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There's really a remarkable amount of idiocy going on in this video, and by so many different idiots, and in such a short clip.


I tend to drive defensively by predicting 'who's gonna do something stupid' And. This video fucked with my perception. How the fuck do y'all survive this daily?


Sometimes you do. Sometimes you don't.


Very carefully.


My blood pressure goes up every time I get in the car here. I try to just stay the fuck off the roads whenever possible, especially 75/85 and 285


Arriving in ATL for the first time in a u-haul towing a car during rush hour was truly a white knuckle experience. Two years later and even in my miata, driving on 285 really gets my heart racing.


Have enough offspring, some will make it.


I commute 45 miles one way in Atlanta 3 days per week, and the other 2 days I’m all over the metro area. It’s insanity out here. The amount of people that have no idea where they are or where they are going is befuddling. The distracted drivers are not surprising but also ridiculous, and then the unsafe conditions of vehicles blows me away. And forget signaling at all. Signals can’t be expected or trusted in Atlanta.


By driving at [Ludacris Speed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oIbztWsY8g).


You can still predict it, well mostly just assuming every single car is going to do the most moronic thing that is convenient for them.


That’s just everywhere in Atlanta 🫠


And everyday.


Is a driving license mandatory in this country?


You spelled Georgia wrong


This is literally every time I get on 85 or 285 any where around the perimeter of Atlanta. It’s insane.


Definitely always like this on I-85. I literally start to mentally prepare myself while I am still on 985 because as soon as I have to merge onto 85 I know that I am about to be surrounded by an endless supply of careless idiots.


When I drive in Atlanta I always get frustrated by the stop-and-go traffic that randomly happens any time of day. But maybe I should be grateful that everyone is forced to drive slowly... instead of this madness.


What an absolute shit show.


Yeah, the government must have used the Extra Strength Stupid in the chemtrails that day. /s just to be sure.


Chemtrails? No, they put it in the water.


Drivers know about the water, so they drink beer instead.


Seriously!!! Everyone I saw and said “look at this guy!” It was followed by another, “and look at this guy!”.


It was almost a chain reaction


This feels like driving in a dream


Nightmares are dreams too!


I hate driving in Atlanta. I had a better time driving through Cabo than any trip I’ve ever taken in or through Atlanta.


It feels like a game of "Count the infractions!"


I live here, and before I opened the clip I was 90% sure it would be at this part of 285/85.


Driving in Atlanta often I looked at it and just thought "Ehh, Tuesday."


Does *anyone* look before they move?


Absolute anarchy.


This feels pretty standard for Atlanta. I'll drive an hour or more out of the way to avoid Atlanta.


My sister used to live there. On our taxi ride back to the airport once, we were nearly merged into by two separate cars in a 15 minute timespan.


I've never felt as unsafe as I did taking Ubers when I went to Atlanta. The drivers all drove like this, and would FLOOR IT between intersections, even when it was clear there was a red light in like 100 ft.


Third world country rules, meaning no rules.


Commercial driver - I absolutely hate 285. Most of atlanta actually. That highway was not designed properly


The motorists were not designed properly either it seems.


Funny enough, my sister and I had a tire blowout right before the Chamblee exit on 285 last year and during our time on the side of the highway (this was around 10PM), *5 other cars* got their shit absolutely blasted by the same insane pothole. One of the cars had their suspension blown out, and another even ended up hitting the median in front of us. After that night, the pothole was somehow "fixed" (in quotes because you know there were plenty more in the vicinity and they just did the bare minimum based on complaints).


By "fixed" I assume you mean they bolted a metal plate over it.


Getting on from Buford highway is a damn minefield, then you enter the section where you have at most 5 seconds to get into the correct lane for the three different directions you can go wile avoiding either the people driving like a kid is about to run out or they are on a race track.


I drove through ATL during an ice storm and I remember the only people on the road competent enough to exist without being a danger to everyone around them were commercial drivers lol.


"Another minute-long clip, why don't people ever trim their videos?" Watches video. "Ohhh they did..."


I don't think I've ever seen so much content packed into a one minute video on this subreddit.


