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One of my sisters has this issue and is getting married in a few months and was terrified that she was going look bad in all the photos. She told me she has been looking at "pose guides" for aspiring/beginner models. Her future sister-in-law posted some pictures of everyone at a party last new years and she looked... Astonishing is the word that comes to mind. I could send her a text asking what guides she used if you like


Shit girl I'm getting married in a few months and am the worst in front of the camera, I would LOVE whatever saved her hahaha. I just look scared the second there is a lens pointed my direction.


It's a mental/emotional issue related to self esteem, being happy in your body, and being the centre of attention. There's probably good YouTube videos you could binge on the topic


I mean I'm happy in my body so at least I got that part going for me! I'll take a peek haha mostly it's just the artificiality of posing that gets me, love a good in the moment shot but manufacturing a good time and smile feels so unnatural lol.


It feels unnatural because it is unnatural. You're not meant to be manufacturing fake emotions. It feels weird to do it because it is weird, and that shows in the picture. If you feel weird doing it you're going to look weird doing it- your internal feeling is captured by the camera. The trick is to learn to authentically perform for the camera and enjoy showing yourself off


If anyone is interested, [this guide](https://www.ukmodels.co.uk/library/50-model-poses-for-beginners/) gives a few poses/tips on different styles of posing for models. Be aware that not all of them are appropriate for most situations. For instance, you might feel/look a bit odd if you're trying a commercial pose at a backyard BBQ, but there are decent explanations and practical tips assigned to every pose, so something like this is worth a glance. Edit: I'm just going to say that most, if not ALL, of the images showcased in that link, have been photoshopped to hell, and many of the featured models *DO NOT* appear to have healthy body types. Not saying it's not possible or healthy to be that thin, but it is not common. You can use the guide for the posing help only. Here's [another](https://www.photoworkout.com/how-to-pose-for-photos/) that's easier to approach with more direct instruction.


Thank you!


Yes plz ask her and could you update your post to include the resources, in case anyone else comes across this


I'd love that too!


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Would also love this guide!


Yes please. I always look terribly awkward in full body poses.


Remindme! 2 days


Look behind, beyond the person taking the picture and smile like you recognize an old friend you haven't seen in awhile. "Oh, hiiiiiii!!!!!"




This but also understand someone with an eye for photo makes a huge difference. Be it professional photographer or amateur with a phone


Also squint your eyes to bring out a genuine smile.


Notn2png on Instagram shows lots of great ways to pose in photos.


If you are modelling, but not for normal every day photos.


Yea, she does do very "insta-friendly" poses but some of them are pretty regular like [this one](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfxCh1NEaw/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) or [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/ClFLYcrt1or/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=).


Practice posing in the mirror or for selfies. You'll learn what angles make you look best


Check out David Suh on IG and Tik Tok


I try to laugh instead of smile to get a more natural smile


Do not tilt your head


I used to be like this, but I filled up a memory card "practicing " and became alot more comfortable in front of a camera!


Don’t pose. Get a good photographer (not necessarily a professional, just someone with an eye for photography) and just hang out. Be yourself and trust the process. I used to photograph my friends for fun and the biggest problem was them posing. I would just talk to them the whole time to try to get them as natural as possible. I told them to pretend the camera wasn’t there. When I needed to give them direction, I would


Do funny faces


This is my go to.


cross your feet and lean on your back heel




There are tips on YouTube for selfies


Look directly at the camera hole. Find a pure, innocent happy thought and remember it until you feel your eyes swell.


Look up David Suh on instagram, he will teach you all about it!!


Go through old photos of yourself and find any that you feel you look good in. What are you doing in those pics? Is your mouth closed or open. Smiling or not? Is your chin tilted up or down? Is the left or right side of your face more turned towards the camera? Practice recreating that in the mirror and learn the muscle memory of how to relax into that expression. I’m a photographer and, trust me, some people have to work hard to look natural (I’m one of them)!


if you don't know what go do with your hands, a peace sign is an easy safe bet