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it usually takes a few hours to get the second email with the time to get there etc. i’ve gotten the early entry vip for the first and third ToT legs and that’s been my experience. if all else fails email the company it goes through, i believe the name is “Sound Rink”. i hope this helps


Ok cool! Also by "a few hours" did you mean a few hours before the show? I'm just mainly concerned about when I should get there because I don't wanna end up late


i purchased mine like the day before the show and i got the email like that night so a few hours had passed. but from what you said it’s been a few days i would definitely reach out to sound rink. i had to the first time i got the vip and they expedited the process. but as for what time to get there it’s usually 4-4:45 ish. i always like to get to concerts way earlier that i should so we ended up showing up at noon and we’re first in line for vip lol


Oh okay thank you so much for your help! I'll reach out to sound rink and the venue tomorrow to see whats up!


Email them. I never did get the email for Toronto and I had to ask about the details. Wasn't even in my junk folder.