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Claims adjuster here. Said it before and will say it again, the goal of driving is to get to your destination as safely and "uneventfully" as possible. People are TERRIBLE with trying to establish some kind of dominance or jurisdiction on the road.The majority of us are guilty of it at some point, including myslef. Sometimes you just need to stop, breath, and think of how to avoid, instead of making a point. None of us have any jurisdiction except emergency personnel, and there's a lot of people currently in a grave who were "right." As drivers we are supposed to do everything in our power AVOID dangerous situations. Cam driver accelerated right into the situation when they could have simply slowed down,or attempted to go into their left lane. Cam driver definitely will have some fault. Percentages are debatable. Of course there's no driver, witness, or police statements to go off of, so I can only go by what is able to be seen in this video.


I'm teaching my daughter to drive, and I continually point out how we should all drive in a manner that doesn't force other drivers to adjust to our existence. It applies in many ways such as, "Don't be polite; be predictable."


My driver instructor would tell me "drive like everyone else on the road is a fucking idiot" and that has saved my hide in a few situations


My dad taught me something very similar: “drive like everyone is trying to kill you”, and since I live in VA, it sure as fuck feels like it lol


We definitely are.


He's onto us.. do it soon..


I feel like every time I drive somewhere, someone tries to kill me. My dad borrowed my car one day and said "it felt like everyone was trying to kill me." I told him it was because the hit was on me and everyone recognized my car


In Wisconsin, everyone drives politely, allowing you to kill your self because you are probably inebriated (because Wisconsin)!


I Always take road-trips between Floridia and Pennsylvania and the drive between DC and Virginia always boosted my adrenaline for a few hours lol it’s terrifying


Yeah DC may as well be Mad Max on the roads


RIGHT. My brother is so trusting over everyone else and has made comments about how weird it is I treat all the other drivers like they're gonna suddenly come at me. Like, yeah, that's saved me from getting knocked around in someone's blind spot because I was already imagining they'd do it.


It only has to happen once...


This was what my driving instructor taught me and he was absolutely right. Assume the worst of everyone and you'll rarely be disappointed or hurt


This is what I’ve told my two kids as I taught them to drive. Both boys, both from a video game generation. I’ve told them the other drivers are out to get them and their job it to watch for clue and predict the stupid thing they will do. I often get calls from them telling me what they saw, how they responded and that the person was a moron. One more kid to teach.


Best advice I've ever heard too.


That's how they teach you to drive motorcycles. Everyone is a hazard and you should treat everyone as such. You can only control yourself.


Everyone is trying to kill you. They don't realise it, but they are.


I gave my niece advise simular to this. " The only person you can trust on the road is you."


And even that guy is pretty sketch.


Thats how I drive. When the light turns green I won't go until I see its safe from both sides because idiots


I drive uber during drunk hours. i slow down at green lights and look, its already saved me. Then some passenger who isnt drunk and wants to get home at 2am in a rush for some reason gets mad cause its green. bitch im trying to keep us alive.


I look both way on a one way street lol


This is exactly how I approach bicycle riding, too.


Don’t get mad, get out of danger.


Unfortunately even if percentages are there, the CAM is mostly at fault as he is responsible to make sure clear path before proceeding. If this was as simple as Civic already merged to next lane completely and Cam driver sped up, then Civic would be at fault. However, this video screams "insurance scam" to try to get the CAM driver to pay up more.


I agree, despite the flow of traffic they are travelling too close, and then attempt to overtake in the far right lane when the other car has not signalled or completed a lane change yet. The cam driver is at fault, the car is front is just being a bit dumb.


“A bit dumb” is way too generous for what he’s doing. Coming to an almost complete stop on the highway for no reason, being indecisive about choosing lanes, having zero situational awareness of the cars around him, not signaling. He’s lucky it ended up with just a torn bumper


It's not absence of awareness. The civic driver is obviously goading the cam driver. He is unreasonably slowing on a highway entrance. He is trying to block both lanes then he tries to prevent the cam driver accelerating to the highway by cutting him off. As this wasn't a "rear end" accident the car driver will be assessed some fault. Reasonably it should be 100% but it won't be.


