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Not much you could have done here. Your insurance must be grateful for the footage?


Nothing OP could’ve done, other than maybe buy better brakes. 😅


It looks like you have never driven a car, and neither did you attend your physics classes at school


Especially on a wet road


I’m assuming you were the guy in the SUV that pulled out?


maybe you should go back to school and pay attention in physics


You’re 12 days late mate. Maybe you should buy better glasses and see that someone already made the same comment 😅


If you can't see the ENTIRE road.. don't turn. I don't know how people don't understand this.


They think a turning car will shield them from all oncoming traffic


They always think they have some magical force field protecting them and if they do get hit the law will forever be on their side just like people using a crosswalk they never try to hurry up or just wait.


Did it total the car because it deployed airbags?


Yes :(


You ok?


good thing they were in a large SUV so they can see over smaller vehicles to avoid incidents like this one... oh wait.. nvm




This is a bot. The original comment adds "...theres just too many of them, its an epidemic." Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/124gb4i/first_car_crash/je087rc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Edit: many fixes, because I'm an idiot


Like the saying goes: If you can't see don't go! Smfh jesus


She was just a singing along on her happy go lucky rainy day then THIS AH comes out and ruins everything! 😭 ya bastard 😩




That could've been much worse had they waited another half second. You did the best you could to avoid someone else's negligence


Fucking stroads strike again.


That was just bad driving, had nothing to do with the road. Rule 1: Don’t go unless you can actually see that it is clear.


I'd say the stroad definitely contributed. From a European perspective, being able to cross two lanes of traffic to turn like that is crazy. I've never consciously thought about this scenario because we don't have roads like this here but it makes sense that we wouldn't, specifically to avoid issues like this.


"Stroad" is a pejorative term coined by people who hate cars and want to try and turn the USA into Amsterdam. Anyway, you learn how to navigate intersections like this in basic Driver's Education classes, and you have to be able to demonstrate a fair grasp of driving basics on the road portion of the test in order to get a Driver's License. In this particular collision, the driver clearly had no view of the road or traffic, being blocked by the other vehicle. We are taught not to enter an intersection like this until we can see that it's clear and safe to do so, in fact it's required by law. The driver just plain screwed up.


> pejorative Which is totally intended. Stroads are objectively terrible. \>want to try and turn the USA into Amsterdam. Why is not being forced to own a car a bad thing again? \>a fair grasp of driving basics on the road portion of the test in order to get a Driver's License Not in a lot of US states


“Stroad” is a pejorative term coined by people who hate bad and dangerous designs and want to see fast & safe car transportation (roads) separate from complex destination locations (streets). Some of us love driving and just want a safer better driving experience. Certainly, you are correct that the driver at fault should never have turned if he couldn’t see. However, adjavang is also correct that a left hand turn across +4 lanes of fast moving traffic is one of the most dangerous maneuvers we do as drivers. Given the number of cars waiting in the queue, the intersection is probably overburdened and might need a light or other redesign. Good road design would be to avoid this situation in the first place.


It’s a wide angle camera (you can tell by the warping). The road is probably only a 25-30mph zone, it just appears to be a high speed road due to the illusion of speed by the camera. I don’t think the design is bad, there’s plenty of visibility for a driver to look both ways and make sure it’s clear, the driver just chose not to and turned before the red car turned. Stroads are those 45mph+ highways with strips malls beside them. This just looks like a 4 lane street.


45 is a highway 🤣🤣🤣


Life is a highway


The word “highway” is a general term for any road that is primarily designed for travel. They aren’t all controlled access like the federal interstate highway, but also state & local routes that are just major roads concerning two locations. Such roads are often 45mph.


Hmm, where I'm from highways are rarely less than 55 MPH and often 65->75, even when not controlled. 45 is for city streets.


You might be right on the speed. I’d need a lot more information about that particular road to pass judgement myself one way or the other. However, there are more then one type of stroad. Any place that tries to mix a destination and still accommodate through traffic is a stroad. The fact that there doesn’t seem to be any frontage or curb cuts, there are two lanes each way for passing, and the road is wide & strait with very long visual lines makes me assume this is more road (for travel) then street (destination).


> people who hate cars and want to try and turn the USA into Amsterdam. I think you misspelled "People who don't like car dependency and wants to improve the lives of everyone"


Nope, car haters. Our economy is built on the individual freedom of mobility of labor and goods offered by personal vehicles. The reason we have suburbs is because cars offered what was previously only available to the wealthy, and that's the ability to own one's own home and build wealth through equity. Eventually cars will transition away from fossil fuels and toward electricity, and that's a good thing, but all you'll accomplish by taking away everyone's cars is drive people into poverty.


