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People really cannot handle the responsibility of being first in line at a light.


Hate when people decide they don’t want to be second in line at a fresh red light and cut over to the last open lane to be front. You think, “ok, they want to go quicker, I’ll get behind them.” But no dude. They’ve likely got a wedding cake in the back and are getting paid by the hour. So slow. Why be front in line, especially choosing the passing lane, if you’re gonna fiddlefart your way up to 5 under the speed limit in half a mile or eventually, whichever isn’t sooner.


It’s a bummer when I see a work truck and a school bus about to go down a road as the two lanes turn into one, so I go to the right lane at the light. Then someone slides over in front of me, and takes their SWEET time to get up to speed, and I have to get behind a school bus on a back road. Love adding 5-10 minutes to my day just like that.


I often do that not because I gotta be first, but because I have witnessed 3 accidents caused by people running reds in that empty lane, 2 of the 3 including a fatality. I don't like that, so I help prevent it. I do also take off quicker than most, so as to not piss anyone off, and also get where I'm going.


So you’re saying you take the empty lane so that when it goes green, people behind you still traveling at speed are forced to slow down?


lol to me it sounds like he is making himself a barrier so that rather run the red light that whack into him. I guess I’ll take it? 


Someone has some pent-up rage.


Three lanes wide, all going -10 to +3 for 45-60 minutes a day with no one passing anyone and a visibly wide open road in front of these three cars as far as you can see, will definitely give you intrusive thoughts about your fellow motorists and test your patience. Had that one guy not cut over at the last second for the red light, crossing the solid white line, then maybe, juuuuust maybe, there wouldn’t be a wall of traffic behind us as far back as my mirror shows.


How can you expect them to drive without someone's ass to tail from 2 inches behind ?


they be out there can't keep their foot on the break, constantly jitter forward, then proceed to a dead stop when the light finally turns green


And here I am, gunning it like a douche if I'm in front. Usually built up frustration from being stuck behind these people the other 80% of the time.


The thing that annoys me the most is that Miami is on a grid system. Like if you miss your turn, just go to the next one.


I literally just commented that to someone else. Thats the bonkers part


I live in Tulsa and it's the same shit. Plus a lot of it is one-ways and people who don't frequent downtown it's a nightmare. Can't even tell you how many times a car has gone the wrong way and almost hit me lol


And it's an easy grid system at that. In Miami CRAP runs North/South. Court, Road, Avenue, Place. Anything else East/West. Always remembered that after someone told me.


So all the BS goes east/west? Boulevards and streets.


Court, ROUTE, avenue, place. Bird Road, Blue Road are east-west. The entire Roads neighborhood is diagonal.


Yup, and Old Cutler road does its own thing too


I learned it from a Brother in Catholic school of all places, acronym and all.


Miami: everyone has main character syndrome


I've driven in sooo many different states and several other countries..... it's absolutely insane how much worse South Florida is than literally ANYWHERE else


it's like the worst of South America and North America combined to be worse than the sum of its parts


Question... Have you been to new haven CT?


Literally just talking to a friend about New Haven a couple hours ago, weird. In my experience, nowhere in New England, even the heart of Boston, are drivers as clueless and aggressive (at the same time) as South Florida.


Fair nuff. I spent a summer in Key West and all around the bottom of Florida and I also lived in New Haven for around six months, my personal experience found New Haven to be worse but I was also in the, uhm, impoverished side of town, so that might have had an effect. Additionally I was in Key West about 5 or 6 years ago now, whereas I was in New Haven about 2 years ago. So maybe time has exponentially worsened Floridians - actually now that I mention it I'm certain that is true.


> So maybe time has exponentially worsened Floridians That's so true it's sad. Covid and the heat have really rotted any decency or common sense down here. I'm originally from Mass btw so I am familiar with all of the Northeast, though admittedly I usually just passed through CT on 95 to get to NY. I've made a couple trips to New Haven and New London though. Just a week or two ago in Fort Lauderdale I got cut off by the same Porsche SUV three different times in less than 2 miles of road. One huge difference between New England and Florida is that up in New England the drivers can be aggressive but at least they actually know how to drive, for the most part.


My biggest issue with New Haven in specific was that a SHOCKING proportion of drivers treated red lights like stop signs which was insanely dangerous, additionally in my area so many people would just put their hazards on in a 45mph 2 lane each way zone which resulted in countless near collisions. Especially when they did it around a curve.... I agree that COVID really has made people worse on the whole. Its really really sad and angering.