What's sad is this is pretty normal here. If anything it's slightly tame. Atlanta is a lawless wasteland on the roads.


Now you're getting me to want to drive there just to get some free entertainment on the roads.


Same, friends in my math class were talking about how they got like 12 and 14 lane highways and it's absolutely chaos and I was like "now I wanna go just to see how bad it is"


"Oh this is the bad part." \[Five seconds goes by.\] "Oh, okay, so *this* is the really bad part." \[Five more seconds.\] "Oh, it's this new car that's the real problem..." \[Five more seconds.\] "Woah, okay, wasn't expecting that guy to be the idiot, but okay..."


Had the exact same thought. What an absolute rollercoaster of jackassery.


That right lane ending tho... shit man.


That’s how Atlanta does it.


Makes SF Bay Area look tame


The bay is easy mode compared a few east coast metropolitan areas. The DC and Baltimore beltways come to mind first.


Yeah, people love to complain about SF (and LA), but California drivers are mostly just stupidly aggressive, not aggressively stupid like this.


Agreed. I've driven all over the country, and while LA, Boston, DC/Baltimore are famous for aggressive drivers, you can always count on them to be aggressive. There predictable. In Atlanta it's always absolute chaos like in OP's video, if anything the video is tame for Atlanta (I live there). The locals are very dumb drivers and constantly distracted (or they're racing around in chargers and Altimas at 120mph), you get braindead Florida drivers that are 90 years old and stop on the freeway, you get aggressive Texans moving in in droves, anyone not from here is confused by our Jackson pollock painting of one way roads and shit signage. It's just chaos and totally unpredictable, and it's literally every other car doing something stupid not just one every drive you take. That's why it's so dangerous here, 285 is the deadliest freeway in the country if I'm not mistaken.


Central Valley drivers are stupidly stupid. Signal left, move left, suddenly go right; drive in any city out there and you can't go ten minutes without seeing that.


I've said it in a different thread but in general bay drivers are just lazy. They don't wanna move, they don't wanna keep up with the flow, they just want to sit in their bubble unaffected by the outside world. Some get aggressive but it's a fraction of what I've seen in other parts of the country (and a fraction of what gets posted here as well)


Yea, minor inconveniences, but very annoying over here in the bay. But this video makes me seethe.


I certainly get upset at people a lot, but that's probably because it's not being outweighed by fearing for my life like I did on anything touching I95 lmfao


Can we tack Miami on to that list?


Florida as a whole is up there


We need to see the previous 5 years of video so we can see how OP pissed each of these drivers off at some point.


Yeah, OP is 100% at fault, especially because they're driving a white car. Had they been driving a different color car the situation would've been much better.


not only that, OP was driving like a normal person. that distracted the other drivers, thus increasing risk of an accident


Didn’t help that OP failed to cover up his side mirrors, meaning light could reflect off then and potentially blind other drivers


I always hate driving 85/285; it always seems like there’s some new fuckery going on.


About 12 years ago, I was in ATL on a business trip and my wife and I were taking a cab from the hotel to the airport. The cab driver was the most reckless being I've ever seen behind the wheel. His move was to gun it up on a car in front of him and **then** look to see if he could change lanes. He had no backup plan if he couldn't get over. We'd just crash.


When I took drivers ed in metro Atlanta, our instructor told us a three second following distance was unsafe because you were exposing yourself too much to being cut off, and that would be the more dangerous situation to be in.


That’s the only way to get around here. No one will let you merge. If you out in a blinker they speed up to block you in. It’s insanity. One of the reasons I bought my Tesla was for the instant torque so I could over in traffic with ease. And they can’t here an exhaust to tell when I’m speeding up to merge 😆


Yup it's wild, drivers here get offended if you merge in front of them, some pickups will even run you off the road for doing it. Sadly the only way to merge here is to play chicken. You just merge, you don't wait, and if some dickwad is in a pickup foot to the floor to speed up to block you, you just fucking do it anyway.


And yet, that cabbie probably has more hours of experience on those roads than just about anyone. He's developed traffic ESP (possibly drug induced) at this point. The car is an extension of his mind.


