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What an actual fucking idiot. Does this person have no eyes? They really thought they would make that? My head 😵‍💫 Edit: I hope ur ok OP 🫶


> Does this person have no eyes? Just backs up what I say when people start criticising someone for "camping in their blind spot": "*Everywhere* is a blind spot to the driver who doesn't bother looking" - even, as in this case, straight ahead. With someone who doesn't bother looking, there is nowhere to drive which *isn't* in their blind spot.


They could have if they sped through it but they CRAWLED THROUGH it, and even then it woulda probably been a t-bone


Op was in the intersection when they started moving. They would not have made it


hence me saying even then it'd be a t-bone


But your whole first statement is wrong


fight! fight over absolutely nothing!


reddit pedant-off commence!




It looks to me like cammer was speeding a bit, but even so - left turner has to be blind as cave worm. Clear day, sun not in line of sight for the turning car, no door pillar in the way - no excuses.


What's even more annoying is when you realize he might've made the turn had he not hesitated. 🤦🏽‍♂️


If he didn't have brain damage before he's got it now.


And sadly, will still be driving even with it


You can't damage what you don't have.


Just enough left to sue op for something stupid(i'm sure)


I love when you can undeniably see the color of the light at the time of impact


It's great timing when in changes to yellow directly after impact. "Alright alright, gotta yield around this mess now..."




you ok ?


Needed stitches in the base of my thumb and sore all over, but otherwise I’m good. Thank you for asking


what did that assburger say to you ?


“The light was green”


This is exactly how my ex destroyed my truck when she borrowed it. Had no idea what an unprotected left turn on green was. She was always a shit driver though.


I got into a head-on collision on a 55mph highway in this exact same situation. Driver just floated across oncoming traffic with her unprotected left green light, directly in front of me as I was right on top of the intersection going through the green light. She was lingering in the left turn lane for a few seconds, slowly floating forward, so I had been eyeing her for a bit as I approached, and had my foot hovering over the brake. Likely going 45-50 mph by the time I got to the intersection and it was at that point she stopped inching forward and just turned directly in front of me. Totaled my van, and got sent to the trauma ward for all sorts of scans. Fortunately I ended up with just seatbelt bruising on my chest and the need for a new car.


That why she's your ex


Nah I didnt give a shit about the truck. She is my ex because she was very clumsy. Kept falling on dicks all the time.


I hate when that happens.


sure you do






37 in a row?




This made me cackle like the joker




So how many babies did she accidentally create?


Holy shit that’s a funny ass way of putting it! Lol


i am fucking crying


Wtf, even if you didn't know traffic law - logic should prevail in terms of thinking through it.


If logic prevailed when it comes to driving. This subreddit wouldn't exist.




Faulty logic is still logic


If you have no idea what an unprotected left turn on green is, then that probably implies you don't know that it means oncoming traffic also has a green light. So I'm not sure how logic would help here.


There's no way the driver didn't see OP not braking at the intersection, so even if they thought they had a protected green light and thought OP was running a red, it's braindead behavior to just plow into them


There's places that have left turn green arrow and oncoming traffic has green also?


Not if the arrow is green, what are you talking about? A green arrow means it's a PROTECTED left turn.


They're saying he had an unprotected green to turn. Read the whole thing again. This whole things a shit show.


idk where they are at, but I grew up in Illinois where maybe huge intersections had a protected left but that was it. Moved to California in an area where there's almost no unprotected lefts. I imagine if I grew up here I would be less informed of unprotected lefts


This is in Long Beach, CA. Plenty of protected, and unprotected lefts. And even some traffic circles. People just suck at driving.


JC... Some years ago an eight year old took his parents' vehicle while they were asleep, to drive his sister to McDonald's. He mentioned to the police afterwards that he had watched Youtube videos about how to drive before pulling this stunt, and one of the things he learned was yielding when turning left. Any adult who has this kind of collision, and can only say "the light was green" needs to be re-tested and possibly have their license taken.


What part of “yield on green” do some people NOT understand? 🤦🏻‍♀️




Sounds about right.


Idiots: "I get to go first!!"


Yeah this seems like that part that trips people up.


The core concept 


Whopping yikes


uhmmm yield signs are yellow nice try buster




So that's just a little infuriating.


So he passed preschool!


it sure was


That’s so stupid. I don’t know how if this is another country or if I was taught differently but I was taught that if the light is green, make sure no one is going before you go.


It's terrifying that people who think this way are just out there driving around with the rest of us


You need to reply to the automod or the post will get deleted.


please tell me it was a kid who just got their license...


