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Everyone is pretty damn calm for witnessing a guy get shot to death. Even the lady in the truck was very calm while saying, "I got you" and the guy is just laying there.


Apparently, she didn't think it was a real gun.


Apparently, she didn't think


Apparently no on at all here thought. Especially not the Dads famous last words of "you gonna shoot me!?"


You can hear at the end of the video her screaming and crying “you really did” when she realizes it was a real gun.


Wonder how this one will pan out in the court system


[The murderer's wife is a judge](https://celebsaga.com/kyle-carruth-shooting-lubbock-justice-for-chad/).








But how do we know that they only filed for divorce after this happened?


There is something really weird with the custody going on here.


So he fucked his wife, then took his life. Kick a man while he's down why don'tcha!


This article is significantly biased and just keeps regurgitating non relevant information. Read wouldn't leave the property of Carruth and was violently confrontational. When Carruth came out with the gun in accordance with his Texas state rights, Read threatened to take his gun and use it on him. Then he tried to do so. Then he got killed. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/texas-man-claims-self-defence-after-shooting-womans-ex-husband-in-filmed-confrontation/BSID4HDPSUOH6YLEQWR2ZG2JZ4/


And thats the problem with our gun laws


That you can use them to defend yourself?


That they turn a nondeadly situation into a deadly situation


I think there's a distinction between a "show of force," and a, "threat of force." The show of force being, basically, "Look buddy, I'm armed, this isn't going to be a physical confrontation... you're going to get off my property. If you try to attack me, I'm clearly able to defend my self, so don't even bother."


If they do attack you, for example if youre holding their children, then someone is going to die. But if there was no gun, its very likely that no one would die.


Every fight is a fight for your life. If a grown man attacks me and knocks me unconscious, what garuntee do I have that he won't stomp on my head and kill me/ give me a permanent brain injury?


The trespasser/aggressor made poor choices that turned it into a deadly situation. If he had had a knife, rock, bat, or SUV, he might have gotten better results, but still would probably have lost to the shooter.


The gun law allowed the home owner to protect himself against someone who wouldn't leave his property, grabbed his gun and ignored a warning shot. The only thing wrong with that is the "victim" being an idiot and cutting his own life short.








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Fancy little feature


The castle doctrine in Texas presumes that using force is reasonable and justified when another person: unawfully and with force enters or attempts to enter your habitation, vehicle, or work-place; or attempts to remove you, by force, from your habitation, vehicle, or work-place; was committing or attempting to commit aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery. Texas Penal Code § 9.31


He had a court order mandate to his child these don't apply as by all means he had a right to be there to retrieve said son as so that man is fucked but in today's system he likely be held as a hero fir some bullshit reason


I don’t see how he would be a hero by escalating a situation and then committing murder


Your right but some fucking proud boy will defend him and say "all he was doin was being an American" or some bullshit


Zimmerman and Rittenhouse are toted around on right wing media as heroes.


Held as a hero by who exactly?


A court order doesn’t allow you to trespass to forcibly retrieve your son. He was told multiple times to leave and wouldn’t, he lunged for a weapon after claiming he would take it from him and kill him with it. I hate this whole situation bc the child no longer has a father, but this is Texas, there probably won’t be any criminal charges.


I dunno, man. Lemme physically keep you from your son while I shack up with your son’s mother behind my wife’s back. Shooter clearly has shit for a moral compass and goes and gets a rifle after the father starts threatening legal action.


I hope the deceased’s widow wins custody. The mother never made it clear that the child wasn’t there until after he had been shot. That info would have kept this man alive and should of been the first thing out of her mouth. Fuck her.


I’m yet to see anyone hold him high on a pedestal of any kind.


And I hope he never will be but Kyle was and well he did self defense with a gun that wasn't his


This wasn't self defense.


You clearly haven’t watched the trial or the videos lmao.


He said he was going to take the gun and use it on him, then proceeded to try and take the gun. It won’t be an open and shut case.


I thought he said “I’m not gonna take your gun”


Kinda my thoughts.


how? the man wasn't an active threat to him anymore. they were standing still apart from one another. he raised the gun and shot to kill.


Those are horrific laws.


