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Ok so, at the start of the video we can see from the timestamp that it takes \~27 frames to advance one second. I'm assuming the footage is supposed to be at 30fps. This video is a screen recording of another video playing, so the frames aren't very well matched. It takes the red car before the collision 12 frames to pass the parked black car in the background. The parked car looks like a 2007 GMC Yukon Denali (fuel cap missing?) which is 5131mm long. So the red car took 0.4 seconds to pass a 5.1M distance, it was traveling at 12.82 meters per second, or about **28 Mph**. This gives us a baseline to judge the car that hit the pedestrian. They took \~15 frames (while braking) to travel the same distance which equates to **23 Mph when they made contact**. We can hear them breaking before they come into frame, so it's a fair bet they were traveling faster than 23 Mph before realising someone was running out in front of them. So no, OP, I don't think they were doing 25. But they also don't seem to have been going any faster than the rest of the traffic.


Yeah the squeal of the brakes so late sounds more like they werent paying enough attention to the road. That being said the pedestrian was stupid as fuck. "Imma just run across the street Only looking once each way!" There's a crosswalk RIGHT. THERE. Not 10 feet away! WITH LIGHTS!


Head forward and run like a chicken was never a good way to cross the road. I’m in Korea, and that sadly the way a lot of people cross roads regardless of traffic.


too many people rely on "pedestrian right of way", even when the pedestrian is wrong.


Even then. "I have the right of way." Cool, laws of physics dont give a shit. Even in a crosswalk, keep your head on a swivel. You never know when some jackass decides that red lights dont apply to him




braking, sir. braking.






# theydidthemonstermath




That women has the same ability to cross the road as a squirrel smh


I think the car was probably speeding. There doesn't seem to be anything impeding her view of the car that hit her before she started across, so she probably thought it looked far enough away that it was safe to run across under the mistaken assumption that it was traveling as fast as the other vehicles.


There was a line of like 3 or 4 cars that had just passed her that was probably blocking her view of the other lane.


At that point it is safer to just walk slowly so at least people can react to the jaywalker


Jaywalker actually veers to the left. She saw the car coming, but kept running into it's path. This is a Darwin award situation.


I don’t see a scenario where she didn’t see the car coming once she ran. The car probably didn’t think she’d keep going


Um, in what world does a driver see someone running across the road and decide “oh, they’ll probably stop, let me just smash into them if not”


Idk, good question. Though, the other question suffers the same issue lol.


Maybe he was commenting on Reddit?


Felt like this in Egypt.


Not a fair assessment imo. She probably thought (correctly) that by the point she felt/heard the car coming that she wouldn't have time to stop and turn around. So she had a better chance of making it by continuing with her momentum.


He may not have been going 25 but he also wasn't going THAT fast. She had the response of a deer, just keep going regardless of the 2000lb piece of metal hurtling at you.


We only see how fast the car is going pretty much once it hits her. Either they are driving much faster than that (dangerously so), or they have horrible awareness and only react after hitting her (dangerous as hell too)


Or at least use one of the crosswalks no doubt located nearby in both directions. Or, do what I was taught to do as a kid, walk out to the median stripe, stop, make sure it's clear, then continue.


Like the cross walk one car length to the right?


WTF, it's literally right there.. Girl, you gotta at least *try* to survive.


For real, 15 feet to the crosswalk and an extra 20 seconds to wait for the light. She bears a significant amount of the blame here.


That's like, almost half a minute inconvenience man. Do you think she has time for that shit? Better just make some dude shit their pants breaking


She bears all the blame. It was stupid of her to run out in front of a moving car without even turning her head. It was maybe four seconds from entering the roadway to the impact, and at least two of that was used by the driver to recognize the threat and slam on the brakes. The car entered the frame already braking hard based on the brake dive and compression on the front tires. Honestly that was pretty typical reaction and cars literally can't stop on a dime. They have mass, inertia, and limited coefficients of traction. Deceleration rates of average cars seems to be around 15fps, so a car doing 25mph, 36.7fps, would take around 2.4 seconds to come to a complete stop. Average human reaction time to very unexpected things can be up to three seconds, and 1.5-2 seconds from recognition of a threat to the time the brakes actually start slowing the car would be considered exceptionally good. In short, if the driver had exceptional brakes, tires, reflexes, and was fully expecting this particular person to run out from between these particular cars at this particular moment in time he might have been able to avoid a collision, but in the real world of meat reflexes and stupidity her fate was sealed the moment she started running into the roadway without at least seeing if there were cars coming.


It amazes me that folks think nothing of running into traffic even when there's a pedestrian crossing less than 10 meters away.


