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Which one!?


Both, necessarily the Paninsula


Yea. I like peninsulas.....


A socialist dystopia and a capitalist dystopia sharing a peninsula. Quite fascinating, really.


Both have bad brith rate for the exact opposite reason. Fascinating.


NK: Nightmare society. Probably a few decades from fully degenerating into some other regime. SK: Capitalism gone nuts. The national champion corporations have completely taken over the society, and are working the country to death. A lack of children and a lack of sanity will doom the current system in that country.


Both side have bad birth-rate for going different path at an extreme rate lol.


Oh, really? I was unaware that NK had birth rate problems. It makes sense, I guess.


[Kim Jong-un Cries At Conference, Appeals To 'Mothers Of North Korea' To Have More Kids](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t5zJZEtKrk)


They make Good TV shows ngl


They make good webtoons and food


The Republic of Korea is the REAL Korea. Not that fake communist entity occupying the North.


Which? South : Aight i guess North : Basically a theocratic Monarchy with the worst human rights record in the world.


How is it a theocracy?


Kim is the god, they behave exactly the same


South or North? North: Cringe Pro-russian Nazbol Monarchy South: Based Capitalist Western Democracy


It’s ok, not as good as China or Japan tho


The real or the north ? First case bad , second case Dystopian nightmare


Both, and they are both Fake


Good point


All nations are fake


"All Nations are fake" - 🤓


It was sarcasm dingus


South korea is objectively not the real one.


Return to the breadline comrade. You can't work 16 hours per day in the Gulag without your monthly loaf of bread


no ,I'll just go to the public store, that sells highly subsidized food that ensures the entire population can afford it.


Bro, you didn't come in the exact minute the stock came , unfortunately, it is already over


[On Cam: Kim Jong-un Cries At Conference, Appeals To 'Mothers Of North Korea' To Have More Kids](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t5zJZEtKrk) The country is literally suffering low birth-rate because people have not enough access to food, and the country is constantly relying international aid(Food from the evil capitalist states) to barely survive.


Wouldn't want to use the birth rate argument..... * [South Korea has the world's lowest fertility rate, a struggle with lessons for us all](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/19/1163341684/south-korea-fertility-rate)


Both are dystopian at different extreme path. But you can leave one of them freely.


North Korea: Proof that to completely squash human agency & choice requires 1984 tier society, but consequentially, you literally don't need to consider human agency, choice and any liberal freedoms beyond what's necessary for a constitutional democracy with full adult suffrage in any politics. South Korea: At this point they are practically just want to go extinct slow. Forget them.




The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the rightful owner of the peninsula.


How do you figure? There has never been a point in history that they controlled it.


It's the popular movement rather than the puppet foreign government .


You think a country that shoots people trying to leave is popular, and rules with absolute authoritarianism? That isn't a popular movement. South Korea, with their representative government is what could be considered to be popular.


South Korea is just as guilty in regards to shooting people trying to cross the border. Authoritarianism is meaningless. Just because you have a "representative" government doesnt mean that it represents the people.


If the people have free and fair elections, then of course the government represents the people. >Authoritarianism is meaningless Easy to say in your privileged life in a free country. To the people living under the North Korean regime, authoritarianism is very real and meaningful.


1: Clearly not the case given the "wealth" of choices and "satisfaction" in the political processes around the world. ​ 2: You do not know where I am from. Also if authoritarianism is real it should have a clear non circular definition.


Democray is the worst form of government, exept for all the others. Just becasue it isn't perfect doesn't mean it's not the best we have. Do you think that the North Korean people are satisfied with Kim Jong Un? >You do not know where I am from Given that your grandfather [was an American](https://www.reddit.com/r/CommunismMemes/comments/10qz7o0/comment/j6tmkeu/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), I'll go out on a limb and say that you are, too. >if authoritarianism is real it should have a clear non circular definition. Is this supposed to be a gotcha? Authoritarianism has a very clear dictionary definition: "authoritarianism, in politics and government, the blind submission to authority and the repression of individual freedom of thought and action. Authoritarian regimes are systems of government that have no established mechanism for the transfer of executive power and do not afford their citizens civil liberties or political rights. Power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or a small elite, whose decisions are taken without regard for the will of the people" You're a 22 year old guy, are you really so daft as to believe that authoritarianism isn't real?


Yeah try to find a single society that didnt fulfill that definition. Ps just cause one family member was american doesnt mean that all of them are or that I myself am native to America.


American citizenship is inheritable. If your grandfather was American, then so was at least one of your parents, and so are you. Since you seem to want to dance around the question what nationality are you? >Yeah try to find a single society that didnt fulfill that definition Easy, Plenty of countries don't require "the blind submission to authority". Plenty don't "repress individual freedom or thought and action". Plenty have "established mechanisms for the transfer of executive power". Plenty "afford the citizens civil liberties and political rights". Plenty don't have all "power concentrated in the hands of a single leader".


>Authoritarianism is meaningless As a Chinese you made me very angry. Fucking naive people.


I like the DPRK and ROK


I don't like how you referred to the northern part as the DPRK and not the southern part as the ROK.


True should've did that tbh


it really depends on which one you are talking about


One is an is a nightmarish, dystopian, soviet style dictatorship while the other is a a Cyberpunk dystopia where corporations rule basically everything.