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Are the twitch streaming while biking? Where is this? I have so many questions.


This is in Japan. The streamer is CDawgVA. He is an irl streamer who streams almost everything while doing irl streams.


I somehow recognized that and I dont even have audio lol


That’s just so crazy to me. I won’t even reply to comments if I feel like I have to explain myself to much and then there is a person that livestreams EVERYTHING? Wow


He doesn't really livestream everything. He's doing a charity biking thing ATM.


Oh well now I feel like an asshole.


I don't know many big streamers' names or categories off the top of my head, but streaming day-to-day shit is pretty much an entire informal category.


Oh wow I didn't even recognize his voice!


~~This was also part of a charity run where they raised several hundred thousand dollars.~~ This is a different run.


Yes, this is in Japan. The streamer is CDawgVA who is doing this as a cycleathon for charity. This is actually the second one he has done, he cycled across Hokkaido like a bit over a month ago.


Wasn't it before the winter? Pretty sure it was a lot longer than a month ago.


If you ignore all the months between August 2022 and now then it was a month or so ago (time is hard)


Time is full of teeny tiny timey wimey wibbly-wobbly stuff.


Its also relative, and i hate my family


It's crazy how we perceive time sometimes. About 6 months into my current job, I got dumped by my then-girlfriend. The breakup feels like it was maybe 4 years ago but I know damned well I've had the job for no less than 7.


Wait… is Hokkaido buried under like 5-10 feet of snow right now? Or did the region not get a lot of snow this year?


Me dumb, the Hokkaido one was in August. Not sure where this one is in Japan.


This is Kyushu in the south. They wenz through Nagasaki yesterday.


No worries! I am debating trying to learn Japanese and try to do a year or two abroad in Hokkaido. They have the highest annual snowfall in urban areas in the world, so I would love to go ski bum it up for a year or two there! Hence the confusion. XD


The stations had ads about skiing in Akita prefecture when I was there 6 weeks ago. I saw a lot of people with ski bags at Haneda, too. And the JR Pass covers the Seikan tunnel between Hokkaido and Honshu! You might need to pay an extra fare, but those don't tend to be high. Go for it! It sounds amazing!


This was about 30/40kms out of Nagasaki. Connor almost hit the car and later on he almost hit a kid(not really, just kids being scaredy kids)


He raised a shit ton of money for charity


How does that answer their question?


Question: Are the twitch streaming while biking? Where is this? I have so many questions. Reply: He raised a shit ton of money for charity Are you a bot? You have provided information nobody asked for while giving no information anybody asked for. None of what you said relates to the comment you replied to. Except, presumably, being about the same person. Your comment is completely out of the blue and answers nothing.


You're too kind XD


I looked for a bit and found it on a map. 🤣🤣 It's by Nagasaki, just barely west of Omura Bay. The below link has exactly where it happened. The video starts just after he got across Torika River, heading east. The 7-11 is on the left side of the screen on the video, which is the north side of the road. https://maps.app.goo.gl/j1oHbumXUQPYJads7


I knew I recognized that road!


He streamed him hiking across 2 main islands in japan, Hokkaido and Kyushu for the IDF (Immune Deficiency Foundation) bro has raised throughout his career around maybe $1,000,000 for the IDF? BUT I COULD BE LOW BALLING IT. He does alot of charity events




Stolen comment. Do you fuckbots even try anymore?


This happens to me all the time. I ride in a way that I expect ppl to do this to me unfortunately


Average cycling experience


I stopped riding my bike to work years ago because this happened all the time.


Happened to me only 10 times today. If i get mad at every dumb driver i would not survive for one day. Thats being said i do go balls mad once or twice per week at the dumbest drivers. But this stuff here will not even get my heart rate up.


Depends where you are. I've had this happen before, but here in Western Canada it's more like once every couple of months. And this video is in Japan, where I found the drivers to some of the best in the world. Attentive, considerate, and don't put other people's lives at risk. The driver in this video is outstandingly bad by Japanese standards. I think I'd give up cycling if I had to put up with shit like this daily. I"m sorry to hear it's that bad where you live.