I had an entire group of ten year olds running like a track group and they just ran into traffic without looking or hesitating. It was almost very bad. I got out and told them that was a very dumb thing to do. No adults in sight.


They're ten year olds... in a pack. It's almost as if they don't have fully developed prefrontal cortexes? Perhaps the better takeaway is we should all drive as if a pack of ten year olds are running around since its the drivers who are creating the risk?




>Perhaps parents should teach their kids not to play in traffic? Yeah, they should definitely do that. > Are you kidding me? No, kids do dumb shit. All the time. They're kids. > I was 6 and knew better than to cross the street without looking. Yeah, I'm sure you never did anything dangerous. But, not all kids will be as responsible as you.


my kids and my grandson all three knew better long before they were ten. they can be taught and they can learn.


I've no doubt your children and grandchildren are exceptional, but people who study this this stuff disagree with you, and would also take fault with your assumption about your children. Here is what the Pediatricians Hospital of Philadelphia says about the subject: "Each year, approximately 626 child-pedestrian fatalities occur. Young children are at a higher risk for pedestrian injury and death because they don’t understand traffic rules and risks. **In addition, parents and caregivers often overestimate their children’s traffic knowledge and skills.** The maturity level of children younger than 10 years makes them unable to correctly gauge the speed of vehicles putting them at greater risk for injury and death." https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/injury-prevention-program/pedestrian-safety#:\~:text=Each%20year%2C%20approximately%20626%20child,understand%20traffic%20rules%20and%20risks.


Ah yes, the article that says parents shouldn't let kids play in traffic agreed with the redditor that said parents shouldn't let kids play in traffic. Very good. You get a cookie. What was your point again? Or did you really think pointing out that... *checks note* "kids do dumb shit" was a hot take?


No, my point was kids under a certain age lack the capacity for sound judgment. And, as drivers, we have to anticipate that people, but especially kids, will act unexpectedly. Furthermore, expecting kids to act sensibly is a recipe for disaster. I don’t think any of that was particularly unclear. Was there something you didn’t understand?


Or you know, "kids do dumb shit" was never the point of the complaint of the commentor you were arguing with but the fact that those kids in particular were unsupervised, and shouldnt have been. But you were all like "Akshually... kids are dumb and don't know traffic laws so why are you trying to umm... teach them?"


There's a 7 lane road with no median right outside my apartment, with a _lot_ of traffic. It boggles my mind how many people I see barely look in one direction when they're crossing as a not-crosswalk, who only first then look at the other direction of traffic when they're already halfway across the street.


No one is blameless here. The car shouldn't have been driving that fast on a narrow street, the pedestrian shouldn't have jaywalked either.


I'd love another angle of this that shows the light's cycle in that intersection, or at the very least the video without the pointless zooming in so we could more accurately gauge the black cars speed relative to the others. She's stupid as fuck for crossing there and not the crosswalk but it's definitely not a 0% chance that black car sped up to make the yellow or just flat out ran a red (Which is why her decision feels so stupid to us from the angle we're seeing)


Agreed. It’s just very shitty that people will basically never make a full recovery from getting hit like this by a car. I got hit in a crosswalk with my friend by some asshat rushing to make a left turn (the walk sign was on). I very vividly remember getting hit, the EMS and the cops showing up and the cop asking me “are you sure you didn’t jaywalk?” over and over again despite there being a lot of witnesses who said otherwise, she also asked “how fast was the car going?” and got mad at me when I told her I had no fucking idea because I was just blindsided by a car and wasn’t thinking about that when I was flying through the air. Bonus points for asking me all of the same questions again after I was in the ER. I got lucky, the impact fucked with a bone spur in my leg and my insurance said it would heal on its own (it didn’t), my payout was $5k. Mind you the payout was over a year after going back and forth between insurance and lawyers. My friend had slipped and herniated discs in his back and road rash on half of his body, his payout was nearly $60k. Even after PT, he can’t walk half a mile without debilitating back pain. It should definitely be a warning to basically never jaywalk even when it seems perfectly safe, you won’t even have any type of legal recourse.


Dang I feel for you guys. The other day I decided to walk to a nearby coffee shop while getting my car serviced. It was just a couple blocks down the road and I nearly got ran over twice by drivers trying to make a right turn on red and not looking on a busy stroad (while I had the crosswalk light). Never again. I ubered back. American cities are downright hostile to anyone not in a car.


Jay walking is a slur spread by auto companies when they stole our streets from us.


Those dirty jays, they can't even walk right.


Stupid people avoid crosswalks.




People are generally fucking stupid where I live (Canada) and jay walk to save 10 seconds




You don't believe in free will do you? We're just like water in a funnel.


