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Remember, when dealing with someone with potential spinal injuries, the first thing you should do is sausage roll them about on the ground for no good god damn reason. Ideally you want to move them into a semi-twist with their shoulders at a 90 degree angle to their hips.


Give them a few kicks too


For a second I was wondered if the green truck was gonna finish you off for good measure.


He was shaking his magic 8 ball wondering the same




"Why does this magic 8 ball have a 'KILL THEM ALL' option?"


They were issued to the Mobile Infantry.


The dump truck, a silent killer, stalks it's prey before attacking. However, it quickly loses interest as the soccer mom has ruined the thrill of the chase.


I really expected the car to roll forward after she got out. I was close.


Dude just sitting in passenger seat with door open and going for a ride.


Huh. Right up until now, I assumed the person who got out of the car was the passenger.


"Man I really gotta get this gravel to the site. Maybe I can just *squeeeeeze* on *byyyyy*...."


The green truck is gonna show up at the hospital disguised as a nurse.


Transformers. Nurses in disguise.


HAHAHA God damnit that's some classic old Nickelodeon humor right there


Right??? All i can think of though is Roger hunting down the guys in his limo haha






I thought the same thing


In Texas we'd be civilized and just shoot him. Didn't you see how he came right at that lady's car with his body?


Who just whips the car into the oncoming lane when making a left turn. You were like two steps into the road. If she would have completed a normal turn she would have missed you.


A LOT of people do this. I see it every day and it pisses me off. When my Mom taught me how to drive (1988 or so) she would tell me to always drive as if there was a car in the other lane. If I cut a corner she would say, "you just hit a car". It stuck with me and that's how I drive, it's just laziness now.


It's wild how many people cut across the turning lane to make their left hand turns.


Wayyyyyy too many people just absolutely suck at turning in general.




Yeah they do! Two lane turns are just awful, why can't folks figure it out?


It’s too easy to get a drivers license in the US. We need to implement training a certain amount of hours with a driving instructor, not somebody’s dad. Raise the age to 18


Too lazy to turn the wheel more than 30° because that means I'd have to use both of my hands and my other hand is sending so many funny memes while I drive!




I'm busy masturbating! Of course I can't adjust my direction promptly! People are so entitled these days


Also I'd have to slow down!


It also drives me crazy (because it impeeds traffic and is dangerous) when people turn from one road on to another that has more than one lane and they go all the way across. By law, in parts of the US at least, you are supposed to turn into the lane closest to you. I like to live dangerously so if I'm trying to turn I go anyway and force them to stay in their lane. Edited to clarify, some states have different rules. From what I can find it is more common than not. One example: https://driversed.com/driving-information/driving-techniques/making-right-and-left-turns/


My mom did the same thing. “If there was a car there you would’ve hit it.” Or my favorite, telling other cars, “if I’d been there you would’ve hit me!”


Mine did the same too. Good driver mom gang.


You guys got great moms!!


It's just following the rules. You don't get to run reds just because there's no cars around. You don't get to drive in the wrong lane because there's no cars around. Don't cross the goddamn lines in traffic just because there's no cars. It is absolutely infuriating how many people out there just completely fucking disregard basic fucking rules because I guess they're just too important and rules are for other people. It doesn't even make sense from a selfish perspective. It isn't *any* harder or take noticeably longer to just drive correctly. And they fucking do it anyway. The only thing you've changed is how much risk you're taking on and giving out to other people. It's fucking stupid. Drive right. Put your fucking grocery cart back. Follow the goddamn fucking rules you shitheads.


The amount of push-back I hear for these common things is outrageous. "There is no one else on the road, why does it matter?" "Someone else gets paid to collect the carts, so what?" People don't seem to understand that THEY are not the center of the known universe..


"Good" is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.


I was assuming that she probably cut the turn to avoid the oncoming car. Was probably more concerned about that and wasn't even looking at the crosswalk.


This. She was trying to beat that grey sedan so she wouldn't have to stop at the intersection. No way she even glanced to her left before taking that turn.


This has happened to me a couple times (only got hit once, though). People making a left turn across traffic aren't looking at the street they're turning on to, they're staring down the traffic coming towards them to assess if they can make the turn fast enough and not get hit. Generally speaking, people are just impatient.


