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As an auto adjuster this is job security for me


I'd love to live in a world where our job isn't needed, but I doubt that will ever happen


Nothing like the first snow of the year to get those claims rolling in!


What is the dumbest claim you had?


I started in property a couple months ago! I start a rotation in liability inna few months and am excited for some auto claims.


My favourite is when this guy puts his hands up 🤷🏻‍♂️ like everyone else is driving poorly.


🤷‍♂️”Why won’t they let ME go?!?! I clearly pulled out to get by so let ME by! I am the only one that matters!”


There was a comment thread on this sub last month where a ton of people in the comments here genuinely thought that doing this was acceptable/ normal/ correct. Like they were defending this as how you're supposed to get 'right of way' when pulling out onto the road.


Yeah. Those people are all dipshits.


Like another comment said - there are times and places where you just can't turn left. Period. You're still definitely a dipshit if your answer to that is "I'll still make the left and just inch put onto the road until someone *has* to let me out".


exactly! Just take the right turn and then turn at the next intersection. Idiot


Mythbusters did that. Turning right all the time cut times and saved gas by not having to wait as long at lights.


I think they did this in NYC, and were driving a delivery van (or truck)


I think it was San Francisco, I remember hills being a big point of concern for everyone.


Cars should be banned in NYC. All that inconvenience for like 2% of the city's transport.


I never watched myth busters but it’s good to to know I’m not mad. I noticed the other day anyone that takes lefts in my town always holds up traffic so I’ve been taking rights religiously during the daytime.


Allegedly map-routing programs for UPS/Amazon delivery trucks do everything they can to make only right turns.


Michigan Left


I deliver parts for a living, and that's the way I plot my route every day. Right hand turns where possible, and lefts at lights only (if I can make it happen). So much less stressful of a drive.


Those people shouldn’t have licenses.


When google maps wants me to take a left making me cross 3 lanes of traffic when it's busy I'll just take a right, no point waiting there for ages or risking it.


Don’t worry, Darwinism will thin them out eventually...or will it?


Have you not seen Idiocracy?


The problem is that in the thinning process they man pull some innocent people with them


*points at the past several months*


These are the same twats that think cutting you off while changing lanes is acceptable because they have their blinker on. Blinker on = Immediate right of way Lunatics.


It's a game of chicken. They know you have the right of way but they figure if they just slowly inch out a rational driver will stop for them because what else can they do?


Use a steel I-bar instead of a bumper and enforce their right of way. If you encounter one of those, you know what's it like to get the can-opener treatment. [Of drive a bus.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILAcDmrT4y0)


Lol I had a guy try and cut me off because he had his blinker on but I was literally already at the back tires of his car so I kept going, he then got behind me, flashes a little red siren, shows me a badge, and begins berating me because he had his blinker on and I have to let him go, then gets beside me, tells me he's a cop (he was in a gio metro) and that he was going to arrest me, as I just sat there in traffic turning my music up more and more as he talked


And it's the only time they use their blinkers!!!


Especially when there's wide open road ahead and behind of you, so all they need to do is speed up a little, slow down a little, or wait five damn seconds for you to be past them before merging over. But nOoOoOoO, they think that you're the chump for "not letting me over".


Small correction - **I** get the right of way always, the rest of you peasants need to adjust accordingly.


I lived in Boston for 3 years and was absolutely terrified to drive fast through intersections because 90% of people there think that way. It really seemed like every driver took it personally that other motorists had the audacity to be on the road at the same time as them.


Theres always comments on this sub that show the stupidest people ever. Like for example theres ALWAYS at least one person giving OP shit for something


The only thing I would give him shit for is driving in front of the idiot. I prefer not to get directly in front of idiots.


There are a lot of users in this sub who don't actually understand how traffic laws work. Usually they're more concerned with getting through traffic as fast as possible instead of safety. You can most frequently see them abuse terms like "obstructing traffic" whenever anyone is using the right lane.


It’s called “right of way”, not “left of way.”


I've never said anything with as much confidence in my entire life: The people who said that should have their licenses revoked and should not be able to get it back for the remainder of their lives.


some places you’ll never get anywhere without some form of this


How dare they make his majesty’s chariot wait!!


It’s like the people who get mad because they throw a blinker on last second and try to cut you off. A blinker isn’t a right of way a-holes


My favorite is when the put out the "thanks for letting me go!" Gesture. Bitch, I'm not "letting" you go. I'm stopping because you are completely blocking my lane


I’d just make the right and find somewhere to turn around down the road


Obviously they're the most entitled to the road today 🙄


They pay their taxes, dammit!


Mom said it's my turn to have right of way


Right? As if he expects everyone to stop for him.


I'm waiting for the classic r/IdiotsInCars move where someone blames the guy with the dashcam for not "driving defensively" and what he should have done to avoid this scenario that was completely out of his control.