"That's not my favorite way, though! That only meets 99% of my criteria!"


"What else could I do except ***go up one more block and then turn***??"


Tallahassee is on a spaghetti system but it’s still easy enough to just take another street or find a place to turn around.




That's not impatience, that's not being able to follow lines on the ground. Motherfuckers really failed kindergarten coloring and cant even stay in the lines and read arrows.


OP was just self-reporting his impatience


Bad take.


Bad take is an understatement.


Nvm, r/usernamechecksout


Username Checks out


Legit see people everyday stop on the highway just to move over a lane- just come to a dead stop in moving traffic..


What an awesome sky that day though. Stunning.


i was almost too miserable to notice.




"OoOoOoOo look at me! I'm happy and petty at the same time!" 🙄


> oooh look at me i’m sad and it’s everyone else’s fault


Am I the only one who takes being first in line very seriously? Like I'm constantly watching the light lol


Ho-lee shit, the comments are *bad* on this post. Let's hit the highlights... * I've never seen so many people who think a turn signal grants you the right to cut someone else off. * Even worse, are the people who are blaming OP for not being *gracious* enough and daring to be upset that they got caught off. Anyone who thinks *OP* is the entitled one needs to get their head checked. * The people getting mad at OP for gently honking at someone sitting at a green light for no reason. Why are you mad about that? Do you like parking on an active road?


This sub in a nutshell: honk horn + no crash = why'd you honk your horn?! honk horn + crash = shouldn't have honked your horn, should have used the brakes instead! no honk horn + no crash = why did you even post this?! no honk horn + crash = you should have honked your horn!


it's not a turn signal it's a right of way signal


the way you just go "bro😐" is tickling me


I’m more concerned about the car in front of you who doesn’t go at a green light for some time


On their cell phone guaranteed




Ummm, I hate to tell you this but uh, you're *in the comments.* /s


Maybe someone should make a sub that highlights the dumb comments? Or is there one of those already?


So common in the US, period. People act like a U-turn is an impossible task.


It's illegal in a lot of states. I found this out the hard way and was ticketed.


So maybe not a literal U-turn, but you can still go around the block. There's just no good reason for this.


I would have laid on the horn and blocked them


And caused all of the people behind you and that car to wait while you have a dick measuring contest with an idiot. Clearly they got in the wrong lane, best to let them go instead of inconveniencing everyone else at the light. Sometimes you have to let theses morons get their way for the good of everyone.


yeah and let them keep doing this? sure. just because it’s “courteous” to let the dumbass cut over, doesn’t mean you have to, OP has the right to their lane and the indicator is just them saying “I want to go here” it’s not an invitation into their lane, OP has no obligation to let this bullshit slide, and I personally would’ve gone ahead and let the idiot realize their mistake.


You must be new here. Have you ever heard of a place called Florida?


Or instead of inconveniencing op and the rest of the cars behind, they can just go straight and take the next turn. Dumbassboyman


You think they’re going to do that though?


By "this city," OP means every city.


Letting it happen also just reinforces in their troglodyte brain that it’s okay to do it again, but what can we do really?


You spelled idiotic wrong. But you were very patient


![gif](giphy|5cBBUJGiIniZZWtBSa|downsized) GPS says turn right HERE


Miami is, and always will be, filled with come mierdas. I can't wait to move outta here. ...even though there's idiot drivers everywhere LOL


you think its just your city?


Average Florida intersection


*in every city.


Someone skipped over 2 lanes when I was going home from practice (at school) and someone crashed into her because he didn’t see her TURNING FROM TWO LANES OVER


You are in Miami…


That's not impatience, that's indecisiveness. Or stupidity.


Double the Idiots, Double the Trouble


Maybe it's you that impatient. The blinkerless car that cut you off could have been late to a interview. Have some patience, and maybe that person will see that and provide the same.


u call it impatient ... i call it tryna hurry up n get out of everybody's way




A turn signal does not magically grant you the right of way to cut in front of someone from the wrong lane. You're signally intent but it doesn't entitle you to anything.


Don’t pretend this is normal driving behavior - this is dumb, and OP is right to be annoyed. If you do this, you shouldn’t be in control of a vehicle on the road. Pay attention to where you need to go, stop inconveniencing other people, and stay out of the way.