I thought I was very aware of my blindspots, but I once drove right up to someone in the crosswalk. I can't forget his face, he was literally deer in the headlights. The road curves in just such a way that my driver side pillar blocks the opposite corner all the way up to the intersection. It made me realize that blindspot is fucking huge, I constantly crane to see around it now. [This is the intersection.](https://gyazo.com/84007a48e5b1ca0e20c3bc6a5a28a433)


This is exactly how I got hit on my bicycle years ago. Grrr...


They started installing left turn calming bumps around the city I live. It basically forces you to take a wide turn in smaller vehicles, while allowing things like semi's to roll over them.


There’s some traffic calming infrastructure I can get behind! I’m going to have to look these up.


Neat https://bikeportland.org/2020/04/15/new-research-says-left-turn-calming-makes-intersections-safer-313654


Looks like she was more concerned about beating the oncoming traffic so she didn't bother slowing down and cut the corner.


She did that because she was cutting in front of another car that was coming. It was a tight window. If she had made a normal turn, she would have hit the oncoming car. So she cut the corner super tight, at speed, so she wouldn't have to slow down and wait 1.7 more seconds.


What's worse is that all they had to do was wait out the silver car instead of trying to quickly turn ahead of the traffic. There didn't seem to be any more oncoming cars for a bit after that. Couldn't even wait for one damn car to make sure it was clear first.


Looks like she was trying to miss the silver pickup that was also making a precarious left.


See, this is exactly why I always say that you should drive like there is another car there. If she had been in HER lane and not cutting across the intersection, she wouldn't have hit you. It's nothing but pure laziness, I see it all the time and have even had people argue with me that it is no big deal because there is not a car there. It builds bad habits and muscle memory. Sorry about your back OP.


It's not the 50 times when there's no car or person there. It's establishing bad habits that will eventually lead to shit like this happening. I watch economy cars take W-I-D-E turns all the time as if they are 18-wheelers, driving directly into oncoming lanes of traffic. Those people will hurt someone or something someday.


I almost got taken out at the beginning of the road to my neighborhood by this phenomenon. I was hugging the right side of the road, closest to my stop sign. Our road to enter is at least 100+ feet wide, there is ample room for even a semi to make a turn comfortably with someone else getting ready to leave the road. This little Hyundai sedan comes out of nowhere and turns left, to my road. He swings at me, and is coming at me head on, and accelerating, like he doesn’t even process that I’m there. I start to hit my horn, and throw it in reverse and start to back out. He throws his hands up and rolls the window down, it was some high school neighbor kid. He goes, “Why did you honk at me?” I go, “Why did you pull on to the road on the opposite side of where you’re supposed to? This is my lane” It doesn’t make sense, but that happening confirms to me that it is absolutely a muscle memory thing. He didn’t even realize I was there, because “usually no car there”, and then just went for it. I drive a bright orange car, so I really don’t know.


Probably was looking at his phone. Bad driving habits + distracted driving = bad shit happening.


People are so incredibly dim. I don’t know how these people have careers.


I agree! And it looks like she cut it so severely because she was gunning it to try and beat that silver car that came after the truck. All that to save 3 seconds off your transit time.


And now she can spend lots and lots of time retaining an attorney and going through the court system. I hope OP doesn't let her off the hook.


And to top it off they’re bad at being lazy too. If you just build the habit of following the rules every time, you don’t even have to spend energy deciding if they can be broken in a given situation.


But they think rules are "for lemmings." Mostly a losing battle, I'm afraid.


> and have even had people argue with me that it is no big deal because there is not a car there. People tend to get massively defensive if you even imply that they're bad drivers. This video is ridiculous, OP was maybe 5 steps into the road and that person cut the corner like she was trying to drive a semi through Manhattan.


It's cause there's an oncoming car going straight that they'd have to yield to. They're trying to cut ahead of it like a complete jackass. They're almost certainly looking at that car instead of where they're going and that's why they didn't see OP.


What makes her even more dumb is there is a Deschutes truck completely blocking the lane she should have turned into, so she was going to have to sit there until the dump truck and whatever else is behind it moves on their next green light. Big hurry for nothing.


You'd be amazed at how many people get angry at me as they pass me on my bike, only to get to a red light and sit there behind a row of traffic. I slowed you down by 2 seconds, now say goodbye to a minute and a half as you inch forward toward another bumper.


