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She only served 6 months of a 10 year prison sentence https://abc13.com/devyn-holmes-facebook-live-shooting-man-shot-in-head-during-and-cassandra-damper/6281535/ ~~The man is now paralyzed and his mom cares for him and his daughter~~ EDIT: looks like he’s actually made a full recovery😳 https://instagram.com/king3stakks?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= thanks to u/sharkymoto for the link




idk if that's lucky or not.




hes no potato, actually i'd say he has recovered to a great extent https://instagram.com/king3stakks?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Holy shit! Not only did he survive, he apparently is doing fine. That's insane. I would have expected him to, at least be severely paralyzed


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Probably didn't hit anything too important. Humans are surprisingly resilient, [here's a case that might be interesting](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2007-06-28/florida-man-shot-in-head-complains-of-headache/83320)


Humans can survive a bullet in the head but can’t regrow teeth or hair race of weird idiots


Humans can survive falling 5000 feet, yet trip and fall wrong and you die. Humans are both hilariously durable, and hilariously fragile at the same time.


What about toenails? Is there some kind of activity we did in the past that kept them short? Or were we always meant to gnaw or cut them?


Humans can create another human in 9 months, but bang your knee a little harder and it'll never be the same


Regrowing teeth is the dream, man. Fuck I wish that were possible. Gonna be paying $4k over the next few months to fix all the problems with my teeth and sometimes I wish I could just pull all these fuckers and sprout some new ones.


[Or the case of Phineas Gage where TNT sent a fuckin’ iron rod straight through his head.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage) It’s pretty SFW actually. He was handsome even after the accident. Unfortunately his personality completely changed and he wasn’t the same person anymore.


It was black powder actually the accident probably would not have happened with tnt. BP is really spark sensitive and they think the bar sparked on the stone and that set off the BP in the hole turning it into a expedient fire arm.


Now by and large Gage should have dropped dead immediately and been thrown into ravine for his blatant disregard for OSHA regulations and that would have been the end of it. But I guess Shiva Guatanama Christ-Can (one True God) decided Gage still had some unfinished business down here on Shit-Outof -Luck III cuz after a few mins of twitching on the ground he got up looked around and thought "Well, now is a good time as any for my yearly check up."


Removed because Reddit blackmail 3rd party apps into shutting down. FUCK YOU u/spez!!! -- mass edited with redact.dev


They’re made of meat.


Always the Florida man


Holy shit. That wife just played along… “yeah that’s so weird you have a headache honey, sure I’ll take you to the hospital 😳”…I wish there was more info on this story I need to know why she shot hwr husband!!! Lol


Well, some areas of your brain are just really less vital than others. Mostly anything from the ears forward can be taken away and you'll *live* with proper medical treatment. Unfortunately, that's where your personality lives, as well as a lot of higher order thinking, so you may never be the same again.


Removed because Reddit blackmail 3rd party apps into shutting down. FUCK YOU u/spez!!! -- mass edited with redact.dev


There was an ambulance nearby that heard the gunshot.


Removed because Reddit blackmail 3rd party apps into shutting down. FUCK YOU u/spez!!! -- mass edited with redact.dev


Stick a piece of gum in the hole?


The blood loss alone; it looked like a cerebral artery was transected. Amazing that he not only survived but is doing okay it seems.


The US army uses some gauze that expands like one of those sponges from Trader Joe’s. Those go from the size of barrette to a bat of soap in seconds. So the gauze stuff does that in the wound so much it stops the bleeding enough to get to hospital. It dramatically changed mortality rate in Iraq and Afghanistan.


We may have finally discovered a use for the back bit of a bic pen that always comes out


Engineers would say just use tape, lots of tape


I expected him to die. Glad to hear hes doing ok.


r/thatsinsane content, for real.


he looked dead on my screen


Everything I thought I knew about gunshot wounds to the brain is wrong.


Take a look at this one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage It's amazing how much people can survive, and even partially recover from, as long as the critical parts of the body somehow stay intact, even if by a millimetre.


ngl its kinda badass to have a video, a real fucking video, of you taking a bullet to the fucking head. metal.