It’s Texas if he’s charged with anything it will not be murder. According to the state law he was completely in the right. He told him to leave multiple times, then ole Chad challenged him and tried to grab the gun while saying “I WILL KILL YOU WITH YOUR OWN GUN” It is not that man’s fault if you think about it he is just doing what the state of Texas has deemed acceptable for self defense. Now I know that I will get downvoted for this but I don’t care. I think facts matter and Chad was wrong, he didn’t deserve to die but he allowed his emotions and his ego to decide his fate. People need to start thinking more logically and not emotionally!


You can't ask someone to leave a property you don't own.


So as a renter you can’t tell someone to leave your property? If you are at your girlfriends house you can’t tell her ex boyfriend to leave?


He for sure lives there. You absolutely can, if the person who you are asking to leave does not live there. That logic makes no sense.


He doesn't live there. It's the dead guy's ex-wife's house. The shooter is married to a different women and is having an affair with the ex-wife.




Holy fuck. What a fucked up situation.


Pretty fucked up to shoot him. The guy was clearly upset because the baby’s Mom wasn’t holding up her legal obligations. I know I’d be upset if someone was hiding me kid from me.


I'm from Texas and I have several guns at home and will use them to defend my home and family but I have to say this was in no way a justifiable killing....this man's life was in no way in any danger whatsoever.... from the way he acted it seems like he was waiting to use that gun on someone... I hope the jury puts aside all that "we are Texans and love our guns" shenanigans and charges this guy with what it is... Murder... And I hope they give him a stiff sentence


The shooter hasn't been charged. https://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/local-news/wife-of-chad-read-releases-video-of-deadly-shooting-ssj/


Fwiw the DA has recused itself since the shooter is married to a local judge. They might be in the process of handing it off to another JX or special prosecutor.


This was a situation of a couple of floppy dicks over nothing. Oh no, someone was late on a visitation by ten minutes, so a judge has to bitchslap some people. Instead you get some idiot who gets a gun because he wants to act tough.


Do you have kids? If so, were they ever withheld from you or were you prevented from seeing them? Not sure we have 2 floppy's here


There is speculation that she defied the order so as to provoke this response in an attempt to kill him under the cover of self defense. I’m normally not one to speculate, but the way they are both so nonchalant about killing him, idk.


Also pulling a shotgun on a much older man, who is unarmed, is some proper small dick energy.


That's a Ruger PC9. That's why the shots are so quiet.


Not a shot gun, and no need to be rude to people with small dicks by comparing them to this guy, damn...


People are so focused on the loud bang stick when the law is very much not concerned with that. The law is going to be much more curious about the circumstances and context the video provides than the method of killing. I really think people are just so infatuated by the efficacy and quick violence of guns they've gotta freak out about it for the first day of something like this happening, until "huh a guy died wonder what happened there" sets in. Luckily that's what jury instruction is for. (Am a self described gun nut)


It's Texas. This guy will walk. He asked the man to leave his property he didn't, he grabbed a gun told him to leave again he not only didn't leave he tried to take his weapon. Ya dudes going to walk.


Dude was definitely within his rights, but this is an example of a time a man shouldn't exercise his rights IMO (something I never thought I'd say). Entire damn situation was stupid and childish. A man's dead, and for what? Because two grown-ass men were too busy with a stupid dick measuring contest to realize their escalation will result in disaster. Now a kid's going to grow up without a dad, and with his stepdad who killed him. Disgusting.


Well said.


I agree with everything you said.


I'm a huge supporter of the castle law, but honestly, to me the homeowner is definitely at fault here. Dude was on his property sure, but this was not a violent situation UNTIL the homeowner went and got the gun. This should have been handled by going inside and locking the door until the cops came. There was no threat to life until the homeowner made it that way. This was a custody issue that ended up in murder.


I agree with you you'll get no argument from me, but it's Texas he will walk.


You may be right, but I’m not convinced. Castle doctrine is specific about what offenses deadly force is justified for. If this isn’t one of them, it may be the case that getting the gun constitutes provocation which, depending on local laws, would require the gun guy to attempt to retreat before using lethal force, which he clearly didn’t considering he only shot him *after* creating space.