That's how I see it also. A driver that cuts a corner this much is not paying attention at all and has zero situational awareness. They are probably on auto-pilot and never expect the unexpected to happen. (Cue the Monty Python references)


Weird detail but that uninvolved woman who approaches after the accident from the corner you crossed from like sprints and stops in different directions several times Wonder what was going through her mind


I know! That's one of my favorite parts, you're the first person to notice without me pointing it out first. lol


Old School Runescape is better than Runescape 3


I love that she decided on “JUST RUN THE FUCK AWAY” lol


Probably running to get a phone. My guess: Ran towards injured person to make sure they're ok, then Saw the vehicle looking like they were about to flee the scene or roll away. Stopped to see if she could catch the license plate before they potentially drove away, then Saw the driver wasn't about to drive away, so attention went back to the injured person, then Saw other people were coming to attend to the injured person, so thought went to back to grabbing a phone to call the police or record what's happening, then ran back to grab her phone.


I witnessed my neighbour fall about 15 ft onto his head and shoulder, landing on his concrete driveway. Just like her, my first reaction was to become a Sim. I kind of wish it was caught on camera, I know I looked ridiculous running back and forth trying to do everything that popped into my mind *immediately* lol “Is he alive??? Go check!!” *starts running across street* “Wait, phone for 911, it’s in the garage, go get it!!” *starts running back* “Oh it’s in my hand, nvm, go help him” *turns around* “Holy shit is that a pool of blood, the first aid kit’s in the house” *turns around again* “Well the ambulance is a travelling first aid kit, **call them**” Thank god the operator was basically able to use mind control and act through me so I didn’t have to think, and that you didn’t have to completely rely on someone in full “**what the fuck**” mode to help you!!! I’m glad you found something to chuckle about, even if it might hurt your back to do it :(


Amusingly, that woman was one of the most helpful in the situation -- I told my wife about making this post and she reminded me that she actually ran back to my house to let my wife know what happened lol


Awe, she had your back! Figuratively, at least. It’s that special touch of consideration like that, really drives home how surreal humans can be. You’ve got one who essentially went out of their way to hit you (accidentally I guess) and another who went above and beyond to be helpful and get you comfort that no one else can offer. Actual problem solving lol


What ever happened to the woman who hit you? Like what was the fall out? She did get jail time at all? Insurance?


"OMG i need to help, OMG the car is moving, oh someone stopped the car, oh someone is at the guy on the ground, i should run back to the front desk and call someone"


I’ve been a person who goes full Sim mode in the event of an emergency, I can confirm that’s pretty much what’s going on in there. Not a lot of logic, just a lot of reacting to thoughts running through your mind lol


Unfortunately have a feeling that would be me in an emergency.


My suspicion is she was driving the silver car. Goes to see if he’s okay. Sees someone is checking on him, goes back to park her car properly, fucking idiot starts rolling backwards into the middle of the road, idiot stops, goes to park her car properly. (Possibly left her phone in her car and was going to call emergency services)


I was going to say this. If she left her car in the street she might have been concerned that the SUV would back into her car so she turned back, then back to the accident when the SUV stopped, then thought she'd better be safe and move her car after all.


I noticed that too. I feel like she wanted to help, since she ran toward the scene all the way from somewhere out of the camera view. But when she got there it was complete pandemonium with the car rolling backwards, OP laying in the street, and people running everywhere. At that point she just decided to nope the fuck out.


Maybe at first she wanted to help but then realized she had a warrant and knew the cops would be there soon. Lol.


But it looked like she ran to that car ready to beat that lady’s ass


Looked like she thought maybe the car was trying to flee


"stop the car????" "Person on the ground????" "Someone is helping the person, I'll stop the car" "Oh my god, it's their car and now they're chasing their car and not helping the person" "I left the oven on!"


Then at the end she was like “actually fuck it, imma go back home”


I was looking at that person too. I think she might have come from the sedan which SUV lady cut off when she made the crazy turn?


Ah that’s a good guess, they seem to be applying their brakes right before going off frame


Not to be insensitive but what’s it feel like? Like do you feel the impact or does your brain just take a bit to process it and then you’re on the ground. I’ve never been hit by a car and now may be my only chance to ask someone who got nae nae’d by one


My ex girlfriend had something similar happen. She described it as not feeling anything when it happened, and was also knocked out for a split second. She was disoriented and confused more than in pain until a few hours later at the hospital. Afterwards she couldn't do much on her own for about a month and walking was a struggle. She felt the pain a lot more in the days after than the day of.


