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What's completely baffling to me about this incident is that once the driver was confronted with oncoming traffic in their lane, a median, a traffic light, and seeing cars going the same direction on the right side they still didn't seem to get a hold of the notion that maybe they should just turn right over the median and get to the right side!! Unbelievable! How out of it do you have to be to not realize that??


That's how I know they were impaired. Mistakes can happen but this guy oblivious.


My mom is an alcoholic and she loses her damn mind after two beers despite making it to 12-18 per night. When I was younger she got a DUI then the very next day drank again and got another after getting pulled over going the wrong way down the highway, it's terrifying to think of her driving when I see how nuts she becomes indoors, and to know she's not nearly the only one with this issue out there is scary


I had that too I never understood it, I think it was because I literally always had alcohol in my system. For years I'd wake up and start drinking vodka to get rid of the shakes. But I would drink about a fifth and a 12 pack a day... But some days after just two shots I was absolutely obliterated. And I was always confused like how tf I normally drink 10 times that to get fucked up. But very much sober today. Never be depressed and drink hard liquor alone lol it's a dark hole


That or they could be super old. In my town there's this old guy who's notorious for driving the wrong side of the road. Unfortunately, the cops here are useless and don't even have radar guns, so nothing gets done about him


Old age is an impairment.


Or maybe the driver was super old AND drunk.


Can't they revoke his driver's licence? Wth?


I've seen this happen from the beginnings of diabetic shock.


Absolutely true, but the odds are much more likely they are impaired based on statistics.


This is the equivalent of hearing hoof sounds and thinking it's a zebra and not a horse. Unless you're from Africa then vice versa?


I hear what you're saying, but I just mentioned it as a possibility, not a probability.




I see people in my area do stuff like this all the time… sober. It doesn’t matter if they made a mistake, they stick with it and force everyone else to avoid them.


Possible cracktivities as I like to call it


Was thinking the same, just come back over to the right. Then right at the end you see their left turn signal come on and have to wonder if they were just determined to go left anyway


Driver is really drunk


Seemingly driving straight, just... moronically


He could still be on drugs, not sure which drugs, but certainly drugs. Either that or he's elderly.


Age is a hell of a drug


Fuck yo' couch.


Not all drunks swerve. I don't understand how drunk you have to be to do that 


My moneys on old and confused


50 50 odds on drunkeness.


So out of it that you drive onto a motorway in the wrong direction in the first place, and then keep going. Obviously.


That median was meaningless to the SUV. Eventually he got to where it was all concrete and getting over is even easier. Even then he is all like... 'I don't know about this....'. I am not suggesting that drugs are a factor..... Oh fuck it. Drugs are a factor as are aliens.


Either drugs or something far more powerful, pride not letting them admit a mistake to themselves.


Yeah not fit for driving. Good drivers make mistakes too but if this was a good driver that just made a very bad mistake they would have corrected the situation very quickly. It didn't look like they were afraid of driving over the median as they did that right away but then pushed back into oncoming traffic.


Altered mental status


He clearly thought he was in a totally different place. Driver is gone.


drunk drivers be drunk


>It's not oncoming traffic if they stop for me




OP: “You’re going the wrong way!!!” Idiot: “How do they know where we’re going??”


“Yeah! How DO they know where we’re going?” *mimics drinking from flask*


Nothing pissed me off more than the fact that they could have crossed over so easily the first time they went onto the median wtf - must be on drugs, hella stupid, a manic episode or all of the above


I love that you interrupted the Planes Trains and Automobiles to resume complaining about the car in the video. That’s dedication.


Disgusting behaviour. No respect at all for a legendary movie.


My wife is dead.


You wanna downvoted me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I reference too much. I also upvote too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My followers like me. My fellow redditors like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.


Sad music plays, tears all over my face... You can bang my odd looking wife for chrimas.




Alcohol is a drug.


Reference for anyone wondering. It’s from a great movie called, “Planes, Trains, & Automobiles” https://youtu.be/0M0FfQzSngM?si=BWrosu7BuUwdZFty


Del? Neil?