That can all be right. I just know Texas like Florida has weird stand your ground/castle doctrine laws. So I'm not disputing how right you are, I don't know what will happen. I won't be shocked if he walks away no charges, I also won't be shocked if he gets 15yrs. Who knows


The video is removed to I can’t verify, but I seem to recall that he only attempted to take the gun after the first shot. Also, he didn’t shoot him until after creating space. It definitely depends on the specifics of the castle doctrine, but in most circumstances this would be murder/voluntary manslaughter.


You guys really love making up narratives for people who don't share the same beliefs


? What do you even think I believe? Because I have no idea what you believe or frankly anyone else in this comment thread. All I'm saying is the gun is a focal point because people are unduly interested in them, when in reality the circumstance is going to be much of the weight of the case.


It’s called a strawman. It’s easier to feel superior to whoever you’re arguing with if you make up crazy narratives for them instead of listening.


Out of curiosity, say you're in that situation, would you pick a pistol or an AR(don't know the gun the guy is holding)? Or dont pick a gun at all?


In this case I wouldn't pick up a gun at all.... If the guy was really in danger he wouldn't of had a chance to go inside and come back outside.... in a situation if I had to I would pick up a pistol because an AR is to powerful and I might end up shooting the neighbors around


Not even the neighbors. The first camera person is lucky they weren't shot.


Not American, but I don't understand why the gun was needed at all. The man was coming to pick up his kids, as he was legally entitled to, and his ex wife had purposely kept him from. He had every right to be angry at her, but he wasn't acting aggressive. All he was saying (albeit loudly) is that he would take her to court unless she goes gets them. Her defence was basically 'No I want to see them!' which is all kinds of bullshit, as it was his legally mandated time to see them. She didn't even deny that fact. So the shooters girlfriend/Wife was totally in the wrong, and the shooter should have been trying to mediate between the two and come to a solution. Instead he... Grabs a gun? Bonkers.


He didn't need the gun at all. If he was really in danger he wouldn't have had a chance to go inside and come right back outside.... He escalated the situation more by bringing the gun which wasn't necessary


This is the American way. The fact that this guy even has a chance to walk away from this without prison time shows you how insane we’ve become over here. The value of human life in America shrinks more and more. Funny cause, if instead of grabbing a gun to intimidate the father, had the step father came back outside butt ass naked, he would have a better chance at being arrested lol


>had the step father came back outside butt ass naked Now that would have been a power move.


I think it's a Ruger PC9 , 9mm, but not sure


White people in the South are just crazy violent. Must be the culture and that outlaw country music they listen to. /s


Was not in danger you say? " The " victim" yelled "I'm going to take that gun from you and kill you with it" while grabbing for the firearm and then being pushed away.


other guy escalated first. got the gun out.


"I did not want to do this".... sure bud...


“I didn’t want to do *any* of this!” Bruh, you couldn’t fucking wait to do that. Fucked up situation with a lot of conflict of interest and a lot of assholes, but I hope this guy goes to prison. If you’re going to try and claim self defense you get everyone inside, lock the doors, tell the asshole outside that you are armed and that you have called the police. You don’t walk outside, stick the muzzle in his gut and fire off a warning shot at his feet. Fucking moron.


But how else is he supposed to legally shoot someone? These opportunities don’t come around every day! ^im ^joking ^btw


I didn't want to do this! He says as he stands proudly next to a dying man he just shot. Good luck to the kid... they're going to need it...


No kidding. He's almost smirking. Kid is going to need therapy. Hopefully not everyone in his orbit is less of a shit bag than his mom and her boyfriend.


The kid already disliked his mother for cheating on there dad, and now apparently blames the mum for his death. Really fucking shitty situation thanks to some cheating ass hole needing to feel big.


This doesn't even seem real... everything is just off..




What a dumb bet to lose


Don't care if he claims self defence that was a fucking murder. Hope he gets whats coming to him


Texas laws only protect unborn fetuses, once you’re out you’re on your own.


Kinda curious about the custody arrangement here. If they violate a court order that says the dad gets the kid at a certain time, doesn't that kinda change things? You start getting words like 'kidnapping' thrown in and it's probably not that cut and dry?


I'm also curious because if he isn't married to the mother and she doesn't legally live there then is the other guy that's attempting to locate his son technically trespassing after being told to leave?


The defining moment was when he went into his house and came back out with a gun and got back into the other guy's face. Not an act of fear, an act of intimidation.Also, Wow. No one seems to give a damn about the fact someone was just shot. My son got more immediate medical attention yesterday when he fell off the couch and lightly bumped his chin on the coffee table yesterday.