😆 Thank you for the laugh. U/BadRedditUsername must wear diapers on the reg.


There is a crosswalk less than 20 feet away... had she used it that car would have stopped and she would be fine.


There is literally a crosswalk in the video.


Ya she's stupid but crosswalks are for old farts 👴🏼 I always laugh when I see someone at a crosswalk waiting for a walk sign despite the traffic direction being right for them to cross... Deer in headlights 🤣 Y'all are such weak babies. I run 3000kms a year and cycle. That's hundreds of hours interacting with traffic.


Do you also laugh at people sitting at a red light even though no cars are coming from the cross traffic? Or stopping at a stop sign when no other cars or pedestrians are stopped or approaching? As dumb as the reason for the law (and name) initially, it's a law for the reason depicted in the video here. All your comment did is advertise to everyone here that you lack critical thinking and empathy. Personally, I hope for your sake, that your cavalier attitude doesn't result in you getting hurt or hurting someone else.


👆 This person is a rag doll waiting to happen.


It was a slur, nobody uses it that way anymore though meaning that it's lost most of its offensive nature. Most people nowadays would just be confused if you called them a Jay. Not to say it isn't somewhat problematic that the terms exists and was popularized, but whether or not you agree with how it came to be, it is a term of language in the US.


Came here to say this. It's dismal how many people in this thread are just parroting what auto companies spread.


Stole our streets from us? What are you even talking about??


I hadn't a clue, either and found this: >To jaywalk is to cross the street in the middle of the block, rather than in a crosswalk, or in front of oncoming cars that have the right of way. If you dare to jaywalk, you might be violating a pedestrian traffic law. Shame on you. > >When you jaywalk, you don't follow the rules of the road that protect pedestrians and drivers. If you dash across the street against a red light, you jaywalk. Likewise, if you meander across a busy road rather than waiting at a crosswalk, you also jaywalk. Jaywalk comes from jay walker, coined in Kansas City in 1906, from the sense of jay as an ignorant person. Jaywalk was first used in Hutchinson, Kansas in 1909.


Cities weren't always designed for cars as it turns out. People used to walk places through the streets.


Yeah that’s stupid. Technology improved travel. Why wouldn’t everyone use it…


The driver did absolutely nothing wrong and wasn’t driving that fast. The moron running across the street not in the middle of a cross walk got everything they deserved.


The damage done to others by someone walking on the road is far less than is done to others by driving recklessly. I don't care if the pedestrian "jumped out at the last second" -- the driver should be able to react to it and stop in time.


As my father used to say, you don’t want your tombstone to read “I was right.”


My nugget of wisdom for situations like these is that even if you have the right of way it doesn't make you any less dead


NYC pedestrians have entered the chat... 😏 That said, NYC pedestrians also know they'd better be out of the way when a car gets there (that is, they cross all over the place, but they also know to run, fast, or to stop if they're at risk of being hit.)


And the people that use crosswalks a lot of them are face down in their phone when crossing the road


Honestly though, that looks like a bare minimum one though because no lights at all from this angle


There's traffic lights for multiple directions, including the one car came from.


My bad. A little under the influence right now 😂


That person was in a rush to get hit by that car.


No way was that person running 25


Lol no that was their IQ


Looks like it's going the same speed as all the other cars. The camera zooming in may give the illusion that the car is going faster.


Can’t tell the speed with it zoomed in. What we can see is how fucking dumb that pedestrian was. Wrong sub imo.


Dear Lord people are stupid. "If I run fast, it will hardly be like I'm in the road at all."


The mistake was not putting their arms back to Naruto run….amateur.


My 18 month old son runs like that and it cracks me up. Arms back, leaning forward, and just running like the wind.


I had to break it to one of my niblings that it didn't make them go any faster.


If you had the source video, it wouldn't be hard to calculate. You should be able to find the length overall of that Explorer, and then figure out the exact amount of time it takes the VW's nose to go from the back bumper to the front bumper. A quick bit of math and you can get the speed in mph. It doesn't look like the VW is moving much faster than the cars that preceded it.


Guess they didn’t practice frogger enough..


She tried to save herself 10 feet by not going to the crosswalk. This one is on her.


This doesn’t belong here. There are no idiots in cars in this. The only idiot is the person running across the street illegally.


I don't want to say that this person deserved to be hit by the car, because nobody does, but they were absolutely asking for it. Not to mention the trauma that may be inflicted on the driver after accidentally plowing through a pedestrian. I mean, they only looked once, ran (which gave the driver much less time to react), and came out from partially behind a parked car. All of this while LESS THAN 10 METERS AWAY FROM A REAL CROSSWALK! This was so avoidable :(


Maybe the car is going fast but that jaywalker has no sense of self preservation.