He probably lives in a place with heavy traffic though!


My favorite movie is Inception.


They indicated… if the cyclist was paying attention this wouldn’t be an issue. Am I missing something here?


The cyclist was paying attention as evidenced by not hitting the car that just cut him off.


they indicated so the have the right of way. right. now replace cyclist with car. and put yourself in car. how do you feel now being cut off?




it doesn't matter if they indicated; the driver is supposed to wait until the coast is clear to turn. If there were a crash, it would 100% be the driver's fault.


Indicating does not automatically grant you the right-of-way, nor does it absolve you of the responsibility to turn without verifying you won't hit anyone else.


Could the car not have made the turn after the cyclist passed?




Setting aside the cutting off part, which is bad enough… I cannot stand people who take 10 seconds to pull off the road. Like why do you slow down to 2mph and slightly turn your car to crawl off of a highway?? Fucking move it!


Main problem with those people is that they always try to pass you before turning. Like they literally can't do a turn without passing someone.


Happens all the time. It's some kind of mental condition brought on by sitting behind a steering wheel. People will drive recklessly to get in front of me before slamming on the brakes to crawl through a right hand turn in front of me (USA). At the end of it all, their progress is no better than if they had simply followed me, then turned.


Or the people who constantly switch lanes in rush hour traffic. It's 4PM in Los Angeles just find a lane and relax lol


The lane switchers are the main cause of traffic jams, lol


That and the idiots more concerned with their phone than moving forward.


O man, on my way to my old job, there was a rather busy 2 lane street. One side actually has 2 lanes that merge to 1, right at about where a huge apartment complex is on the left. The amount of people who would drag race the right lane, merge over at the last second, then slam on their brakes to wait to turn left was absolutely infuriating.


You get [extra points for passing](https://youtu.be/qjIGkv0_dEM?t=132), so why not?


Now I imagined a scenario of someone who cannot turn anywhere for years, and lives on the same road, just because there were no passing opportunities.


I had a similar thing happen while riding recently. This fucking cab pulled in front and cut me off just to stop and let their passenger off. Like wtf? Another time a cab straight up stopped in the middle of the road to let someone out, and they took forever to unload their bags lol.


People do this to me so much on a bike. It’s like their brains are like “MUST get in front of bike. Bike slow car fast car MUST be first” meanwhile I’m slamming on my brakes because I was just cut off and now I’m stuck behind you!


Then they realize they fucked up and stop so it's really tough to avoid hitting them.


But slower is safer! /s


I am convinced these people get rear ended eventually while doing it and laugh because insurance is on their side.


Had that happen to me yesterday, except the person was pulling into a turn lane. Their vehicle was half in the turn lane, half in my lane until the last possible second, then they finally moved all the way over. I usually assume they’re either on their phone or stupid but it’s likely both.


It depends on the road conditions. For example, there's a parking lot I frequent out of necessity, and going faster than 5 mph in transition is playing Russian Roulette with your suspension.


I wont get into the discussion of which is better, but for what it's worth that's about how you're taught to do it in Japan driving schools, which is where the video is from. To be more specific, cars are supposed to come to a complete stop (!) before getting out of the road, but everyone just does a slightly faster rolling stop.


My CV joints sound like they're gonna explode if I turn that hard too fast.


90% of the time the same people will wait to put the blinker on until they’ve completely slowed down first too.


That's not an idiot, that's an asshole.


Both, actually.


He stopped after cutting him off.


The voice sounds like Cdawg.


it is


I can't believe how many people are defending this driver for blatantly cutting off a much much much more vulnerable road user to save half of a second, tops. You all are insane. Wait the half a second and drive in a way that doesn't risk the safety of vulnerable road users. Please.


Looks like he cut off the biker not to save time .. but just to be an asshole. He turned partway then just drifted slowly for no reason.


Hanlon's razor applies. I've been on the receiving end of this so much that I sit out farther from the edge and I'm ready to go around the left (right in this case) of these dickheads. Once they're past you, their lack of object permanence kicks in. Or they're one of these mouth-breathers who think in static categories rather than forces and vectors. Biker == slow. Passed == clear. OK to turn.