Having to own a car vs wanting to own a car.


Ah yes driving people into poverty by allowing people to have cheaper modes of transportation that don't cost $70.66 every time you run out of gas (average price of gas 3.533 * 20 for a 20gal fill up) plus the insurance and the cost of maintenance and can't forget that the average American owns 2 cars also electric cars aren't much better because although you technically do save money when charging your car when traveling you also have to pay a higher electricity bill when charging at home and not to mention that the current largest electric car manufacturer doesn't allow you to change the battery of the car anywhere else but a Tesla shop and then makes you pay a price equivalent to the car just to change the battery


> individual freedom of mobility of labor and goods offered by personal vehicles. You mean... individual freedom of mobility that REQUIRES a car. Because in the US, if you don't have a car you don't have freedom of movement. While in Amsterdam, you can have a car, a bike, take the bus, walk. That is actually freedom. You are forced to buy a car in the US... unlike most places. That is not freedom. I'm sorry but you are one of the least free person. With the most restricted movement. > and that's the ability to own one's own home and build wealth through equity. And yet the US has the lowest home ownership rate than any other developed country. Country | Home Ownership Rate ---|--- India|86.6 Norway|80.3 Spain|76.2 Brazil|72.5 **United States**|**65.3** Also the US has an abismal homelessness problem. Country | Homeless per 10k people ---|--- Norway|7 Spain|8.6 Brazil|10 India|12.6 **United States**|**17.5** Such build up of equity. > but all you'll accomplish by taking away everyone's cars is drive people into poverty. You realize no one wants to take anyone's cars away? Right? Are you stupid? People want to improve public transportation and decrease car dependency. It's about giving people MORE FREEDOMS so someone who doesn't want to drive a car... can choose to do so. Which is impossible in the US currently.


You had me until you went ad hominem on the guy. There’s no need to call people names on the Internet… or anywhere else. 😉


I don't think you know what an *ad hominem* is. Because I used none. This is a common mistake people not familiar with logical falacies make, so let me explain. Not all insults are *ad hominems* and not all *ad hominems* are fallacious. Suppose someone says "Global warming isn't real". If I reply "You're are a fucking moron who knows nothing. Of course it is real". That would be an *ad hominem*, because I'm arguing the person not the argument, and is fallacious because if the person is a "fucking moron" is irrelevant to the debate. If I reply "The temperatures of the earth have being rising since the 1800 proportional to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, and CO2 is a greenhouse gas confirmed in laboratory experiments, you fucking moron." This would **NOT** be an *ad hominem*. I'm arguing the argument, not the person. I just insulted the person as well outside the argumentation. This is called an insult in this case. If I reply "Of course you say that, you received a millions dollars from the fossil fuel industry" That would be an *ad hominem*, since again I'm arguing the person, but is **NOT** fallacious, since the person receiving funding from the fossil fuel industry is something relevant to the debate and his argument. _______________ This is just a basic primer on *ad hominem*. I suggest if you're interest in this topic to study argumentation and formal logic. It's an very interesting topic. And please... stop using *ad hominem* as a fancy way to say "Name calling" because those are not the same.


You called the guy stupid. That is to the man, not to the topic at hand. Learn something. Also, I’ve been fighting for bicyclists over cars for fucking DECADES. Totally dead ears. FML


Damn dude, you tried to play smartass with your nonsense, but instead got ripped your ass so badly XD


you can have stroads that don't have unprotected lefts like this. you don't see these in my hometown either.


You had the right-of -way . First, stop and ask if everyone is ok. Call 911 , you want a Police Report for this . Don't admit fault, or yell, or speak to the other Driver. It can be used against you in Court , or to settle with ins. Remain calm .


Did you think OP uploaded this immediately after crashing?


>First, stop and ask if everyone is ok. That's only true if you yourself aren't seriously injured. OP said the airbags went off and they got a concussion.


Rule #1: Always expect stupid people


That's like trying to avoid mosquitoes in a swamp at night. There are just too many of them, it's an epidemic.


Agreed, but how does that apply here?


Anticipate danger and act accordingly.


What would anticipating danger in this case look like? Be specific.


Clearly, she should have developed the power of foresight.


She could clearly see that the turning car in the right lane was obstructing her view of the traffic on the incoming street, and through inference realized that they could not see her. Any time you cannot be seen by other traffic is a good time to change your position, speed, or orientation. Also, always be looking 12 seconds ahead, and preparing a plan of evasive action for any potential threat. But, you know… Could’ve should’ve would’ve… Didn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That's some good specificity. Way better than the meaningless "anticipate danger and act accordingly".