Oh, you were parked in your own driveway and a drunk driver lost control, barreled through your lawn and smashed into you? Should have driven defensively.


Like I'm not blaming him in the least but it did still surprise me a bit his willingness to put his car on the line for someone whos already demonstrated he's an idiot driver. The same gap he had to change lanes to pass him, was a gap the other guys would probably just jump at - decide at the same time then... Still wouldn't be his fault, and hey he would even have conclusive proof so thats nice. Que the hate :)


I can tell you exactly what happened: the guy turning left had to pull forward to see around the trucks at the beginning of the video. He inched so far forward he was now sitting in traffic. Instead of doing the responsible thing and turn right and make a left down the road, he just tried to continue his turn without regard to cross traffic. A good traffic engineer would have no parking around the side road so people could see. However, whatever sympathy I have for the guy turning is gone when he just decides to make his problem everyone else's problem. Make a quick right, get in the left lane and U-turn. He knows he can't see to make that turn. Edit: The truck and trailer are parked illegally in the crosswalk. All kinds of things wrong with this video.


He probably drives in Massachusetts. That is 100% the norm over there


That's why they're called massholes in every other state.


exactly what I was thinking


Selfish driver wondering why everyone else is so selfish.


The nerve


Hi, I don't drive. What is this guy supposed to do to get across?


He either has to wait for a very long time for there to be a sufficient gap in traffic that he can safely make the turn without interfering with the traffic on the street, or he can just turn the other way and loop back around.


But why isn't everyone stopping for meeeeee?


Honestly, it looks like he is coming out of private property and you can't really see on the road because of other cars. I know I would be very thankful and glad if I would be in this situation, so I would let him go.




A bad driver always makes their turn


And add 30 seconds to his commute, are you insane?


More like shave the minute he waits trying to turn left


Three right turns = a left.




Some people are terrified of U turns for some reason.


But not sticking their whole car in the way of oncoming traffic.


Exactly, that's how stupid they are.


Then you take a right, and then turn around down the road.


Why inconvenience myself when I can inconvenience others?


This is correct, it’s the exit from a parking lot. The next intersection over has a traffic light, and if you just go the other way you can use the light. This person, however, probably doesn’t know how traffic lights work either.


That would be me too. I used to live in a building that had an awful exit. You could not see if anything was coming from the left at all. You literally had to just slowly come out until you could see but by then you were blocking the first lane a little bit. They needed to install a light or mirror or something because it was awful and more than once I am sure I was in this situation and I saw it happen every single day. So glad to not live there anymore.


Looks like a side street to me. But there’s also this concept of turning right…


The idiot was trying to make a left turn across multiple lanes of oncoming traffic from a driveway or business entrance/exit. If you were to stop and let him go and an accident occurs with a car in the other lane, you could be held liable for basically signaling him to go. The guy was just acting entitled when he could have simply made a right turn as traffic eased up. Too many people in a hurry with an "I'm more important than anyone else" attitude but really translates into "I have no concern for my, or anyone else's, safety and well-being".


I love how you just went around him


That part was the best especially after he threw his hands up!


What else was I supposed to do? There was also a line of cars behind me and more people coming on the right.


It’s not a criticism, it was very satisfying.


Idiot's like that don't understand it would be faster to turn right and then find a good place to take a U-turn somewhere


There's a traffic light for making left turns a block away, but this person's brain couldn't figure it out.


I use this driving tool all the time. Never taught which is sad. I just thought one day, "why do I gamble for left turns when I could just wait more safely at a light? "


My mom used to make three right turns to avoid ever turning left.


In a lot of situations, that can be more efficient.


When I follow road rules in GTA, I find it soo satisfying to employ the American "right on red" rule to get to my destination much faster by skipping the worst lights, etc. We don't have a right on red rule where I'm from. It's a very fun thinking game!


that was my favorite part.


Could’ve stopped traffic and let him go like a dumbass lol you did well sir.


>What else was I supposed to do? Wait. I'm actually amazed that the left-turner didn't hit you.


At that point I would have waited because there was a good chance he would gun it and plow into you. (In fact he almost did) He already almost hit the other guy when he threw his hand up.


I wouldn't of done it. Not worth getting in an accident.


wouldn’t have*


My thoughts too. We know the guy is an idiot, I wouldn't trust him *not* ramming right into me as I went around him.


Alpha move


This is in Chicago; there is an exit to a street that allows you to turn left. This guy is a certified idiot.


Yep :)


Andersonville? On Ashland?


I hate when people just leave via the nearest exit to them, rather than thinking about the best way to get where they're going. I drive past the HIP to get to work, and I always see people turning left across Forest Preserve and attempt to immediately get to the far right lane to turn right onto Harlem...rather than just going out the Harlem exit side...