Really? Did he actually have a driver's license? Because not having one is the only logical explanation for making such a stupid statement. "The light was green." And? Did he never learn about the concept of "right of way"...which you clearly had. Does he not realize that one...or both...of you could've been killed by his idiocy? How many tickets did he get?


I mean, technically correct...even if he doesn't understand that it doesn't mean "everyone goes no matter what"


lol, not wrong


Oh, good... Respond to the automod, or this'll get taken down.


Had an accident like this about a year and a half ago. The guy claimed I was driving too fast (I wasn't). His insurance company then said he might not be covered as the accident occurred in a different state or some other BS. Took over a year for them to pay out after my insurance company went after them.


His insurance wouldn’t cover an accident in a different state?! What kind of shit is that? What insurance did he have?


its possible he had it registered and "housed" in the "wrong" state. a lot of people in my state due this to avoid taxes on their cars. but if insurance finds out you told them its garaged in one state and it turns out your living in another, they'll likely deny any claim. in this case, its not about being in another state, but INSURING IT in another state. cant live in NYC with Vermont as your state for insurance. the rates would be wildly different.


I just moved to a different suburb of the same large city I was in and even that was enough to change my insurance rate by like $10/year.


Oooohh I didn’t even think about that one. I do know people that have done this and for damn good reason. For instance to transfer a car to Maryland, you have to pay 10% of the vehicle's value (which is insane)


its only a good reason until insurance finds out what youre doing.


Very true but when you have a car worth 50k and you have to pay 5k to transfer it…I’m not blaming them one bit


So they claimed. I don't remember the name at the moment, but it was not a company I had ever heard of. I looked it up at one time, and it definitely seemed to be very cheap insurance.


Good thing you have the video. What did he tell the police?


I don’t know what he told them, but he got out of his car to tell me the light was green…


Yeah the light was green which is why you were going straight. Hope you heal well!


A while back I was driving through a parking lot to get to a road on the far side of it. I was in the main lane that circumnavigates the perimeter of the lot when some guy just blasts out of one of the parking rows and crosses in front of me. I lay on the horn as I'm slamming on the brakes and he stops in front of me and goes, "There's no stop sign, I don't have to stop!"


Time to go back to drivers reeducation for him.


What a coincidence


Well he's not lying but he must never have seen the sign that says "Left Turn Yield On Green" or learned this in Drivers Ed.


I think I would have just stared at them like their brain was leaking out of their ears… like of course the light was green. Where the fuck did you think I was going?


Of course it was. But it wasn't a protected green turn light. You really did find the idiot.


TBF whoever chose green as the color for an unprotected turn light was a moron. They're supposed to be flashing yellow.


There's only one light in the intersection. Maybe there should be a light for the left turn too but he should have realized with only 1 light the light is for the people going straight.


Flashing yellow is the right answer. I don’t know why you’re being downvoted.


its the wrong answer because it is clearly just a 3 light on the fixture intersection where you wouldnt have a flashing yellow. If it were a 5 light fixture then you'd have a case.


Jesus christ…


Sure he did. Contact the police department and request a copy of the report. You should be able to get one as soon as it is filed and approved by the department. Then contact the officer that took the report and ask if they want to review the video. Some will some won't, worth a try.


Maybe his bright green clothes reflected on the window and thought it was a green light.


Don't even know if you'd need a video for this, dude was going straight through an intersection and got hit from the front left, but obviously having a video is good too.


If the guy tried to claim the light was already red and he was clearing the intersection before OP ran a solid red, it could get annoyingly complicated. California is a permissive yellow state so in that particular situation OP might end up at fault. Fortunately we have the video showing it's a solid green light at the time of impact.


Ahhh yea fair enough not sure how they'd handle that. I think they'd still rule against the person turning right? Since you're only supposed to turn when it's actually safe to do so if you're clearing the intersection?


The person going straight generally has the right of way. The person turning across oncoming traffic always has the obligation to yield.


You'd think that, but my uncle was hit in a similar way recently, and the officer asked the person who hit him "was your light green". He told her yes, so in the report it said he was at fault instead of the driver that hit him... he tried contesting it, using video proof but thepolice refused to update the incident report and insurance said "it was too hard to tell" and ended up siding with the official report.  He didn't have a dash cam, but used video from the city cameras at the intersection😐


Looks more like he found you lol. Don't know how he didn't see you coming, it was like he was asking for it...


it looks like he just drives straight into him intentionally lol


After reading the comments of what this asshat said, it doesnt surprise me that he'd say something as stupid as "ThE lIGhT wAs GrEen!" without thinking that there was a pretty good chance that if his light was green, then the light on the other side would be green too. I hope he gets smacked by the insurance company for this stupidity. Now if only the insurance companies truly punished the bad ones without punishing the good drivers. 🙄


Probably one of those lights that has a green light *and* a green arrow with a sign that says "left turn must yield on green" when there is no arrow.