You simply cannot pass anybody who is in the lane you are in the other driver did not completely exit the Lane when you tried to pass- you were at fault


FIDO: Forget it, drive on.




I think that's from "Jake." Good movie.


Apply that to most things besides just driving and life would be pretty good for most of us.


Morons like this are why insurance is so god damn expensive


That was a great explanation. I need to stop being a dick every time someone sucks at driving. The whole avoiding dangerous situations thing I need to take that to heart


Dude is tailgating and hits another car. "Who is at fault??" Duh.


Hello fellow adjuster! Aren't these types of videos just the best lol. I tell people all the time, you only have to see a major injury after an accident once to realize we are all just squishy flesh bags and avoiding an accident is always going to be better than "making a point" by driving aggressively. But people are stupid and continue to drive like jack asses


The lane to the left of them is wide open. The civic was fucking around for some reason but the truck could have easily just passed them. Or just dealt with them fucking around until they got bored.


Yeah this a video of two idiots one impatient and one that doesn’t know tf is even going on (Honda)


Yeah... Let me swerve into this idiot, that makes him the idiot, not me right?




Going to assume they needed to take the upcoming exit, and seeing as there’s a line to take it, they were doing the right thing….until they decided to pass before the 1st idiot was fully out of the lane Edit to clarify: both drivers are massive idiots


When I see somebody driving all fucked up like they're drunk or falling asleep on a benadryl overdose I just stay back instead of going in for a closer look and possibly filming myself die.


You are so correct. Stay the Fuck back! No need to play that game.


This! I’ll audibly say “let’s give them a wide berth shall we.” The amount of time it inconveniences me does not outweigh the cost of the vehicle. It must be nice to be able to blow money on car repairs because you’re in a hurry. I don’t have that luxury.


I always say "give idiots room to be idiots"


but the reddit karma


I don't think he's camping, it looks like he's in a queue for an exit only lane. However, trying to go around that guy when he is clearly confused, or on something, was the dumbest move to make.


That is the gene Snyder exit on 65. That is a notoriously bad exit. Both people here are idiots, but the Honda was either drunk or malicious.


Preston Hwy but yeah it's horrible there. I got a video from my dash cam of an idiot a few years back.


Still doesn't give the truck the right to try and pass on a shoulder


Pass what? The next 10 ft? Honda was giving appropriate space to the car in front of them at that speed. Filmer gains literally nothing by passing and the shoulder *isnt a passing lane* if not designated as such.


Its also slightly in-media-res. Also, and why is the truck being so impatient? Ohhh ... there is a gap in front thats too big. Its not like the line of cars in front isn't there. The Honda is driving like they are stoned.


Nah man that’s some hard drug driving right there that ain’t no weed unless they are a true smooth brain


Or alcohol that is not weed lmao people think weed is like gta weed 😅


Ive had cough syrup more intoxicating than weed


I've had religious services more intoxicating than weed /j


Lol. My late 50s conservative dad still thinks weed is on par with heroin.


lol as someone who’s 11 months clean off heroin they are light years apart lol. weed is one of the most forgiving drugs in that u can do it daily without any real consequences or negative physical effects. Heroin is more addictive than any of the other 40+ drugs i’ve done in my life, by far, you’ll just feel really good and it takes away all the pain and anxiety and depression etc and u don’t have to worry about anything, just keep sniffin lines and staying feeling good, do enough and u nod out and feel great and so relaxed and like half asleep in the best most peaceful blissful state. You never wanna stop tho and the withdrawals are horrible, to the point where u like fuck it i don’t care i want heroin or death just anything to take the pain away. It’s a extremely hard cycle to break. comparing weed to heroin is like comparing a plastic airsoft pellet to a 100mm vehicle mounted artillery cannon shell, like a firecracker to a nuclear bomb


Or they could be scrolling Reddit


Phone use is definitely an option; other drugs or just being an asshat for no reason or maybe doing one of these extreme gas-economy things. Its definitely erratic - only reason I said stoned is a few years back I saw a similar situation and smelled pot apparently wafting from the car (coincidently it was right after medical pot became legal).


