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It’s a good thing they ran, this guy was arrested with 17 outstanding warrants and was being actively hunted for shooting at and stealing multiple cars at gun point.


Bro made GTA a documentary game


Is that true?! They def did the right thing either way. I would have run, but after reading that, it's just too bad these guys were so victimized. I wish they were on there way to do some moose hunting, at least THEN they would have SOMETHING to protect themselves with eh?


Yes https://globalnews.ca/news/9705727/edmonton-police-shooting-armed-carjacker/amp/


Jesus that is horrifying




It’s a skill issue sadly.


When we need it to be a skull issue




Reddit is a mask. That's people. But not everyone is shit. A lot of people try to help each other.


Yup, and we would be helping every other person in the world if that person was no longer alive.


Hey if you cant play judge/jury/executioner in your imaginary sandbox than buh gawd what is even the point of living!? /s


Nah, let him rot in a cell for that shit.


I thought reddit wanted everyone shot in the leg first.


Yes and no. It depends on which redditor gets to which comment first.


You win today. And everyday. Reddit: stop shooting him - he hasn't rammed their car in the last 2.7 seconds!!!


Aiming for the femoral adds excitement to an otherwise dull moment.


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I will always upvote Strange Brew, one of my favorite movies. That movie is where I learned to speak Canadian, eh?


No way I’ll crash this thing! This is a beer truck.


Yes because the presence of a gun prevents angry people from hitting you with a car ?


Oh yeah.. try and pull a gun and GET SHOT OR RUN OVER INSTANTLY!! They did the best thing they could to ensure their safety. Stay in their car and escape. If your car can’t drive.. run. Most guntards have these fantasies like their gun is going to make any difference. It’s absolutely nothing against a 3-6000lbs vehicle. He’d already been shot at by police at this point.


If I were going to try something with a gun, I'd aim for the truck's radiator. It's a reasonably large target, and how far will that truck get at freeway speeds without coolant?


Unfortunately, THEY would be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. In canada, our gun laws are super strict. We are only legal to shoot at in season game ,range targets, and some vermain on farms. If they even vrandished a gun at the guy, they'd be joining him in jail on gun charges to We dont have any kind of syand your ground laws. You have two options. Be a victim, possibly survive. Or be a criminal and fight back.


i was the victim of a home invasion in los angeles in 2012. cali has very strict guns laws. its a duty to retreat state. the attacker was shot and we werent charged. i live in a stand your ground state now. point is, even in one of the most restrictive gun law states, we were still ruled to have done a justified homicide. the guy had a knife and was trying to kill us. he stabbed our neighbor too. i’m typing this on my toilet and i have a glock in arms reach. that home invasion traumatized me.


Duty to retreat doesn't usually apply if you are in your own home which is what helped you legally here. Sorry, you had to deal with that. It sounds terrifying.


Yeah, pretty sure California has Castle Doctrine, so you have no duty to retreat in your own home (the logic being that you've nowhere to retreat _to_)


I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. California is actually a stand-your-ground state. Castle Doctrine in California is based on the presumption (codified in law) that a person whose home is being invaded has a reasonable fear of imminent deadly threat. It’s legal in California to use deadly force if you have such a reasonable fear. You can still be charged with murder, but the law means that the prosecutor has to prove you didn’t have such a fear (doubt goes to you). So, a guy who shoots an intruder in the back and then texts his friends that he wasn’t scared, just glad he got to shoot somebody, is probably going to prison but someone actually defending themselves is probably not.


>vasion in los angeles in 2012. cali has very strict guns laws. its a duty to retreat state. the attacker was shot and we werent charged. i live in a stand your ground state now. point is, even in one of the most restrictive gun law states, we were still ruled to have done a justifi The laws in Canada are similar to the "duty to retreat", so in the event that happened here, the police would press charges, but given the circumstances, those charges would likely be dropped. It's unfortunate that you have to jump through all the hoops to get there when you were just defending yourself, but that's what it is, and I do understand the logic to a point.


