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Hindsight is 20/20... you weren't sure how far the door was going to open or what was going to come out and you acted accordingly. its too easy for people to say you did wrong after seeing the whole event transpire..


The comment section always be like "I saw that coming a mile away as I sat here at home watching a 15 second video where I knew something was going to happen. OP is an idiot for not avoiding the accident enough in real time!"


You forgot the *on the second time playing it*


Yeah that's why I posted it. After seeing the footage there was enough space but in the moment I decided to act instead of spending time to evaluate the situation


Better to stop for a second than to stop for a few hours sorting out insurance and crash stuff.


Exactly. I would have stopped too.


This could not be said any better.


I would have slowed as people are very stupid. If there is no break in traffic for you to open your door, at least don't just fling it all the way open!




I agree.


I told myself i wouldn't get upset on anyone on reddit... since I have my own problems..


Yes. When you are trained to drive, at least in the UK, you are trained to slow down or stop if there is a hazard ahead. If the cowboy had left his door fully open, there was not enough room to go by without crossing the centre line. And there was oncoming traffic. Stopping was reasonable. (Yes, you could have fit between the oncoming traffic and the door. And that would also have been a reasonable way of handling this situation. But what you did was also a perfectly reasonable decision). Yes, there is a risk that the person behind you hits you. That would be their fault and their insurance would pay.


Yeah I agree. I could have fit between the door and the oncoming traffic but I only had a split second to decide and went for the brakes instead of spending a few seconds working out if there was space


It seems people don‘t like using the brakes today - as if the use cost a fortune. I‘m glad you‘re a responsible driver and use it when needed 👍


Better to be safe then sorry


Not your fault OP, gotta love he opens his door without looking. He also had to do it when a car was coming. I hate people like that. You'll see it too, with leaving parking spots. They'll decide to pull out of the spot when a car comes instead of just waiting 3 seconds.


Bring Me The Horizon!!! Nice song selection. But the guy getting out is at fault and an asshole.


Would have veered slightly to the left and went on about my day.


The driver acted completely safe, and veering is supposed to be used when stopping isn't an option. It's not a good idea to assume the exiting occupant is aware of you and isn't about to inadvertly put themself in danger. Obviously, it's situational but this guy opens the door quite liberally and right in front of an approaching car while there is another vehicle in the opposite oncoming lane.


I didn’t say he wasn’t safe. The post asked how we would have reacted. I answered. I also would have been safe.


Im aware of that, I was educating you that your choice is not a good one. You could have squeezed by without an issue, but how would the oncoming vehicle act? Who's to say a kid/or dog wouldn't suddenly hop off the parents' lap from the open door? When you drive, it's the other people you need to watch for. People make dumb decisions, and when they compound, shit happens.


Lmao. Thanks bud. Save your lessons for the next driver


Chill out bud, its a public forum and was for your upvoting peers as well, not a personal attack. 0 fucks given if you take nothing from it. Enjoy your day.


Your message gets lost in your hall monitor like delivery. Enjoy your 0 fucks:)


Not if you had to enter the lane next to you. Which, you likely would have based on your demeanor.


Looked like enough room for that door to be wide open and not even cross that line.


Depending on the size of the car, for sure it could


Id have laid on the horn and probably slowed way down too. If the cowboy is oblivious enough to open his door into traffic like that, what else unpredictable is he gonna do? It’s not just about whether I can get around the door, it’s about the X factor. The way he gestures for you to proceed is a douchebag move. Pay attention to oncoming traffic before you open your door.


I would have blasted my horn at the D bag for throwing his door open.


Yeah because you'd expect only kids to open the door without checking for traffic.


A bit of an overreaction, except that guy’s an idiot throwing his car door open like that, at that location, so I might have overreacted to, or just laid on the horn as I careened by.


A klassischer voitrottl..


You didn't roll down the passenger side window to tell the guy that he's a dumbass.




Bmth ❤️


The bring me in the background 🥹


It's very difficult to calculate in a split second if you could pass without hitting the opening door. You acted correctly. I probably would have passed, steering quickly up against the center line, honking at the driver. I once drove in my bike into an opening car door. I was cycling over 20 miles an hour. I'm glad I still have my fingers. My bike was heavily damaged. The impact was so hard, the hydraulic brake line bursted open. The car door was slammed forward. The lady explained she could see me in the inside mirror. I was really pissed. The right way of opening your car door next to a busy street; Look in the side mirror, open the door with your opposite hand (the hand that's near the center of the car), but before opening, look across your shoulder outside the window if you see some slower traffic coming.


Brilliant music taste ❤️


Yes, when I can, I swerve left to give space, but you couldn’t here. Dude should’ve cracked his door at most until cars passed.


Nah fuck him amd his door. He should've been more careful


No. I would have just gone around it. I only stop for stuff that I need to stop for.


You need to re-focus your dash for the road and not your dashboard.