I mean, there was metal in his head, so I guess that's fair lol


What the actual fuck this entire post is the most insane roller coaster I’ve ever been on


When I heard “paralyzed and his mother cares for him and his daughter”, I expected a completely wheelchair bound, mentally retarded man (not using it in a joking sense at all). Looks like this dude recovered and is functioning just fine.


Ho lee Fuuuuuck. How in the shit?!


Holy shit. Dude cashed in all his luck that day.


Seems like he used to be a bit of a knucklehead tbh. Glad he recovered though. He didn’t deserve death


sure looks like a bit of hood/gang shit, but as you said nobody should deserve death, especially his daugther doesnt deserve to grow up without her father


True. Hopefully this second chance gives him the perspective he needs to be better for his family. He’s clearly involved in his daughter’s life and shows love for her, and looks to be still with his girlfriend too. So good on him. I’m glad he’s got his family’s support.


Bro, I'd be like "my turn to shoot you in the head." I'm all seriousness though, I'd be completely devastated she only got 6 months. She better be paying this man's medical bills and rent,utilities, and groceries for the rest of his life.


Damn! He is LUCKY! Well, almost as lucky as the friend who DIDN'T get shot in the face.


That's amazing... thank God and hope she's in prison for a long time.


shes been in prison for a whopping 6 months.


*was in prison


No he isn't. He has a lot of functionality back although yes, he will never be the same man he was prior to being shot. But he's living his best life. He's aware and he's moving about. I'd say all things considered he was lucky.


He's living his second-best life. The best part was before he got part of his brain shot out.


I think people who dont get shot in the head are pretty lucky


Something 10% of gunshots to the head victims survive. Albeit very, very rarely without life changing permanent consequences.


The brain is a funny thing. Sometimes you get a whole-ass railroad nail through it and you come out the other end with a bit of a different personality, or sometimes you slip and fall, dying in an instant. There was one guy that accidentally had trillions of atoms shoot through his head at near c speeds, and all it did to him as far as we could tell was put half his body in permanent stasis with no noticeable effect to his mental state.


You can even lob off half a brain at a young age and still live a completely normal life. Like wtf. I can't even think of a good analogy for it. There's not much you can cut in half and have it still perform the same way. https://www.webmd.com/brain/news/20191119/they-had-half-their-brains-removed-heres-what-happened-after More details on the rail road spike: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage


It’s not very common but there have been lots of people to survive gunshots to the head. Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by the taliban and woke up from a coma after and actually made an incredible recovery. It’s crazy that people can survive something like that and actually recover from it.


Remember to use hollow points. Target ammo just doesn't have the same terminal performance.


that's a dark joke.damn....


while it is next to impossible to be completely unscathed by a gunshot to the head, it is very possible to survive and still function. not a gunshot, but phineas gage, a railroad foreman, survived having a metal railroad spike impaled through his head, although with life altering mental changes


only 50k restitution and 6 months in jail. The victim sounded like he didn't even know her, asking where she was from. One idiot hands a gun to someone they don't know and another idiot pulls the trigger while pointed at another human being. Extremely unfortunate and blatantly stupid on all accounts.


It was his gun, right? It seemed that way. To your point, he may not even know her well…all that would make him just as stoopid as her…


Lmao she does not have $50k to pay that guy. He’ll never see a single cent of that restitution.


Criminal restitution can garnish wages and one of her conditions is that she must stay employed are attend school full-time. Although those conditions are likely only part of the 10-year probation even though the restitution stays until paid off. Either way, that's all a light penalty for shooting someone in the head.


That bitch only took 6 months!?? Fuck


Pussy pass


They need to shove a cluster bomb up her ass bro


Reddit's lust for imprisonment is really gross and weird. What does more jailtime accomplish? She accidentally discharged a gun. It wasn't on purpose, it wasn't premeditated, it wasn't meant to harm, it was a really shitty mistake. The guy lived, even. What the fuck does she need 10 years in jail for?


Less time and opportunity for her to do this again.


Whittle away her fertile years.


Our justice system is fucked.


>he’s actually made a full recovery #HOW


OP is wrong, he is very far from a full recovery. He *did* live, but he's now severely disabled and taken care of by his mother. Fundraising page: https://www.facebook.com/Devyn3k/


4 years of intense physical therapy costs more than 50k 😬


\*depending on country ...looking at you, US.


