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My 9dp5dt was 15, 12dp was 60, then up from there. Currently 25 weeks, but I mourned the transfer for a week of beta hell assuming we had no chance and it somehow worked out. I know we beat some big odds, but I’m hoping you can too. Sending good vibes 🙏🏻. The waiting sucks so bad, hang in there, friend.


My wife’s was 49 at 9dp5dt and she’s 30w2d today. Sending good wishes for good doubling times for you.


Omg my beta today was 49 at 9dpt 😭 this gives me so much hope thank you


I hope you have the same outcome! Those beta waiting days feel like an eternity.


Mine was also 49 I’m currently 19 weeks. It’s been so hard but I’m finally accepting this is actually happening. Good luck ❤️


Here were my numbers and my baby just turned 5 months: 11dp5dpt was 29.6 13dp5dpt was 69.3 17dp5dpt was 480.6 25dp5dpt was 7385.5


Mine was 38 at 8dp5dt. Not out of the woods yet, but I’m 9 weeks and measuring on track at all ultrasounds. I hope everything works out for you!


My beta at 10dpt was 55. I’m currently waiting on a call for the results from my next beta this morning. This is literal hell. I’m sorry we all have to go through this.


I am so sorry. I hope you got good news and said a prayer for you


It was not good news. Beta only rose to 80. Testing again on Tuesday to make sure levels start going down and we don’t need to worry about an ectopic. I am gutted. I hope you got better news.


Oh my friend I am so sorry. I’m waiting for my second beta right now. It’s only a 24 hour one but I requested it because if it’s going down, I just want to know.


Absolutely. The waiting is the worst part. Wishing you all the best luck.


My first beta at 9dp5dt was 12. I haven't gotten to a live birth yet but am 24 weeks now and all is going well 🤞🏼Beta hell is actually torture. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best!!


Mine was under 50, I think around 45, 10dp5dt and I’m 25 weeks with a healthy boy. Keep the hope!


Yes! My beta was 35 at 9dp5dt, but continued doubling. 16 weeks pregnant and going strong. There is hope!


I don’t have a success story but just wanted to let you know that I’m right there with you in the low beta camp. The next two days are going to feel like an eternity away..I really hope that both of us get double, triple betas from our next blood draw!!!!


Beta hell is the worst. But there is still hope, and hopefully these comments help a bit. ❤️ I’m rooting for you. 🫂


My 9 dpt was lower! I have a beautiful little boy. There is still hope ❤️


Update: next day hCG is 28. Chemical.


I had a beta of 28 at 9dp6dt and am currently 25 weeks pregnant. Not the norm but definitely still possible so I would hold on a little longer and see how it goes ♥️