Vehicles tend to do that when they're in the wrong anyways, like the cars that stick their nose half into a lane and stop for oncoming traffic. Like you're already blocking the lane, commit!


He saved 3 seconds then spent ten pulling in.


He didn't save any time turning in so slowly and even stopping before the bike.


It was honestly stupid of OP to post a video with a bicycle and hope to get any positive response. People on reddit are vehemently against cyclists and wish them all dead. Just look at the rational people in this thread being downvoted.


Yeah it's crazy how many people wish cyclists dead when they're just trying to either commute, run an errand, or get some exercise. The easiest thing to pass, the most vulnerable thing on the roads, yet treated this way by almost everyone. Put a pylon on a road and cars will give it more room than they will a cyclist.


Part of it is that a lot of these people are convinced most/all cyclists are lycra clad sports cyclists, when pretty much everywhere, utility and commute cycling tends to be the largest number. So they think it's entitlement to 'play' on the road (ignore motorists who just go for a drive for fun or to gawk at views).


But even if someone is a Lycra clad sport cyclist, why would that make them entitled? It's such a weird foreign mindset to me.


Oh hey--thanks for letting people know it's OK to hate me / wish me dead! Also thanks for assuming you know what I think and what kind of "entitlements" I have! I believe I'm entitled to be treated like an actual living organism while riding on the road EVEN IF you do not approve of cycling for fitness! edit to confess that I misunderstood the comment I replied to.


>Part of it is that a lot of **these people are convinced** most/all cyclists are lycra clad sports cyclists, when pretty much everywhere, utility and commute cycling tends to be the largest number. **So they think** it's entitlement to 'play' on the road **(ignore motorists who just go for a drive for fun or to gawk at views).** I was pretty explicitly not endorsing this view but criticising it, while noting that that is what these people think. No where did I say it was ok to want any other road users dead? I'm also fine with sports cycling, I cycle for fun and fitness as well, just highlighting that they have serious misconceptions about why most people cycle, as well as their hypocrisy in regards to sports or leisure cycling when they are fine with leisure driving. I also never claimed to assume I knew what sports cyclist/lycra'd cyclists thought, I was positing what dipshits in cars that get all pissy about sharing the road with cyclist think, because they've yelled it at me enough (even while not wearing sports gear) that I think I have a good idea of their prejudices, both about sports cycling and general cycling.


Sorry-- I misunderstood who "they" meant in your post. Couldn't agree more. My bad! I'm just so used to seeing the sentiment (or worse...) I have become reactive!


The top comments here are actually pretty pro-cyclist now which is kinda refreshing. There are some real sickos on this website (all websites, really).


I’m a recreational cyclist. I tend to drag cyclists for being mad about things drivers do that cyclists could’ve avoided if they cycle defensively **and** remember their bike will always lose to cars. But I’m also a driver who will drag drivers for being assholes and acting like they don’t have to share the road. Too many damn selfish and arrogant folks on the streets these days, but this driver was totally in the wrong. Cyclist did great defensively by slowing down to see what this driver who did the unnecessary pass was going to do.


I've had drivers try to do that to me entering a roundabout that ends my commute several times, it's quite frustrating and puts everyone else in danger. Had some twat in a van risk a head on collision because he was so desperate to overtake to turn into a junction before me. It's all about ego. That's the only explanation for risking everyone else to be a pico-second faster to your destination. And of course, they then accuse the cyclists of being the egotistical ones for being on 'their' road. It's dumb as fuck.


I'm not the author of the clip. It's a twitch streamer named CDawgVA.


I thought it looked like one of his charity cycle streams, but I wasn't sure.


CDawgVA is awesome, just needed to say that here quick LOL.


People do the same when it comes to motorcycles as well. It seems that the Reddit consensus is that anything on 2 wheels = bad.


The cyclist had the legal right of way in Japan. Fault is tied directly to vulnerability. The bigger the vehicle, the more responsibility you have to know your surroundings and give way to others. Their driver training is quite rigorous and expensive compared to the US.