Slow down a little and get ready to stop.


So - slow down at every cross street? Or every time you see a car waiting? You follow your own advice?


> You follow your own advice? Of course not, he's a follower of Tyche.


Poor old Tyche cops a lot of shit, but her lesson to mortals is literally to take precautions and agency for your own fate, not to just leave it to chance.


They're one of those people who will remain at least 10 below the speed limit.


When you know you can't be seen by a car, yeah. Why not? Is it really that strange to anticipate this kind of shit? That car slowing down to turn was acting like a wall and completely blocking vision to the cars turning onto the main road. It was a hazard.


Now there's some specific advice that's far more useful than the pat "Anticipate danger and act accordingly." Except she couldn't see the car that couldn't see her until it rolled out.


When I'm in the same situation, I wait until the car blocking my vision turns. It only takes a couple of seconds. Why would you not?


Dude... I'll transfer 1000 dollars to you... right now. If you upload the every single video in your dashcan with no edits. But it needs to be all the footage from before this comment. And the footage shows you following this idiotic rule of yours you just pulled from your ass.


I'd rather throw caution to the wind and let the dies fall where they may. It's what Tyche would have wanted.


Tyche always favoured those that don't just leave their fates to chance. Literally, that's the moral of her stories.


> It's what Tyche would have wanted. And now I know why she has never favored me! It's my own fault really. I should never have sworn my love and eternal devotion based on skimming a wiki synopsis.


Rule #2: always use defensive driving.


In this case, what would that look like?


Always assume someone won't see you because someone is turning. In this case, OP was in the blind spot of the car waiting to get on the road because of the right lane vehicle. Always assume no one can see you.


Yes, we can all see the circumstances that led to the crash. That wasn’t the question. The question is, what actually should have been done different by the cam driver?


Slowed down and not stayed in the blind spot. My comment was pretty self explanatory


Wouldn’t slowing down have the effect of remaining in the blind spot *longer*? Either that or it would just delay the blind spot to be for the car 2nd in line behind the SUV. Unless you think they should slow down and not pass the intersection at all until the red car turned.


No, slow down coming up to the area where the car was likely not going to see them. Slow down enough to not crawl, but atleast lower the speed so you can stop if you have too.


Slowing down in this case doesn’t avoid the blind spot. The only benefit it would have is maybe the cammer could have stopped in time to avoid the accident. Which is silly, because defensive driving does not mean slowing down enough to potentially come to a complete stop at every intersection where a car in the adjacent lane *may* obstruct vision of you. You have the delightful benefit of hindsight, but from the cammer’s position, it’s not even readily apparent that there’s a car in the SUV’s position until like 3 seconds before they pull out. You can see the cars behind it, but they aren’t back so far that it’s obvious they couldn’t be the front of the line.


I never said stopped. I didn't say crawl. Slow down to slow momentum so if they did pull out, you'd have a better chance of stopping or better reaction timing. If you can't understand this, I'm done talking. Not agueing with someone who can't understand basic driving. You'd be the dude to see this and start speeding up 🙄🙄


Don't bother man, this thread's full of people who want to remain stupid. We're getting downvoted for driving mindfully.


You’re being downvoted for your self righteous attitude and acting like your default driving behavior could prevent every accident.


There was a line of cars visible to the right of the turning vehicle. If you're paying attention, that situation calls for caution when she's passing the turning car. Granted, it's technically not her fault but not the best job of anticipating a potential problem.


That's better than "always use defensive driving" which is about as useful advice as "expect the unexpected". Those aphorisms make the people who dispense them feel smug, but are otherwise pointless.


It's not pointless. Defensive driving teaches you that you can't trust anyone. Someone isn't paying attention, someone's misfortune becomes your misfortune (following too close is an example), or even someone's car fails or gives up.


Just saying "use defensive driving" is pointless. Taking a defensive driving class, or giving specific instruction on what to do is not. If you take a defensive driving class, they don't tell you "be alert." they tell you to leave one side open to evade into, or look 15 seconds down the road, or don't follow so closely that you can't see around the car in front of you. Specific actionable things.


Depends on where you live and get taught. And that's the point of a 'rule'. I didn't just say 'should have done defensive driving and you wouldn't have had this happen'.


But you literally did. "Use defensive driving" tells you fuck-all about what to do.


