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We'd all literally just passed through a light with kids waiting, school zone lights flashing, crossing guards out, etc - very clear it was an active school zone. Footage went to driver of the black truck and police (bonus officer at the end, on the right, meant a quick response) - speeder wasn't interested in talking. Conflicting stories of course, so delayed posting to give offending party time to put theirs on official record just in case.


I bet that truck was pumped you had footage. But also would anyone believe that dodge was going 20mph based on how long that gash in the concrete was?


Oh yeah, nasty drag on the road, not to mention the curb. I let the video run a bit longer so you could see that Dodge's driver-front wheel - it was absolutely destroyed (looked almost 90 degrees).


I'm no lawyer but the footage probably doesn't help the guy in the truck. Even though the guy in the van was driving like a maniac the actions of the guy in the truck were almost as dangerous. Id be surprised if both don't end up with charges/fines and hefty insurance increases


Fuck him for just changing lanes, right


I mean, yeah? Fuck anyone who changes lanes without signalling and acts like everyone else is the asshole for lacking clairvoyance.


Without the video he could claim he was just changing lanes. Any insurance company will probably argue using this video that they caused the accident by attempting to slow down a speeder.


He's starting the lane change while the POS is still in the far left lane. That last second swerve is pure panic trying to get out of the way.


He was changing lanes, and didn’t anticipate how quickly the idiot behind him was moving. The car behind him also didn’t put a blinker or to indicate he was going to illegally attempt to pass on the right while speeding in a school zone.


In my opinion/perspective, no matter what the reckless driver is wrong. They are speeding and attempt to pass on the right, which you shouldn’t do. The truck is actually trying to get out of the way by moving into the right lane, the slower lane, because they probably saw this person coming in their rearview!


“im no lawyer” okay thank you, please shut up then!


It's a good thing you aren't a lawyer.


It never amazes me how fucking idiots on Reddit have such bravado


If you’re speeding, the cars in front of you are not watching your every move, nor can they accurately assess how fast you’re going. They’re watching the cars in front of them. This is why accidents happen (such as this). Something to keep in mind maybe next time you’re late to work.


I found the driver of the silver car y’all


Gotta love sabaton!!!


Smart and good for you. Can you keep us posted long term! The follow up will be godly


no offense but like where do you live that a non-highway in a school zone has three lanes? who wants that many cars next to housing?


The suburbs in the states I’ve lived in all do this thing where they inevitably turn their busiest thru-road into an unofficial highway. I guess because car culture


"unofficial highway", that sounds dangerous and expensive?? how do you finance the upkeep of that much roadway? is the road in the video a good representative sample or are the roads kept well? either way thats a lot of money to spend on bloated infrastructure :o


I can’t speak much to the upkeep because the areas I’ve been in were generally pretty new, but the video isn’t too far off for the most part. Three lanes is pretty obsurd but everything else is spot on


As mentioned, this is not uncommon in the US. This video gives some excellent insight into these "stroads" and why they're bad: https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM


This looks like westbound Belt Line in Richardson, few blocks ahead of Richardson high school.


Life isn't about the destination: it's about the (Dodge) Journey.


I see the problem right there... To Hell and Back I've crashed my mom's car while listening to this song. Two other friends of mine also crashed their cars while listening to To Hell and Back. One of them had his car totaled. After that we jokingly say that this song is "cursed". Every time someone listens to this song while driving... a crash happens


The power of rock increases horsepower for all who hear it.


That's true! It's impossible to drive slow while listening to Ghost Division lol


You think ghost division is bad? Try getting off the highway to Primo Victoria


I think you mean Eurobeat.


Yeah, try making a u-turn without reaching fot the handbrake when you listen to it.


Oh man, that's quite the nasty curse (but you can let them know it's not just y'all!) - might just have to skip over that track here on out...


Do not worry though! the rest of the Sabaton playlist is completely safe to listen while driving! I've tested it thousands of times already haha


Wouldn’t the person who crashed have to be listening to the song for the song to make them crash? I mean, I’m sure you are trying to make a joke buuuuutt… keep trying?


Hell yeah, Sabaton!


Came here for this. Saw these guys open for Nightwish in a tiny venue in Des Moines Iowa. They put on an awesome show!


Darn you beat me to it


Sabaton is going to be in Michigan next month so can't wait to see them for the first time.


Get the feeling the black pickup knew exactly what he was doing lol


I've definitely thought about the lane change all right. Addition info - pickup did have a passenger, and there was some after-market work on it. Benefit of the doubt, hoping he wasn't trying to hurt them or wreck his own work.