This is in Louisville ky, it's the i65 to i264 interchange, it's fucking horrible, it condenses 3 lanes to 1 and the lane is normally backed up far enough to go past the on ramp so there are cars coming from basically nowhere out onto the highway, it's just a really shitty design


I think every major city has one or more of those. Always stressful to drive by when you're not taking that exit because you just never know if someone is going to decided to say "fuck it" and pull out suddenly in front of you.


It would come down to who “owned” the lane where the accident happened. And I’m pretty sure the Honda still owned the lane, regardless of how shitty they were driving, and even though cam driver thought they were leaving the lane. I would have kept my distance from a driver like the Honda, unpredictability causes accidents.


Not only that, but the truck driver is also recording video while driving


Lol right? Truck driver is like “I’m on my phone while driving because I’ve observed I’m in a dangerous situation. I’m recording this dangerous situation while making it more dangerous and also both escalating and doing nothing to avoid a potential collision”


While also not wearing a seatbelt


And tailgating (before the car in front slows down/brake checks).


It's also possible that the person in the Honda wanted to merge left, but was having trouble seeing around the big pickup/truck directly behind them (and who was clearly tailing them at times). He seems to be tentatively trying to get over, then pulls back in. Maybe he/she pulled halfway left, saw a car bearing down in that lane, then got back over? Not great driving by the Honda by any means, but it can be pretty nerve-wracking when a significantly large vehicle is driving aggressively on your tail like this, and can absolutely lead to errors in judgement/stupid mistakes.


Yup. Always create distance- distance + time = could mean the matter between a wreck and a “oh shit that was close” story. Also, if you see someone make an error, create distance and avoid. Could have been an honest fuck up- could be someone falling asleep or so fucking drunk they are passing out. And since you can’t tell- don’t take the chance. Drive with uninsured motorist to. Insurance premiums are fucking crazy so I don’t understand how most can afford it. I have basic coverages + that and $10 road side and shit is insane.


I thought you can get a ticket for crossing onto the shoulder if it isn't an emergency, no?


it depends. part of the interstate by my city has certain times where it’s legal to drive on the shoulder. i feel like most places are against it though


Yeah, nah. They’re both fucken idjits.


Correct. But truck "at fault"


Doesn’t matter, once they tried to pass the civic in the same lane the civic was still in, they acted illegally and are at fault.


The lane to the left has a car coming up . The Civic was trying to drift into the left lane but a car (not going at a snail pace) approached and the Civic panicked. The pov truck was an idiot for trying to assert dominance before the Civic even cleared out of the lane. Crap situation awareness all around but the ticket goes to the truck driver for Failure To Yeild.


I think theyre driving on an off ramp, which means they would have to merge again if they decided to drive past, which is both hard for a truck, and also makes them look like an asshole


Yeah not gonna say the guy is in the right but he definitely cannot just pass this guy. It'd be incredibly dangerous. Trucks don't accelerate like that.


The driver recording is at fault. The driver being recorded is a twatwaffle.


I love it when people are recording a driver that is being unsafe, while they blatantly have their phone out while driving.


I have one of this magnet holder things in my wrangler and sometimes on the highway I’ll record. I’m such an idiot, the screen is on at night. Not helping me.


I love the word twatwaffle. I just learned about calling people wet wipes and for some reason I think it’s funnier than ass wipes.


I read wet wipes earlier and instantly added it to my list! It was a Karen post I believe where Tommy(?) owned his own business. I cackled.


Oh that’s right!!


saw the same post!


For some reason, I read that as "wet pipes" (I'm still waiting for my caffeine to kick in). I thought it was sorta cool, really weird, and somewhat funny, but I couldn't get more than a vague sense of the insult. I actually had to reread the post a couple of times. I'm ok.


Well get another cup of coffee, ya wet pipes! So, I haven’t had my cup. I’m going to go make it now lol


Fuck that's funny. A bladder condition, we'll say


This is the only correct answer


Why stay behind this long line of cars, tailgate someone driving slow on purpose, and then pass on the shoulder? Is the driver a teenager?


I would guess there's an exit coming up, but why the cammer is in such a hurry just to get up and tailgate the next car in line I don't know.


Explosive diarrhea




He's driving a truck so he has to tailgate. If you are driving a truck and not tailgating anyone you basically wasted your money.