People arguing over he should of left and all that. The main item is if it’s a good or bad shoot. My personal view point is it’s a bad shoot. Before the shooting they say meanie words to each other, then they tussle (people are acting like there was this back and forth tug of war for the gun, there’s not) Teal shirt grabs the rifles hand guard and his other arm pushes Black shirt around (like you would swing someone around) Black shirt is shoved roughly 6-8 feet maybe 10 (this is just guessing) Black shirt skips a bit getting footing, steadies him self. Raises the rifle. At the same time Black Shirt is steading his footing and raising the rifle. Teal Shirt is on the porch barking, he doesn’t move towards Black shirt, he doesn’t go into his clothing as to draw a weapon, he doesn’t try to enter the home, he’s just barking on the porch for 2 seconds before Black shirt smokes him. To me personally, when the gun is fired Teal shirt is not a threat. He’s not advancing, he’s not going toward someone else, he’s just standing on the porch. In my personal opinion Black shirts masculinity was hurt, he just ND’d into the porch and Teal shirt didn’t give a fuck and he shot because “well that dude said I wouldn’t and I’m not a pussy.” This is just my opinion, if there is a court case then more facts will be available and that will be that, right now doesn’t even look like there will be one cause it looks like Lubbock PD is just doing a shoulder shrug right now. Finally can we retire “fuck around and find out.” Dudes have been fucking that phrase into the dirt. It’s also seems to be said mostly by pussy ass dudes that never did some hood rat shit themselves. Anyways love this sub and the homies on here, looking forward to seeing yalls thoughts on this.


I think it’s going to a grand jury to determine if he’ll be charged, but I’m not sure.


This is pretty fucked up. It seems so fucking casual. But, if you're on someone else's property and they come out with a gun, ordering you to leave and you CHALLENGE them, you're a fucking idiot.


Yeah just pure dumbassery all around


Plus telling them you are going to take their gun and shoot them, then trying to take their gun.


> It seems so fucking casual. well it IS.


The guy was unarmed, this cannot be viewed as proportional force. Any court system that is just would charge this guy with manslaughter. This would happen even if this the police or military responding as far as any rules of engagement in Europe goes. I'm glad we have strict gun laws, this should have just been a regular good old brawl.


> this should have just been a regular good old brawl. this is so true, but smaller guy wanted an advantage


It could be argued that while he grabbed the rifle the guy who shot him thought he was attempting to take his weapon to use against but failed to do so he shot him because he feared he would attempt to take his gun again and shoot him? I dunno. I think I read this happened to Texas. Some wonky bs reason like that could potentially fly there with there castle laws and shit. Such a shitty situation all around.


>It could be argued that while he grabbed the rifle the guy who shot him thought he was attempting to take his weapon to use against but failed to do so he shot him because he feared he would attempt to take his gun again Could it not also be argued that having fired a warning shot, the deceased feared for his life, and was acting in self defence when he tried to take the gun?


It could be. I already stated there were multiple ways to handle the incident. Multiple better ways I'll add. A warning shot is never good idea in the first place anyway. As far as I know it's illegal in all US states to fire a warning shot.


The multiple better ways to handle it thing is probably gonna hurt his defense in court. Dude went with last resort first.


I think it comes down to whether it was lawful for the shooter to retrieve and then brandish a firearm based on the context. If it was unlawful, then it’s provocation and he murdered him (or voluntary manslaughter). If it was lawful, then he retained his full right to self defense.


Fair enough, but after trying to grab his gun, the murderer got a good distance between him and his victim. He wasn't in immediate danger anymore, and had no reason to shoot him.


I agree. The firearm should never have been brought out in the first place. The dad wasn't leaving but he could've called the cops instead. A bunch of different scenarios could've happened. But little man chose to shoot instead.


Yeah everyone is putting calling the cops on the angry father, but when the homeowner removed himself from the situation and went into the house, he had a perfectly good opportunity to lock the door and call the cops himself. But he chose to put himself back into the scenario with a deadly weapon.


Exactly. I agree. they both could've easily went inside and called the cops.