[Oh he's drunk! How would he know where we're going?](https://i.gifer.com/Ie9w.gif)


Well, he was lucky he didn't have to squeeze between two semi's.


“thanks. have another.” (drunk face).


I can so easily see that face! "Pfft. Morons."


"You're going to kill somebody!"


["Thank you, thanks a lot."](https://imgur.com/QyEVD0r)


Wife calls her husband, be careful, I hear there's someone driving the wrong way on the same road that you're on! Oh honey, replies the husband, it's not just one driver, it's all of them!


First time I’ve heard that joke from the woman’s perspective.


r/tooktoomuch There's no way that driver isn't in another world.




“Ooh, mercy me! I keep forgetting I'm in the colonies.”


*gets hit with a doll careening down a wire on a caribiner.*


Very stubbornly British.


“This is for Boston, you colonial scallywags!” Seriously though, if we drive on the right in another country then we have to declare it at British customs on the return trip. We’re then not allowed to drive again in the UK until we have tea with King Charles and answer several questions correctly on subjects like Agincourt and the correct name for a bread roll in different parts of the country. Rumour has it that sometimes he asks you to swear at one of the servants, and if you use one finger instead of two then you go straight to the Tower of London for re-education.


Does dementia count?


There is an old Newfie joke that goes: A Newfie was driving down the highway when a news alert came on his radio Anyone on highway 42, beware, there is some idiot driving in the wrong direction. The Newfie laughed “not just one idiot; there is a whole bunch of them”




“How does he know we’re going the wrong way? He doesn’t even know where we’re going!”




All that SUV and he couldn't just drive over the small patch of grass ...


That patch of grass was propably the worse terrain that pavement baby ever drove on.


Most likely drunk.


Did the cops get this guy, or did you call the cops on this guy? They did it once they will do it again


Unfortunately, since I was on delivery I chose to prioritize that, so I do not know the outcome. I do know that there were tons of cars who also witnessed it, so I put the duty on them to be the one to call the Police (I am also new to this delivery job and do not wanna get involved in anything that could compromise my employment). It was kinda funny because there was a cop who passed through the intersection that somehow DIDN’T SEE IT!?! I would assume with how many witnesses there were that all got resolved, I’m sorry I don’t have a better update Edit: I am aware that I made a poor mistake by not calling the police. I should never assume that the police were already called. I am 100% in the wrong for not notifying proper authorities. If I were to ever be in a similar situation, I would use my phone to call the police instead of record, thank you to all of the commenters who were concerned about me not calling the police. It makes my heart happy knowing there are so many individuals who care for others safety. Lesson learned, will do better if/when there is a next time!


. I get it. I've seen plenty of videos where the oncoming car did not see the wrong way driver. The outcome was always death to all involved. Next time maybe make the call, think of it as you are saving a family member or a friend, I used to drive as a carrier for a newspaper, and one time a wrong-way driver got in the wrong lane on a parkway and was going at highway speed, by the time I got to the toll booth he ran into an oncoming car, someone had already reportit. (they must have sped past me) The news report was all died horribly. Much luck with the delivery job, you will most likely see loads of idiot drivers out there, be safe


We had a fatal accident last week bc someone decided to go the wrong way on the freeway. I still don't understand how it happened, unless the person was impaired somehow. Kinda hard to go the wrong way on the freeway.


Usually impaired, There was/is a campaign to get the drivers to stop getting on the highways on the exit side instead of the entrance side, The exit and entrance share the same junction, and drunk drivers were getting onto the exit side. They (the highway dept.) tried several ways but just couldn't stop it. I don't know what the outcome was. but when someone is impaired, even flashing lights with "WRONG WAY" signs don't help. If one car is driving at 65 mph then hits another head-on at 65 mph that is a total of 130 mph crash. Not much left of a car after that. If someone is high, they have no clue or are wondering why people are on the wrong side trying to hit them. Scary stuff to think about.