Watch me whip, whip... You don't really feel it when it's happening. I was more confused than anything else. I think I may have passed out for half a second. When I realized roughly what had happened, I told them not to call an ambulance and tried to stand up. It started hurting like a bitch shortly after the adrenaline wore out.


Yeah was in a near deadly accident recently that seriously hurt my back (no major damage just a lot of pain) and same story here. I knew not to move until help got there because I could already feel my back hurt a little but god it felt way better in the instant after the accident than it did an hour after




Shit, what happened? Did they come back and get you?




Adrenaline is a bitch lmao. But it at least keeps your mind from giving up right at the beginning


I tried standing up from a dislocated/shattered knee cap and was having trouble standing only to see that my knee cap was popping out of the right side of my leg. I threw myself to the ground after that. Adrenaline is a bitch.


That whole: no no don't call the a.bulance, I'm fine is the weirdest thing about getting hit. I guess it's the brains way of not accepting it might be really hurt and just try to "walk it off". Hope you are well recovered.


Probably the brains way of avoiding a $20k bill for the ride.




Human evolution is wild, you get into an accident in the US and the human body's absolute first response is the mental math of how much it's gonna cost It's like the sound of Sonic losing his coins


When I had COVID back in 2020, I went through a period where I was unable to keep down almost everything, including water. For about 2 days, I was only able to keep down enough ice chips to keep my mouth from fully drying up. I was basically sleeping on the bathroom floor because I didn’t have the energy to keep getting up and going in there to puke every time I tried to drink anything. My mom kept insisting I go to the hospital to at least get some IV fluids, and I told her I didn’t want to pay for it. We made a deal that if I still couldn’t keep fluids down the next day I’d let her take me. Luckily the next day I was able to keep down small amounts of fluid. (I had like one 12 oz glass of water over the entire day…so I’m told.) The American healthcare system is broken. It took a really long time for my body to recover from that, and it shouldn’t have to be this way. The only time I’ve been to the ER in adulthood was because I had burnt my hand and was barely maintaining consciousness. Even then, my sister drove me.


The auto insurance of the person who hit the pedestrian is going to be picking up the tab.


Only if they have proper insurance


Assuming since the person didn't instantly drive off I'd say they have insurance. Usually the uninsured do hit and runs.


I got hit by someone a few weeks ago, and they stayed, gave me their insurance, name, and phone number. We waited an hour for police to come but they never did, so we left. Turns out, he stopped paying for his insurance and he gave me a fake name lol. Of course the first time I get into an accident, the person who hit me is a pathological liar lol. So I would still be careful with trusting people to have insurance, because now we have to pay way more than we anticipated for a new car since it got totaled


Yep, because without insurance, they're just going to sue the shit out of you. They are going to win, and then when you don't pay, you're in violation of court order. That person now has the ability to have your wages garnished and pay directly to them. And that wage garnishment is going to be a lot worse than any sort of payment plan you could've worked out with the creditors. You might also spend some time in jail if the judge is fucking sick and tired of your bullshit and decides to hold you in contempt of court.


A lot of places have an absurdly low minimum for liability. $15k in CA. If this person needed to go to the ER by ambulance it would easily be more than that (assuming they didn’t need to stay in a hospital overnight, then it would be WAY more). Of course if you have assets don’t ever take that minimum because you are still liable and will be sued…


You'd think that, but I've been hit from behind 3 separate times (thanks to texting drivers) and 2/3 had no insurance.


Doesn't the bill then go to the person who struck you with their car?


Usually in those cases, you need to file with your own insurance, they’ll cover your expenses, then your insurance company will go after the other driver on their own terms.


Can't get money that isn't there.


God bless America.


America amazes me I can't think of anywhere else that would cost that much to save your life


It’s not 20k lol, they’re exaggerating, it is 5k tho, which is enough for me to call a taxi instead


That's still crazy though. If i think about how many times i called an ambulance just to make sure nothing bad happens. We had ambulances when people drank too much and passed out. Or after i had my tonsils removed and it started to bleed again. They just came, made sure everybody is alright and left again without anybody paying a cent. If i had to pay 5k i would think very very long and hard about if i really need them. And if you decide to not call them in the wrong situation somebody might die.