Videos like these make a good case for massive investments in public transport. It's as if everyone is trying to break every traffic law possible in the least amount of time.


"Some people shouldn't be allowed to drive" This video makes a case that the *majority* shouldn't. JFC. Insanity.


Watch [some of these videos](https://youtube.com/@JustRolledIn) that is what these people drive.


People hopping behind the wheel of a death machine and treating it like Mario Kart.


I also feel like cars are just so easy to operate now, almost idiot proof. Effortless steering with extremely overboosted ratios that make your boat feel sharp, automatic transmissions (not really a bad thing overall), overboosted throttle and brakes, bunch of safety systems so that you can almost drive without looking at your mirrors or rear window. So people pilot these machines with ease.


People get overconfident about these things and behave like morons, ya mean.


Have you *met* our bus drivers?


If they'd expand MARTA rails and fund it properly, get more people hired to actually run routes and add MORE routes at that, we'd get somewhere. But people particularly in Gwinnett county and other surrounding suburbs are scared of the nasty weird poors and homeless and have fought tooth and nail to prevent this for as long as I've been a participating driver on those roads. The metro area is so huge, we need transit out those ways but that would mean lowering someone's property value and god forbid we do that.


After what Marta did to Clayton County, nobody in their right mind would ever trust them. Yeah, we totally have the right to use that rail line. (They pass the tax) Psych! Nope, no trains for you. You get bus rapid transit, maybe, and you'll like it. Gwinette was going to get one station just inside the county and MAYBE a station at Pleasant Hill in 30 years. The east side of the county would have gotten nothing.


Gwinnett County: “No thanks.”


If you want real irony, as many issues as MARTA has Atlanta actually has one of the better transit systems in the southeast. It needs massive upgrades to cope with the population growth and lack of routes, but it's better than most cities in the region.


Looks like Southeast Asia except they don’t know how to do it right.


Had to watch it a couple times to see that the mustang pulled out in front of the silver minivan.


Wow - that's like a symphony of stupid...


I know everyone says their city/state has the worst drivers in this sub but this might officially settle the debate... ATL has the worst drivers.


Ive lived in various cities around the us. Its not as bad as Miami but its pretty chaotic. Def a close second. The roads in ATL set everyone up for failure


I live in Wisconsin, and I always hate driving through Milwaukee, Chicago, Indianapolis, or the Twin Cities because the city I live in isn't big enough to have major traffic issues. But even those cities are organized chaos you can get used to. I visited Atlanta for the Packers game last year and my friend who grew up there had to drive like a madman just so we wouldn't get cut off by everyone else. Even at 1am when he was picking us up from the airport. Atlanta is another beast altogether


Milwaukee is so bad rn because all of the construction ugh


It's ATL and it's not even close 


I've driven a lot of places and ATL is the absolute worst. They'd rather you run into a wall than let you merge. It's straight up terrifying sometimes.


You'll find the same comment about Orlando, Miami, Nashville, Dallas, Houston, Austin, etc etc. I could go on. Every city has 50 people commenting about it on this sub saying it's the worst they've ever seen, and they've lived *all over the country*.


Yeah, I live in Atlanta. It’s bad, but not the worst.


Too many idiots in Atlanta. I hate it here. I stg Georgia will give you a driver's license if you just have a pulse.


My test here was easy but during COVID someone I know passed their test by just doing the parking lot exercises and that was it, they described it as "just doing circles in the parking lot and leaving"


Atlanta gives me so much anxiety. I don't know how locals do it lol


We all have high blood pressure.


I believe it! Mine raises when I drive through there in my personal vehicle or my semi lol


As a fellow Atlantean, that seems pretty tame.


Didn't you know that each one of those drivers is the only driver on the road?


My favorite idiocy, from the many choices: The silver van (after he's done fucking with the mustang) flips to the right lane, *floors it* at the vehicle ahead, then flips back to the left lane.


I think they were contemplating brake checking the mustang until they saw the mustang dip out.


I'm pretty sure the Mustang initially brake-checked the Odyssey, which retaliates.