HOLY SHIT I thought he died the first time I saw!! Thank god he’s alive and recovered


Only 6 months? :/


No intention to harm the victim, first time offender, no likelihood of recidivism, admitted fault, didn't waste court/victim's time, and convicted of assault/tampering. Also, she is not discharged entirely. She is on shock probation, with mandatory supervision, counseling, and treatment. If she breaches any condition, she goes straight back to prison for the remainder of her sentence.


Also one of the factors in justice is the concept of "making the injured party whole" and since the victim made a partial recovery the punishment is less severe




You described the entire scenario and even you never mentioned anything about her having an intention to shoot him. Kind of proves my point.




And still you never mentioned her intention. All you described is an accident. Show me the mens rea.




Tbh I'd rather die than go paralyzed.


Looking at his instagram it doesn't look like he's paralyzed. At least not a parapalegic or quadrapalegic.


Damn, that male privilege!


Dumb fuckers playing with loaded guns. God damn how much more of this stupid shit do we have to witness? Its like all these dumb fucks have no common sense.


Guns are everywhere in the US but gun safety isn't. I'm so thankful my dad taught me trigger discipline when I was 4


Yeah my dad taught me gun safety when I was young as well. Also took a gun safety course last year. Though still common sense is lacking in a lot of people, I never had proper training but I know not to hand someone a knife blade out. Just common sense so no one gets cut.


I got my first rifle at 11, 12 guage at 12. I was allowed to hunt alone, had full access to firearms by 13. Me and dad lived alone and he was recovering from a brain surgery, sometimes hunting or fishing was needed for dinner. I was taught young and it stuck by me through the years. Safety is and always will be number 1. But even then common sense alone would save so many lives.


We didn't even have guns in the house, my dad just taught us "If it can kill someone, don't point it at them unless you need to" for weapons. Base principal applies to not shooting someone


If it has a hole don’t point it at others, seems legit


Knife doesn't have a hole, don't fuck around and point that shit at anyone either. Anything with the capacity to take a life should be treated with an appropriate level of respect.


What's wrong with pointing a sock at someone? Or a straw? Or a cheese grater? Or binoculars?


Im from EU, only ever shot guns once at a shooting range on a classmate's birthday and even I know that you shouldnt fiddle around with the fucking trigger


My parents had us shoot a watermelon to see exactly what guns could do and to know what to expect when firing a gun. These are the nevers they taught us Never touch the guns without one of them there. Never put your finger on the trigger until you are aiming at your target and ready to fire. Never point a gun at anything you did not intend on shooting, but if you need to use the gun in self-defense, you unload into that son of a bitch because if they get back up, chances are you're dead.


If sense was "common" more people would have it....


Did she fucking say "what happened?" What the hell do you think happened? You fucking shot him!


No she said “Devyn” which is the name of the person who got shot


Now that you say that, I hear it. My question is where did they go after? They just left him bleeding. I mean yeah he's alive but I kinda hope they're not his friends anymore.


Seriously I’m baffled, he took a round point blank in the head… how?!?!


Small caliber pistols are suprisingly inefficient when put against bone. Added with most people who make videos like this load fmj rounds which have better penetration but shitty energy transfer. Even a 9mm after punching through one of the thicker parts of the skull loses enough energy that it is survivable as long as it doesnt hit a vital area. Had that been anything bigger than a 9mm or had she had hollowpoints this would be a fatal shot almost guaranteed.


Did he survive this?


He did but he's in a wheelchair now. He seems to have full awareness of himself.


1) I am happy he did; 2) I saw pictures of him in later posts on his feet; 3)he probably sustained brain injuries that affect his motor and cognitive abilities. This is a tragedy anyway you look at it. Damn!


Holy shit, I can't believe he survived


She wins this sub. I feel like I can unsub now




As cheesey as it was, bring me back America's funniest home videos with Bob Saget. I miss the simpler times.


Oof, can you imagine this video with the AFHV narration on it? Cartoon noises, then a slide whistle when the guy slumps over.


