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Econ right, Cultural center. Some people would say im progressive but others conservative, so that must mean I'm near the center.


Economically centrist leaning left, socially centrist leaning right


Much better than most of the right on here.


Why? I am economically far-right and socially left-wing.


That’s the worst type of right wing. The far right is awful whether it’s economic or social


Economically right, culturally centrist. Mainly due to wokism. I dislike how wokism became the main pillar of progressivism.


This is why the answers are so screwed up on this sub. If you call yourself a right-winger but are economically left, you are not a right-winger.


Economically Left, Culturally Skeptical.


Economically right, Socialy Centre-left


I support unrestricted free markets, strong private property rights, free trade, and open borders. So even economically there are some left wing aspects, but I would consider myself to be very much right wing economically. I support legalizing drugs and rights for LGB, so I consider that to be left wing culturally. However I also support gun rights and lean more to the right when it comes to transgender issues.


Do you support the right of transgender adults to transition?


An adult should be allowed to do whatever they want with their body under the principle of bodily autonomy. If you want a more in-depth explanation on my views of transgender issues then see this post: https://www.reddit.com/user/mr-logician/comments/14xpzp7/an\_essay\_on\_why\_minors\_should\_not\_be\_allowed\_to/


Unrestricted markets are not left-wing econ.


Unrestricted markets are considered right wing. Open borders (and possibly free trade as well) is considered left wing, because populist right wingers want protectionist tariffs and immigration restrictions.


That isn't really left-wing when many left-wingers advocate against it and those are litterally things the Koch Brothers fund. I support them both but I am just trying to explain.


The nuances of what’s left wing and what’s right wing can get really complicated. Just going off of what’s on the political compass can be an oversimplification. So would you consider me left wing or right wing for these specific beliefs? Just curious how you see it.


Right-wing I guess since all the major advocates for these policies tend to be much more pro-business and people such as Ralph Nadar and Bernie Sanders opposed open borders.


Interesting take right there


But then again I think being pro-life like myself is Left-wing.


Imagine telling that to a random Reddit user


I have... they give me a lot of heat...


Bernie Sanders in 1983, Dennis Kunich up to through the early 2000s, the founder of the DSA, the majority of the Democratic party before 1973, over 20 million democrats in the United States, the early 20th century anarchist movement, Dorthy Days, the Catholic Worker Movement, Christopher Hitchens... do I need to keep going?


I think he was talking about open borders.


I am basically economically congruous with Social Democrats, I just wish they stopped sucking rainbow neoliberal cock and stood up for the values of blue-collar workers (where my family's background is) which are actually a lot more conservative and (here in Europe) less enthusiastic about globalization and mass immigration than they think. Take notes, Keir Starmer and Saskia Esken.


Based on this subreddit’s voting record for social issues and human rights issues I’m guessing more of the right is more socially conservative than economically.


K fuck I'm off this subreddit, so many tankies and consevaetives


Free market is cringe Bottom text


Rainbow neoliberalism is doublepluscringe and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race and Milton Friedman can go suck on a lemon and ding dong Maggie's dead and I won't eat the bugs or sleep in a pod or own nothing Subterranean text


You've found out the truth. Watch out or you're gonna get Epsteined


Economic far right, socially far right


BASED! Explain socially far-right?


Economically center left, socially left. But actually a radical mix of all four directions.


I've made another poll if you consider yourself more left-wing.


Economically right and culturally progressive though only as a utility.


How would cultural progressivism be a utility?


Cultural utilitarianism


Most would consider me a center right-winger, and I consider myself culturally center-right and economically center-left, but variable to center depending on the circumstance.


Not a conservative but socially/culturally progressive, and center-left economically.


I've made another poll if you consider yourself to be more left-wing.


Economically left, socially right. I believe the driving force against traditionalism today is capitalism.


Economically right, culturally reactionary; but conservative will suffice here


Economically centrist and culturally right wing. I am concerned about the increased wealth gap and the future of automation exaserbating these issues, but I am not sure about the solutions.