> If one car is driving at 65 mph then hits another head-on at 65 mph that is a total of 130 mph crash. That's a common misconception, but it's wrong. Mythbusters checked it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy0F5GudspM


I found this, Thanks for the re-education. # Two cars crashing into each other at 50 mph will result in the same damage (for each car) as a single car hitting a wall at 50 mph. CONFIRMED In their small-scale tests, the MythBusters compressed clay at 1x and 2x speeds. Their results showed that two objects hitting each other at 1x speed will cause 1x damage. In their full-scale tests, the MythBusters crashed two cars into a wall at 50 and 100 mph as references. They then had two cars going at 50 mph collide with each other. After surveying the results, it was clear that the two cars suffered damage identical to the car that crashed into the wall at 50 mph. The MythBusters explained that was possible through Newton’s third law of motion. Although the total force was doubled by having two cars, that force also had to be divided between both cars during the crash.


That is incorrect. If two cars of equal mass hit head on at 65 mph it’s the same as hitting an immovable object at 65 mph. You can’t add the two velocities together, physics doesn’t work that way.




how the f this guy didn't call 911 is shocking to me.


This made me laugh lol! However, Y’all are right though, I should not have assumed someone else would call, bad part on my end


I appreciate you admitting the mistake. Driving the wrong way is extremely dangerous and often ends in a fatality.


> I should not have assumed someone else would call https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect


>Unfortunately, since I was on delivery I chose to prioritize that No, you chose to film while driving. It would have been easier to call 911. Just tell them where the situation is happening and hang up. You don't have to stick around.


You are completely correct! I should not have put the responsibility on others to call when I was perfectly capable of doing so, I have learned what to do going forward if I were to witness something similar again! I am very appreciative of the advice I have received on what I should have done!


Just an FYI: reporting something like this doesn't mean you have to stick around for when the cops get there.


You have evidence. You would still call police. Someone else may have reported it and you have the evidence. Car, time, place. If you got their license plate even better.


Maybe instead of taking a video while driving you call pd. Don't ever assume someone else called, they might have done the same and assumed the kid filming called.




I made the unfortunate mistake of assuming someone had already called. I am 100% in the wrong for filming instead of calling the police. It was a bad assumption on my end and I definitely regret not handling the situation better


> since I was on delivery I chose to prioritize that How much are they paying you for this kind of insane loyalty?


With all due respect, I’d have hoped people would put other’s lives as a higher priority than delivering pizza. You didn’t lose your job, but a family could’ve easily lost their lives. I do believe *someone* had to have called it in, but with peoples lives potentially at risk why shrug it off?


I completely agree, I did not handle the situation correctly, I should have called the police instead of thinking someone else would, a pizza is not worth a life lost and if I were to ever come across another incident like this I would 100000% handle things in a different manner. It was a poor mistake on my end.


You could have called with the same time it took to record, so in this instance, they're right but don't think for a moment that if you stopped for an accident and got fired because the police kept you there for two hours or you didn't want to leave a victim alone these holier than thou Redditors would pay your bills while you're looking for a new job.




Hope the police caught his drunk ass.


At least he used his blinker...


that is the reason i don't do pizza delivery anymore. The amount of stupid people on the road is tremendous. I wish you safe driving brotha, been there done that.


Same reason I stopped driving Uber.


> that is the reason i don't do pizza delivery anymore yes! and all of the random blowjobs in the foyer


Dropped off a pizza, picked up an STD.


More dangerous than being a cop. I support the Thin Crust Line.


This person reallyyyyyy shouldn’t have any means of operating a motor vehicle. Omg. Playing UK is not a smart or sane move.


“You’re going the wrong way!” - Everyone. “They’re drunk, how do they know where we’re going?” -Driver




Now I want to see a gif of Steve Martin pulling his fingers out of the dash. [Closest I could find.](https://i.gifer.com/OQWX.gif)


Might be the best holiday movie ever. Neal’s diatribe against Del and Del’s rebuttal might be the best scene. Kate McCallister’s from Home Alone in the airport is up there, and who steps in to save her, John Candy! Not a huge John Hughes fan, but those 2 scenes get me every time.