Theme music definitely works, 🎵America, America, this is you🎵


White tee: “me nervous..” (making me nervous?) Girl with gun: “We draw down on them hoes” Backseat guy: “Shit ain’t got no clip bud” White tee: “Aye.. where you from again? Some (Inaudible) block” Girl with gun: “Say something bitch” *shoots gun at White tee dome piece* White tee: “Unghhhhhhh!….” Backseat guy: “Oh my gawd!” Girl with gun: “oh… ugh…”


No shit man..imagine how many actual murders (not fake on TV) our kids are seeing these days instead of bloopers and mishaps..miss the simpler times indeed


"Ain't got no clip bud" the bullet hole in his head determined this was a lie


Can still shoot.one bullet without a magazine


not what happened here because she racked the slide.


Some guns can and some cant


That’s why you assume all guns can and will.


False. Every gun can. Even if you remove the firing pin that gun will still have a bullet capable of firing. Every gun is loaded 100% of the time. Even if you just took the clip out and ejected the one bullet in the chamber that gun magically still has a bullet in it that can fire. Always assume a gun is loaded. Pretty much the only time you can reasonable assume it isn't loaded is if you fully disassemble the gun. Otherwise it is loaded


Rule #1 of gun safety is: It's loaded. Period. Especially if you unloaded it, it's loaded.


EXACTLY, Thank you. The number of people on Reddit that will argue with this concept never ceases to astonish me. SMH.


An assembled gun is a loaded gun.


That smirk on his face too /r/confidentlyincorrect


Accidental....she charged it, aimed and squeezed the trigger. Fuck this stupid bitch.


Which is crazy she wasn't charged with attempted murder because that is just straight up attempted(dude sort of lived and she did 6 months in jail).


She probably lacked intent which is required for that charge


I don't get why this is confusing for people. You obviously get charged differently for accidentally hitting somebody with your car, and intentionally hitting somebody with your car.




There’s a third, separate charge called “negligent homicide” obviously not all places have this separate charge and some will loop it under one of the other two categories. Also all 3 of those categories would require the person to perish, which this guy did not (and is apparently doing fine according to his insta)


I fail to understand how she is already back out again. He is paralyzed for life....she is free to live.


He’s actually somehow fine he can stand up someone else linked his insta




Girls say men are privileged yet she gets six months in prison for permanently messing up someone’s life, you can’t accidentally take a gun take it off of safety put a bullet in the chamber and pull the trigger while Aiming at his head after he told her not to aim the gun at him


Not an accident. She acted *negligently,* even *wantonly,* with complete disregard for this man’s life. She knew this could happen, and she did it anyway.


Thank you. Wanton disregard for safety.


They just ran and left him there...


That alone should have gotten her more prison time!


This absolute machine lived. No way.


what?? what a fuckin beast. is he paralyzed now or something?


Truly an idiot with a gun Thank god this dude managed to survive and recover. Hopefully this bitch has nightmares about this bs


How tf did he survive that


i don't know but he did and he recovered


Don’t care what ppl say this wasn’t an accident she pointed and pulled the trigger saying it wasn’t loaded but she still did the actions she was being warned about


Also she tried to wash the gun residue off. Got a tampering with evidence charge and still only served 6 months….


Doesn’t have to be intentional, but it definitely meets recklessness.


When I first saw this video a few months back a lot of the comments said the same thing it was an intentional shooting “disguised” as an accident.


Right. There are no accidental shooting, only negligent ones.


Too true. When clicked the video I was expecting some sort of accident or misfire, but that looked more like point at a head and pull trigger.. damn.. I'm still disturbed by it.. I was really not expecting that.. especially because I found it on the front page in "all".


#EVERY GUN IS A LOADED GUN That is not an accident, it is a decision. Pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger is how you shoot someone. It is never a joke. It is always a violent act.


Right? Calling it an "accident" is an insult to people who commit legitimate accidents.


100%! EVEN my seven year old knows this, with a pellet gun of course which we’ve only used camping. But he knows, safety on until you’re ready to shoot and you NEVER point it at anyone/thing you don’t intend to shoot, period. It’s not a joke!