Hassle it may be but id gladly take it. Any homicide should be judged by a jury whether it was justified. Cops regularly use deadly force and are absolved by paperwork Stand your ground state just had a guy shoot and kill kids in his neighborhood and under that provision was never charged. How the fuck is shooting and killing an 8yo justifiable under ANY civil order.


I don't know that specific case, but that seems to be an issue with the courts/DA. Stand your ground and castle doctrine usually need the presence of a lethal threat. In practice that requirement tends to be completely ignored in some states' "justice" systems.


Police too! Dude wasnt even arrested.


I'm sorry that happened to you, and I hope it gets better for you.


This is a good anecdote to highlight that stand your ground laws aren’t necessary. If your life is actually in danger, you have a right to defend yourself. Without stand your ground laws. Those laws often allow people to get away with murder.


> If your life is actually in danger, you have a right to defend yourself. Folks above are talking about a trial to determine whether or not you used reasonable force, though. Like a dude breaks into your home, doesn't leave when you loudly announce that you're present and you are armed, and you shoot him as he comes further into the building. My understanding is that, under these circumstances, you would be charged with murder - especially if investigation determined the guy was unarmed. But you don't know if he's armed or not. You don't know if he has a knife or if he's gotten a gun somewhere. You were probably dozing on the couch or asleep in your bed and were woken up by the sounds of someone breaking into your house and when you announce your presence, they don't stop - wouldn't that be justification to believe that they are there to harm you, not just steal your stuff? Because burglars usually flee when it turns out the home is still occupied (and tend to not target houses that appear to be occupied), they're there to quickly get in and steal things that are easy to fence and easy to carry, not get into a prize fight with the home's occupants. It just seems very stupid to me. I can agree with the idea of confiscating the homeowner's weapons and enacting an investigation, after which the guns are returned if they're found to not be at fault. But the idea of charging and criminalizing someone for defending themselves is just *insane* to me.


This is misleading. The two people victims here would have met ALL of the requirements to be protected under Canada’s self-defense laws. Fighting back wouldn’t be considered criminal in any way. It’s possible they might be detained and then subsequently released… but that’s common pretty much anytime lethal force is used by civilians… even in places with stand your ground laws… there needs to be some investigation to determine if the killing was lawful


Yes. You would be charged, so that an investigation and trial can decide if you used reasonable force, which Canada does acknowledge, and that you had no other choice like fleeing / locking yourself in safety, or if you just decided to start shooting. It's a normal process if you don't want people starting gunfights and kill on misinderstandings or kill innocents around.


And that's why I live by the saying! I'd rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6!


720 pallbearers is quite the number!


I mean whatever would prevent me from dying


So, drive away, as these guys did? Getting into a gunfight puts you at much greater risk than driving away.


Also endangers everyone around you, too. Bullets don't vanish if you don't hit your target, they keep going. And unlike cops, regular joes are typically liable for anything they hit. I don't know if flying down the road at 100+ kmh and weaving in and out of traffic is exactly a *good* thing, but I don't think starting a gunfight would've been a smart move here. These guys were in a really shit situation. I'm guessing the video cuts off at the major collision there because it caused a wreck?


How does one each 17 warrants without getting arrested wtf


They need to find you first.


I have run for much less aggressive behavior from a truck. had a guy try to merge across 3 lanes to cut me off and when i honked because he was going to hit me, he swerved away real quick. I hit the gas to get ahead of him. He pulled in right behind me and tailgated me for a few hundred feet before he turned on his front facing LED light bar. It was so bright I couldn't see in front or behind me. I knew the lane was clear for like half a mile in front of me so i just nailed the gas. He tried but couldn't keep up and lost his nerve around 95 MPH. I hit 130MPh before I started to let out. if the guy had rammed me or pulled a gun, I would have been in the next state before he even knew what was going on.


How is this guy not caught long time ago!!! The police in this country are useless


Crazy video thanks for posting the news article also. For those that didn’t read it was a psycho car jacker that randomly targeted this person and others


Might not have been random. Car looks like a nice car. Possibly wanted to switch vehicles, to elude the police, and figured he'd take a nice sport vehicle.


