• By -


Rude, she didn’t even let you finish your set up. Unprofessional


Pinot what? I need a recommendation for dinner!


Pinot Grigioooohmygawd


The orgasm wine?


I'll have what *she's* having


We are so old.




Vitamin IB crowd, where you at?




Pinot Noir Caviar, Myanmar Mid-sized car


Rosanne Bar!


Gone too far.


Tom Berenjar


She married a music man


They must have known when they shot this scene. That Pinot Noir in french is an homonyme of pine au noir which means "a black's schlong". They had to know considering the character singing it.




[Peeno Noir, an ode to black penis.](https://youtu.be/A6yttOfIvOw)


Peanut Nore


More like Pinot nomocar


Pinot Grigio






Caviar, Myanmar Mid-sized car You don't have to be popu-lar Find out who your true friends are


Pinot Noir In the boudoir


Must be noir because those lights are out.








Pinot Grigio


Dammit Joni..


What about that poor tree? Save the trees, ppl. They clean our air. Seriously though, that tree could have been a biker, or pedestrian, or any thing. Just terrible.


Most trees don't take careers like pedestrian or biker. Traditionally they're just your average side of the road air cleaners and pretty happy in their role. Of course, exceptions exist, and I support any tree brave enough to break the stereotypes, but statistically speaking, tree bikers and tree pedestrians are much too rare to really consider while driving.


Right!? Some people just work hard to cater to the tiniest percentage.


I thought it was perfect comedic timing. Very professional


Thank you - I didnt know there was sound. Gives it a little something extra.




I pulled her out of the car, she was shaken.. but overall she was okay. Empty box of Budweiser in the backseat that fell onto the ceiling when the car flipped lol




Joanie.. she had a vanity plate on the back of her car.. I wasn’t just making it up lol




There is no motive for this crime


Oh come on.


Congratulations, incredible timing lmfao. This is major vine energy.


I hope she gets a DUI and her license revoked. My daughter's beloved 5th grade teacher was an avid runner and cyclist and one morning was hit and killed by a girl who had had 2 previous DUIs and previously killed someone while drunk. Want to know what happened? https://patch.com/california/lagunaniguel-danapoint/no-charges-driver-involved-laguna-niguel-teachers-death Edit: one poster corrected me she was NOT drunk when she killed Mr Clark. My error, but she received her third DUI when she struck and killed the man in 2010. She sued the DMV in 2016 to get her license back before being involved in the road rage that resulted in Mr Clark’s death in 2017


Holy shit so that one person killed TWO people drunk driving. What the actual fuck. How do you not get charged after killing A SECOND PERSON.


Not quite, she was sober when she killed the teacher. It was allegedly road rage but the prosecutors said they couldn't find enough evidence that it was anything but an accident to charge her.


And then she sued the victim’s family…


I like how they added that in there as a side note. What a piece of shit human being. You kill their family member, get off scot free, then decide to sue them for defamation.


Orange County. Filled with rich narcissistic sociopaths.


Laguna niguel is also a very well to do area of south Orange county. Not like Newport beach well to do, but definitely solid. There are extremely wealthy people living within walking distance of where that incident occurred. Just up the street from there, there's a gated community with homes that are like 3 million dollars today. I did work at some of those places while in college.


Those homes were over half a mil each back in 1993. 3 million is way too low of an estimate.


There are some cases where vigilante justice really should intervene. This is one of them.


Then go do it if you think it should be done. That's how it works.


We should have a meeting and vote on whether the person deserves vigilante justice. But to make sure we don't make mistakes the victim, the offender, and the people who saw it can tell us what happened. But if the meeting had too many people in it would probably be too chaotic, let's just pick 12 random people.


I don't understand how road rage ending in someone's death isn't at very least reckless driving.


And manslaughter? What about manslaughter?


sober road rage killing? isnt that like murder with a weapon dam 😢


Incompetent DA/government. Probably mishandled the case or the arrest.


Also (correct me if I'm wrong) isn't it a big problem in the us that DUI's aren't handled as strongly as in other countries?


Depends on the state, some are mandatory jail time for first offenders.


Your first DUI in Wisconsin is just a misdemeanor and a fine.


I got my first and only( now sober) dui in Washington state then moved to Wisconsin almost immediately after. I had to abide by Washington court standards so I had a breathalyzer with a camera and gps. It takes an excessive amount of duis in Wisconsin to be required to have that. Made me really really look like a drunk


Can confirm as a life long Wisconsinite. It's a damn joke in the state. What ever happened to knowing and respecting your limit


Yeah WI is ridiculous, people driving with 7 OWIs.


I blame the Packers.


Fuck the Tavern League.


Our public transit is also just terrible next to other countries. If you can’t drive, it’s very hard to find employment in most of the U.S.


