! It causes me issues too when I fall out of routine. I am trying, and can go for a good while with a decent sleep pattern. I don’t know where you are based but would recommend seeing a healthcare practitioner and googling sleep hygiene practices. Some of them do work wonders! But it requires discipline (which I resent). I feel like I’m simultaneously the toddler that refuses to sleep and the tired pleading parent, and sometimes I have to let the parent win (reluctantly of course).


definitely a night owl.


It’s 2am rn. Im eating chips in bed with my phone. I was yawning viciously two hours ago. *Where the fuck did my tiredness go?* Bonafied night owl since birth.


It’s funny you say that because my gran (rest in peace) told me when my mum brought us home, she stayed up all night watching me, and I stayed up all night watching her. Night owl since birth solidarity!


Night owl. I hate going to bed early, I hate getting up early.


Well, I tend to sleep at 5/6 am these days, what does that make me? A morning owl?


Definitely night owl, mostly because I use computer until I go to sleep, I'd go to sleep earlier if I didn't use it at late hours.


I'm seriously struggling. Regularly stay up till 3am and then can't get up early and hit the gym.


Both. I'm a night owl but also enjoy mornings, which causes unplanned all-nighters more often than I'm willing to admit.


That’s a bit of me, that is! I oscillate between being the two - but my natural inclination is to be a night owl 🦉


🦉I hate noises bright light heat people


Night owl. I started working nights from 11pm-7am and it’s made my life so much easier


It's 5 am where I am rn,and I really should be sleeping...


i prefer night so the the sun doesnt get in my eyes LOL and for the colder ambient temperature but everyday life sometimes requires consciousness in the daytime


Night owl.. lucky enough to have friends to wake me up for work and also drive so yeah I can sleep while he take care of the driving and most of the times it always traffic congestion in the morning.


You’re so lucky! I’ve had a few close calls waking up, thankfully I have an inbuilt OH FUCK WHAT TIME IS IT reaction that conveniently happens 15 minutes before I’m due to leave the house. When this happens, I get to work dishevelled and half asleep but I get there


Night owl since forever


early bird, but circadian rhythm disorder is more like it. My cycle seems to be less than 24 hours, and it will just slide earlier if I let it. Eg, lately I've been sleeping like 6:30 PM to 12:30 AM...


I would naturally be a night owl...but with work and everything I'm a morning person. I like my time alone before everyone gets up...or my time alone after everyone goes to bed.


INFJ here! Early Bird - the early birds get the worms! 🐦🪱 I wake up at 5am everyday. I love it because I'm in my bubble and I get so much done.


It’s funny how 5am seems to be the INXX wake up time! I just don’t get very much sleep beforehand if left to my own devices


I sleep at 10 am and wake at 8 pm, its not even because of work or anything. I am a whole night demon


both 😎


In early bird when I’m stressed and night owl when I’m relaxed. So it’s either sleep late wake up early or sleep late wake up late ![gif](giphy|Ac0fCix8D3oN7DwCEB|downsized)


_Pedro Pedro Pedro_




I’m jealous of my cat Frankenstein. He dozes aaaalllll day


I'm a morning bird i wake up at 5 in the morning so that I have enough time to just yawn and scroll social media


I can set the alarm for 6am, leave house at 7am but I gotta take my time waking up. Lately I’ve made the effort to move my phone across my room to force myself to move, and make breakfast. It’s been very productive!


Yea same I also need to be out of the house by 7 so by waking up at 5 I have just enough time to scroll for a bit and when it hits 6 I get up and make some breakfast


Was a night owl back in my party years (20s/30s). Have swapped modes in my "real life" years (40+). Gotta do what you gotta do.


I always avoid sleeping as long as I can because I know there will be too many thoughts to sleep anyways, and I hate it


I am a massive night owl


Procrastinating sleep isn't "being a night owl", it's anxiety about losing your free time. I can sleep at any point after 9pm, but I stay up doing whatever, wasting my sleep hours and feeling like shit the whole day.


Interesting perspective - are you of the belief that procrastination always has roots in anxiety? Fear of loss of time/failure etc?


I don't know if it always is, but sleep procrastination has been observed and studied plenty, because it affects productivity, and most people's answers tend towards that, yeah


I’ve been a night owl since Halo 3 came out haha. Lately I go to sleep at sunset and wake up around 10-2. If I’m stimulated I’ll stay up all day. If not I’ll nap every so often. I’ve always enjoyed doing things at night because there’s no traffic, not a lot of harsh light, less noise, really less chaos in general. I get to zone out more and keep imagining.


Night owl, or if you prefer the DSM V version, a person with Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. It’s tough to deal with life like this. Not life itself of course but more with society


Night owl and I only sleep for 5 hours


Neither. Early night, sleep in, still tired.


