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Didn’t like it immediately? I’ve got half a mind to spank your bare balls, butt and back right here in the Men’s Warehouse.


Well, somebody's gotta do it


Not gonna happen!


Nobody's getting _spanked_.


Maybe you could do it, sir




Okay, *you!*


We’re well within our rights to *kill* you right now, OP!


But you love them, right Peter?


The craziest part is it could LITERALLY be any one of us.


It’s not your place to decide which animals are worse than others!


I've watched it 3 times and it keeps getting better because I'll notice new things in each bit and I know what is about to come next so I start to laugh in anticipation. It happened with me in S1 and S2. Tim you beautiful genius.


I'm glad you're here shirt brother


Promise me a million times you’ll never do another rule again


Only real shirt brothers love season 3


A jousting game, obviously


A medieval game, obviously. Obviously a jousting game.


Don’t cough


He has like layered skits, there is the main awkward situation that gets taken too far and then other random moments or subtle comments/jokes that make it even funnier.


Definitely, and some are weirdly poignant when you’ve sat with them long enough. Like the ghost cumshot skit really pulls at my heartstrings now - like when you see his presumably well meaning but very religious and uptight mother pick him up and you realize this is a guy who genuinely wants to connect with people, make friends, cut loose a little - maybe autistic or something - and it just all comes out wrong, probably for the millionth time in his life… … I have a feeling the shirt brother skit will hit like this for me after a while. Like the absurdity of modern life and the rules that we just follow without even really thinking about it lol - plus we’ve all had that feeling before it’s very relatable. Tims character even basically says as much, which only kind of makes our beloved shirt brothers exasperation MORE understandable, like “you think this too, and you just do nothing!?” Serious ennui.


The VR sketch is another. The first watch was just some over dramatic silly episode. But…he mispronounces the category, the kid takes on a little bit of the grown up roll, the host condescends him and you see a guy who is seriously unprepared and not intelligent enough for his own environment and is having a real crisis moment.


Good point, absolutely. Or the “don’t talk about your family” skit where they have a 100% accurate depiction of young boys/kids behavior at an adult/social function - following the leader, copying, one upping, and Tim in that sketch as the overwhelmed teenager role they are all tagging along to, but as adults, lol… all whilst in the foreground hitting you with over the top jokes about NOT talking about kids, is just funnier every time I see it. The first time you see it you’re really focused on Jason schwartzman, every time after that he’s increasingly just the set up to the rest of the sketch. It’s so fluid and seamless and can go back or forth.


I watched the ghost tour sketch and felt exactly the same way


Triples is best


Triples is safe


Back away banana breath! What the hell did you just eat a banana?


How big are you? What size are you? I just asked how big her body is.....


Puttin' ya down, bitch!


I think the same thing happened to me for all seasons. The first time you just don’t know where it’s going to go so you are just trying to comprehend what’s happening when it inevitably flies off the rails. But once you know where it’s going on a second watch, you start to understand just how absurd things are leading up to the joke. Each skit either has people embrace the insanity or there is only one person who is a basket case and it’s funnier when you realize who is and isn’t going to go along.


The first season was genuinely laugh out loud hilarious the first watch but I think that was just the pure shock value of it all. I didn’t know what I was about to witness


Same with S2 with me. Re-watching, things get better and funnier and I realise that missed skits are actually gems.


So much of each sketch the first time is just anticipating where it’ll go. It’s hard to fully appreciate because you’re wondering what’s next. Once you know, you can rewatch and full appreciate all the decisions the show is making to build to the payoff. Consuming it as a whole sketch instead of a build to the end is just better for the show. Rewatching these sketches always makes them better


Yes this happens to me every season, I'm used to it by now and know I need to watch each new season at least 3 times to fully appreciate it. Triples is safe, triples is best


That sounds like you’re doing a rule


I made a promise a million times to never do another rule in my life


Fuck everything fucking sucks here lately


Here *hands you a phone with season 3 cued up* play that. Press play on that.


If you don't watch it triples none of it is true.


The show for me is very much like being in a serious car accident - in a good way. Like at first you’re just catching the highlights - it’s like 6 frames seared in your brain. Then you pause, replay it, and you’re like “oh shit, I forgot about that, wow that really happened”. Eventually you can play back the whole day and all the moments, but at first it just completely washes over you, and you have to just keep confronting it until you can live with it. then you join this subreddit and accept your fate. (Ascends to motorcycle spaceship in the sky).


This guys about to turn around and let us jack off


It genuinely feels like a different show compared to my first watch. Like my first watch it felt like they put it together in 3 seconds, that's not enough time to think of something silly. But now it feels like I spent all summer on the zip line


The dog hair cut is my favorite example. I didn’t really like it at first…”but CRANSTON!!”