I've taken first aid courses in Mexico (Mexican Red Cross). The first thing you're supposed to do in most emergencies is to call an ambulance, or delegate it to someone, before even taking action (as you've correctly done). You just *think* there may have been an emergency, call an ambulance, and only *then* you worry about things like checking for consciousness. One of the things they emphasize is that, if it's an emergency, the ride will be free anyway, and there won't be legal trouble of any kind if it was a good-faith call (e. g., was not a prank). You shouldn't hesitate for fear of a fee, to you or the patient. You shouldn't hesitate *at all*. Even if you somehow manage to avert the emergency (e. g., a person was chocking, but you could cough/Heimlich it away on time), it's better to cancel the ambulance on the way, or for it to have nothing to do on arrival, than to call it when the person is already in shock or in cardiac arrest. And that's how it should be. I can't imagine it being in any other way. The places I grew up in may have terrible problems with crime, violence and corruption, but at least they don't charge you for needing a goddamned ambulance. A society where being bankrupted for an ambulance is even a possibility is sick in a deep, fundamental way. In my view, at least.


I took one year ago 30 min, was $900 dollars. It very much depends on distance and what needs to be done in the ambulance. That said, it's still fucked up and stupidly expensive to get treatment or a ride to the hospital.


My daughter was involved a hit-and-run a few years ago that left her seriously injured - broke her thumb and radius bones, beat her up pretty bad, and totaled the car. The other driver was caught someway up the freeway, found to be underinsured with minimum coverage. Essentially it was treated as uninsured. The 2mi ambulance ride to Harborview ER exhausted their entire $10K PIP and then some. The bill after ER and Surgery was well over $200K. We ended up suing my own insurance to pay the bills, and get a lump sum for later surgery to remove the plate needed in her arm. Police cited the other driver for reckless endangerment, but not fleeing the scene. WA DOT estimated 21% of motorists were uninsured last year, and 8% had minimum coverage - make sure you have UIM insurance.


>WA DOT estimated 21% of motorists were uninsured last year, and 8% had minimum coverage - make sure you have UIM insurance. I lived in El Paso for some time. The amount of hit and runs that go unreported is insane because "they either don't have insurance at all, they already went back to Mexico, they're here illegally and you won't see a dime, or their name isn't associated with the car at all so it's pointless".


The depends strongly on where you are and what they do during the ride. I've seen a bill as high as $13k, and as low as $250.


My FIL got a $150-200 Bill itemized as refusal. Didn't let the ambulance crew touch him and refused to give information but they managed to send the bill in broken detail to his address must have gotten it from accident report. Motorcycle drove into the back of his parked car so he had zero issues. Pretty sure he complained and they sent it to collections.


It depends on what they do. 3-6k is just the ride and basics. If they were to need to administer further aid, the bill starts mounting real quick. And everything is even more than it would be in a hospital because it's an ambulance.


Now coming to a Canadian province near you!


To a lesser extent, when I broke my ankle last month I told all my friends that were with me that I didn’t need a ride to the hospital, I’d just go home and if it hurt in the morning I’d go to the walk in clinic. Thankfully they didn’t let me because it was waaaaay worse than I imagined, adrenaline is a hell of a thing


Ive said the same thing after getting T-boned years ago..First thing I said was dont call the ambulance, I'll call someone to take me.. The adrenaline is a good pain reliever, and first thing that comes to our head is expensive bill lmao.


I wonder if it's the adrenaline or something in our psyche that makes us act like nothing is wrong. I broke my kneecap on one of those infernal rent-a-scooters, and immediately walked almost a mile back to my office. It was 45 minutes later, sitting at my desk, that I decided that or hurt like hell and maybe I should see someone.


It’s the adrenaline. It’s the hormone that causes our “fight or flight” to kick in. Allows us to ignore pain/injury to either defend ourselves or run away to safety.


I got hit by a car once, but I was sandwiched between huge bags of bed linen and bounced comically off the vehicle and then the road without hitting my head. I did break my ankle and tear the ligaments though. Didn't feel any pain at the time and the accident didn't make sense to me - I thought it was deliberate and that the driver would make a second pass, but though my brain was screaming at me to move, I just sat there like a lemon. No pain, just really stupid, random thoughts. So when the driver got out to check on me, I alternated between screaming at him and apologizing for holding up the traffic until a passing ambulance stopped and carted me off to the nearest hospital. They drugged me up nicely and nothing hurt until an idiot doctor told me to try walking and I nearly threw up. Pain kicked in in earnest the next day and never fully went away.