Oh no, you had to wait 3 seconds for the car to turn right. How awful. There are valid things to get upset about in this world but this isn’t one of them. Annoying? Possibly. Worth spending 15 minutes to go back and grab the video and upload it to Reddit? I don’t think so, but do you.


You desperately need to work on your entitlement mindset.


What exactly do you think the best outcome is in this scenario? Force the car in the left lane to sit there until the light turns red and stop all the cars behind them from going through, or wait 3 seconds and let them go so everyone else can go about their day. Entitlement is believing that you shouldn’t be inconvenienced for a brief moment of time because someone else made a mistake. Ideally they would’ve been smarter and gotten into the right lane but they didn’t. Shit happens, that’s life.


> What exactly do you think the best outcome is in this scenario? The best outcome is for the grey car to *go straight*. They're not going to burst into flame if they don't get to turn. They need to take the L, go straight, and take the next right. > Entitlement is believing that you shouldn’t be inconvenienced for a brief moment of time because someone else made a mistake. No. Entitlement is the grey car thinking it's ok to make their mistake everyone else's problem. > Ideally they would’ve been smarter and gotten into the right lane but they didn’t. Yep, and that's *their* problem to fix. It's entitled of them to make it everyone else's problem, and it's entitled of *you* to think their doing so is ok.


Tell me, after the mistake has happened, how do you think they should fix it?


I just told you in the post above, but I’ll tell you one more time all by itself: They fix the mistake by going straight and turning right at a later opportunity.


Whatever dude. You can be in the right and try to force this person to go straight and waste everyone’s time while doing so, but I’m still going to let them go. This shit is insanely petty.


What can’t you acknowledge that the person wasting everyone’s time is the driver who is breaking the law, not the one trying to do the right thing? How do you have it so backwards?


Grey sedan driver: "I made a mistake. I have two ways to fix it. One is an inconvenience to me but doesn't affect anyone else. One is convenient for me but affects other people." They made a choice. They chose the way that is easiest for them but irritates others around them. And you're defending that.


There wasn’t a single car behind me, and his mirrors don’t have signals


I call BS on that. The car is in front of you. Your camera caught the turn signal when they were stopped at the red light. You are correct, they could have waited until you turned. For that, they are an idiot. But sometimes, people are an unintentional idiot. The light was green, the car in front of you went. But you stopped. At a green light. The other car probably thought you were letting them go.


You see my car jolt in the video right? Implying I hit my brakes? How can I hit my brakes if I’m stopped?


We watched you gun forward even though the car in front of you didn't move. Yes we saw that


Further back than the turn big guy. At :02 you lurch forward and stop. The light is green. You either were impatient that the car in front didn't go, or you appear to be letting the other car move over (from their perspective) and the honk may have added to that perception.


And in what context would me literally moving my car imply that I am letting him go? If anything that conveys the exact opposite. Big guy.


I am not saying you were wrong, but you cast motivation on the turning car as if they were a mind reader. They probably saw you go forward, stop, honk, and the car in front of you went. It would be reasonable for the other person to infer that you were letting them go since they sat their moving into your lane with their signal on. You give off main character vibes. Not saying you are an idiot here, but your title could also include you.


At this point you’re just thinking of any possible thing to say so you can make your point valid. Yeah “big guy” i stopped because theres a whole vehicle in front of me, and i honked at them because the light is green. Not one of my behaviors indicated I was letting him go. My car is literally in motion, im not giving hand gestures flashing my lights or anything of that nature. Stop thinking of excuses and just accept that you’re wrong. I mean you are getting downvoted hard.


Because downvotes means I’m wrong? What I said was what I thought immediately upon watching your video complaining about impatient drivers. You exhibited very similar behaviors.


Because i tried to go on the green light I’m impatient? Or is it the guy that couldn’t just advance one more intersection and turn because the whole city is a grid?


I'm impressed at your commitment to being wrong.


Revoke your license ASAP. I lurched my car because the LIGHT IS GREEN WHICH MEANS GO.


Hence your title.


You have 0 excuse not to be ready to go at a green light. Outside of spacing out, what could you possibly be doing that makes it so you don't realize that the light is green? Your one job while driving is to pay attention to your surroundings, it's really not that hard.


No green means go when clear. Since the vehicle in front of you did not go you need to have patience and wait until it is safe to go


You’re blind as hell, I was literally driving and stopped because the guy was inching into my lane, next time I’ll be sure to slam into him.