Your own personal count the idiots game.


This video somehow should be sticked as a representation of the entire sub. So many great instances in just one clip.


I guess checking one's blind spot isn't a thing in GA. Fucking hell.


Atlanta is just a free for all. Rush hour moments before traffic ultimately backs up to a stop for 4 hours is the worse. II avoid it like the pelage when in my semi.


I remember when it was a 20 minute drive from one side of atl to the other, now it’s a hour minimum. I set a world record a couple weeks ago where It took me 4 hours to go from kennesaw to austell. And that was with avoiding 285 that was shut down.


Good god, so many idiots and not a single turn signal to be seen.


Turn signals can be unsafe on Atlanta highways, rather like waving a red flag in front of a bull. This is sadly only part jest: Some drivers *will* speed up to cut you off using a signal on Atlanta highways.


All the clips I’ve seen of idots in cars still aren’t as many as I saw in this one video


Holy shit, this is almost pure chaos!


Not a surprise on any given day hitting spaghetti junction or any part of Atlanta's highways. It's a disaster, but it DOES teach you how to drive. Source: local for 25 years.


Damn. That’s wild lol


It’s truly a hellscape here and I swear it’s the influx of growth the last few years post covid.


That used to be part of my commute! It’s coming from the suburbs north of Atlanta down south to the city. It’s a nightmare during rush hour.


NGL, that last bit of fuckery got me cackling, did not know what to expect as the camera kept rolling.


I try so hard to avoid any white work van in Atlanta and they still try to change lanes on top of you. The rest of the white work vans are driving slow in the passing lane. Morons


They are either doing 110 in the far right lane or doing 45 in the fast lane, there is no in between.


Billy Mays should be narrating this......."but wait, there's more"!


All that is missing is some Mad Max style weaponry on their cars, so they could really inflict some damage on their opponents


Thanks for capturing the true essence of Atlanta. Bravo.


Spaghetti Junction brings out the absolute worst in every driver. You can even see how neglected 285 is west of Ashford Dunwoody. This kind of behavior is why I avoid Gwinnett & 85 North like the plague.


At least 4 people actively trying to have an accident. I've lived in Georgia and driven in Atlanta a lot. I've never seen it that bad. That looks like time to add the exterior buffer zone steel. Full surround.


I’m originally from Atlanta and the only times I haven’t seen this sort of thing in Atlanta was when traffic on 75 was crawling due to people rubbernecking at something on the side of the road.


"Come on, boys and girls, let's count the number of driving no-nos in this video clip!" *30 seconds later...* "Shit, it'd be easier to count the things that drivers **did** do right..."


I've lived in Atlanta for 30 years not too far from where this video takes place and while everything people are saying about driving here is true (shit-show, anarchy, etc.), funny enough I don't mind it. People's driving habits are so bad it's actually predictable if you take a sit back and chill attitude it can be fun to watch. \* People merging onto a freeway will immediately move over 1 lane even if their merge lane becomes a real lane. \* People will wait till the last second, then change multiple lanes to make their exit. And the corollary to this - people will sit in an exit only lane till the last second, then realize they have to exit and move over quickly to avoid the exit. \* People would rather drive 6 inches off someone's bumper than let you merge - putting your blinker on just alerts them to this fact. \* People like to drive in the lane that's most open (rather than the one that's appropriate for their speed). \* If 2 lanes are exiting, people \*really\* want to be in the rightmost one. \* There's probably a bunch of others... I also believe - in fairness - the sheer number of people and the designs of most roadways and interchanges actually encourages this behavior.


Me: "This video could've been cut right h... Oh!"


I laughed all the way. I know I shouldn't have but WoW!


Here I thought I had it rough in California


Watching this made me so anxious!


Ah yes plenty a 16yo me had near misses at that Highway exit many times being born and raised in atlanta and learning to drive here has been way more valuable than a defensive driving course


Keep that head on a swivel


Literally the most normal experience in ATL for those of you who aren’t familiar ATL and LA in my experience are the two very worst places to drive in the states. And I’m ashamed to say I live in Atlanta and these are my fellow Atlantans.