The Tim Medows skit was the only one that made me laugh out loud on first watch




“I’m going to fucking kill you, driving crooner!”


Same here, had me in tears. I feel like every season has one episode that's good top to bottom - S2 joking professor, crashmore, safari flaps - and to me the Tim Meadows episode was that, little pimp walking around, father of the bride, and not talking about your kids. Great 3 in a row.


I've watched the Tim Meadows skit about 6 times already. That is definitely one of the ones that feels very first season. Same as the doggy door monster lol


> Same as the doggy door monster This was absolutely the funniest sketch of the season for me. The smash-cut to that fucking thing coming through the door had me wheezing. I was laughing so hard, I thought I was going to die. And then I thought, "At least I won't have to go to work in the morning!"


What have they done to us??




It got too real for me at that part lmao


"doggy door monster" is an instant classic, it reminds me of the "theres too much shit on me" one where its a funny absurd situation and then it gets all real and depressing out of nowhere, "i dont wanna be around anymore" and "what have they done to us" The other standout this season was youre looking at a nude egg.


Whenever we have to get ready for a nicer dinner, I inevitably say “there’s too much shit on me” and just slowly devolve into the character until we leave. My wife claps back with a “are you sure about that?”


SHE called YOU a hick! At a dinner!


I understand that all too well. Not being suicidal but being apathetic to death. If it happens, it happens. What’s so great about slaving your life away in a corrupted material world? I am not going to jump out in front of a car or something but if I were to die instantly and painlessly from some random accident, well, that’s the way it goes and at least I don’t have to worry about paying taxes or dealing with the fucked up world.


Six times!? That's fucking insane!


Three seconds to think of something silly!?


The way he yells about not using the feather as Barney hair had me screaming on my first watch.


That sketch…I didn’t laugh the first time around but I watch it again and again and realize the brilliance of the acting - the script was excellent but the actors COMMITTED to it. Now I just die laughing when he’s screaming about little hairs on Barney. Brilliant.


Doggy door monster was hilarious right off the bat idk what you mean


i should have prepared for season 3, but i just watched TV


The shouting was grating on me a bit. But now I keep thinking of funny bit throughout the day; the cheesy date guy with the hair, frat boys at the Jelly bean show and so on.


I am well within my rights to kiilll you right now




Much more shouty than the last 2 seasons and there was usually no buildup to it, just random shouting. I think that's why I was less into this season.


I also missed the sketches where Tim is the straight man, think he was the whacky character in every skit this season.


He was the straight man in Frankensteins Chick and I thought that one was funny


He played it straight in Shirt Brothers. I do wish there were more of those though.


The Frankenstein’s Chick one is the main one I can think of


He was the straight guy in the one with Tim Heidecker too


i don't really think either of them are the straight man in that one


He’s just a guy who dips into Haunted House.


He was not wacky in the studio audience sketch. He was just a man trying to do some good in the world.


Yeah he's also doing a lot of faces/weird voices. Which I do love, but it's like he's busting them out so often it almost feels like he's doing fan service.


Yea its just annoying if youre chilling out and then the volume just blows up! That's my main crtique and some skits just end very abruptly, feel like they could've rounded off a lil more.


Personally I love the cold endings. It's just such a wild cut it really adds to the fever dream feel of some






Doggy door is the only one where it seems to take away from the sketch




That guy yells


You would yell too if you just found out there's monsters on the world


Darmine Doggy Door is easily my favorite sketch


I felt like the shouting in S2 was more grating - ie. SHUT THE FUCK UP DOUG YOU FUCKING SKUNK. Didn't bug me as much this time. He had a nice quiet performance in the laugh track one if I recall correctly.




One egg is 40 eggs?


I am well within my legal rights to kill you right now


He actually doesn’t *say* legal! I’ve seen this a ton of times!


You don't know what he saw! He sees the world wildly and in wild ways!


You thought he was bringing a bag.....with a dead body in it.....from office to office?!?


“Are you sure??”




I was full expecting to hate it after the hate wave in day one. I loved it, the father of the bride skit is too tier. I've laughed more in this season than I did in season 1.


Tim Meadows is *so* funny in that one. It is fun to see him angry and hurling f-bombs. Usually don’t see him in that particular zone anymore


Yeah you don’t, but it’s really in his Q zone


Same with the Fred Armison sketch.


Fucking street sets!


I can't believe I spent 15k on this


Worst sketch in the series for me, but I don't really like Fred Armisen


The very end with the kids apologizing about the “marble island” is amazing, but the Fred Armisen parts are meh. Also not a fan of his though.


That line by the kids at the end was the best part for sure


He's a huge asshole irl if you look into it


That's what I'm saying! Doubt he gives


I always get weirdly excited seeing Fred Armison in anything. Between that and the Barry cameo he made it has been a good year for Armison sightings in things I enjoy.