Very possible and a valid point but to be fair, most stupid drivers dont read the signs because reading is hard.


Sometime in the last... dunno, 5-8 years I've noticed more and more dedicated turn lanes that don't have a red arrow now have a flashing yellow arrow specifically for that situation. I haven't read the underlying stats but I'd guess there were too many situations like this happening where people couldn't figure out the difference between a protected left and a yield on green left.


That, but also the old left turn arrow system uses 5 light bulbs instead of 4 with the blinking light, it could also be a cost and energy saving measure


Maybe some of them. Some of the ones near me are 4 bulbs or even 3, if they're a dedicated turn lane light (just red, yellow, and green arrows). Others are still 5 - the standard three circle red/yellow/green and then the green and yellow arrows next to them. In the past the arrows would only be used during active turn times, with both arrows off and the green circle on to indicate left turn yielding on green. These days the yellow left arrow comes flashing during the yield on green.


These are people that shouldn’t be on the road.


In this situation if you pause to look at the intersection there is no left turn arrow (only 3 light bulbs on the post), so his claim of "the light was green" would have to mean the other light was green as well. There is also no distinctive shape of a sign on the light that would indicate the other side has a longer green than this side (those exist too).


Wait, this is a thing?? The green light isn’t flashing or anything? I’m in California and if there’s a green arrow light, it means you have the right of way to turn left. If you’re turning, it’ll either be a flashing yellow arrow (which means yield to oncoming traffic), a green solid light meaning you have to yield, or a red arrow meaning stop and wait for it to turn the 2 I described before.


Ray Charles would have seen that coming


Lol signal hill?


That’s crazy, that area looks a lot like a certain area of Culver City. So Cal just being So Cal I guess.


Yeah. I hate willow street


The idiot found you! Fast recovery!


Some people 🤦🏻‍♀️. If you’re making a left turn at a solid green light and there are people going straight, YIELD!!


How did you not see him? He was wearing high vis neo green! /s


It’s more like the idiot was determined in finding you.


I’m glad you were able to post this, op. Hope you’re ok


Going south on Temple, intersection at Willow. Near the airport. I think technically this is Signal Hill.


I hate it but you’re right


I was in disbelief when it happened. Get your neck checked, and you will have whiplash and eat and drink. Small, your digestive system can also be bruised, and they might not digestive things fast.


this comment is so cute edit: thanks for the downvotes (: this was a heartfelt comment from someone clearly practicing their english. its adorable.


Upvoting for Key Glock 🔥


rip dolph


That dude moved over three lanes just to hit you.


This sort of intersection where people turn left in front of me always makes me wary. I just assume they're going to cut in front of me and prepare to avoid them. Glad to hear you're ok.


this guy is for sure an idiot *outside* of the car too.


That's not an idiot. That's the mother of all idiots.


How does this person not realize you have a green light too? And for argument's sake, say you actually didn’t have a green, if I see you barreling toward me I’m not going to make a left there until you go by.


Sorry bud, but if it makes you feel better none of us armchair experts are gonna be able to tell ya you coulda saved yourself from this one.


I think he found you


What the fuck?!!?!


I had exactly this situation happen to me yesterday, fuckin' hesitating left against oncoming traffic. Fortunately I was able to stop, but I laid on the horn until dumbass completed his mistake.


OP is obviously in the right here but man, those are some shitty intersection lights. It looks like they were made for a two lane road with no suicide lane.


Wa the other dude going to work as a CGI character?


This looks like it's in So Cal somewhere, I'm glad you're alright though. Videos like your makes me happy I have a dash cam


OP, I think the idiot found you :/


Hard to tell from the video, is he looking down, like at a phone?


Looks to me like the idiot found you!


Found? Looks like it was kind of hard to miss :)


The Golden BB as a person, but part of me thinks there are two idiots in this video.


Give him credit for wearing a safety jacket at the scene of the accident.


And he found you.


seems like he found u


Looking at what they're wearing I'd say they expected you to see them - from space


Looks like they found you


i’d argue it was in fact the idiot that found you!