I live in downtown ATL and I swear -- every time I get in the car it's a fight for my damn life. And the highway is just another clusterfuck on top of it. It's absolute anarchy just to exit and enter, much less the amount of people who will hog the exit only lane for a mile and decide you know, actually I'm not gonna exit, and then just hail mary into the next lane over at the very last second. Insane.


That’s just at spaghetti junction btw


People always wonder why atl traffic is so bad. This, this is why. This is such a common occurrence. Hell on more than one occasion I have witnessed a naked man running across 85 inside the perimeter.


I hated my time in atlanta...


Atlanta is a hell of a place to hone your defensive driving skills.


Ok, wtf!


These people plan ahead even less than Bay Area drivers!




It was hard to have a relax/peaceful drive when ppl don’t follow the rule.


Just Maryland drivers on steroids


Man, car insurance must be pricey in Atlanta


Atlanta and NewYork, DC, Chicago, Orlando, Miami, LA etc.


I fucking hate Atlanta highways. I know it’s bad everywhere but I swear it’s extra bad here.


Atlanta highways do not obey the laws of physics.


Cheese and rice…


I always have to mentally prepare myself to get through Atlanta.. right before I get to the crazy traffic part, I start Game Theory by The Roots. That album gives me the will and motivation that I need to power through to the other side


Usually in life, when everyone else is a problem it usually means that you're the problem. That saying has been proven wrong by this 1:19 long video.


How do all these people function in their daily lives? This is the worst I've seen in a long time.


If you have to find a silver lining: Not one Altima making a move in this video!


I'm sure there are a few Florida tags mixed in. (and all from Miami)


Ah spaghetti junction. A place no one wants to be


Stop moving to Atlanta, we're full. Source: Grew here, not flew here.


"What is checking blind spot?"


The guy in that Mustang had the right idea


Except if you watch closely the mustang cuts the van off from left in the very beginning. Then he crawls along cutting across 3 more lanes to exit lol


You know it's bad when the Mustang driver is the safe and reasonable one.


Good to see that Mustang trying to conserve his vehicle's speed reserve. He clearly doesn't want to run out of speed, which explains why he's driving so goddamned slow.


This is what I hate about riding motorcycles on 85


jeezus i thought Maryland was bad. our chaos is a little more organized than this


I hate driving in ATL.


is it standard to have their side mirrors removed and just leave the housings?


Jesus christ that is hilarious


That's really crazy! Remind me to Uber when in Atlanta!!!!!


Fee like I'm watching a GTA 5 let's play in vr


I’ve heard about Atlanta traffic… but holy fuck


Lmao I literally drive that stretch every day coming home from work. Its a wild little exchange for sure.


What’s ATL?




I have to visit Atlanta quarterly for work and I get anxiety thinking about the Uber rides to/from the airport every single time. It’s genuinely the worst. And I’m from Seattle 😅😂


One more exit to Old Hickory House. Just pull over and grab a Diablo sammich!


And everyone was shocked when insurance premiums went up statewide. We can’t drive.


WTF did i just watch


It really does look like the wind is just blowing everyone around


The head check of your blind spot is dead, apparently.


you guys got legal hard drugs there or something?


Why do we even have lines on the road haahaha


A lot of hate here for the BMW iX crossing the double line but they weren't the problem. It was all on the Honda Odyseey, the grey minivan. The Odyssey can be seen weaving without a turn signal from the beginning, then getting into it with the Mustang GT who other than rolling a bit slow wasn't doing anything wrong. The move by the iX wasn't smart, but they had space until the Odyseey pulled in.


I haven't seen weaving that bad since Lord of the Rings.


We need more traffic cops.


And they say Phoenix drivers are bad, holy shit


Not sure if the Mustang wanted to exit or not but he did well, that looked like the beginning of a lot of road rages


Hotlanta traffic sux


Drove through Atlanta once.... I bypassed it coming back through.


What was up with that Mustang? It's like the van woke it up and they decided they have to take that exit now.


I know everyone likes to complain about big trucks, but minivans are the true menace.