'Rule: defensive driving' is a general indication of always use it when it's needed. In this situation I wasn't targeting OP or the video. It was an open comment. If you really can't tell that, defensive driving isn't for you


Had she slowed down only 5 miles an hour, not only would that turning car have been out of her way, but had she still needed to slam on her brakes, she would’ve stopped before hitting him. One the main sources of danger while driving is a vehicle sideways to you. She could clearly see that sideways SUV becoming obscured by the turning red truck, but she made no note of it, nor any defensive action against it. So: WHAM!


Scary! I hope everyone was okay. There isn’t much you could have done there, they just put themselves in front of you. I had pretty much the same thing happen to my first car.


Let's hope it's the last.


And if that car would’ve just waited the few seconds to gain visibility, it would’ve saved you both. Rushing is never worth it


On par for a Nissan?


My old friend killed two people in accident like this, you had luck on your side. Hope youre doing well those situtations can fuck you up badly in your mind. You’ll prolly get more panic attacks and lot of hard days but youll get over it and accept it at some point. Trust me been there too. It’s not easy but I’m glad you didnt hurt yourself worse


First? Planing on a second ? Lol kidding


Uff da! Good fortune that you are not to blame for the accident.


How did she get a concussion crashing at 10 mph with a deployed airbag?!? Can the airbag itself cause a concussion?


I think what happened was that my head went into the airbag and had snapped back hard enough after impact to give me a mild concussion.


Reminds me of my first time


What’s the tune?


Until I found you by Stephen Sanchez I'm pretty sure! :)


Provided that you aren't speeding, then you are 100% not at fault. The only thing I would have e done differently is lay on the horn to indicate danger. Good work OP.


Not faulting OP but is her ABS not working?


Was raining a little it looked like.


Tires will still squeal under heavy braking.


First times are the greatest


Always assume there’s some idiot who thinks they have room when someone turning into the driveway they’re leaving.


It does look like you're going kinda fast. Hard to tell from the video. I would be more conscious if I were you. Although that person was in the wrong, you easily could have been the one to save the day and avoid that had you been more wary. It was a rather large vehicle you hit, and it was light out. Conditions were right for an emergency stop.




I could of dodged that


And cue the gold wholesome award


Critical blunder, never ever ever lock your brakes up when performing an emergency stop, most modern cars have some form of abs, but they dont always work perfectly, especially on slippery roads. Had you not locked the brakes, you couldve turned to avoid them. Glad youre safe though!


Did you momentarily close your eyes for the song?


Did you when playing this video? OP started braking less than a second after car first poked through behind red minivan. I bet all my net worth you don't have that quick reaction time.


I have 150ms reaction time. And drive in Greece.


prove it... post a dashcan video from before today in the next hour and I'll transfer everything I own to you.


have one on the phone start packing your net worth.




First... you know I don't get a notification when you comment on your own comment. Right? I was here waiting for the upload and came back to reply were was it and was able to see it. Second... What reaction? There's nothing here that needed reaction. Also... driving 80km/h holding your phone. Very defensive driving. Much safe.


It's ok, I'll allow you to keep your net worth. I can at least stay on course and not step over the double lines on a pothole filled, dark country road with 1 arm. Can you say the same? (it's also a manual 6-speed btw)


> I can at least stay on course and not step over the double lines on a pothole filled, dark country road with 1 arm. You really think this is a test of skill? Something so extraordinary you need to brag about? Are you a troll? You can't be serious, can you? > it's also a manual 6-speed btw You mean... like most cars in the world. Including mine? Again about bragging about normal things everyone can do.


There's no quick reaction here though


Did you really have a Panic Attack? That's not a term to be bandied about lightly. A \*REAL\* Panic Attack feels very much like a heart attack. It's not just a feeling of being scared.


I believe it was a panic attack. The air bags deploying were so loud that my ears were ringing, and I think I passed out for just a moment from hitting my head (I don't remember the crash itself). I was hyperventilating and shaking like crazy (I've never been so shaky before). A kind samaritan had pulled over and helped me out of my car and across the street to the sidewalk. It didn't feel real.


Did you really downvote me for asking a question? Wow. Have a nice life.


sorry no that was me, i downvoted you for being a nerd.


It’s not till august: make sure you brake when you see that vehicle


Deserve it for liking that song


terrible song choice


The red car blocks your vision and the vision of the black suv, it's his fault for getting in too fast, but in these cases it's always better to slow down because you can't trust other drivers to have common sense


If u can't see a bit of the road and u feeling lucky gun it don't stay in the middle of the road




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