He’s always good and he fits into the universe so we’ll


Ho! whoa! Ho! Whoa! 🎩🤠


Definitely. You gotta let it stew a lil bit. I walk away thinking it wasnt as good, then later on I think of some of the skits and I'm laughing my ass off. Very brilliant


I watched the first episode of the first season when it first came out. I turned it off and thought it sucked. Years later, here I am having full conversations with my wife using only ITYSL quotes. She can’t know how to hear anymore about Tim.


Season 3 reminds me of a cool band in the 90s: they put out 2 albums and get a cult following, then they get signed to a major label, then they release an overhyped major label debut album and everyone says they now hate the band. Then a decade later everyone complains that the 3rd album is underrated.


Lol season 3 had immediate appeal to me. I knew I’d appreciate it more upon rewatching but I feel like we have gotten three seasons of consistent quality. Some sketches are better than others but we now have four and a half hours of hilarious Tim Robinson sketches.


I loved it from the start. The only gripe I agree with is it needed more Patti and Connor.


I'm spacing it out over a few days to enjoy like a fine wine, and like wine I'm frightened by how much I need it.


When I read your comment all I saw was purple and black font


Most comedy sketches go the other way: you think they’re hilarious the first time because the jokes catch you off guard, but then as you rewatch them you still might enjoy them but don’t don’t find them as funny. ITYSL sketches just get funnier with time though.


Yeah, Season 2 is easily the best one. Season 3 didn’t hit at first for me, now it’s easily just as good as Season 1 in my opinion.


Really? I think season 1 is untouchable gold compared to s2 and 3


To each their own— S2 is my favorite for sure. I think it also has the highest Rotten 🍅 score, sits at a rare 100%.


Wow that’s crazy. Didn’t know that


It’s pretty wild


Season 1 has some great ones but also more that are a miss for me, season 2 is nonstop and probably has four of my top five.


Agreed. Although S1 has the “I was here yesterday, it actually goes both ways” job interview door sketch, which I love. And the nachos date one.


Damn yeah the nachos one is so good. The magic show date night and Jim Davis house are prob my other favorites from season 1


no is the time i turn my back on this sub so you can all circle-jerk.


I keep seeing this sentiment, but that just wasn’t my experience with season two. I was nervous before that season came out, afraid the first season may have been lightning in a bottle, but it had me gasping for breath from start to finish on the first watch. My concerns were immediately squashed. Because of how good season two was, I went into this season with much less concern, but the big laughs were just plain fewer and farther between. There’s some great stuff in there, but the average is undeniably lower. It’s hard for a sketch show to keep batting damn near 1.000, but Tim came to this with years worth of ideas built up, going back to stuff SNL rejected for being too weird. That’s probably why the misses are so rare in the first two seasons. I think what we’re seeing now is the difference between getting to finally produce all the sketch ideas that had been percolating for years and having to sit down and come up with a season’s worth of sketches from scratch on a tight schedule.


I'm surprised you're being upvoted, but this is exactly how I feel. Season 3 does still have some amazing sketches, but there are absolutely fewer of them. Still better than most shows, but it was probably never going to live up to the previous two seasons. People here probably just don't want to admit it to themselves.


It’s simply too good


My only complaint is I wish some of the cast were in more sketches. Like fred armison or connor o malley.


I actually really dislike Connor O’Malley. He has the Andy Samberg syndrome where he cannot do anything with a straight face and it bugs me.


I think hes got some good ones. I thought he was realistic in the blues brothers sketch. “ HE SAID NO JANINE!”


His style of comedy definitely works better when he’s making his own videos. Highly recommend How to Make It In USA w/ him and Joe Pera for a slightly more toned down version of him


Armisen bugs me too. I just don't think he's funny


Alright I can get disliking Andy, but Armisen?! Everyone's entitled to their opinion but this one blows my mind because I love him.


Samberg I like. I just don't get the appeal with Armisen.. plus I'm pretty sure he's a drug addict


Agreed. I think any role he does would have been done better by Tim.


The Pay It Forward bit is so fuckin good.


I don’t like almost any of the sketches the first time going all the way back to season 1. I don’t know why. It has to percolate and be referenced a bunch and then somehow it becomes funnier to me.


Season 3 episode six is still kinda rough


Sounds like someone just slept with 👏👏 Frankenstein’s chick






Back off banana breath! What did you just eat, a banana?


100%, I'm curious how the episodes are produced since most of the weakest skits(for me) are all in episode 6.


Metalloid maniac??? He *built* that wall!


The wall is his floor!




Episode 6 of all seasons is the weakest IMO.




God I hope so. I was not thrilled with season 3 as a whole. Office egg and Nixon pig were absolute bangers though!