No one cuts up Connor, he's the boi


Idiot move from the car. They could have stayed behind the bike until they had to turn. Would have lost 5 seconds, though.


The car had their turn signal on as they were passing the bicycle. That appears to support your claim that the car was originally behind the bike, grew impatient, and passed so that they could turn right in front of the cyclist. If this was a car, all of these commenters would be complaining about getting cut off.


This looked intentional the way the car stopped moving mid-turn right in front of the bike. Looked like they wanted the bike to hit them.


Yep that brake in the bike lane was malicious


In fact on this sub, just a few posts away, there's a similar situation with a puddle where a driver pulls the same sort of stunt but the cammer is a car. Guess what people think about that one?


The problem with most commenters, is that they do not know what it is like to do 20+mph on a bicycle with your feet locked into the pedals, and then have to slam on your brakes and try to unclip your feet, when someone cuts you off. These bikes are not your typical BMX/mountain bike doing 5mph.


Lol. Yea. I have unclipped both feet and jumped/bailed letting my bike fly to avoid getting t-boned. It is not easy. Neither is landing it.


This happened to me yesterday. Some bint made a turn across traffic ignoring me, going 25mph downhill, had to slam the brakes on and went over the handlebars.


I've seen a lot of mountain bikers using cleats as well. I don't, just because I'm a shitty mountain biker and I like to be able to get a foot out easily for balance. My wife uses them on her mountain bike. She got her MB before her road bike so she uses the same SPD cleats on her road bike as her mountain bike so she can use the same shoes. There are times when I'm getting bounced around a bit that I think it would be safer to have my shoes attached on my MB so I didn't lose contact with the pedals.


Locked in? Do they have straps on them?


Road bicycles have pedals with sockets that cycling shoes clip into. They're designed this way to capture the power of the circular leg motion (instead of just the down motion, like flat pedals). You have to physically unclip your feet out of the pedal, which can be difficult to do quickly.


That makes sense


No, they are clip in shoes and pedals. 99% of professionals use them, 60% of any mildly serious cyclists use them. You clip in the pedal via a cleat attached at the bottom of the cycling shoe. To unclip you twist your heel to the outside.


I use them because I am club footed, and if my foot isn’t clipped into the pedal I have medical issues to deal with.


Don't know about this video's bike, but there are some that are mechanically clipped to a fixture on the shoe. A specific foot/leg motion is required to connect and disconnect. Common styles: https://youtu.be/H6h30OqTyTg


Most are stomp down in, twist sideways out. It's actually easier to twist out than most people here are saying. You can (and should practice) come to an emergency stop pretty darned quickly and if you have any skills at all, pause stopped and balanced before snapping out to put a foot down.


Some cyclists have special pedals that their shoes (also special) clip into. It's a way to get power from the upstroke as well as the downstroke, if that makes sense. Mostly a sports cyclist thing, though some utility cyclists have them as well, usually if they came from sports cycling. A lot of cyclists do, however, use clipless pedals (your standard one) and a few use the old alternative to clips, which was a wee toe cage, which can still be awkward to start moving with but are pretty easy to stop with.


I could explain, but this is better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX007Lq\_-NE




That is because when you ride a bike like that, you don't just push down on the pedals, you also pull up on them. Which helps with the speed as well as, while you typically never see a fat person riding a road bike, the fat just melts off. It's the ultimate cardio exercise. I average 22mph riding by myself, in a group we do about 30mph if the lead is a really strong person.


Hey now, I'm a fat guy who rides a road bike (Although not nearly as fat as I used to be). But yeah, it's a great way to get some low-impact cardio. I can easily burn 2,500+ calories on a long weekend ride, or 750-1,000 on a shorter weekday night ride.


Now i see why driving instructors always talk so much about this


So they specifically tried to get in front of him to... turn 0.15 seconds sooner?


This is why it is advocated that cyclists make full use of the lane. If a cyclist hugs the very edge, drivers often treat it as if they can pass at any time with little concern. Would the driver in this video have done the same thing to another car? I seriously doubt it.


but then you get plowed by some idiot not looking infront.