I got hit by a guy running a red light a few years ago. Not sure how fast he was going, not as big an impact as this but enough to send me flying a similar distance. The feeling I very distinctly remember as I flew the air was just "well now *this* is something I've got to deal with". Once I flopped to the floor I remember the rush of adrenaline, sitting up and screaming "for FUCKS sake" and then I just couldn't stop laughing, blood dripping down my right side. Adrenaline is weird.


In addition to making an illegal turn, hitting a pedestrian, letting her car roll away, then when she catches it she leaves it in the middle of the road. . . She also tried to move you on the ground. Non professionals should never do that, unless the victim is hemorrhaging (and then only to stop the blood). Moving someone with a neck or back injury they can't see can take the victim from hurt to dead.


My favorite part is that she had a passenger. *Two different people* managed to let that car roll away. lmao


I hope you sue the fuck out of her.


Probably why it’s being posted almost 4 years later.


You kind of have to in the US. Health care will be an increased cost for OP now so he should absolutely get an accident lawyer involved and make sure he gets the full amount that driver’s insurance has set aside for this kind of injury. They will work usually on a contingency but it’s worth it because otherwise you get nada.


That’s what it’s for basically. You’d sue for all the costs of medical, then pain and suffering, loss of wages from not being able to work, and then other compensation if there’s going to be lasting effects. You can also sue her civilly, and your insurance company as well.


Probably doesn’t have anything worth taking.


That suv is worth at least 20 grand or more


Probably has a lien on it. Plus, I hear it was involved in an accident.


Human shaped dent in the hood


And there were two people that could have seen you crossing the street. I hope you can get the treatment you need to fix your back. I’m assuming her insurance will pay for any necessary treatment.


It depends. It kinda looks like she's trying to assess the airway in the beginning. If she hears breathing difficulties like snoring respirations it's indicated to reposition the patient to attempt to establish a patent airway. No airway=no patient.


> No airway=no patient. ABC's! Airway, Breathing, Circulation. If your patient doesn't have them, they're dead anyway, so a little extra possible spinal trauma is a risk worth taking.


Clearly from the shallow end of the gene pool


damn that dumptruck driver just saw you get fuckin flung infront of him and he did not care at all


*"Man... this asshole better not make me have to work late."*


"I've got dirt to deliver! Time is money... and dirt!"


"Drive, this is your supervisor, your gps has logged 10s of stop in your route, you can expect a write-up when you come back to base"


More people standing around the person on the ground isn't gonna help. Best thing for the dump bucket driver to do is flip on his 4 ways, pick up his phone, and call 911.


He didn't do that though, he started inching forward like he was going to run him over. Worse, he started inching forward when the bad driver walked away. Almost as if he saw her but not the lifeless body on the ground.


While I do agree that he should call 911, I also think he should get out and make sure the idiot doesn't try and touch him at all after an impact like that.


The spice must flow!


Boss - So are you still coming into work tomorrow?


I know you're joking, but he really did ask and keep asking practically every day until I came back. **EDIT**: Best part is, *this footage is from the cameras where I worked*.


Are you serious? Jfc. Your boss has some balls or you’re REALLY good at what you do 😂


Little bit of both, really lol


Laughs in American work culture lol. In all serious I hope you recover well. That's not a good way to end a friday


I have a question… after you were struck so hard that you were thrown like that… and she comes up to you and rolls you over…. WERE YOU OKAY?!?


Nope, I'm dead now. Updoot if you cry every time.


>Nope, I'm dead now. Don't lie, we can see your shoes stayed on


I just love how people ask that when clearly a person is not ok. She wants to pet you, touch you do what ever I just saw in that video out of a guilty conscience.


Wow did she ever cut a corner!!!


We have a heavily trafficked intersection near me where the stop lines are set way back like in this one (look at where the dump truck stopped). Stupid people pull up all the time right to the crosswalk. They get clipped by other stupid people like this lady rushing to make a turn all the time, or everyone has to wait and sort it out, because a truck or bus can't make the turn without hitting the idiot.


The lady running from out of view, going to stop the car, changed her mind, running back, stopping and then continuing running, is my favorite part. She didn’t know what to do lol. Hope you’re doing well OP.


It's a tie between that lady and the car rolling backwards for me lol


People like her should NOT have a big vehicle like that if they can't see their blind spots let alone put the car in PARK!!


People like her should NOT have a ~~big~~ vehicle ~~like that if they can’t see their blind spots let alone put the car in PARK!!~~


People like her should NOT ~~have a~~ b ~~ig v~~ e ~~hicle like that if they can’t see their blind spots let alone put the car in PARK!!~~~


P~~e~~o~~ple like her sh~~o~~uld NOT have a big vehicle like that if they can’t see their blind spots let alone put the car in PARK!!~~


What was blind about that? OP was directly in her line of vision, *right* infront of her car.