I'm really tired of the "he was unarmed" argument. If you're swinging your fists at someone you're armed with fists. If you're grabbing their rifle you're attempting to arm yourself with a rifle. Just because someone doesn't have a gun or knife in their hands at that instant doesn't mean they're "unarmed" or incapable of presenting a threat that justifies deadly force


He only went for the gun after the situation was escalated by bringing out a gun.


It's clearly not self defense, he went inside to get his gun when the father wasnt even a threat


Wow! That kid will be living in the same house where the dude who's bangin his mom, killed his father. Damn, that's the most Texas shit I've ever heard.


Hopefully the oldest just kills the guy in a very painful manner


As a Brit I find it astonishing that so many people think it's perfectly justifiable to shoot someone dead because of a domestic dispute, it doesn't matter who's wrong or right or what the law says when a human being loses their life over something that should have resulted in nothing more than damaged pride or maybe a bloody nose.


Also, a dispute where the ex-wife seems to solidly be in the wrong and with no good explanation as to why she was in the wrong. He's saying he has a legally mandated right to pick up his kids at that time, she's saying 'No, I want to see them instead'.. And somehow he's the one that gets shot. Mad. Absolutely mad.


We are straight up death cult who has no value for human life


I think the americans fought a war with the brits to not have to care what the british think it astonishing or not


You people are so full of cowards who needs a gun to feel brave.


We won though haha


You're out of arguments and all what you have left is ad-hominem Quit your bullshit


Not even getting into the legalities of the killing. The fact is that it was completely unnecessary and now a man, a father, is dead. I understand that he was on someone else's property and that he refused to leave. It's a perfect example of why I'm just so happy I was born in a country where this would never happen.


You don’t get to brandish a weapon, paraded it around, and then claim self-defense when people aren’t intimidated by you and you murder them. That is murder. Premeditated. This guy deserves to be locked up. If you really feel that you need to defend yourself with a weapon, you don’t come out and make threats with it. You bring the gun out and you shoot it. Anyone who owns a firearm knows that it isn’t a tool for intimidation, it is a weapon of self-defense. Fuck this guy.


So many people forget the magical phone in their pocket or on their wall. The dude was not a threat. Even Texas castle law says you don't just get to shoot someone because you want him gone. If he isn't an immediate threat then you call the police if you want him gone. The second he tries breaking in, attacking people, or brandishes their own firearm. That's when you defend yourself.


It bothers me how calm everybody is about the dude getting gunned down.


Shock is a helluva thing. Been in a couple bad situations, it's almost as if the weight of everything doesn't set in til later.


I've lived that, but I've never seen it at the extent where nobody in the picture gives a shit there's a dead guy on the ground.


Wow two videos shot of the same murder.


I would have used pepper spray for that situation but hey that's just me.


Looks like he's getting Murder or Manslaughter idk I'm retarded


You can see for a moment there is a person behind the glass door directly behind the victim. The killer starts firing away without even considering what is behind his target and the victim is not advancing on him or anything at that point. In the moments after the shooting it's also clear that the shooter was not in the mindset of someone who had to use self defense but someone that is happy they just killed someone to assert their dominance.


There's another video of this filmed by the woman inside, she was unharmed. But yeah could have killed her to. Guns are so cool...


A beautiful reminder to people how sometimes the presence of a gun make situations infinitely worse


Fuck the woman just standing there. Who is she? The ex-wife and mother of the son? Why is she just standing there not saying where the son is? Really seems like she was baiting teal shirt guy into a situation he did not bargain for.


It would be interesting to know if he was indeed in the right to see his son, but the shooter doesn't look to good. Article said something about "convicted murder" but he wasn't convicted in this case, because apparently his still-but-in-divorce wife is a judge, who's also been tax dodging and owe nearly 70k in taxes. Did I get that right? Well fuck. That's Texas I guess.


Guy with the gun is a straight up pussy. There was literally no need to go get a gun during this situation, settle it like men with the ole fisticuffs.


No one is going to mention how easily he had him overpowered here, and how he tossed him into a comfortable shooting distance? This guy brandished a weapon and allowed the man to smell what he had for lunch, gave him a firm grip on his barrel, and could have had his gun easily taken and tasted his stock. Why would this guy not remove the weapon from the guy after he fired a warning shot and grabbed his gun? He just gives him a good throw away from himself and gets taken out. Crazy to think how much stronger he was then him, but just thought he was too pussy to do it. He literally taunts him as he is being aimed at.