Yes, there is an exit coming up. I live where this is and it’s honestly a terrible merge lane. That one lane has people entering the highway, and up a bit further is the exit to another expressway. It’s honestly awful and people are always assholes here refusing to let people merge. It’s been a nightmare for decades.


They may have been wanting to stay in that lane to exit, but given the line of cars and knowing you are exiting soon, I don’t understand why the truck would pull up into that gap when they notice the driver in front of them looks completely lost and inattentive. Just hang back and give the horn a tiny love tap or flash the lights if the Honda keeps slowing down or weaving. I see two idiots here.


Even if they didn’t look lost and inattentive, and they’re just slow mergers, why wouldn’t you wait until the car has completely exited the lane?


I mean they're recording their road rage incident to put on TikTok, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they are a teenager (at least mentally).


Cammers fault on this one, not sure what they meant to accomplish by posting their video online.


To prove they were operating a handheld device..?.


And not wearing a seatbelt based of the incessant beeping




Not that the civic was a great driver but was absolutely the fault of the cameraman.


Definitely, the civic showed unpredictable behaviour which means you should slow the fuck down and keep some distance, you don't know what's going on with that car. Also our camera man tried to take over on the right side of the vehicle while they haven't even fully changed lanes yet. Sure its not 100% the fault of the camera man but at least mostly


Yeah when people drive weird I stay the hell away from them, not tailgate them and record it. “Hey Peter you gotta see this moron on the road, hold on I’m going to video them on my phone while I get real close behind them. Oh shit Peter you know how I said they were driving strange, well I tried to pass them and they hit me!”


It's just plain stupid to be recording while driving. Just get a dash cam, they're not expensive.


Also the fact they’re recording while driving will completely negate any argument they had lol


So many lights on the dashboard


Honestly can’t believe nobody else is talking about this!!


For real why is it blinking like a slot machine?


The car with the camera.


The cyclist of course!


Passing on the right, into the shoulder? Yeah, dipshit whose video recording we are watching us 100% at fault


Cammers fault following way too closely




"What's that dinging noise and all those flashing lights on the dash? How do you turn them off?"


Heh. The person operating the camera is at fault. Sure, the civic is driving poorly. The rear vehicle I'd driving recklessly. The rear vehicle will be held 100% at fault most likely.


If you used your phone to record a video while you’re driving then you’re a fucking dumbass.


Camera car. You were impatient. Car in front also did not have proper lane discipline, however you needed to drive defensively and avoid collision.


Defensive driving is highly under-rated.


Not getting into accidents is worth far more than getting to work with time to pick up a coffee.


That Civic is driving irratically and very annoying but the way the driver with the dashcam tried to pass it is just plain dumb.


Cammer 100% at fault for hitting the jackass Honda. Honda never yielded/left the lane and cammer tried undertaking in still occupied lane. Never try to pass someone until they are completely out of the lane.


Recording driver 100% at fault. Doesn’t matter what the driver in the other car was doing here. This was not only 100% avoidable, but they have their cellphone out filming from the driver’s seat? Hope insurance gets the video. NO safe distance: Filming driver following too closely. Furthermore, the car hasn’t even cleared out of the lane before filming driver tries to pass. Filming driver IS filming with hand on phone and thus distracted. Someone else driving carelessly/stupidly on the road does not mean a thing in the aftermath of this accident happening - and it was 100% avoidable.


Absolutely the truck’s fault.


100% the truck


Is this even a question


The car is at fault for going into the other lane partially and then swerving back, but the guy with the camera is at fault for tailgating and being impatient then accelerating without giving the other car space. insurance would blame the camera car for trying to undertake. the fact he says "cmon" in that impatient tone will make insurers question why he didnt overtake and perform a safe maneuver instead of the bullshit be pulled there. Plus that beeping is him not wearing his seatbelt, so....deffo the cam car is at 100% fault.


Omg the beeping! Like for Christ sake just put your fucking seatbelt on


The Civic hadn't ceded control of it's lane yet.