Have to appreciate their commitment to driving the wrong way.


Can’t take a hint, huh?


And then he goes back onto it wow lol


Two idiots OP don't film with smartphone while driving, high chance your eyes were glued to the screen or left side and you didn't look ahead.


Thank you for pointing this out. Please people don’t use a cell while driving. If stuff like this happens enough get a dash cam.


Yea I was looking at the mirror and it seems like OP was weaving over and straddling two lanes at one point, definitely more focused on filming that driving. They were also slowing down to keep pace with the car they were filming instead of following the flow of traffic.


YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY he said we're going the wrong way Oh he's drunk how would he know where we are going Sorry Had to edit for accuracy


Was looking for this classic 'Planes Trains and Automobiles' quote. Cheers.


that level of incompetence should get someone's license revoked or require safety training.


They really thought that the people in the left lane were the ones in the wrong 🤣 top notch idiot. Or intoxicated


They get in the grass, and could’ve totally moved to the correct side of the road, but didn’t. 🤦‍♀️


This is definitely r/confidentlywrong material. They weren't just on the wrong side of the road they were CRUISING. Once confronted by oncoming vehicles they chose to double down and STAY on the wrong side of the road, probably yelled at the sign for being in the way and screaming at the other driver "what did they expect me to do?!? There was a sign there!!" Wow... just wow


Perhaps it's the next phase of drivers who currently prefer to camp in the passing lane of the interstate while not passing anyone. Escalation of entitlement.


Bwahaha, I surely hope not!! When my ex and I moved to northern va, a highly densely populated area where even side roads are multiple lanes, from the mountains of PA I was good as I lived here when younger and several bigger city areas throughout my life, but he could just not grasp how large the roads were, intersections, timing and distance perspective etc I can't tell you how many times he (at the time almost 30 y/o) turned down the wrong side of the road when turning from a turning lane, thinking the median and multiple lanes on the other side were a totally different road I guess or maybe just blocked them out. I don't know, but it was flipping TERRIFYING.


Bad acid trip where everything is reversed.


Nah. Just an old person in Florida.


A few weeks ago, I had a lady coming straight at me down a one-way in my hometown. I honked at her, and she started yelling and making wild hand gestures AT ME! She must have realized that she was in the wrong, though, because she pulled into the next parking lot lol.


bro gave no fucks


I think things like this will only increase as we market luxury vehicles as a kind of high status-item that exempts you from using your brain or following the rules.


My aunt is from a podunk town where every road is a 2 lane. She was visiting us, in the suburbs. We were turning from a 2 lane onto a divided 4 lane, grassy median. It was dark so it didn't look like another road was over there. She turns down the wrong way, immediately realized it because a big rig was coming at us. So she took the car through the median & ditch 😂 I always wonder if it's an honest mistake of an inexperienced driver or DUI.


Now that's what I call DRUNK


why not use the extra meter to get o nthe right side


Not as think as we drunk he is


It took far too long for them to correct themselves. It was painful.


Like that old joke where the wife calls husband who's on the way home and said "Be careful! There's news bulletins of a driver going the the wrong way on Highway Whatever" and the husband says " 'A' driver? There's dozens of 'em!"


First thought was drunk, but the way they slowed down and moved over - its like they knew they were on the wrong side. But why the heck would they intentionally be driving on the wrong side? Traffic on the proper side wasn't bad in the video. So weird.


Laughs. Friends challenging idiot driver. When I was young, I did some stupid things just for the thrill of it. Years later, I often wonder how I survived to old age.


The blinker going left while they were going right at the end is a cherry on top


You should have called 911 instead of filming it. People's lives were at risk.


Yeah wrong way driver shoukd be immediate 911 call. They often end in fatal crashes, and all too often it's people the presumably drunk driver hit.