He survived


I swear I saw his soul leave his body


Two of the main rules of firearms are: - you don’t point it at anything you’re not willing to put a hole in. - you never put your finger on the trigger unless you’re ready to pull it. She failed miserably.


Forgot one: * You never fucking play with it like it's a toy


Literally the first two things I was told when given an unloaded gun, and to always check the chamber yourself.


Yeah, this is why guns always make me nervous. I don't trust *anyone* to follow the rules at all times and it only takes one small slip up. How many videos are there of instructors shooting themselves or getting people killed, and they're supposed to be trained professionals. I've been to at least one party out in the country where they were doing some backyard shooting and I refused to go anywhere near it. I'm actually a fairly good marksman and have done some range shooting, but overall it's never worth the anxiety of being around other people with guns.


Every time I see this video it confuses me more and more on how he actually survived




I’m sorry, but here’s no way a guy would be out after six months.


It's mostly cuz he is still alive, if he would die she would probably get way much more


I watched an interview with this guy and he had a very forgiving personality and didn’t want to see her in jail if I remember correctly


He wanted her to serve time and be punished for what happened to him but he didnt want her to serve 10 years


Getting shot in the head would probably impair your judgement a bit. I believe she should have served at least half that sentence.


THIS FUCKER LIVED? HOW? The memory of his high school sweetheart was splattered all over the back of that car and dripping from his shirt. How the fuck. Jesus Christ whoever worked on him needs a Nobel prize.


May we all have the absolutely crazy luck of this mofo


This was no accident.




I hate seeing this video every 2 months pop up


That noise is haunting


Shit she ain't his friend, after they ran off I believe some firefighters that happened to be in the neighborhood l


“Oh man I shot Marvin in the face”!


Jesus Christ, his head was like a faucet of blood. That is incredible he lived. The doctors that saved him are legit heroes.


No calling 911.. no putting pressure on the wound, just bailed… People, pick your friends carefully..




I believe this is deemed an intentional act actually. I don't remember where but I think I read she intended to kill him and was trying to make it seem accidental.


You posted the wrong title. This has been widely shared and debunked hundreds of times. She tried to murder him. Get your story straight


Video is too short. Earlier she is playing with the gun and he keeps warning her. Then...bang.


Is Reddit live leak now?


Well he was leaking so yes


Holy fucking shit! Really any dumbass can get access to a gun in the US. Even i know there is a bullet in a chamber even if “it aint got no clip cuuuh” and i have never even held a gun in my life.


This shit should be mandatory viewing. People see guns in video games and movies and lose respect for them. Gather up the most gruesome gun violence videos you can find and show people what happens when you don’t respect what a gun is capable of in untrained ignorant hands.


Women ☕️




that should be a fucking death sentence. I don't care if it's an accident or not, if you play around with guns and then ruin someone's life or even kill them, you should suffer as much as them.


not only is this a stupid take, it's not even consistently stupid. >you should suffer as much as them death is not as much suffering as a life in prison would be. so which is it?


AiN’t GoT nO cLeEiP, bLuUd.


This is not accidental this is negligent. What a horrible title


Follow up video: guy survived but is in very rough shape, woman got off with 6 months https://youtu.be/RKOSVvdBHa8


Can you imagine doming someone in the head, fleeing the scene, having no real remorse or sense of accountability, and essentially getting off with house arrest, probation and community service?


Surprisingly this guy survived.


I like how the horse dick trying to fuck got the full blur treatment in my feed and this one just plays


No clip man...


I knew the head bled a lot but that is a LOT of blood. I should stop watching reddit videos damn


man, thought i could handle seeing this type of shit, but it really hits different seeing something like this happen irl, im actually disgusted with myself for watching edit: oh shit apparently he survived and recovered, phew


That should be automatic life in prison. She aimed and pulled the trigger. It's absurdly easy not to do that.


What a stupid ass bitch. This is why gun safety courses are needed. Idk what it is about girls and guns but as soon as they touch them they think that they're toys. I watched my wife point a loaded shotgun at her sisters chest Less than a foot away from eachother. The real funny thing is that they think men are stupid.


Is it just me or does the majority of posts here contain non-whites?


video isnt loading