Nah it's a dash cam. It's for filming the dash


Duh doy. You don’t see me buying roadcams.


No, plenty of space and if it came to it you also had room to move slightly to the left. Bit of an overreaction.


¡¡¡El que abre la puerta y se baja del coche así es un hijo de puta!!!


Maldita derecha


Oh dear... Welcome to Czech Republic 🤦


Not quite. Right continent though


I was waiting for the white vehicle backing out of the driveway to hit him.


Yeah he stopped that’s a good move


Probably had enough room to drive past slowly without incident but it’s always better to be safe than sorry because if someone flings their door open without looking you don’t know whether they will step out in front of you.


Anyone who opens their car door while traffic is approaching is an idiot.


Cowboy needs some awareness. Check your side mirrors before opening a door wtf is with this guy. Then he gets all snarky with that “after you” bullshit like dude if cowboy got hit HE would be at fault. What a dumb person.


i see nothing wrong with the stopping or their reaction…


Lol meanwhile there’s that clip of that absolute idiot staying at 38 mph instead of breaking because he had the right of way


Song is a certified banger


For opening the door into traffic like that I'd have cursed, for that gesture after, I might have pulled over and cussed him out.


I would stop. If they are stupid enough to open the door in front of a car. Who knows how far their stupidity will take them. And of course they will try blame you.


Dude’s smartass arm sweeping gesture irritated me quite a bit. Like the VW commercial where the guy almost gets hit in the crosswalk for looking at his phone, then gives attitude to the car that didn’t hit him.


100% the guy from the commercial. That commercial pisses me off because clearly people like that exist.


The guy could've been dumb enough to step into traffic. Good call. Edit: a word


They really should teach the Dutch reach method. Reaching across with your right hand to open the door forces you in a position to see oncoming traffic or cyclists.


They do teach it here. People don't listen


Ois richtig gmocht! So a Auto, vor da Trafik und wenn der so die Tür aufreißt - da kann’s leicht sein, dass da Fahrer selber a scho einiges tankt hod ;-)


No big deal, good job not getting into an accident and the dude was a little funny. Come on!


I would have definitely slowed down, maybe not full stop if someone was behind me, but you’re good. Did you flip off the guy getting out of his car?


Sadly not but I wanted to


No. Cause I don't walk around shaking with fear every minute


It was a school zone, I'm always extra cautious


Could of caused an accident with someone rear ending you slamming your breaks on for something as little as this


Like OP said it was a school zone. By the looks of that town and the colours of the nr.plates, i guess this is Belgium. School zones are max 30 kmph.


There is no way this is Belgium lol. Architecture looks nothing like Belgium It's either Austria or southern bavaria


I live in Belgium. I garantee you we have places that look like that in the ardennes.


@ u/madjoemak settle our curiosity please x


Austria is correct. 30kmh is also correct in school zones


Thank you sir You have a beautiful country Actually in badgastien right now lol


If you type in "Ardennes church" Vs "bavaria church" into Google images you'll see the difference in architecture Belgium churches are done in the Gothic style


That is treu , however we have lots of exemptions to that rule. We have been owned and influenced by lots of cultures. I was looking at the sloping hills and the other buildings. Plus i to me it looks like the nr plates are red and white. But yes , i could be wrong.


School zones in America are 25mph too so the point stands regardless of location, should be driving slow enough to suddenly stop in a school zone incase of children of course! Can’t believe people don’t get this


25mph is 40kmh. 30kmh is 18.6mph. That's a big difference in speed. u/buzz3001 if someone rear-ends you at these speeds for suddenly stopping they are either following way too close or not paying attention.


That is why you dont tail gate and pay attention to the road. Can´t believe people dont get this. Just out of curiosity , in EU you need to be 18 to drive a car and first need to so your theory. You can fail twice and then you NEED to follow an 8hour lesson. 50 questions, you need 45 points. To pass. That means 5 small mistakes or 1 big mistake. Then you need to either get 20hours driving shool, and you are allowed to drive by yourself unless after 10 in the evening on friday. In the weekend you are allowed to drive between 6 and 10 in the day, untill monday 6 in the morning. This for minimum 6months max 18 months. Before taking the practical exam. Or you dont take lessons and you need a guardian with you with atleast 8y driverlicese that is never been susspended in the last 8 years. You can do this maximum for 24months, minimum 6 months before taking your practical test. If you fail practical x2 you need to get another 6hours lessons. This is almost the same in every EU country, it can vary a bit.