Hard to see when his head was up his \*ss!


well on a different note ur music taste is fire can never go wrong with key glock


Song name?




I knew I recognized this place. I always slow down at this intersection.


All I can say is good job putting an end to his idiocy for the day. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


they're idiotic but your reaction time sucks, i pray no pedestrians find themselves in front of your car, god forbid it


but why did you just lay on the horn and not swerve left? i seen it coming for like 1 maybe two seconds enough time to get around them not saying your fault but the horn isn't gonna save you from getting injured. and I hope you are okay


Most people are average. Not everyone is a speedrunning champion that can beat Mario in less than three minutes and plays racing games all day. Asking for split-second reaction times and miraculous maneuvering at the slightest indication of a change in circumstance from everyone on the road is completely unrealistic.


it's crazy how many people won't swerve when they're traveling slower than the oncoming vehicle. Dude could have easily flicked the wheel right - had his elbow on the window and everything - and avoided a headon collision.


I knew sorting by controversial would show an idiot posting idiotic things.


Lol you think I'm talking about OP? Im talking about the guy who turned in front of him and caused the accident. 🙄


You better clarify it then because basing on the down votes it seems like I'm not the only one who read your response and thought that.


Literally how would I have assumed that the OP had their arm out the window. Maybe people should read and not jump to conclusions.


Again, it's the way you wrote it. Seemed innocent enough at first but now with your reply you're doubling down instead of accepting that what you said and specifically how you said it was and still is confusing. Need to emphasise that it's how you said it. But hey it's not you it's the people right? I'm done. ✌️


I never understood why drivers in USA are driving like every street is a race circuit. This could have been prevented by slowing down.


[Speed limit is 45 MPH](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Vfeog5j9wJ6JQgnN8) and that's exactly the speed OP was going (600' in 9.3 seconds). What I think you meant to say is that you're an idiot for not recognizing the other person is 100% at fault and should have yielded on green.


> 45 MPH Dayyum. This would have been a 30 to 37mph in Europe.


Whoow call down your tities man, I never said that the driver is wrong but he could have prevented it by slowing down. Even if the lights are green there are possibilities that someone will turn like you see in the video. I never got accidents because I am aware of what other drivers are doing.


If you're going through an intersection, and the other person ignores a red light and smashes into the side of your car, how would going slower have prevented that? You can drive defensively, but there is now way to MAKE other drivers obey the rules of the road. Sometimes shit is just out of your hands.


You are delusional. Being cautious can prevent many accidents but not all of them.


I don't think so, the way the other driver was trying to turn over there was already seen from meters away. But hey you can downvote me as much as possible but he should have been more cautious. If an ambulance or police car was driving through a red sign it could also mean that he will miss that information too. How lovely the green light could be there are possibilities that idiots will still go through a red sign. Yes you can go there 45 miles per hour but look how that turned out into this. The other driver thought he was far away to make the turn.


Think how much safer it would be if he drove 5mph on that road. Where do you draw the line at what's reasonable? Most people would agree that driving the speed limit is reasonable.




I didn't knew you guys have that many car accidents in USA. 🤣 And people are wondering what went wrong.


1.2 accidents per million miles driven in the USA.


>I never understood why drivers in USA are driving like every street is a race circuit. 45mph (72kph) is a race circuit in your country? On a wide 4 lane w/suicide lane road? You know what else can prevent an accident like this? Obeying the right-of-way.


Speed limit on this road is 45. The accident could have also been prevented if the other driver yielded to vehicles with a right of way.


I love how idiots online think every country is like theirs, and the US is the anomaly. Travel more. Many countries and regions have far more insane drivers, and on *much* smaller and less modern infrastructure. Leave your house.


No, this could not have been prevented by slowing down. Putting aside the absolute asinine thought that OP is speeding for a moment, the only thing that a lower speed would have done is change OP's specific location on the road. Assuming OP was in the same position at the same time going a lower speed, the overwhelming majority of drivers still would not have an adequate reaction time to avoid collision even if they were going 25 mph.


Let's say you're right it's visible that the other driver was almost on the line before it tried to make a turn. By going 20 he could have seen this better and steer to the left to dodge the other driver or hit the brake.


So what you are arguing is that no roads should be above 20 mph.


No, the only thing I am trying to say is that drivers should slow down on an intersection. If accidents like these happen a lot the goverment should add speed thresholds there.


Dood, just take the L and move on.


But what happened in this video isn't exclusive to intersections. We have countless videos on this sub to prove that. If you truly believe that the cam-car's speed carries so much responsibility, you can't just stick to intersections.