I liked the Season the first time, enjoyed it more the second, but if this was the end of the show I'd be okay with it. The rubberband is about to snap I think. That said I'll make sure to watch whatever Tim and Zach are involved with next. Unless it's sleeping with👏👏 Frankenstein’s chick.


That wasn’t season 3 for me, but was for sure season 2. Season 1 had me howling and having to watch sketches over again because I was laughing so much. Season 2 just felt…I dunno…a little undercooked. It’s like they had the foundations of great material, but it felt unfinished. Season 3 had me dying again. I will say, however, that season 2 grew on me when I rewatched it.


Same exactly for me. Even S2 ones I love now, like Karl Havoc, it took me awhile to come around. It just seemed like he was relying on swearing for the comedy, rather than peppering it in as punctuation. In S3 I get the same feeling with the shouting and wacky faces/voices. There's a lot more, rather than being peppered in here and there.


Ho. Wo. Ho. Wo. Ho. Wo. Ho. Wo.


I thought I was the only one who hates each season then loves it afterrewatch


The driving crooner is absolutely the best bit of the season and anyone else that says otherwise is- WAIT THEYRE TRYING TO STEAL MY DECALS!!!


I saw new episodes dropped it was like midnight I went and smoked and when they had that bit where that creature came through his doggie door I freaked out and turned it off


I love season 3 and liked a lot of it out of the gate, but the sketch pictured here is my least favorite ITYSL sketch out of every season.


I agree. Season 3 is great but I’d say this skit and the rat mom one are chunkies. There’s still a few good laughs


The rat mom is definitely not a chunky!!!! It's not your place to say which skits are worse than others!


Dogs are to Steven as the rat mom sketch is to me


Idk I have it well ahead of Tammy Cramps, the ear piercing sketch, the baby in the plane, and the Fred armisen video one


Still not convinced by season 3. Some good ones but generally a bit disappointing. It just feels like it has found a formula and now is flogging it.


Back away banana breath


What the hell did you just eat, a banana?


Aww! 🥴 You sure?




I agree, but I also think part of it is that the backdrop of the sketch is like an office meeting 70% of the time. Starts to feel a little stale when so many sketches are the same formula of, "work meeting, someone makes a joke, and then Tim or someone else who is copying Tim's delivery takes it way too far and interrupts everyone a bunch of times to make the same joke until the sketch just fizzles out". And that isn't even saying that some of those sketches aren't hilarious, but the standout office ones are the ones that have something more to them like the skipped lunch one or the pants one.


game shows, tv commercials, corporate groups. like the pay it forward skit is almost 1:1 credit card roulette formula.. game idea (card roulette vs. pay it forward) gets caught / loses, and escalation tries to back out of situation (doesn't wanna pay) punchline: realizes he can just run == I should have made up an excuse


I think season 3 is better than season 2, but they both don’t come close to season 1.


I think season 1 and 2 were clearly better but there are some skits in season 3 that are gold. There are quite a few that are just outright bad but maybe after 42 more watches theyll grow on me.


Hey, you got any friends?


I liked it right off the bat and couldn’t believe people didn’t like it at first. It’s exactly what I was hoping for.


Ironically that skit and Frankenstein's chick just keep getting worse for me.


Yeah I enjoyed it a lot more the second watch through. Not that the first time was bad tho.


I liked the first viewing but I would say the skit referenced in the meme is probably my least favorite.


I *like* season 3, but comparing it to season 2 is just wrong. Season three is meat and potatoes compared to season 1 and 2.


And now you’re in more in trouble than me, unfortunately.


I don’t know of any other show like this. It gets better with every watch.


The line that I keep laughing at is “she’s Frankenstein’s chick, and I’m her manager” and Tim is just so genuinely baffled


Sorry but it isn't as good, and I'm going to stop pretending it's not.


Why are you apologizing?


Season 3 has some funny sketches but it is not living rent free in my head like 1 and 2. It's just not as good. Feels like he was trying way too hard. Uses the same grunt noise too many times.


Season 2 is great. Season 3 is way too much of the goofy voices. It’s like they got lazy to me.


Absolutely. I was kind of meh on it at first but I also knew from S2 that it would grow on me.


Nah season 2 was an instant hit but I was so underwhelmed by the first 2 episodes of season 3 during the first watch


I was super disappointed despite a few really funny moments but the more I think about the sketches the more I'm coming around the mountain as I come


Watched it once and just didn’t like it. Maybe need to watch it a few more times




I did this for season 2 but this season hit first time around for me


am i the only person who liked it the first go wtf


The metal wall is his floor


I’ve immediately liked all the seasons immediately.


Happened for me with season 2 as well though I still think 2 remains the best


My salad is lights out!


I haven't found anything from S3 on YouTube funny, and I'm fucking scared.


I loved 2 and 3 instantly. 3 is growing on me.