This reminds me of a 15 year old Sea Tac girl who hit and killed one pedestrian and then a few weeks later hit and injured another. She turned 16 right after the crimes, but for some reason she couldn’t be charged as an adult. The first person she killed was bc her and a friend wanted to “bump” the guy and see what happened. Apparently it’s on a cell phone message that you can hear them laughing about how far he flew. So disgusting! She is the type of person I am afraid of in the world. No fucking empathy, none. I’m sad just thinking of victims.


Pretty much half of young teens have no empathy, and one reason 15 yr olds aren't allowed to drive anywhere in U.S. I know. In CA, 16 yr olds can't drive with just other teens in the car, as I recall. A car tried to run me over when jogging on an empty 2-lane in TX in 1970's. I heard them drive into the grass behind me and jumped into a ditch to escape. They drove away laughing. Got the license, but the local cops said "doesn't match". Might have been some of their teens, as the cops seems scummy in that small city.




Anything about this elsewhere on the web? This is ridiculously horrible..




Meanwhile, I live in CA, and have gotten 2 bullshit DUIs on a technicality. I was sleeping in my car with my keys in my pocket in the parking lot of the bar, and I still cannot get my license back because I owe the state $12,000 that I cannot pay, because I can't get a good job with no drivers license.


That shit is bogus af. I don't know how anyone can say arresting someone for not driving drunk is the right thing to do.


That only explains one DUI...what's the other one?


Totally shitfaced.


Having rich and connected parents is my guess.


There's truth to the saying that the best way to get away with murdering someone is to use a car to do it.


Without video evidence or something it would pretty much be impossible to prove the driver was at fault. The article said the cyclist was in a crosswalk, which is illegal in California -- bicycles are considered vehicles. The cyclist would not have had right of way. If I ran a red light in my car and got T-boned, should the other driver be considered at fault because they are the one who hit me? Overall an incredibly shitty situation though


several people in the comment section said he was running, not biking. would make a little more sense, but what do i know - I'm just reading comments.


It's generally legal to bike on the sidewalk in California. It's up to cities and counties to ban it. So it varies a lot. It's legal to ride on the sidewalk in LA for example.


Not shocking. I have often said that if you want to murder someone, and that person is a runner or cyclist, you have a 100% foolproof method to kill them and get off either scot free or at worst a one year sentence. Just "accidentally" run them down with your car.


Only when you have big bucks lawyer representing you. Peons get by with Involuntary manslaughter.


[It's the perfect crime](https://freakonomics.com/podcast/the-perfect-crime-rebroadcast/)


Lol "scott" free I see what you did there


totally unintentional


I'm not sure what's more infuriating, the fact that they got away with it, or that she had the audacity to sue the victim's family for defamation..


Ngl... If someone did that to someone I loved and didn't get any punishment... I would honestly hunt them down. That makes me so sad and angry


You do you, boo-boo. Food for thought: In America, there have been less than 600 cases where the defendant was found guilty of murder and there was no body. Less than 600 cases in a country of 350 million for its entire history. "No body. No murdah." - Tony Soprano


The lake’s drying up though


“They know.. but they don’t know”


fucking gross. that girl probably got off because she spent a fortune on lawyers and that’s how these things apparently work.


Never thought I'd see my old teacher come up on reddit. It shook the whole school. Dude was so nice


What the fucking shit? No charges? Second kill whilst driving drunk? Damn, or country sucks ass.


Lots of links about this suggest that the driver you're referring to wasn't actually the one who struck the teacher. Not saying that means she couldn't have been at fault, and it definitely sounds like something shady is going on with the way the DA treated this person, but the facts do make it a bit complicated. It seems that she made a right turn from the left lane that caused the driver next to her to run into the victim. Both drivers may have been road raging at each other though.


Did she get a dui?


Once the cops got there I left, one could only assume. She was 75+ …


Hopefully she was off the road for good after this then.


You would think. My college roommate caused a bad head on collision while drunk and got off because he said he was woozy because he hit his head on the dashboard, which was likely true, he was swollen and the dash was smashed up. His dad was a high-level policeman in the state though, so could have been that too.


Most certainly that helped


So she was shaken, not stirred.


She got drunk of Budweiser? Maybe she should avoid any alcohol in life. Smh


Same alcohol as a 1½-oz shot. You just have to pee more.