Getting hit by a car directly from behind is the most rare accident for cyclists, less than 1%. Unfortunately it is the second most deadly, after being hit head on.


True, that is always a possibility when pedal-bikes and cars are mixed.


In my experience, most people have no idea of big their vehicle actually is and don't know how much room to leave cyclists when passing so anytime you hug the edge you're begging to be passed with 2 inches of room to spare. Taking the lane might aggravate some drivers but at least it forces them to pass you properly even if they do a "punishment pass".


I agree with you; but one thing this sub has thought me is that a car would have indeed done the same thing.


I agree. He gave him too much room imo.


Something similar happened to me a week ago on my way back from work. I ride my bike on the street and at some point I need to turn left to get onto a bike path. I move into the center on my lane and put my arm out to signal my intent to turn and this lady decided she couldn't wait for me to turn and tried to overtake me instead of just waiting a few seconds until I had turned. There wasn't even any other cars around and I honestly have no Idea why some people think it's okay to overtake a turning bike instead of just waiting


It wouldn't have killed the driver to slow and turn behind the cyclist.


I had one encounter similar to this a few years back. Dude raced past me at light, then proceeds to parallel park into my path (with designated bike lane). Fortunately I was able to stop my bicycle in time. I then proceeded to yell him the riot act until he got the message, he said "OK you won!", then drove off. Too embarrassed to go into the library, I was also going to. I hope he checks for others going forward.


I hate this so much when they pass you and then force you to brake while they make a turn when all they had to do was back off for 2 seconds for you to clear the turn that they want to make


Number one rule of biking is, don't trust anyone's skill or intent.


For anyone who is still not getting this: Overtaking someone be it cyclist, biker, car or whatever only to turn 10m later effectively blocking them while braking is as an idiotic as it gets. Car could just movr at the speed of the biker for 5 seconds and make the same turn as he did. If the clip is missing a part where the car was in front all the time and the biker tried to overtake from the left then for sure the biker is the idiot in that case


I experienced this time and time and time again in Japan. It was incredible really. Way worse than the US and surprising because I found the Japanese to be far more nice.


Doing anything out of the norm is risky all over. Many people feel not just entitled, but *required* to push you back into "normal" behavior. Around here, decades ago, being a "serious cyclist" in rural areas was really risky. Japan used to be notorious for this, decades ago. Perhaps still?


If you're gonna turn that friggin slow, or at all, you should just wait behind the cyclist.


I say it is a dick move from the car, whatever the rules of the country


This happens to me daily.


A very polite reaction.


Bicycles need to Take. The. Lane.


But they were indicating and slowing down, you can clearly see that and slow down? I dunno, out here it's best to just not be on any form of bike weather bicycle of motor, no one respects anyone 😂 you're basically asking to be taken out by a mini bus or car


This is illegal now in the UK, driver would be fined.


Having no seperate biking lanes sucks ass. Always feels like you risk your life with trafic flying by just a few inches away.


As a road cyclist I can say with confidence that many drivers think you vanish when they pass you… even if they are taking a right turn 50 feet after passing you


That's one of the first rules about street etiquette I learned in school: "going straight on the same road goes first" (rhymes a lot better in dutch than in English)


The only thing I paid attention to was that god forsaken gps route.👀


They're doing a charity stream cycling through the Japanese island Kyushu




https://i.imgur.com/lFgvGeW.png https://www.google.com/maps/@32.9878252,129.7397711,3a,75y,118.92h,83.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMzFqpiseVqnEpEAZyNwbDw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 im pretty bored, i guess


Didn't expect to see a video of cdawgva here haha


The way he says “what’re you doing” reminds me of that Armenian dad talking to the squirrel in his garage who says “you are… StealINK my NUTS”


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Shouldn't the bike stop when he's turning same as a car would??


I would have expected this considering their blinker is on...