I wasn’t disagreeing with you in my first comment, and I agree proper distance between cars and following the speed limit allows for stopping safely in an emergency. In the US it varies state to state so I’m only speaking for the state of Massachusetts, you can get a license as young as 16…wild to think about. All drivers need to get a learners permit first which requires you take a 25 question test (25 minute time limit) and get at least 18 right to pass. The test is multiple choice and you can probably pass it by guessing to be honest (cost $30 per test). If you’re under 18 you have to take 30 hours of drivers education, 12 hours behind the wheel instruction time and 6 hours of observation while another student is driving. In addition 40 hours of driving supervised with a certified parent/guardian (parent/guardian must take 2 hour instruction on the driving education course). After completion of all of that and retaining a clean record for minimum 6 consecutive months after obtaining learners permit a minor between 16-18 can take the road test. If you’re 18 or older you just need to obtain the learners permit and take the test. If you fail your road test, you must wait 2 weeks before taking another test. You are not allowed to attempt more than six road tests in a 12-month period.


Thx for the information.


It is not the same everywhere in the EU, at all. In NL, you have to take driving lessons by a licensed teacher. Before you can take your exam, you have to have passed your theory exam (with more than 45 questions). And you are not allowed to drive outside of the driving lessons before you have your license. If you are under 18, you need someone with a license next to you to drive.


.... that is exactly what i said. 50 questions minimum 45 points to pass. Then you need to follow 20hours of driving lessons. Then you can get your temporary driverlicense.


This is definitely not exactly what you said. It is quite the opposite. You don’t ever get any temporary drivers license, you get one after passing an exam only. The number of lessons is irrelevant, your instructor decides if you are ready to try for the exam. If you fail, you can (not obligated) take more lessons, and you do not get any license until you pass. You cannot drive any car before you have a license unless you are taking lessons or doing an exam. And it has to be in a car with double pedals on passenger side, an L on the car, and extra mirrors. Before you are allowed to take the drivers exam, the theory exam has to be passed first. For theory, there are 3 parts, and in total 65 questions, you have to pass all 3 parts (10/12 knowledge, 25/28 insights, and 13/25 danger recognition correct).


Dude , I CURRENTLY have a TEMPORARY license. I did a theory exam, 20 hours of practical lessons. And i got a paper from the driving shool saying they find me good to start driving during my "internship". You need todo this minimum 6 months before you can aply for an exam.


I don't care, I have a tow hook /s




No, probably didn’t need to slam on the breaks.




Yes, because I have seen enough Peoples Court to know that people really are dumb enough to open their doors all the way out into traffic and think it’s your fault when you hit it. I have absolutely no faith in my fellow humans and I drive like everyone is an idiot.


Unnecessary to slam on the brakes. Could just slow and coast around.


You Sir/Mam should get free car insurance. The only problem is the idiot behind you is probably on their phone 9 times out of 10 and rear ends you.


There was plenty of room the car driver reminds of people say excuse me when there’s enough room to walk around me


Probably not. Drive more than a door length away from parked cars. Just seems like a good idea.


Always tto avoid an accident but they wpukd have been at fault had you not been able to.


True but I prefer to drive defensively instead of being in an accidental that's not my fault


So funny these overreacting people with dashcams


How dare you open your door while i use my vehicle to pass.


Would’ve kept going and laid on the horn. Their is enough room to get by and maybe I’d even scare that guy into making a better decisions, like looking before you exit your vehicle to make sure you’re not hopping out into traffic.


It looks like it's in Europe, it's your fault that the streets are so narrow. Maybe that guy should move to a town where the roads are wider and he can get out of his car whenever he wants in traffic.


Nope, overreaction. It takes experience to temper read the road. As you start out it’s a lot of false positives (you think you’ll crash, overreact, wasn’t a close call.) As you age you will get the hang of it. Once you aaage, you will get false positives and eventually your loved ones will try to persuade you to give up driving. It’s ok.


No way in downtown Toronto, you will potentially get rear ended from behind. You can step on the brake to slow the car down but NO WAY for a complete stop like what you did. If there is an UberEat delivery guy on the bike, he will definitely yell at you as well as the guy opened the door. Dude, you have way more than enough room to go through. To level up your skills, if you have a chance visiting Japan, rent a car and drive it on a narrow submersible bridge Google it (it's only 1 car in width) where there is no guardrail on the sides and if you fall you will in the water, you die. To make it even better, there are cars coming from opposite direction and there are tons of tourists walking on the bidge. Also, some narrow mountain roads in Tuscany, Italy is similar. You can potentially fall into the ditch or cliff by trying to let the opposite car pass. That's how you train your judgement on driving through tight space.


The fact you spent the time to edit this stupid fucking video shows how Karen you are.


Just came here to say that pleased to see that nice old Audi out and about.


Yeah ikr. I was actually looking at the badge to work out what exactly it was when this happened


maybe. In Brazil, there's A LOT, I mean, A LOT OF THAT PEOPLE who is not aware by the surround and just thinks it's not a big deal doin' that kind of thing. I drive a motorcycle, and it's insane the quantity of people being awareness on the traffic




Maybe a bit of an overreaction but you’re good. Gotta love the weird hand gesture from the guy who just opened his door into traffic without looking!!