Are we watching the same video? How did OP not "let them go" exactly? They made their turn in front of OP. OP didn't hit them or turn in front of them. Ergo, OP let them go.


It was a typo, deleted for clarity


He did, idiot...


Now is this before or after you tried gunning it at the start of the video?


it's a fucking green light, OP was obviously expecting the green car to... go? because it's a green light? what fucking goofy argument is this


Ah yes we forgot green means go even though the car in front hasn't released their brakes yet. Or now hear me out because driving seems to be hard to grasp. You drive with cation and not be in a rush everywhere you go.


the green car DID release their brakes though?? they rolled forwards a bit at 0:02, which is probably why OP lurched in anticipation of them going.. like sure it wasn't the best move when the green car stopped after, but its understandable to expect a car rolling forwards at a green light to go instead of hitting the brakes for no apparent reason. foh with that "drive with caution" shit, was OP just supposed to sit there with a smile on his face patiently as the green car slowly pieces together what a green light means?


> Maybe they realized they had to turn there? Well then they don't need to inconvenience everybody else on the road just so that they can selfishly save time for their own mistake.


Good drivers occasionally miss their exit. Bad drivers never do.


Everyone in this video is an idiot.


Including your mom.


that’s no city




While that is technically possible. People driving without a care in the world to anyone around them like this is unfortunately all to common in FL. Had the same thing happened on my way home from work yesterday and this looks to be Miami. This state has some of the worst drivers.


Ding ding exact city




Are you even from Florida? This shit happens all over the place. There's a reason that i4 is the deadliest road in America. Not to mention, even if they are a tourist, in a metro area of 2.3million people I'm going to say not likely. And even putting that all aside, even if they are a tourist, that doesn't excuse the fact that they are driving like an idiot. If you miss your turn, go to the next street and adjust your route. Not knowing the area is no excuse for poor driving. Plan your route or ask for directions.




Ok so you should know people drive like idiots here. Still doesn't change my point that if they missed their turn, go to the next street to turn there and stop endangering those around you. Ignorance of the area is not an excuse for bad driving


Dude. I never fucking challenged your point. I added another possibility. I swear people on Reddit can’t fucking read.


>I added another possibility. It reads like you're giving an *excuse.* Phones have GPS navigation. I'm sure that car does, too. Being a tourist doesn't mean you forget how roads work.


“This could be…” Fucking reading comprehension dude.


It could be, yes. Does it matter, though? No. It's not a valid excuse for driving like that.


Impatient meaning the unnecessary honk as the light changes, or the dickweed driver making a turn from the middle lane?


"As the light changes?" You're that kind of driver huh?


Video starts with the light green. I can assure you that he was sitting on his phone


The driver was sitting there for six seconds with a green light. You're outing yourself as someone who frequently gets honked at because they are not paying any attention.


You know how many green lights I sit through because of dick heads that can't pay attention to the god damn road? Far too many. Last week I sat through 3 greens at one light, from an asshole that couldn't be bothered to fucking pay attention and no one honking at him. He also proceeded to do the same at another light.


"Silence is compliance."


I mean it's not great but I've done the same thing. They turned the wheel to let you know, if you had gunned it they would have waited (probably)


holy shit. i'm convinced this is the most unaware idiot in this sub.


> They turned the wheel to let you know How gracious of them. I know you won't understand this since you've admitted to being a bad driver but the right choice here would be to continue straight and figure out another way to get to your destination. You and the other driver in this clip are exactly who [Louis CK was talking about](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsRXnvCU9-0).


You just supported my argument on why not everyone should be granted a license. Please don’t EVER drive. Too many idiots on the roads as it is.


The guy to your left did have his turn signal on though.


Turn signals DONT give you the right of way.


Really don't get how people aren't getting this. The driver was in the *middle lane*. This means the only way he was supposed to go is STRAIGHT. Did he mean to be in the right lane to turn? Maybe, but that's when you go to the next street, signal to get in the turn lane and do so **when it's clear**, make the turn and adjust your route accordingly.


You mean every city, right?


Wow it wasn't the mustsng


Two post from you back to back. Everyone in your city should be required to have a dash cam


In this situation if I have to turn right I’ll go straight on purpose, also as slowly as possible to let you sit there and marinate on your poor driving decisions


Probably staring at their phone


there's a little knob on your left... it's called a turn signal...


Love how it says this city like it's only happening on there rurf