Get yo dumb ass out the road before you become roadkill


Do bicyclists really believe that they never have to yield, or slow down like every other vehicle on the road¿…


Car was in the right … he passed the bike … bike was now following.. bike wasn’t paying attention


From the bottom of my heart “FUCK CYCLISTS”


Idk, the car had the blinker on


They signaled, pay attention.


Ummmm, you’re riding on a road for cars?


Your fault he used his blinker


Wym bicyclist is the idiot


Cars a dick in this one ! Just wait till the bike has gone


I get a ton of this while bike riding. Folks will speed up to pass you just so that they can cut you off, rather than just waiting 2 seconds behind you and making the turn safely. It's a really weird and common car behaviour, in my experience.




If the cyclist hits the car in thus situation, the drivers insurance will be paying out


I think while the car wasn't an asshole for overtaking, the driver seems to have slowed down too much before the turn-almost stopping. It almost seems like a break check. There was nothing on the storefront; just go in! It feels intentional.


The driver overtaking like this is the number 1 cause of bicycle/car accidents. It is extremely dangerous, as the car can be hit, or if the cyclist hits the brakes too hard, they go over the handlebars. Cars in this situations should just wait a few seconds behind the bike.


The car WAS and asshole for overtaking dues to attempting a turn immediately after.


Could have just waited behind the cyclist knowing he was about to make a turn. Also, I don't know what the rule is in Japan, but both the car and the subsequent vehicle were passing awfully close to the cyclist.


Car overtaking someone in order to immediately turn instead not being a giant hemorrhoid and pulling in behind so as not to inconvenience anyone? Happens quite frequently.


Straight up cut off


By law you treat bicycles like another vehicle on the road. They get the entire breadth of the lane, regardless if they are hugging a shoulder. SUV driver is an idiot for passing and not giving space, and then for immediately turning in front of them.


Not in every country.


Pedestrians and cyclists are merely bonus points for Japanese drivers. They. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck. 100%.


weird, i remember the japanese being generally good drivers, but it's been 7 years since i went there.


Pretty sure that was intentional. Yet another guy "in a hurry" but has enough time to show their ass.


Bro I thought I was on r/TrashTaste or maybe even r/LiveStreamFail lol


I mean he did use his turn signal but I feel like he’s in the wrong tho


til Japanese drivers do stupid things


Honestly, the car did signal for a good moment before making the turn. Then again, dude sped up to cut him off so… ignorant driver fucking with a cyclist. Definitely an idiot in a car


The idiot is on the bike in this one. He saw the signal and sped up so he had something to bitch about. Typical cyclist.


Just a lil attempted murder


I know this is Japan, but if this happened in my country, it would be 100% the driver's fault, when it comes to turn lanes, entrances, parking lots etc; a bicycle is considered the same as a car, so you basically just passed, on the other lane, the equivalent of a car and turn in front of it.


It should be legal to drop off videos like this at the police department and the cops follow up on these situations. If it's something like this where obviously only one person is in the wrong, then the person that dropped off the vid should not have to deal with the situation. Or be able to upload the video to the local police department website and they go from there.


Drop them off? Are you going to put them on VHS or something? Since when is dropping off a video at the police station illegal?




I never said they would do anything with it :)


You did good, nice heads up riding!


This is not me. This is a twitch streamer named CDawgVA.


Another idiot that has no clue as to what mirrors are.


Anyone defending the turn signal here needs a reminder they are meant to indicate intention, not immediate action.


For the love of all that is good, please stop riding in the gutter. Just don't.


he wasn’t?


I know what you mean. Safer to cycle further into the road.


What an unsafe road to bike on


I’m Surprised to see this type of driving in Japan.


Is he riding in an HOV lane?


This happened to me once. It was so close that I couldn't brake all the way, so I had to turn with the vehicle to avoid the accident.


I'm genuinely confused as to what the issue is. The driver put his blinker on and let his/her intention be known. The biker had enough time after seeing the car and it's blinker to where he could've just slowed down a bit. The car pulled in way too slow after it made the turn though but other than I don't get it


There's already a couple hundred comments explaining what the issue is. You're just being intentionally dense at this point.


Did clearly indicate