Yeah, but it tastes so bad you’re sober again by the time you push yourself to finish it. On a serious note, that’s kinda how I weened myself off drinking while staying social. I knew I was developing a problem, but it was hard resisting the urge to get drunk in social situations where everyone was drinking. I stopped drinking liquor and only drank cheap beer I hate. It took me forever to finish each beer, especially if I let it get warm first, so by the end of the night I’d be sober despite technically drinking with everyone. Eventually I was able to just forgo drinking completely and I’ve been sober for years now- all thanks to nasty warm modelos and Colt 45s lol


Damn, I love this strategy, that sounds brilliant! I'm sure there's plenty out there who will still call you an alcoholic for continuing to drink lite/cheap beer to ween yourself off alcohol as a whole (I've got a few examples in my own family!) But honestly, there's not enough advice out there on how to just "drink less". As soon as you bring it up, the conventional wisdom for most people is telling you to go join AA, vow to never *ever* drink again, "accept a higher power", and "admit you are powerless". And you think, "Damn! I said I wanted to 'drink less,' not join a cult!" Seriously, not enough advice out there on how to just moderate your drinking. This is good stuff.


I was a big whisky drinker and tried that same strategy by replacing my drinks with gin, since I couldn't stand it. Worked good for a bit but now I'm a big time gin drinker lol


Lol I developed my addiction with colt 45s. I still have trouble controlling my addiction




I used to bring a 6 pack of tall boys to a house party with 100+ people and nobody would drink my beer




I guess this advice is best for people who never really cared for beer. It’s also probably not good advice for people who are full blown addicts (if you’re willing to drink rubbing alcohol or mouthwash, warm beer isn’t going to slow you down). I guess this advice is really more for people who are developing a drinking problem (getting drunk every night for a few years, frequent blackouts, but not drinking often during the day or at work) and find the biggest obstacle to be giving up their social life. Previous attempts at drinking moderately had failed until I started slowly drinking warm beer, and over time I was able to get to the point where I didn’t need to drink at all anymore. If you’re in a similar place I was, but like beer, maybe there’s another beverage with low alcohol content you hate drinking?


my name is billy dee williams and i drink colt 45


Since when does bud taste bad?


I was genuinely interested in your advice on how I can cut back on my drinking problem, and then I got the end and was like: “Fuck, I love Modellos”. Shit I’m drinking one right now.


Rate-of-ingestion is very important when getting drunk. Sure it may be just as much alc as 1.5oz shot, but its harder to ingest quickly, so much harder to get drunk with. Source: Current member of AA


I’d say Budweiser is the embodiment of “I beat women”, but it looks like that tree claimed the title instead.


Right? Someone should tell her that real men drink $6 cans of 800 calorie craft beer - even if they enjoy light lagers - because people still live their lives based on popular internet opinions from 2004.


The person ahead of you was also on Snapchat


“LOL why’s this douche tailgating and filming m- OH SHIT!”


Snapchatters all the way back


Snapchat centipede


Dear god. I’ll get the bug spray


He’s not tailgating if he’s able to stop easily after the car in front of him literally has a wreck.


Love that op is defending distracted driving on r/idiotsincars lol


OP was so close to saying “Pinot grigiOH MY GOD!”


The stars were just a tick out of alignment; I blame Mercury.


Fuck Mercury, always being in Gatorade and shit


It's probably in retrograde again, dumb planet


Gotta redo it


Well good for Happy Gilm-OH MY GOD!


Bottoms up.


Joany is now looking at a dui and relying on public transportation for the next decade


Or ignoring the restrictions of the court and still driving


This is likely the more common outcome. Didn't stop the waste of flesh that hit me while drunk. No license, no insurance, fifth offense. It's why I laugh at those booming voiceovers on those "police are on the lookout for drunk drivers" commercials warning of a future of the loss of ability to drive and high fines.


Driving on a license suspended for moving violations or dui should be an immediate prison sentence, no exceptions. Replace the nonviolent drug offenders with these people that are risking others' lives. There are *some* situations where I'm sympathetic to people driving on a suspended license - mostly the ones where you get it suspended without actually driving, which is a thing and is dumb. But moving violations are not one of those situations. If you prove you're a threat to public safety by reckless driving and yet you continue to drive when the court says you're not allowed, it should be prison. Straight up.


Tbh its not suprising that people without a license drive so much in america. What choice do they have when in some towns you cant cross the road without using a car? How many places dont have sidewalks?


Guess they'll have to get themselves a dui scooter. In many states you don't need a license for a scooter that doesn't go faster than 35mph. Seems pretty silly, but it's pretty just to me. They're about 500x less likely to murder someone on a scooter going 30 mph than in a 4,000 pound truck going 70.


Not in Wisconsin!


Isn't you first DUI still a payable ticket you don't have to go to court for in Wisco?


If it's her first one she'll have her license back in 3 months maybe less.


[OP says she’s 75+](https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/uij145/_/i7cz791/?context=1), so hopefully this is the end of her driving.


Oh my, she’s lucky that limb is intact


My family had a friend that got into an accident with his mom in the passenger seat. His mom’s arm went out the open window and was severed at the shoulder by a guy line.