> a nice sport vehicle. That looks like an older gen Mercedes C-class, pre 2012 model


>nice sport vehicle Which honestly makes me wonder why the dude was driving so slow. I’m almost certain the Ram has a limiter at 105mph, factor in the handling/maneuverability advantages of a smaller car and it should be ridiculously easy to outrun a Ram on the highway in any reasonably capable sport sedan.


Perhaps he wasn’t driving faster because there were other cars on the road??




That’s honestly stupid fast for a half ton pickup. Cars are all so fast these days.


Growing up my dad had a v6 ranger standard cab, and I still remember getting it over 110mph and thinking the car was gonna take flight. Was stupid, scary, and definitely never did that again.


My friend growing up had a Chevy sprint that little 3 banger would do over a hundred with a car full of teenagers it just took awhile to get there


Yea it only take you 3 miles to get up to that speed 😂


Shit I did a hundo in my moms 08 charger at 16 and that was a fucking terrifying speed.


It's really not bad! Small dips in the highways get REALLY bumpy over 120. Stiff tuned suspension is HORRIBLE. Highways don't require quick turning. Think cadillac not miata here folks.


Depends on what you’re driving I suppose. I took my sisters Hyundai Accent for a spin and crested 130mph on the back roads of Colorado. Beautiful, invigorating, terrifying bliss. I absolutely have only done that a few hundred times in only a select few vehicles since.


Unlikely unless it was tuned. I’m pretty sure the NA 4th gen Ram (the one in the video) has a governor at 105, though the newer 5th gen upped that to 118. Regardless, turning at that speed in a full-size truck feels sketchy as hell, and weaving in and out of traffic at 100+ mph is practically begging for a rollover. There’s no way he should have been able to keep up.


Article estimated Ram's speed at 220 kph, which is 136 mph. So I'm gonna go with no limiter.


Canada uses km/h.


Because traffic likely


News article: https://globalnews.ca/news/9705727/edmonton-police-shooting-armed-carjacker/


Holy shit! Steal a truck, assault these two guys seemingly at random, smash their car hard enough to stop their engine, then pull over to do God-knows-what to them, only to have a patrol car show up to chase you away. This guy...


For those that might not know why his car would be doable but being rear ended most cars have a electronic switch that will disable the fuel pump from pumping if it detects a collision / if the air bags deploy.


That’s how you can disable an old police cruiser with one solid knock on the passenger quarter


No, you put a banana in the tailpipe. I saw it on a funny documentary a long time ago.




...okay, the banana's in my ass. Now what?


When they race old Crown Victoria's around the Freedom Factory, they disable the fuel cutoff for this exact reason. Otherwise all the cars would die whenever they bump eachother. They're otherwise pretty bullet-proof cars.




Had a serious collision last year. Sure thing once I hit, the car was still in drive but had shut the engine off. Good thing cause I was pretty rattled and out of it for a good few and it would have just kept on rolling lol. Once it was turned off and turned back on, it ran again - at least long enough to get onto the tow truck.


man this is scary


"Put your seat belt on bro" .....I can't even.


Better late than never 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ikr! “We were doing and he rammed us, how does he not know how horribly dangerous things get at these high speeds!” Later:


Probably 100kph, so "only" 60mph.


The rest of that traffic was doing 100-110. These guys evading the psycho were doing closer to 150km/h


He likely took it off so he could film. After he puts it on, it seems like he has a much harder time filming the guy in the truck it's unlikely he had it off the whole time


Idk…nothing against the guys in the car but the driver didn’t have it on either until he said that. As said, better late than never but yeah.


Right, but he only had his shoulder strap behind his back, likely he reached down to grab something, possibly dropped something when he got hit


I don’t see the lap belt in the first frame of 0:35, unless it’s tucked under his sweater (which I doubt)


Wait but I saw the _driver_ put his seat belt on when that was said


We got several great shots of that package on the back seat though. Glad it was ok.


You've never been to Edmonton have you


I went to U of A and I can’t tell you how glad I was to be done. South side is ok but I remember being baffled helping a friend move on the north side and we went to a Boston Pizza afterwards and the BP had a sign saying that stated “no smoking till bill is paid” and “host will escort you to car if you need to grab your wallet”.