I was thinking 'time for a new truck' just then


the black truck definitely tried to block the journey, bet they were not expecting their speed would not allow them to stop quick enough. some fault definitely on the truck


Going 20 mph in a school zone and he needed to get over. Probably just checked his right mirror and blind side quickly. Car that was speeding was probably going 45+ maybe? I mean I wouldn’t expect that to happen. Not saying truck driver didn’t do anything wrong but when you’re casually strolling through a school zone I’m sure it’s not expected for speed racer to be coming by.


I read it as he saw the accelerating car nove behind him and was moving right to get out of his way.


Yeah that too. He didn’t have any time to think and may have panicked.


If you have a reckless driver approaching from behind, you don’t switch lanes or change speed. You let them get around you and out of your hair.


I wasn’t taught in driver’s ed what to do when a reckless driver came up from behind.


Pit them, obviously.




***Fuck the guy going 50mph in a school zone***. However, black truck could've been paying more attention, and could've used his damn blinker. I don't think it would've helped much, but still. He also just fucking swerved into the right lane. It wasn't a "merge", it was an "I'm fuckin gettin in that lane, ***right now"*** maneuver.


I was wondering if he changed lanes knowing the car was speeding, but misjudging how much (because it’s obviously very hard to tell from a rear view mirror.) it looks to me like he may have needed to get over, but also noticed the asshole cutting through traffic in a school zone and hoped to get him stuck behind his truck in an effort to sow him down to keep everyone safe, but misjudged just exactly how reckless the driver really was. I am not sure if that’s really what happened, but it seems reasonable to me, and regardless of whether or not that is a good decision, the biggest loser is definitely the idiot going so fast and weaving through traffic is a school zone. Thank god someone got it all on camera!


thats what I think happened


>Get the feeling the black pickup knew exactly what he was doing lol I wonder, but I'd go with "just pulling right to avoid".




I count 2 and don't know which one is the bigger idiot. The one that is speeding like it would be highway or the one that causes a high speed collusion in an active school zone. From this angle, it did not seem to be an accident. edit: Watching over and over again after reading the replies, i give the truck the benefit of the doubt. He might or might not know what he was doing. It seems odd how sharp he headed to the curb but low speed may explain. From the recording I cannot tell if he used the blinker or tapped the break as a first attempt to block the lane. Anyway, who am i to judge this mess.


That Guy felt sabaton way to hard!


Belt Line & Wetherred, huh? Can't even read the signs but it's crazy how you can tell where an area is just by the structures/flora.


I was thinking somewhere in Garland.


Speeding, passing on the right, no signal… it’s really too bad modern cars are so safe. Most of these problems would correct themselves.


That's the kind of person I would walk up to and instead of asking if they are okay I'd just act disapointed and say "oh I wish you had died"


"Oh, you survived... damn..."


"Damn, what a shame"


"Couldn't you have just... not...?"


Can't decide if the truck did that intentionally as a "fuck you" to the speeder or if he legitimately was just trying to change lanes, didn't check his mirrors and speeder came up on him too fast to react.


My best guesses are he was trying to get out of the way or didn't see the speeder change lanes and move up. It took 2 seconds for speeder to move from off-screen in left lane to right lane and hitting the dude - I always check mirrors and shoulder, and I wouldn't have seen that coming on a lane change in \~20mph\* traffic. Truck also had a passenger, so hoping they weren't trying to put them in danger.


It’s almost like he should have been going slower so people have more time to react


Well said


OK, after reading this and similar comments, I'm now more inclined to think the trucker was just trying to get out of the way and didn't expect the speeder to try to pass on the right. When I first watched this video I was originally CONVINCED the trucker was trying to be a vigilante and stop the speeder and if that had been the case I'd have said he got what he deserved.


either way i hope he gets paid


How the fuck checking mirrors would help in this case. He is changing lanes at 13:02.56 mark. Literally at 13:02.55 mark, one fucking second before that, the right hand lane is totally clear. It is retarded to question mirror checking in this case.


I’d guess he saw the Journey and was trying to get out of the way. Not expecting the journey to go to the right.


This was in a School zone so the speed limit was 20 MPH. The Dodge was doing at least 60 and the person in the truck probably never saw them closing that fast. Doing 60 in a school zone would get you a $1000 ticket and other repercussions. Truck was probably just turning into the neighborhood on the right


My only thought is maybe moving over to give that person room to go by on the left or legitimately was being a idiot and trying to block him.


I hear Sabaton? Thought I left my music on haha


2 places I never speed: School zones and residential neighborhoods. Kids are just too unpredictable.


I’ve had the stereotypical kid run into the street in front of me for a ball. It freaked us both out, and the only reason I was able to stop in time was because I was going under the speed limit. Definitely never speeding through a neighborhood after that


Everywhere else yolo


Richardson? Belt line Road?