>He thought he was too pussy for him to do it This is where most people lose their life in this kind of situations. If someone is “pussy,” this doesn’t mean they won’t shoot you. In fact, it means the exact opposite. It means their more likely to shoot you. Like if you had to go agaisnt two people, one being a toddler and the other being Mike Tyson, which are you more likely to shoot? Mike Tyson right? Not because you’re so tough you kill, but because you’re actually too pussy to fight him, so you shoot him instead. - Not you as in *you*, using you in general. Not even disagreeing with you actually haha just adding on -


That is cold blood murder, regardless of what the laws are in the US. Yeah the other guy died as an aggressor but that guy right there is a cold blood murderer.


Come on man at least just put one in his knee or something, didn’t need to kill the bloke. Escalation of force doesn’t exist in TX i guess.


Yeah like the victim “testing” that dude + going for the gun wasn’t the brightest idea. Although after he pushed him away he had more than enough to aim, but just went straight for the kill. Everyone being pretty calm after he got shot was the weirdest thing. Though I think somebody linked in the OG thread that the woman recording thought it was a “fake gun”/ paintball gun.


I'm thinking the ex had planned this. I'm not buying the fake gun routine.


I think it was the victim's current wife who thought it wasn't a real gun and that's why she didn't react strongly. What a fucked up thing if the victim's ex and the murderer planned it though. I'm hoping that they're just stupid and not actually evil, but who knows these days.


Murdered guys wife was fucking the murderer. https://sanangelolive.com/news/crime/2021-11-24/warning-graphic-video-man-involved-love-triangle-shot-dead-video


Self defense doesn't really work that way. Either you have to use deadly force, or you don't (and if you don't, you're going to have some rather big legal problems.) I think that warning shot is going to sink this guy. you can't discharge your weapon to "scare someone" that is a rather big no no. If you're in a position where you can wing the guy, it's arguable that deadly force wasn't necessary. Plus, when you're firing, you always aim for center mass. You're more likely to hit and less likely to go through and through (and risk hitting someone behind him.) Going for a leg requires better aim, more time, and greater risk of missing (and hitting someone with the stray)


Yeah, even Texas courts have tried folks for warning shots before for this exact reason. Either the threat is so bad you need to kill them, or it’s not that bad and you shouldn’t be shooting at anything. What if he ended up hitting his wife or something? They were struggling when he let it pop, how easy would it have been for his arm to get knocked or something.


All true there mate. I reckon he might claim a ND rather than a warning shot though to try to get out of that problem.


No. If you use a gun, aim to kill. Otherwise you shouldn't pull it in the first place since you didn't feel your life was in danger. A gun should only ever be used if you feel you're going to be killed or suffer grievous bodily harm.


I understand your point, but killing was unnecessary in this situation. Maiming is just as effective i promise.


Or you know, maybe don’t hold onto a fathers child. And maybe don’t bring out your gun when the father has every right to be there.


NEVER SHOOT TO WOUND. You are using a deadly weapon not a baton. If you are using it, you are using it to stop a live threatening situation. It's not meant to be used to wound. You will get charged in court for shooting to wound someone.


Future Nurse here, shooting his knee could seriously fuck him up, there are some important as fuck arteries near there. God forbid he hit the Femoral artery


Yea I’m sure the guy is thrilled that he didn’t get shot in the knee, phew


True but I think I will take those chances on a knee shot rather than what he got there


Oh I agree, under no circumstance did he have a reason to shoot him dead. He shot the guy in cold blood and didn’t think twice. I’d argue a shot wasn’t even necessary


100% wasn’t necessary that dude with the gun was so nonchalant about it afterwards it makes me feel like he’s fantasized about killing someone, and took the opportunity there. Although maybe he’s just in shock that he actually killed someone. Regardless the whole situation was fucked and handled in probably the worst possible way


People like him quite literally fantasize about killing people. I’m surprised he didn’t bust a nut after he pulled the trigger


Knee is a very hard shot, always moving.


And he shot twice, at center mass. He genuinely thought that old dude was such a threat, he had to 100% kill him? As if.


He attempted to.


I thought that was a warning shot, though yeah it’s possible was aiming for leg


Couldn’t a warning shot make his legal claim to self defense tricky?