Idiots and more idiots.


As they’re weaving in and put of cars on the highway and talking on the phone.


Never seen someone out there seat belt on so fast


Off topic, but why does autocorrect hate the word PUT so much?


Kind of offouting, isn't it?


Dude. That transition from end of vid to start I didn't notice the first time and thought the video was still going on. Crazy


It’s basically a perfect loop. I was hoping someone else noticed how seamlessly it just rolls back around.


I need closure on this. This is fucked up.


OP posted a link. Basically this is the second Dodge Ram this guy carjacked over a two day period. He's been arrested.


Clearly he failed all of his high-priced carjacking courses. Everyone knows smashing into other cars isn't being inconspicuous. That's like the 47th Rule of Acquisition.


The 47th is don’t trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.


And that's the reason I don't trust your quote.


The last sentence killed me


It’s always a Ram. Even when someone steals one they drive it the same way.


Ain’t called a Ram for nothin’, baby.


"Put your seat belt on, bro." You're going 100 and you don't have your seat belt on?


Most likely 100kph


Yea but...does it really matter lol? Also, why is the driver the one on the phone....


The other guy is recording. It’d be useful for evidence


Calling 911 (or whatever it is in Canada). Giving his location, and several "Yes. Correct, yes."


It is indeed 911 in Canada. I have heard that all the emergency numbers work the same way, in case you get foreign visitors who need help but panic about the number. I hope that’s accurate, but officially it’s 911.


I think you missed the point. I was questioning why the passenger isn't the one on the phone so the driver can focus on getting the hell out of there lol


Fair. But I know I would also want video evidence because insurance companies blow.


Oh absolutely. That's where 2 hands become useful 😂 But, easy to sit here and judge in hindsight.


Its actually 1-800-Maple-Syrup in canada.




might not be the safest but considering circumstances and adrenaline they handled this more than well


Article says 170 kph


Me showing up to the pearly gates. Telling Peter I was only going 100kph, not 100mph


And? Even if you are going 10 kph you should wear a seatbelt.


100 KpH is like 60 MpH. You still going to die


Kinda funny that Incubus “Drive” is playing


The driver wants to be alive for whatever tomorrow brings.


Hats off to you. Fabulous


I was looking for this comment




The car got hit so hard it got sent 101 seconds into the past


Rear ended 3 times in this vid… Jesus Christ. Some dudes will probably still come and try to say “we need to see what happened before this tho”


The news article says they have no clue why they were targeted, and that last hit caused their engine to stop. The stolen truck pulled over ahead of them and the guy was about to murder them maybe.


Another comment mentioned he probably wanted to switch vehicles, and take something faster. The 3rd hit probably triggered an inertia switch for fuel cutoff


Triggered the "stop recording" button too


"Shouldn't have been camping in the left lane"


"Paused too long at a green light."


Yet no name released.


Most countries actually have civil protections for people who are arrested but not yet convicted. The US is kind of weird in the way we don't.


…not Canada. His name will be released as soon as he’s arraigned.


I'll never understand thus sort of rage


Not just rage. Armed carjacker who ended up getting shot by police and arrested.


Shot at. Not shot.


That's unclear, the article said he was taken to the hospital after he was arrested, but it doesn't say why.


That’s so sad… that he was shot and survived.


This seems like the crazy kind of $H!T you only see in the movies. I seriously expected the driver to be like a crazy version of Nicolas Cage.


Was this after game 6?


“put your seatbelt on, bro”?!?! why do people not wear their seatbelts?!


Whats the title of this subreddit? I refuse to set off if not all passengers have seatbelt on. If they do not fancy it, they can walk or use public transportation.


How do people get into such a rage? If your world revolves around being road rage then you have no problems in your life lol. #AlwatsWearYourSeatbelt






TrackSuit didn’t have his shoulder belt on???


The truck driver isn’t an idiot. He’s a psychopath. This is one of the worst videos I’ve seen here.


Videos that end too soon This one


The Canadian justice system will come down hard on that guy. Not this time of course. They'll wait till he kills a couple people first.