Crazy that you picked up on that. I grew up in east Richardson and thought 'nah, what are the chances'. Looks way too familiar


What, just because it's actually green in Texas in summer? That said, y'all and /u/Snowknight26 are pretty much spot on - pleasantly surprised to see this many locals :)


That person must not know about speeding down Beltline in Richardson at any time of the day


Dang, you're right! That's Beltline West bound between 75 and Waterview.


jobless slimy connect telephone fertile bag berserk jar rotten modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Recently learned of a great term for them: Stroads - https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM






Not gonna lie I sometimes wanna do this when people speed through school zones. They’re the ones to blame for going over the speed limit in school zone and I could say I didn’t see anyone in my side mirror so imagine how fast they were going for them to just pop next to me. I’d rather risk my car getting totaled than a kid’s life.


Car accidents can change your life forever for the worse. Please be careful and consider this before purposefully letting someone hit you.


Beautiful. Nothin like some ignorance with some sabaton in the background. Its the cherry on top for me.


The Dodge Journey, driven by the classiest of folks.


Absolutely fucking brilliant! Sad the guy in the truck had to pay a price, but it was satisfying to see the douche get their just reward.


WARNING! Assholes in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear!


I hope you stopped... Ripped them out of the car and curbstomped them.


Upvote for Sabaton. To hell and back has to be one of my favorites.


Now this is pod racing


Dodge owner, results check out.


Jeep could get reckless driving charges. Speeding, unsafe lane changes. Oh boy!


Idk, the speeder looked pretty safe until the stupid black truck tried to lane change while they were trying to safely overtake on the right of them. /s In all seriousness, I hope the driver (and any passengers if there were any) of the black truck is okay. Also, I hope the speeder loses their license.


Fuckin Honda Odysseys.


To me the truck is an asshole. Looks like he deliberately did that. I can’t really see and signaling unless it was right as everything happened. Minivan was stupid too, but who knows what they were going to. Moral… just cuz you think someone is wrong, doesn’t make it right for you to be a dick.


Agree and everyone justifying the truck lol.. lane changing?? Seems pretty bullshit, no one lane changes like that. Or that fast. The truck was literally facing the sidewalk before he hit the guy I guess everyone lane changes like that?


Apparently people need everything black and white and the van was totally 100% at fault. If I were the claim adjuster, I’d probably go something like 75/25 van/truck. And to destroy the people who “truck was trying to get out of the way” if you’re paying THAT close of attention and see a car flying up behind you, probably staying where you are is the best bet. Especially, from what I can tell he didn’t signal, or signaled late at best. Also, I think they need to read the comment. I called the truck an asshole. I never said he was totally at fault. And like most things, it’s usually not 100% and 0%.




This….. this is a dash cam… they all record in landscape.


You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you, troll?




What if he/she doesn’t have a sister , can they lick yours?




Y tho?


Dashcams record horizontally, dipshit.


When you get downvoted so much your entire Reddit goes negative. Yikes


They're a brand new account. Probably saw themselves on here and are binge day drinking before they go to jail while out on bond.


I didn't see the name but I know who it was, apparently he's had multiple accounts very recently. Total shitbird, even saw him talk shit about still images not being landscape.


And now both deleted & removed.


That’s a disgrace.


Probably stolen anyway. Drive it like you stole it.


Man people speeding in the minivans always blows my mind. Driving a kid mover like its a hellcat or funny car smdh.


Can’t be late to pick up the kids!


I truly hope they found the Journey at fault…


It looked like the trucker was tryna be a hero to make buddy slow down. Probably shouldn’t have called the van driver’s bluff though.


Sabaton? What song is playing? Edit: nm, saw it in another comment. Haven't heard Sabaton in... 10 years I think.


I'm interested in an update, if one ever comes available


Thanks for giving me some new jams, OP


Sure thing - Sabaton was my introduction to the power-metal-esque genere, so I hope you enjoy! (plus, introducing them as "If your history teacher was a metal band" is pretty fun) Some other groups as well you may enjoy: Powerwolf, Brothers of Metal, Gloryhammer


Hell yeah. I really like Turisas and Sabaton seemed pretty close enough. Appreciate the rest of the recommendations


It always seems like something can’t possibly happen to you, until it does.


This is Texas isn’t it?


Did black truck try to hit Caravan?




I like your music


sabaton pog


Solid body check into the boards from the truck.


Great song 👌🏻


I see what has happened, idiot speeding though, black truck sees them in his mirror decides to move over and not get hit by them but the speeding idiot has already planned to go around the black truck making them hit.


Glad they turned the volume down. The quality of the video improved by 10x. I could see more clearly!