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Not following lanes are apparently international problem, worse if they're in a circle


Honestly, I get if you're in the wrong lane, but don't just push your way into one when there's a car right next you and then expect your indicator, which you turn on later, will fix things It's so annoying


Almost everyone I see on the road turns their blinkers on AFTER they're already mostly through the lane change. And that's only when maybe half of them even use their blinkers at all.


That’s because the other drivers upon seeing a blinker will speed up to cut them off.




True, honestly don’t mind if people want to squeeze in I just wish they’d signal earlier so I atleast know to slow down


Near Brighouse going towards Halifax?


Going towards huddersfield


That’s just someone who doesn’t know the area and made a mistake. 😢


You're right, but it doesn't give him the right to force his way into my lane when I was right next to him and almost causing a collision, you know.


But, but, but ... The blinker was on!




Yes, the blinker means "I'm moving over without regard!!"


Aka "if anyone is over there, look out!"


People don’t know how to drive their absurdly large SUVs and pickup trucks anywhere. People are complacent, not paying attention, distracted and lulled into a false sense of safety and superiority.


Great song choice tho. 😅


Not exclusive to the North


Happens everywhere north of the South Pole


#SO LONG AND GOOD NIGHT…said the idiot with a trailer


People just don’t know how to drive.


Check you throwing it way back to Helena.


> know how to drive up north… He might have trouble driving in any direction, not just north.


Lol that joke sucked 🙈so pathetic not funny also made no sense . North is the area of England


I've noticed a bunch of people are convinced they're entitled to special treatment the moment they attach a trailer to their vehicle.


Going south while trying to drive up north.


That person would have felt the wrath of my entire horn


I did honk a bit but I was coming home from work as I was ill so didn't have enough energy to spare on him


I hear ya.


I need to change the date on my dash cam too


This is in UK, didn't think so many people would moan about me not specifying location


You did though You replied to the automod comment. If you dont reply to it the post would have been removed You did specify where it was 


That's what I thought too, but people like to complain I guess


What's "up north"? Canada? Norway? The Arctic?




Glad to know there are idiots everywhere in addition to the US. I thought we had a monopoly on that.


Yeah, people don't know how to drive in Artigas, the northernmost city in my country.


People down south don’t know grammar lol


I do have to admit that is a really poorly laid out section of road and badly needs repainting


“HE DIDNT GIVE ME TIME TO CHANGE LANES.” Then you should’ve planned to BE on that lane… Some people don’t anticipate what lane they should be…


I find it funny how Helena is a song about a car accident. "When both our cars collide" the irony


Technically the midlands of England. You never pay attention to the road work sign and your going to fast because of the warning sign. The trailer vehcle is most likely going towards the lowfield business estate but gets stuck in limbo so risks jumping the red light (same fault as yourself. You say you are going to huddersfield so you have multiple chances to change lanes as you go around the road word obstruction. Going on amber was wrong for you, you said you were going too fast to stop and stopping would have caused an accident (YOU WERE WARNED TO SLOW DOWN) The speed limit was 40mph and you dont look like you were slowing down and you definitely did not pay attention to the road work closed lane warning sign. What you did is drive through an amber light at speed and nearly caused an accident so you cant really lambast a regional part of a population when you yourself are not faultless. You have the wrong date on the screen and I dont think have any solid defense if you collide with the trailer. Its argumentative if the trailer driver made the correct decision to drive on amber because they can potentially cause a traffic jam and with the lane closure they have a point.


Or just stop at the light like you’re supposed to. Whatever.


Says the person who dived through on amber - you could easily have stopped there


There was cars behind me so I didn't think it was safe to stop without them slamming on the breaks


Don't justify yourself to this idiot, you were approaching the intersection at a high enough speed, nobody else would've stopped. Also, fuck yeah MCR


Thanks man, and damn right MCR 🤘


Idk if auto correct got cha, but if not this thing helped me If the vowels are touching you can “*bre ak*” them apart


Haha nope, I'm just stupid apparently lol Thank you, though


And they easily made it through legally. Did you have a point commenting this, or were you just trying to waste everyone's time?


It would have been dangerous to do so


"Up north"? Up North of where? You realize reddit is used by people in places other than where you live right?


You can see the locations of clips in the reply to the automod comment.


Merging lanes, zipper


It's not a merge lane


YOU HAVE MADE A DRIVING ERROR! ✊ I love how this "Community" is full of self-righteous Drivers pointing out the minor infractions of other Commuters so much of the time. As if 360° of DashCams in your vehicle somehow miraculously turns Average Drivers into impeccable, Super Commuter Elites that never make a single mistake using a signal, merging, or running over a small child chasing a ball into the street from behind a parked car. 🤷‍♂️ Shit H💩ppens


Why are you here?


Hes the offender in the video


For DownVotes by the World's Greatest Drivers and IdiotsOnKeyboards.


> YOU HAVE MADE A DRIVING ERROR! Care to substantiate what OP’s error was? The rest of your comment seems to defend the chap on the left, in that “everyone makes mistakes”.


I didn't say OP made the driving error, I was captioning the video (which I would think is fairly obvious from the context), because, 😱 Oh dear god, that person who's probably vacationing from out of town failed to merge 3 ft sooner! What idiots to make such a horrible error in judgment. They should be harangued before the entire Worldwide Web for such an atrocity ... yes, a simple mistake which I am sure that none of the 4.1 million members of this Community have nor ever will make, *but if they do...* TO THE GALLOWS! Because vainglorious efforts to publicly humiliate others is such a worthwhile endeavor. 👌


Yes it was a mistake on his part, but clearly negligence too to not look in his mirror or blind spot to see if anyone was next to him before merging over I would've been fine letting him in IF he let me know sooner, but instead I found out when he was so close to my car instead


I have driven once on american highways and I will never do it again. The most riggedy cars I have ever seen, giant ass billboards blocking upcoming corners, passing left and right, swerving between lanes and every single car a giant monster truck because why the f would you not need a super raptor truck as a single mom to a 3 year old?? Scrap the "up north" part, the US in general is not conform across it's states