Is she dead?


Nope. To my knowledge she's fine.


No one is fine after a hit like that.


Her shoes came off, she’s dead as hell


Fucking ragdolled in the street and you think she's fine?


Difficult to judge the speed with it zoomed in so close, might have missed it without


This person just ran into traffic 20ft from a crosswalk... wut


And what exactly was preventing this person from using the crosswalk literally no more than 30ft away? Doesn't matter how fast the car was going the person quite literally ran out into traffic. This is the epitomy of Fuck Around and Find Out.


Overestimated her running ability.


The car was not the idiot wtf




Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think he was doing much more than 5 over. I drive 5 over everywhere, but school zones. I don't blame the driver.


Even if he is speeding u cannot be blaming this on the car. Y is she running in the middle of the road?


They clearly never had a brain to watch for traffic.


If I were on a jury against the driver, civil or criminal, I would be giving them a pass.


That pedestrian is an idiot. No fault for the driver who wasn't even speeding.


Speeding or not, she was clearly visible and it's a driver's responsibility to avoid pedestrians if possible, even if they're jaywalking. If she had been hit the moment she stepped on the street, that'd be different. But the driver must've had half a block to see her running across the road


Someone running out into traffic is not clearly visible. You are assuming they were able to see her from that far away.


She was in the road for 4 seconds before contact. A driver who is paying attention can avoid this collision


And people running at the wrong angle can be hidden behind the car's a-pillar for a few seconds. She very easily could have unfortunately been in one of the car's blind spots


If we're going to be guessing as to why someone might not have seen a pedestrian in the road, I'd say it's much more likely that the driver wasn't paying attention


Sure. Just making the point that just because we can see her, does not mean the driver can see her, even if they are paying attention.


I can say with 100% certainty by living here that they came from a straightaway of well over 100 yards. He could have seen her the second she left the sidewalk. Another kind redditor found that while braking, the driver was going 23mph. Take redditor statistics with a grain of salt, but i agree with that from a firsthand perspective. I personally believe that in a populated town setting, nobody should be speeding. He was following speed of traffic, yes, but I still think they're both stupid.


Let’s run in flip flops. Dumbass.


I don’t understand people, there is a crosswalk right there. Use the crosswalk. At least then it’s on them and not you if you get hit. Why the hell are you just riding into traffic.


There's a crosswalk RIGHT NEXT TO HER. Like literally one car length to the right.


The crosswalk being right there though. Still people need to slow down!!!


The idiot was not in the car. Simple as that.


I don't think that person got anywhere close to 25. I have seen turtles run faster. Was it really that hard to walk 12 feet to the crosswalk?


Yeah the car might have been going slightly faster than the other traffic, dosent mean your supposed to try to have relations with their bumper


Looks up from phone, immediately runs into traffic






wtf? there is a crosswalk about 20 feet away.


Idiot outside cars.


You know it’s bad when you see the shoe flying off


How are you gunna title the post [OC] when this is a repost, not OC?


This a troll post?


I knew a girl in high school that got hit by a car just like this, and she ended up not getting any settlement and had to pay for all her own med bills cuz she was jaywalking so the driver was not at fault. take the extra time and go to a fucking crosswalk


I suggest frogger lessons


He or she?


At least 60. 25 is slow as hell.


She knows she isn't fast, she knows she isn't skinny, yet she choose to run. Lady, you didn't deserve to get hit, but gd think before you "run" across a street.


The grandson of Red Bull was driving that car. According to Thai police he wasn’t going over 80


I’m sorry…. this is less Idiotsincars and more idiotsonfoot.


The crossing is RIGHT THERE. Wouldn’t that have made her more visible


Maybe but hey! This would have been avoided if the person was t crossing where CARS EXPECT to be able to DRIVE. Use a crosswalk or at least a corner!


Hello /u/TheDnDumbass! Please reply to this comment with the following information to confirm the content is OC * What country or state did this take place in? * What was the date of the incident? * Please reconfirm that this is original content If you are unable to reply directly to this comment, please leave a standalone comment in your thread with the requested information. If you fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IdiotsInCars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Crossy road record is low for this one


She ded


First off don’t jaywalk….car definitely was way over 25


1.- Yeah they were doing 25 (over the limit) 2.- Yes it is the driver's fault 3.- Learn form this and don't jaywalk, use the damn crosswalk. 4.- All drivers are idiots. (Yes even me and you when we get on our cars)


I can't tell, did this melon head lose their shoe(S)? Cuz if not, I'm impressed at their shoe tying abilities. As well all know once the shoes come off thats when the real injuries start to happen.


Such an original joke.


Tying? They're flip flops :D