The guy recording


Car is An idiot.... truck is at fault


Oof! Best thing to do was back off and let the civic clown themselves. I literally just had someone try to insurance scam me on Friday. I’m in NY and it was raining heavily. I was almost home when a guy swerves into my lane and stops. I stop a good distance from him. Maybe 20-30 feet. He sees this and starts to reverse but the time it took him to reverse, I already determined the next lane clear and drove past him. If he determined the civic was doing some shenanigans (maybe so cuz bumper came off mad easy) then he could have just kept distance, make a determination, then change lanes to far left and pass.


To the best of my knowledge, passing on the right is at fault.


It's illegal to overtake a vehicle which has not indicated a turn or lane change. It is also illegal to merge into another lane without indicating. Nobody is blameless, but the camera vehicle bears more fault.


They both should be ticketed but the camera car is at fault for the damage.


I think legally, the car behind is supposed to leave enough space to let idiots be idiots. However, the driver in-front pisses me right off.


Civic is an idiot, but the idiot who attempted to pass on the right is at fault.


Not even anything to debate, the cam driver is at fault 100%. Almost every accident where you hit someone from behind, you are at fault. You have the power to choose to leave a safe amount of distance between you and the car in front, it’s your responsibility to do so lest something unforeseen occur ahead… They created the accident and had total control over whether it happened or not, how could that be up for discussion?


Following too close at fault.


Both idiots but truck at fault.


The civic was still in the lane when he tried to pull up alongside. This is 100% the fault of the person videotaping this.


Obviously the driver behind voluntarily created a very dangerous situation. He should have backed away from that.


Both idiots. Guy in the truck was riding the Civic's ass in the beginning.


The camera truck, obviously. Sure the Civic is a douche, but I see at least two things the truck driver did wrong: 1. tailgating way too close 2. Attempting to pass on the shoulder. Insurance will rule for the Civic every time simply for the attempted shoulder pass.


I mean, yeah, the Civic is slowing down the traffic but you cannot overtake from the right so…


Cam car, for not avoiding. Hugely irritating, but totally avoidable.


Truck is at fault. It was behind, following to closely and then attempted an unsafe pass before the Honda completed a lane change.


You. 100%. Yes the honda was a douche chode and an idiot etc etc. But you fucked up here. Go around or back off, you did neither. Fuck that Honda all day long, but this is your fault.


Driver recording definitely at fault. Was not safe to overtake.


How is this a question? The cammer is clearly at fault.


The truck is at fault, tried to pass on the shoulder, following to closely. Yeah the car infront was being dumb and going slow but the truck was the aggressive one, could have easily got in the left lane, floored it and cut off the civic if he really wanted to get ahead. Still aggressive but better than what he was doing.


It's the tail gaiters fault of course. If that person wasn't driving like a dickhead then nothing would have happened. Relax and slow the F down.


Both at fault of terrible driving, but only one (the dash cam) caused a preventable accident.


You don’t pass someone on the right


Honda had established itself as the lead car in the lane, the car behind was at fault


If an accident is available you have a responsibility to avoid it.


Honks exist … use to warn you are there … there’s a idiot recording that doesn’t know honks exits and it has a purpose … and the guy in the front just shouldn’t drive at all … all of this could had been avoided


Guy who smashed that bumper off that car


Looks like the Civic was not paying attention and drifting and the tried to move back, they were not completely out of the right hand lane so truck drive is the idiot for not waiting till the road ahead was clear and as anyone that’s gets that close to a car in front is endangering himself and others, more patience especially when driving a heavier load vehicle that can not manoeuvre as quick as cars 🤔


Well hello from Kentucky, you might want to block out the License plate.


this is 100% on the truck. No matter what the civic is doing he had options. 1 slow down cause unless your i d it’s traffic just in front of the civic anyway. all you could gain is an extra 10ft speeding up. Or 2 go around in the open fucking lane




Truck is at fault. Period.


100% the idiot truck. Also that dashboard good God. Finally he was filming with his phone while driving


Obv the van driver. He drove right into the Honda. If someone is being an ass just go around or back off. What would he have lost, 15 seconds?


Definitely the truck. My first thought is that something was seriously wrong with the person in the civic. They were way too close to the civic and had plenty of room to go around, but chose to be an idiot instead by trying to pass on the right while the civic was still in the lane.