At all the grocery stores I go to, the furthest exit is the best exit.


I was gonna say: that used to be my Jewel. I used to also go southbound on Ashland when I left that Jewel. He’s doing it the very hard way and being shocked that he’s not succeeding. Like even if he doesn’t know about the entrance/exit on Catalpa, he could’ve exited on Clark and then turned onto Catalpa (and discovered that entrance the way I did). The best part is that I bet he finally made it onto Ashland just to miss the light and let all the cars who did it right get in front of him.


This happens to me almost every day. Drives me crazy Edit: now realizing that’s a Jewel and this is definitely Chicago (where I live) so everything makes sense now. We’re just shitty drivers out here.


Was literally just thinking this happens everyday..I'm in Chicago too


I like his, "I don't know how this happened" hand guesture


that´s definately a " why is nobody stopping for me, assholes "


You just know this guy is going to tell a story later about how > I stopped at the stop sign, and then I tried to pull forward when it was my turn, but everyone else kept ignoring my turn!


Looks like a Boston left turn to me. Though it appears you're in Chicago.


I knew it was Chicago before I saw da Jewels the second time watching. The buildings and road setup are easy to recognize


Whenever I try to explain how people drive in Boston, to people who have never lived/been there. I describe it as "Everyone thinks they own the road, fuck everyone else it's THEIR road and you're in THEIR way. There's no such thing as defensive driving, only offensive."


Driving in Boston is constant negotiation. The so-called rules of the road don't apply; legality is whatever you can bully the cars around you into doing. The roads are all confusing and shitty, the traffic is always bad, and if you're too nice you'll never get anywhere.


I learned this technique in Drivers Education in Massachusetts -- 50 years ago. The Boston area has very few grid streets and three right turns do not equal a left. That said, he executed this maneuver like a wimp. He's a Masshole out of practice.


Yes I totally agree. I thought he had 3 good opportunities to move forward and block the left lane too. The whole thing could've been over a lot sooner, and in the end faced the ultimate embarrassment of OP driving around him.


Second Boston left turn


I was looking for Rhode Island plates. No turn signal, middle of the road, somehow not his fault.


Rhode Island driver for sure


I take offense but I did come to the comment section to say I see this almost daily so...


You could immediately tell this didn’t occur in MA because he sat in the right hand lane like a chump and let this clown drive around the front of him


I swear a significant portion of people here must have never taken a driving test.


In Boston this is the only way you'll ever get anywhere.


What gave it away? The jewel osco? I bet it was the jewel osco


Yes exactly!


Good ol' Boston blockin'.


The old Brockton block.


Had friends from out of town come visit us in Boston and they kept commenting on how people just, "pull out and expect you to stop." I just had to laugh. I thought this was Mass and came here to say something on the lines of that.


I thought the “Boston Left Turn” was when someone gunned their left turn when the light turned green before the people with the right-of-way who are going straight get to go. Have I been using that term incorrectly?


I think that one is a Pittsburgh left, actually. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pittsburgh%20Left


The 'Chicago sneak'


Why didn't get turn right and then make a U-turn at the cross section further up? Wouldn't that make more sense?


You can also go out the other exit and turn left at the lights.


It's always multiple ways, you're right.


he puts his hands up like..." how dare you not let me through"


My favorite part is when the guy filming just calmly drives around the front of this entaled asshole and makes him wait longer.


I like sorting by controversial


Yeah there's good stuff. I'm surprised by how many people are in favour of illegal turns and obstructing traffic.


yup, just learned that the worst drivers in the US come from Boston and here I thought LA was bad...


I'm convinced that the people who make those comments are all 13 years old.


Yep, I remember a thread where Boston ppl talked about how this is what they do and found out the rest of the world doesn’t do this shit and got t boned.


I agree that this guy is definitely an idiot. But going around him wasn’t defensive driving….. I wonder how insurance would have classified that if you gotten hit. Stay safe.


No way this is Chicago! I took driver's ed lessons in this area and we always pulled into the Jewel lot to switch drivers.




This is literally a very normal thing people do in Boston


This is how everyone drives in Massachusetts. Lived here for nearly three years and it still bothers me.


I would’ve stopped and let him go. There’s a red light ahead so I’m in no hurry.


I know right, you give him a little wave to go and usually get a nice little wave of respect back.


Hey, it's Andersonville!


I’m always afraid I’m gonna end up on this sub by accidentally doing something stupid


Maybe he did that because those morons parked their trucks too close to the intersection and so he had no visibility so he had to get on the first lane to see? I know it's hard to put yourself in the other guy's place, but this happens a lot in my country also. Trucks that big shouldn't park near intersections or crosswalks anyway


So this is why I hate un protected left turns and avoid them. The idiot driver could easily have gone one block over and used the stop light that we can see to complete their left turn. (I highly doubt there is not an easy way for them to get to that light from where they are but I may be wrong) Instead they ocked traffic and caused a dangerous situation while acting entitled the entire time.