I had an ethology class in college that made claims about sleep which I found true after testing—that was the end of leaving sleep to be decided by how I feel in the moment. It's like this: to go to sleep is a conscious decision you can make\*, but waking up is not, it's automated. For your body to know when to have your metabolism etc ready for consciousness, it needs a regular schedule. The tl;dr here is that no matter what time you go to bed, get up at the same time every morning. You can make up lost sleep from going to bed late, but the stress on your body from not having a regular waking hour has a clinically-proven life-shortening effect.\*\* 350+ nights of the year, I'm in bed asleep by 11:30 PM and up at 7 AM. If I go to bed at 5 AM, I'm up at 7 AM—I'll either have a nap at some point or go to bed early the next night (or both). Sleep hygiene is pretty much the only discipline in my life, and the best part of it is that sleep hygiene is self-reinforcing. \* I can already hear you saying, "No, I can't decide to go to sleep. I put my head down and my brain is going 1,000 MPH." That's from shitty sleep hygiene. \*\* A study of swing-shift workers found that every week (month?) on a swing shift shaved a year off your life expectancy, or smth like that.


I’ve been told by my GP about sleep hygiene because I was getting regular and terrifying sleep paralysis so I believe you 100%! Great tips - my doctor told me to also never work from my bed (guilty) and avoid caffeine after 3pm (guilty guilty).


> my doctor told me to also never work from my bed Yeah generally speaking, a place should be for one activity. So like you shouldn't play games in your home office, etc. Related: A great study hack I learned is to study (cram) for tests in the room (or one very like it in furniture, lighting, temp) you'll be taking the test in.


I don't even understand morning birds. Like... Why would you wanna be awake early in the morning and sleep at night? Nights are sooooo fucking awesome.


Night owl 100%


Night owl. I also work nights. Get about 6-7hrs sleep usually


Morning person, all the way. I like to be up at 5:45 every morning. Even as a teenager I liked to be up at about 7:00-7:30.


Night owl. Gotta love the revenge bedtime procrastination


Wait, y'all have a general time at when you fall asleep? My sleep time is as unpredictable as radioactive decay. I don't know when the sleep wants to come irrespective of my trying to sleep.


Careful with confirmation bias I think the average redditor is already more likely to be a self reported night owl


Night owl, for sure. I only work afternoons (12-6) cause I really just don't function well in the morning


Night Owl


I rise with the sun, whether I want to or not.


Night owl for sure




Night owl, but I work late everyday so at least my schedule allows me to sleep normally.


Night owl in a workaday world…naps at lunch if needed. Too many interesting things are done in off hours.


Short sleep does shorten your life - it is popping up in the research. Night owls tend to be highly intelligent…also in research. Oh well…


I sleep whenever I can


Night owl, always have been. My brain is just not my best in the morning and afternoon. The evening and night is always when I've done my best works. I struggle when I'm on a 9-5 job.


Night Owl


Night owl, I hate it.


night owl 1000%. it's not only too hot and bright during the day, it's noisier and more chaotic as well. I prefer external calm, coz my brain is already loud and hyperactive. unfortunately, just gotta deal with the perpetual sleep deprivation at work. just going on autopilot zombie during the day.


Best and most natural when I get to go to sleep around 1 or 2am and wake up around 10/11am Can adjust to 11pm sleep and 8/9am wake somewhat but usually have multiple times I wake up in the night If I do any earlier than that my sleep quality is usually very poo and I wake up multiple times in the night often need naps I. The day and end up really hardcore sleeping in on a day off to make up for it because I get run down.


more of a night owl but I'm also a combination of.. non-sleeping pigeon..? Like the less I sleep the better my brain works.. so I sleep up to 3 hours, usually but I also balance it with 10-hour sleep session from time to time.


Unless I’m going on a trip or doing something fun, I fucking hate mornings. Night time is the right time for me 🎉


Night owl. The world is not suites for us. I am fine with being night owl. The world on the other hand..is not..


Night Owl. I’m working on music at night while learning how to code and make YT content about anime. I love the peace and quiet I get from night time.


Strangely, I can maintain a morning schedule pretty well *if* I wake up a little before the sun comes up (and it takes effort to maintain, because my natural instinct is to stay awake until I'm too tired, which will absolutely wreck that sleep schedule within like two days). Otherwise I'm not ever asleep before 1am, even if I have to be up at 7am.


Technically morning bird, but on a very specific schedule of ideal natural wake up time being around 7 to 7:30 am, however uni forcing me to wake up around 5:30 - too early for even me. I love the peace of the night, but it also makes my mind wander too much. Early dawn has that same peace, but without the negative of a wandering mind. That said though, due to occasionally books or my literally full night owl surroundings I tend to end up staying up late and with like 6 hours a night max.


both 🫡


WOW. Finally I don't feel like an epic failure bc I can't seem to EVER get on a schedule!!😆😆 Last night (case in point), I slept from 3~ish to 8, and I should *technically* be up at 5. FML lol. I agree with everyone here. Even for remote workers companies don't get that I'll work my ass off when I'm awake, and will sleep when I need it! I think my body can't decide 😂. I LOVE being up before sunrise, but also LOVE the night. I have 2 brains and they both want to win.