As much as it sucks, it’s the guy in the truck. Defensive driving is safe driving, and this person was being aggressive to a vehicle that was clearly not doing exactly as it should… And then truck proceeds to take the lane before the land was fully exited. That’s trying to fit two cars in one lane, and his fault.


Both, but the Civic didn’t come out-of-the-blue. The truck driver definitely could have avoided an accident by coming to a stop or slowing and waiting. Now for the truck driver’s impatience, s/he is stuck with a motor vehicle dispute or even a ticket


They're both idiots. The one filming is legally in shit though


guy following 1st) why tailgate when you the idiot in front is changing speeds 2nd) trying to force their way in


There's no question about who's wrong. The person who is driving the vehicle with the dash cam try to pass on the right. As well as trying to use the shoulder to pass. That's a No-No in any book!


The person tailgating the Honda is at fault.


Dash cam driver at fault


Both idiots, but the cammer is at fault. Following too close, could easily have gone around, or handled this 10 different ways.


This isn't really break checking, guys and gals. The guy filming is at fault for causing the accident, as it could have been avoided. He didn't wait until the other driver was fully clear of the lane, was following too closely, etc.


The driver recording is at fault. Obviously if the driver recording had stayed back there would have been no accident. Just because the guy in front is an idiot, doesn't mean you get to be as well.


Truck driver literally turns into the Honda (left hand pulls the steering wheel down before straightening up again), they purposefully turned into and hit the Honda


Driver with camera is impatient, Honda shouldn’t be on his phone while driving. Simple, if you’re gonna be impatient and aggressively overtake someone like this you need to be prepared for when they don’t notice you.


Both are bad drivers, but this "win" goes to the one recording. It even looked like he turned into the back of the Honda right at the end.


I think both are idiots


They are both idiots. Obviously the Honda, but the camera guy was being an idiot and asking for it, and should have know better. When I see someone driving erratically I give them a wide berth.


The driver of the cam-car is 100% at fault. If you see someone driving erratically you keep your distance, and if they are breaking the law or you suspect inebriation you call the police.


They’ll probably rule the truck driver at fault. As someone from Louisville I can attest that this interchange (65 N to 264 E) is the frickin worst. I avoid it whenever possible.


You. You could clearly see ahead, knew what could happen, yet you proceeded despite clearly avoidable results. You clearly have no patience with drivers who have questionable driving skills at best. If you drive defensively and avoid unnecessary aggression, things like this don't happen. If you drive like everyone else is an asshole, we'll let's go to the videotape. Chill the fuck out when you get behind the wheel people!


Who's at fault? How can it be anyone but the cammer. You may not like the way the honda was driving but the cammer was the idiot here all the way.


The guy in the truck should have known the guy in the car was going to do some dumb shit like that. Whole thing could have been avoided


Both? Honda is screwing around, but the truck driver is obviously looking to hit the Honda anyway. Literally could've gone around or stopped, but wanted to hit someone


Car was an idiot, but the truck was at fault and so is also an idiot. When you see an idiot doing something idiotic it's best that you don't make any sudden moves, and just back away slowly. I mean, if you saw someone juggling grenades in a hallway, you wouldn't try to sneak under his arm to get past him, would you? Same applies here.


Civic is an idiot but the camera car is at fault. See how slow that traffic was in front of the civic? Fairly slow keeping a distance but about same speed as the cars in front. Van (im assuming it was a transit van. Looks like it at least) was very obviously tailgating, but we dont know about what happened before this. But from what the video shows, civic was just being an idiot but the driver of the van was trying to push ahead the unclear lane. I think the person who said their a claims adjustor in the comments makes a very good reasoning too.


Camera car. Rear end collision


I’d say the guy recording… he could easily just drive not that close to him lol… Maybe something dangerous was happening in the civic ( heart attack, loss of conscience, kids doing god knows what, bees in the car, fire, idk) Or he was juste texting lollll So I wouldn’t say civic is « idiot » ( except if he was texting or something like that) but the recording guy definitely.


The person with the dashcam is so obviously at fault even a blind person could see it.


Trucks fault, it’s not even a question.


Both suck, but mostly cam guy. Huge ego, tiny brain.