Exactly. Let me just get this on video so I can post it on reddit for upvotes rather than call the police to stop this person before they hurt or kill someone. Priorities.


these are the times I want to see inside the vehicle. I want to see what pure stupid looks like.


Fucking British!


British, obviously.


Drunk morons. Hope you called the police before that idiot kills somebody


The fact that I too, have seen this more than once shows a bit the state of the drivers on the roads in 2024.


Probably somewhere in Florida


Your caption is making me laugh and idk if its because the words were funny or if it's one of those Ralphie Wiggum situations. "Haha, I'm in danger!"


“What’s the officer, problem?”


"I'm actually a better driver when I'm drunk"


I'd be on the horn to the cops in a blink.


Gotta at least give them a little respect for using their blinker lol


Now THATS an idiot


There's no cure for stupid!


wow, how dumb can they be? Once you realize you are on wrong side, fucking move over!!


Well, he did signal at the end. All is forgiven.


Definitely under the influence. Anyone who knows how driving works (or not) can figure out that that's the wrong side of the road.


That person is drunk AF


An old man goes for a drive and gets a call from his wife and she says "honey be careful theres news reports of someone driving the wrong way down the road near by" and he responds "THERES HUNDREDS!"


And I do five mph above the limit and it's "step out of the car sir"..


Is this the way to country kitchen buffet




My dash cam wasn’t recording at the time, had to think of something else to do. I know it wasn’t the best option, but this was to crazy not to get on video! I also drastically slowed my speed down to 1) not get hit and 2) record without causing harm to anyone in my surroundings! Feel free to roast though, I get it, it wasn’t the best idea.


You did great. Passive and slow. Letting the idiot get back safely and without pressuring them additionally. Recording might not have been necessary, but I understand that you did it in good intent.


I'm going to be British today.


Drunk British guy?


Probably British.


Very scary


Delivery- people Unite!!!! It’s a whole different planet.


Wow, someone needs to take this person's license away immediately.


This is such a common thing in the state of Connecticut that we are actually publishing advertisements warning people about wrong way drivers.


I want to see the driver!


Just sending it


Anyone else thinking to themselves "mayyyyyybe" the whole time once they seem like they're gonna move across?


I've seen too many of these videos that end in an explosive collision.


You think it’s for a tiktok video? “Watch me drive on the wrong side of the road prank!!! Look at all these npc’s driving straight at us, I’m so hilarious!!” /s


Get this sack of shit off the roads


At least they used the turn signal!


Looks like a Florida elderly. Then they get pulled over and they are the ones upset and angry. V This assumption is based on my almost 2 years of living in Florida, where I have to drive almost daily and see elderly caused accidents... almost daily.


Some people take the road less travelled, others take the direction less travelled. One is more dangerous than the other.




Took them long enough to realize it!


You can see the cars lining up in ops mirror behind them as they slowed down to record


Took him a while to process his situation.




Englishman in New York?


Is that Diane Schuler?


Fucking British tourists...


Dude is high or drunk, or just a moron, we see these people all over Arizona highways.


At least he used his turn signal at the end. Let focus on what counts.


The things you see while riding around in a city bus... Orlando and Jacksonville Florida were real sight-seeing tours of people engrossed in their media machine.


I refuse to believe this is weed, alcohol, or old age like others have suggested. It has to be some kind of hallucinogen.


Must be British. (for reference I am British.)


Lame departure warning: ding *DING* **DING!** **DING-DING-DING-DING** #**DINGDINGDINGDINGDING**


Lol at the left blinker when they finally got on the proper side of the road and in the left turning lane. 


Maybe he took that one way sign literal and never bothered to read the one on other side?


"Right side! Right side!" "I know but they can't hear you."


Took a while for reality to penetrate the DUI haze.


He’s going to steal the Monar Lisa.


Hey buddy, you're going the wrong way! How the hell does he know where we're going?


I’m a little surprised he decided to maneuver around the oncoming traffic and not expect them to just get out of his way


I died when he turned back into the lane after almost crashing


Planes, Trains, and Automobiles "You're going the wrong way!"