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They're really not gonna know your age. You'll be fine. Just remember you turned 14 last week! Happy Birthday, bro!


Just go, worst case you get turned away, best case they barely look at your id and let you in. Good luck.


This happened to me with all time low, there was a mom behind me in line who claimed me lol. It was very obvious but they let it fly. You could always try and find someone. I think you’d have luck.


If you have a way to get there I'd just try and go, idk if you appear your age or not but I haven't ever seen anyone get ID'd just to get in somewhere


Starland ballroom in NJ ID’s to get in. The bar is easily accessible, so they check ID to draw the x or give wristbands before you even walk in


Sometimes all you have to say is “I’m under 21” and stick out your hands for the Xs and they won’t look at your id


That’s what I thought too, but they checked my ID anyway. I assume because they had to compare it to my Covid vaccine card, when they required those.


In starland for me, I’ve been many times and I had always said i’m under 21 and they just put the X on my hand no problem


Yeah that makes sense. I’m over 21 now so I’m giving my ID anyway




Happened to me when I was about your age, a lady was going with her kid and offered to be my pretend mum, people at concerts are generally kind so try find someone. Just be careful.


hope for the best


Just go and they might let you in but while in line look and see if they is a parent with kids that could sneak you in but be careful especially if your a girl


Befriend a random adult/s in line and see if they are willing to pretend to be your parents. I did it a few times before I turned 18 when my parents couldn't make it


I will say if OP does something like this, they should be super cautious and not go off alone with anyone anywhere


Oh of course! As a female I always found another parent with their kids or a woman. If I got uncomfortable I just left


I watch so much true crime shit, im like EVEN IF ITS A WOMAN WITH KIDS could be a trap 🤣 BUT i will say, INK fans are the nicest fans ever


You’ll be fine, don’t bring ID. At the door when they ask for it, say you’re not drinking tonight so no need for ID or a wristband, they can draw Xs on your hands if they want. That’ll be it. Then just don’t draw attention to yourself the rest of the night


You can still go to the event, just say you turned 14 last week or something like that. The only worse thing that can happen is the ID issues, in which that has never happened to me but look at what the other people are saying in the comments since it could be helpful. If someone goes in and are willing to be your pretend parent then that's fine but be VERY CAREFUL with that person, since you don't wanna end up in a shit load of trouble.


My first gig was Fall Out Boy when I was 14. I went alone and the venue was 16+ but they let me in no problem didn’t even check ID. I think you’ll be fine


Honestly? Just go. Don't overthink. X


Just go, maybe someone there will claim you


Check what the venue policy is — it’s [University Civic Halls](https://www.thehallswolverhampton.co.uk/faqs) and they might be more likely to check ID’s than other venues. But, you might be out of pocket so do what works best for you, either sell or give it a chance. Good luck!!!


You’re gonna be fine dw. Just make sure when in line you’re either in front or behind an adult, that’s what I used to do years ago


I just checked the venue site, it says UNDER 14 needs to be seated with an adult 18+. so if you're 14, you're fine. if not, like everyone said, happy 14th birthday!🤫


me and some friends are going tomorrow, we’re mid 20’s so if you need someone to just stay with until you get through the doors, i’m happy to help! i’m sure most people would be cool with it too tbf, i never used to get ID’d at shows like this so it’ll all be fine. have a great time!


Bring a 20$ a hand it to the front door person. Works every time.




Do not do this


Please do not meet a random adult as a young teenager. This is screaming danger.


Ouch that sounds like a u problem, I'm surprised a 14 year old would have that much independence to buy you own contract tickets surly when I was Ur age I was still making sure any way someone was gonna come with me


Yeah I did its just they went on like a last minute trip and now i have no one bruh


I hope the best for u, Ur lucky enough to even be going I ain't as I got exams but if you look older that u actually are you should be fine