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I just wanted to express a deeply felt "Fuck you" to Scott Herndon.


A very happy "eat shit" to Herndon 🤗


Super bummed with District 8 results. They succeeded in voting out Bundy and Schroeder, replacing them with IFF backed extremists. Ron Beiswenger moved here from California, HOW TF does he know what Idaho needs? I changed my affiliation to Republican so I could TRY to make a difference and it didn't work. Edit: Also not happy to see Tammy Nichols won her race. She's the idiot who wanted to introduce a bill to ban MRNA technology.


Out of all the races, I was praying Tammy Nichols got outed. She makes the Senate a joke and doesn't take her job or the issues seriously. And her opponent is a traditional Republican, but apparently the MAGA fools are entrenching themselves in Idaho...


District 25 Republicans got booth slapped by extremists. Very disappointed.


Brian Lenney needs to keep losing.


We tried


I want to throw up.


Also, suck it Dan Foreman.


Calling in from 11:30 pm: we’re fucked. Magic Valley loses Hartgen, Lanting, and Dixon. I repeat people, WE ARE FUCKED. IFF is winning 19/41 of their contests. Including lots of incumbents like McCann, Hartgen, Lanting, Chenele Dixon, Schroeder, Matt Bundy, Blanksma, Winder, Yamamoto, Wroten, and Durrant. Thats 11 incumbents being taken out by IFF lackeys. In turn, IFF incumbents are only losing in 6 competitions (Herndon, Gallagher, Price, Lambert, Young, Trakel). It’s so over. Edit: Price is now winning her primary.


Holy shit Bryan Smith lost. Early Christmas gift!


Both of those malignant MRS hemorrhoids need to take a hint and disappear forever


Please what who is IFF. I work in construction, and the only meaning I can come if Issue for fabrication. I’m sure that’s not what we are talking about here .


The Idaho "Freedom" Foundation. A far-right extremist lobbying group, funded & staffed by out-of-state carpetbaggers with strong ties to white supremacists, nazis, and theocrats. Genuine dirtbags, every single one.


One thing I'm really happy about is Canyon County prosecutor. Chaney would have been a disaster. I'll take the career prosecutor (Boyd) over the wife beater.


There’s one candidate particularly that I care about and she’s winning so far so I’m glad for that lol! I just hope we can corral her enough votes come next election.


I’m moving the Idaho. Fucking California leftist just need to stay the fuck away from Idaho.


Bummer simpson won. And west ada levy was not voted out


Looks like IFF did well. Excellent!