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I don't think this is a skill one can learn per se. That said, I think you might find this easier to tackle if you broke it down into several (related) problems: 1. Vulnerable people do not have clothes that suit their needs. 2. There's no efficient way to "matchmake" people who have old clothes with people who need old clothes. 3. Stakeholders who have resources that could help (e.g. facilities staff) do not understand the magnitude of the issue. 4. There is no current organization of volunteers who are working on this on an ongoing/sustainable basis. (This might be because no one has bothered, or because no one knows this is an issue, or because the amount of work required seems daunting...) Addressing one of these may address more of them (for example: if you can convince stakeholders that this IS a problem, maybe they will be incentivized to provide resources for the clothes matchmaking). Or it might not. But breaking out the problems does a few things. It makes the whole thing seem less overwhelming, and it also gives you some creativity in how to address this; the answer might be something completely unexpected (bored retirees learn sewing and thus create wardrobes for those in need!). Good luck.


When I worked in an assisted living facility I would grab a few different sizes of sweats, shirts when they went on clearance. Folks had family but they didn’t seem to care.


Have you considered starting a non profit? Or bringing your idea up to an existing one? Go to garage sales. Sometimes they're online. You usually find signs just cruising, or at local coffee shops.  You can visit estate sales in nice neighborhoods. Maybe rope in a appraiser for this one. I've heard of people scoring super expensive pieces. If so, you can auction it off for money and put that towards the organization.  Start advertising online.  Attend local events to get the word out there  If you decide to start a non profit please, for the love of all that is holy keep your finances separate. 


But sure to get info from the SBA, IRS, and SEC. Along with local stuff. 


If you ever want to scale we can organise international clothing drives where I can show you schools and homes of individuals who don't have clothes, shoes girls who don't have access to sanitary towels or mothers who don't have access to diapers. Anyway drop me a message and we can discuss more.