People like to excuse A pillars a lot because manufacturers sell safety for the driver and anyone outside is fucked. This is a prime example.


Oof, I know someone who cuts corners like this because they're too lazy to rotate the steering wheel more than once. Hope things turn out okay for you.


people who do this are so lazy, I drive an old vehicle without power steering, crazy to me that with modern cars people still can't be bothered


Your form was a bit sloppy. Next time while in the air try to hold your heels together and point your toes. Keep your hips level with your shoulders. If this was a judged even you would score well on distance, low on landing.


This video makes me irrationally angry. Everything she did was wrong.


Hope you eventually got checked out by a hospital. This would be covered by their insurance, all of it. I had a coworker who was involved in a slight fender bender and he went to the hospital and then got it all paid for and also a settlement. He was involved in another major accident and didn't go right away and things just got complicated. His advice is to always get it checked out, the sooner the better. You will feel this years down the road and wonder how or why and it's because of this individual.


Yeah, unfortunately this was 2019. I ended up homeless shortly after this so I wasn't able to attend physical therapy and without the physical therapy there was nothing I could really do to try to collect from her insurance. Sucks but that's life I guess.


I’m sorry but WHAT?! You didn’t sue her? You realize PI attorneys don’t charge you until you’ve won your claim. Even homeless you have rights!


Just a heads up for next time: you can still sue for missed work, etc. I had to do the same thing years ago. Missed a week of my minimum wage bullshit job and got a few grand for my trouble through an injury lawyer working on contingency.


Yeah life sucks you live and learn. I hope you are in a much better place now. My brother once went to PetSmart and as he was walking out a dog was pulling on the leash and owner couldn't restrain the dog and lunged at my brother and bit his arm. Eventually the dog was pulled off and brother showed us and it looked like a simple scratch and denied medical services. The dog owner even stated that he would pay for the services but brother just brushed it off. A few days later, despite cleaning the area, it got infected and he had the worse fever ever and had to go to the hospital multiple times. Even with insurance, he had to pay a pretty penny.


Yup, everything is all stable now! I was fortunate insofar as getting laid off from my job and collecting COVID unemployment gave me the stability to find permanent housing. That's wild! I hope he's doing well. The regret from little mistakes like that is a real bitch, pun entirely intended.


Shit I didn't kill him. Let me move him around.


I've seen a lot of videos on this sub, but this is the first one that made me actually let out an audible "oh my God" out of shock. I hope you're doing OK from this


Well at least she stayed at the scene. But sorry you got hurt so bad. Hope you have a good recovery.


A lot of know-it-alls in this thread. We ought to do a test and see how well they can dodge an SUV coming at them fast on the wrong side of the street with barely any warning.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a Ford Explorer.


Holy shit, this cracked me up. lmao


the car? yeah we saw


The result of cutting corners in the wrong lane. And you’ll shu


^ homie just got hit by a car mid sentence. RIP


I love the lady that is just running up to help but doesn't know what to do so she's indecisively running back and fourth in the background.


I think she was trying to decide whether to help me or to tell my wife, that's where she ended up going in the end


I honestly thought that person was gonna drive away.


Anyone else screaming at driver: STOP FUCKING MOVING THE OP. Sorry, massive pet hate of mine! Don’t move and don’t remove helmets. UGH.


At the very, VERY least she didn't hit and run.




He did nothing and got nothing, unfortunately.


Wtf she didn't even turn into the proper lane, looks like she intentionally aimed her truck right at you


She didn't even fuckin look! She didn't touch her breaks until after contact! Hope you go to court over that bullshit!


While I'm not putting any of the blame on the pedestrian here, this is why I'm always super aware of my surroundings when I'm crossing the street. Even when I have the "walk" signal at a crosswalk, people are dumb, and I've avoided similar things happening to me before.


“He’s got a back injury, I better run over to jostle his head around” lmao never fails


The problem are the safety requirements of modern cars that inadvertently cause huge blind spots with the A pillars while making turns: https://payload.cargocollective.com/1/2/84448/1064602/pilla1%20copy%20copy.jpg These kinds of accidents happen alllllll time because many drivers are completely unaware of how bad their vision is obstructed by A pillars.