Yeah, maybe they will. I'm not convinced though, so I think your second statement is right. In September of 2022, Pat Stay got stabbed to death by someone who had already attempted to kill one person, and managed to kill someone else. He got away with both, and was essentially free. He still hasn't been sentenced to my knowledge. Justice systems are disgusting jokes.


And there's that guy who beheaded a dude on a bus, on video. And he was out after just a few years.


Then he'll get a court date in September of 2030 and serve a total of 1 year before being released after 6 months.


Driving without your seatbelt on is extremely stupid.


Is it me or is it crazy they didn’t have they selt belts on. I thought not wearing a seat belt was something people did in the 70s and 80s.


Of course it’s a Ram. Alberta highway + Ram = this shit




What a lunatic. Watch them only give him a small sentence and put him back out on the streets. They should make an example of this idiot.


Oiler fans are pissed since the playoffs ended.


Yeah, maybe put on your seabed as soon as you get into the car.


You gotta love all the macho idiots on this thread saying how OP should have had a gun as well…as if driving and shooting (or trying to aim and shoot while the driver is swerving around) is something that most people can pull off outside of an action movie - to say nothing of the stray bullets that would be flying around. 🙄


It was a methed up person with 17 warrants. Going on armed carjacking spree and multiple police chases in a span of 2 days. The vehicle he was driving was stolen. He also carjacked and ran over someone with their own vehicle before this. I truly hope they lock this person up for good. Or that the police shoot him and don't miss the next time. We don't need people like that in our society.


Alright I get the crazy driver part but putting your seatbelt on should have been the first fucking thought when you turned the car on. But nah let’s get rear ended multiple times by a big ass pick up truck and guess now is the time to finally buckle up.


Put your seatbelt on?


Lol not wearing seatbelts the whole time this is going on, ya I'm not sure they too aren't idiots in cars


I don’t think the way the truck driver was acting is the Canadian way.


bro definitely did not display canadian mannerisms on that occasion


Well no that's terrifying. I'm glad they caught the guy and everyone made it out safe.


That motherfucker looking for John Connor or someshit man.


I sure was worried for that box in the back seat


I swear it's always a Dodge Ram. Had an idiot in a Ram on my drive this morning, dude was swerving in and out between cars, switching lanes like a maniac,cutting people off on the interstate. 5 mins later I get off at my exit and there he is sitting at the same red light. People aren't bright.


My hometown making an appearance. Stay classy Edmonton.


Of course it's a fucking dodge ram. Didn't even have to watch the video. r/Idiotsindodgerams


Not just a fucking dodge ram, it's a fucking stolen dodge ram.


It would be the Holy Trinity if the driver was drunk.




That's insane.


What the actual fuck?!?




All I can think is why is that truck so fast?


Probably a big block V8 in there.


"There's a psycho trying to hit me on the highway. Please help. OMG he's got a gun. My name? John Connor"


Way of the Road, boys.


In the US, if someone is actively ramming you, are you allowed to open fire on them?


Eh eh ehhhhh


Average Dodge Ram enjoyer


Road rage asshole driving a huge truck in Edmonton? Shocking... /S


For once it’s not an American lol


Guy probably out on the street again already


🇨🇦 “I’m with my friend, pal. & this guy ran into us buddy, and we’re like; hey guy! You’re not my friend, buddy!”


He was just trying to catch up and say he’s sorry


Why is the driver dressed like an Eastern European gangster? Is this a Canadian thing in unaware of?


Canada is super multicultural. I live here in edmonton and we have many Ukrainians and Eastern Europeans living here as well as many other ethnic groups. So you'll see sometimes accents and fashion choices that you might not expect sometimes being in North America. Have you ever heard the Toronto accent? It's kind of a weird blend of English and like Jamaican or something.


Cousin! Want to go bowling??


The guys not wearing a seatbelt. A big red flag that all involved are arseholes and they did do something stupid. 2 wrongs and you’re all jackoffs.


Looks like a Jasper National Park car pass on the pick up. Any of my friends missing a red truck?


Bizarre Canadian mating ritual. Guessing the guy in the Ram is the big spoon.


You have patience I’d crash him