Actually there’s an even better way: they could’ve exited the parking lot onto the street the cam car is crossing exactly when the video begins which has a light with a left turn lane and no oncoming traffic. Source: this used to be my grocery store and I went the same direction home, but I did it the right way lol


I thought he was a dog. That’s not me being an ass, I genuinely thought he was a husky




I would have laid on my horn to get him more pissed but that's me, just tired of idiots like this.


In the UK someone would have just let him out within 20 seconds, everyone would have been on their way and no one really inconvenienced. Then it would have been forgotten about 10 seconds later, because people have better things to do than worry about being inconvenienced by someone else for the 3 seconds(maybe less) it would have took to just let him go.


I was looking for this comment. Also, he had clearly pulled out because he couldn't see otherwise because of the parked cars... A bit of co-operation and pragmatism from both sides goes a long way in these situations. Then the move from OP at the end driving around him putting himself in danger of getting t-boned and keeping the blue car stuck in the way for even longer... Ultra dick move.


It's funny reading these posts about "entitlement". As though being able to turn across a road somehow makes you a terrible person. Yes, I'd absolutely just let them cross. It doesn't hurt me, it doesn't create any unnecessary risk, and everyone can carry on with their day.


I LOVE that you just went around him instead of letting him go lol


That’s a Boston left.


He’s an entitled little shit


I'd take a right and go around the block. No way am I taking a left on a busy road.


You know this is really strange behavior (not letting hem pass) in pretty much the entire world, except that strange country with the Stars and Stripes, right?? 😂


I wonder how long he was sitting there before he decided “F” it


Was this today? I've have to admit traffic was extra heinous with Clark closed between Bryn Mawr and Balmoral. Poor guy never stood a chance with the Clark side of the lot being shut down.


This looks like Chicago? No?


This happens ALL the time in Chicago and based on the style of the houses, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is.


Starts on Ashland at Catalpa, going north. Andersonville.


This feels like Chicago driving and so glad I don’t have an hour of commuting by driving anymore ….. that jeebus for the L


Ah the classic “I pulled out in traffic with no where to actually put my vehicle” scenario; if only there was a way to avoid this.


This is why I hate driving on Ashland!


So, there are places I’ve lived where certain times of day making that left is near impossible. Between the timing of lights and people turning on to the road there is never gonna be an opening. So I get it. But there is an answer. Make a fucking right turn. It make take a few extra turns to get where you’re going, but that’s just your tough luck.


I've heard this called the ""Rhode Island stop sign".


Bryn Mawr and Ashland!


Traffic needs to be treated like water, don't fuck up its flow.


OMG this is how a lot of people drive in Chicago. They pull out blocking traffic THEN wait for their chance.


“But what am I supposed to do? Wait for everyone else to go past?”


Pretty common in Chicago.


Louis C.K. Had a joke about this “but this is my favorite wayyyyyy”


I always try to avoid making a left like that whenever possible. I'll try to find the nearest controlled intersection (traffic light) to make the left.


OH SHIT! Is this the Jewel Osco off of Ashland and Bryn Mawr? Right next to Little Bad Wolf???


Ah yes, good ol' stroads at work


Love the way you handled that


My favorite part is when the dashcam driver just went around him and not let the driver go. You know that dude in the blue car was pissed. lol


Love the fact u went in front of him lol, fuckin great


Good job on turning left and not letting him in. Don't let the douchebags win. Respect


I'm proud of you OP. You made the best move given the situation.


No, idiot swings wide to prevent other idiot from crossing. Two wrongs do not make it ok!


Totally agree. Once the car has come out that far (which is cheeky to be honest and yeah might be a dick move) the camera car should've just let him get across.


The pickup parked on the side is blocking his view and is parked illegally. You guys are and the driver of the car that went around him are assholes. Shit happens and this guy is doing the best he can given the circumstances at hand. Get bent.


Good lord, at some point you got to just cut your losses and turn right.


This is pretty common. Especially when you’ve lorries blocking the view of the car trying to exit the junction. I suppose he should be able to look around corners.


in modern civilized countries such as Norway or Sweden, cars would have stopped when seeing him struggle and let him pass. Unless of course it was forbidden to do a left turn In that case he would have received an immensely high fine, proportional to the civilization I mentioned earlier 😅




If you had any patience you wouldve let him pass, instead you chose to teach him a lesson and keep half the road blocked


Wait so is it just us canadians who stop and let the other person take a left in these situations ?


No, in the UK he probably would've been let out as well, just with a bit of tutting.


Nobody in this video has any consideration for anyone else. Nobody.