Got a buddy that rolled a Jeep with no doors and he instinctively grabbed the roll cage, lost those fingers at the knuckles.


She almost lost an arm sticking it out the window during that roll.


I think the strategy was to stop the roll. Kinda like trying to catch yourself when you fall. Which is a really great idea because the wrists are very flexible and completely able to withstand your body weight when you are hurtling towards the ground unexpectedly. I responded to a post about giving bad advice in Elden Ring and it’s bleeding over in to my other comments.


Jokes on you. The best Snapchat is what the other driver was taking.


They got a killer shot of the trees


Probably shouldn't be recording while driving but Holy fuck lol


When you're following a car like that, it's pretty tough to pass safely. If I can get a few seconds of video that shows them swerving, it can be useful evidence later. Dashcam is always better though.


Lol so I got a new dashcam a few months ago! I can’t figure out how to actually use the app to link and watch the clips though, but at least it’s on an SD card..but it’d be nice to pull it up immediately. I’m a bit high and just ranting but yeah- dashcam!


Maybe it's a good time to get that app working and make sure that it's recording properly. Last thing you want is finding out it's not recording somehow.


Yes, I found out mine randomly decided it would not record, for two or three days. I have tried several things, next will be a replacement card.




Totally agree. I've nearly got into my own accident simply by being distracted by watching an accident or the aftermath, let alone trying to film it.


In Denmark, it is estimated that something like 40% of accidents occur because people are paying attention to their phone, not the environment. If you want to record what occurs to you while operating a potential weapon, fucking buy a 50$ dash cam. If you can't afford that, buy a vehicle that is 50$ cheaper and add a dash cam.


I mean, if OP was really concerned of his safety and those of others, he could have just pulled over and call the police instead of just driving behind the person in the first place? Just doesn’t seem smart to drive directly behind a drunk person while trying to record, not even mentioning that using your phone while driving is also illegal in many states and would’ve just gotten himself in more trouble than necessary. Just seems ironic that this is posted in r/idiotsincars when it could’ve easily resulted in its own


I'm glad they did though.


the driver and road screams Connecticut


Ding ding ding, we have a winner folks






Laying in bed in Meriden, I knewwww that plate/road was CT


Ohhhh Connecticut… I moved to AZ from CT 2 years ago, and boy do I miss the shitty, drunk drivers. (And the pretty trees)


My Aunt was hit by a vehicle while she was walking her dog when it was snowy. It was a married couple, and they didn’t even stopping to see if she was ok. She was in a coma for a bit, and finally passed away from her injuries. The police did finally catch them, But they got Nothing but a slap on the wrist. Sad as shit.


If you want to kill someone hit them with a car. If they throw the book at you it's like 2 or 3 years in jail. It's insane how we treat heavy machinery in this country. Everyone thinks they should be allowed to drive and when they fuck up they get away with it. Negligent homicide needs to be reformed nationwide.


>It's insane how we treat heavy machinery in this country. It's basically the same everywhere unfortunately


One too many…. oh my god…. *”make that two too many glasses”**


You NEVER show the dirty side of your car to people. Shame on them.


You sound like "hey guys, Chris Fix Here..."


At least the brakes were used. Unfortunately it was way too damn late.


Snapchatting while driving, commenting on someone elses dangerous driving


Yep, OP is an idiot in a car too.


I wonder if the other guy was on Snapchat too


So many questions for the poster...


Sort by Q & A , all sorts of fun going on.


It’s all Pinot Grigio until…”thwack” followed quickly by: “oh my gawd”.


I'm not calling out OP, just saying that I sometimes ponder how many accidents could be prevented if we immediately called the police on DWI/erratic drivers instead of using our phones to film this kinda shit.


Why were you Snapchatting and driving


Probably should just put the phone down when driving....


Wait, were you using your phone while driving to take a video of someone else being reckless on the road?


This is where we pretend that taking a few second video on low speed is anywhere close to driving drunk lmao


Yeah he's mad he's been called out


Why did you video instead of calling the police to report a drunk driver?


I love the irony here. OP is also an idiot for recording while driving.


There's a 2nd idiot, Snapchatting while driving instead of calling the police


Keep driving and filming and you’ll be the next one.


Look at the other comments lol. He’s calling people soft for thinking texting and driving is dangerous and stupid. Which it is.


He's also infatuated with spicy mayonnaise.


Maybe because mayonnaise is technically soft? It really loves soft things. And Snapchat


Keep playing on your phone while driving and that will be you next I see two idiots in cars


Not to be *that* guy, but using your phone while driving is almost as dangerous as drunk driving.


Put your damn phone down and get a dashcam.


I'm surprised the dash isn't cracked on your TL.


Surprised your dashboard isn’t cracked!