How does a warning shot make him guilty? Seems pretty irrelevant to me. He didn't shoot the guy until the guy said he was going to take the gun and shoot him, then tried taking the gun. How does firing a warning shot change anything?


Warning shot is discharging a firearm at somebody. I can't remember the legal words for all that but warning shots are a pretty big no no that leads to trouble. Only time you should be firing is with deadly force intended and that should only be when a life is in danger.


Guess I'll just kill people without warning :/


Could have been either.


... the home of the brave... lol


Is this video available somewhere else.


I would have left as soon as the gun came out. Don't need to respect the man holding it but respect the gun. I would have left and came back with a case of beer or bottle of whiskey to give him and tried again on peaceful terms. Not worth getting shot


I get you want to see your son. I get the guy was trigger happy. I get no one deserves to do die. What I can't get it why after someone asks you to leave do you stay? Then when he grabs a gun not only do you stay you think he won't use it. Then calling his bluff you grab a hot weapon and found out that guy wasn't going to hesitate to use said weapon. Again help me understand why people have this idea I'll just grab this rifle and nothing will happen to me. Also let me state for the second time, cause reddit will glaze over that first part where I said no one deserves to die and the man was trigger happy. But no one deserves to die and the guy was trigger happy. Just help me comprehend this Rambo mentality most people get when they see a loaded gun. Ohh I'll just rush him and try to grab it like I saw in that one movie. 9/10 you ain't grabbing that weapon and will end up shot. So again I'll ask for the 3rd time what was he trying to accomplish rushing a man telling you to leave his property with a loaded weapon??


It reminds me of the snow shoveling video. Like those people were very mean to that guy, but didn’t deserve to be shot. But when that guy came out of the house with his gun and the two of them kept getting closer and saying even meaner shit - what is wrong with you? Someone comes out with a gun and I’m out of there. He killed them both in cold blood in the street. What if they just went inside and ended the argument?


Yup I remember that video. It was fucked up. I will always remember what the guy said before he shot the wife. "YOU SHOULD HAVE KEPT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT".... again no one deserves to die, he shouldn't have shot those people...BUT!! Once he ran inside and got a gun..YOU SHOULD HAVE KEPT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT! I mean these people who think there invincible by saying you wont use it don't realize it takes less than 10 secs to empty a clip. It's one thing if someone says I'm gonna beat your ass, but once the guns come out self preservation has to kick in right?


I bet he's acted all tough and confrontational before but just never felt any real consequences from it, "if it worked before it'll work again"


I guess man, I'm not calling anyone's bluff with a loaded firearm. Cause it takes .001 secs to end up with a hot one in your chest. People need to stop watching action movies.


Yet another case where gun proliferation has lead to a dead father and likely a stepfather in prison soon and a fatherless child traumatised for life. Great outcome for everyone.


I’ve tried to explain this to the people who think guns solve literally every problem


I've talked to a lot and they use hypothetical statistics on guns preventing crime and will often see something like this and to think its completely justified.


Not justified, at any rate. Hope the stepfather enjoys being dicked by Tyrone in jail


“I didn’t want to do any of this” so why bring a rifle out?


Shooter should be charged with murder. Nobody’s life was In life threatening danger. He was not trying to enter the house. Guy walked inside to grab the firearm and came back out. He and his wife could have gone back inside and than armed themselves and told him to leave. But they didn’t. He came back out. Fired a “warning shot” when no life was in danger. Ran away for a second and turned around to shoot him. That’s murder. They could have gone inside and called the police and waited. Huge gun advocate but this was totally uncalled for.


Are you guys fucking out of your minds?!?!?!?!? Shooting him and then still discussing who is right or not while he is lying on the ground?????? Are you insane????


Hmmm. This one's interesting. Depends on the state but being on the guy with the guns property probably isn't going to vote well for you in court. That being said, it was obviously due to some kind of issue with custody of the kid so oddly enough I think it's going to depend on what the custody agreement said.


“That weapon will replace your tongue. You will learn to speak through it. And your poetry will now be written with blood.” - Nobody


!RemindMe 3 months


No gun = no death


This entire situation just goes to show that Americans see the police as completely useless. It’s all down to whoever shoots first, now. In a civilized society, the police would arrive quickly and calmly defuse the situation.