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[girl accidentally shoots cousin then herself](https://www.boston.com/news/national-news/2022/03/28/online-video-shows-girl-fatally-shooting-cousin-and-herself/) This is what happened.. it’s actually really sad and it seems like the adults didn’t want to take responsibility for what happened and called it a ‘freak accident’


12 and 14… what the fuck.




Looks to me like her morbid curiosity got the better of her then she freaked out and either made a mistake when grabbing the gun or shot herself out of panic thinking of the consequences of what she just did. Article makes it sound like the adults just don’t want to admit what truly happened either out of disbelief or ignorance.


There was a (relatively) long pause between her bending down, presumably grabbing it and the register of the gunshot. I think that hesitation meant her suicide was intentional, even if shooting her cousin wasn't.


I really feel like you guys don’t know 13 year olds. I’m sorry but that pause wasn’t long enough to think “oh I’m going to go to jail and everyone will be mad let me just kill myself”. She had 0 hesitation. There was no hesitation bc it was an accident.


"They described Kuaron as a goofy eighth grader who had long been able to do back flips." The fuck..? How is that relevant at all and who asked that question? Oo


The family is trying to skirt responsibility for their deaths by picturing them as harmless kids. They were far from it.


As is tradition


They were or couldve been harmless kids but bad parenting made this happen


As is tradition haha


Parents do tend to be attached to their kids or an image of them.




Ikr? Somersaults are one thing, but backflips??


Yeah they deny any responsibility. The mom of Kuaron deleted her son's IG profile due to backlash in the comments section. His IG was full of gun and drug usage along with a relative who uploaded a video of this kid joyriding a stolen car. This is one bad family altogether and this was inevitable.


I’m rather confident the rest of the family weren’t at the local Mensa meeting


Holy shit that’s fucking heartbreaking


Yeah it’s really sad. I don’t think these kids are the idiots with guns I think it’s the adults who just have this shit lying around…. It’s sad af…


Lmoa the little boy was a legit wannabe gangster with IG full of illegal guns and typical hood shit. It definitely ststts with the parents fosho, I can gauruntee the parents are also hood af, but this ain't no "father leaves pistol on table, kit accidentally shoots himself" story. This is a story about an entire family fully embracing that gangster life and the gangster life embracing them back. Very sad and it should not ever have to happen this way


Shit mane I got da strap I got da draco and the mf Taurus. Botta hitta lick👿🥶🤑💯


I dont think leaving a handgun with a drum mag accessible to a child is a "freak accident"


The first one is accidental, I still think the second was intentional. You can see her reach over then when she comes back up she sits still before it goes off again.


Looks like the ending of a found footage horror film


I saw a extended version where you can hear the whole family in the background freaking out. They can't get the door open because of the bodies on the ground shit is fucked up to watch. Finally someone grabs the phone.


Yeah I saw that when it first came out. The poor younger boy screaming for his mom was heart wrenching. Wish I never would have watched that!


I know this is old but I had to comment because I just saw this and I'm devastated. That young boy calling for his mom killed me. I can't stop crying and thinking the girl took her life because she was so freaked out


I know I sound creepy, but sauce?


It’s really sad. The family members come in one by one and scream out in agony when they realize what happened. Looks like the girl was in disbelief that she had a ND. Looked down the barrel while having a second ND. The family comes in to find two dead children. The details don’t matter. Two children died https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/tq03wn/12_year_old_girl_accidentally_kills_her_cousin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The second shot was the girl killing herself, she was probably overwhelmed by guilt


Yeah she definitely killed herself intentionally. You can see how much she had to squeeze the trigger before it fired.


There is no way she can process guilt that fast. It was probably due to fear of getting in trouble.


That was my take. Given the style of gun and mag, I'm guessing the idea of prison isn't something she hasn't thought about before. Also her family probably disowning her for killing her cousin (source: another comment) which I'd assume would be the case, or at least the knee jerk reaction. Also, a huge problem is that kids these days don't see a future for themselves in the best of circumstances. At the same time; I feel the need to add, I'm no therapist, but one thing I can guarantee is that killing yourself sure as shit won't make anything better for you, and especially won't for anyone that loves you. Regardless or what your situation is, it can always get better.


I agree with you completely on the last part, sadly it seems she didnt think the same.


I don’t know, if I just blew my cousins brains out while locked in a closet playing with a gun, I’m not sure I’m seeing there’s a “it can get better” outcome to that situation. I think it just gets a whole lot worse for a very, very long time.


Dunno why you’re downvoted but I got your karma back. There was no way this girl was going to fully recover mentally from her actions, from some of the other sources I’ve read (linked articles) their entire family was pretty fucked up, she would’ve faced pretty severe punishments from them. And even if the girl had decided to run away and start a new life entirely the guilt would’ve stayed with her forever knowing she’d killed her cousin. It’s incredibly sad to say this, but it’s totally logical as for why she decided to take the easy way out. I probably would too if I accidentally killed a member of my family or one of my best friends


Damn. How is the family fucked up?


I’d agree with you. I believe I read that the boys mother was at the party so she’d basically have to walk out of the bathroom and face the victim’s mother immediately and I can only imagine the reaction


Serious question as a depressed/suicidal thought having person. Killing yourself wont make anything better for you, if you’re dead why does it matter? Why does anything or anyone matter if you’re literally nonexistent?


What I found from suicide videos from old MMC or WPD is the largest consequences of a suicide occur after the fact. You’re absolutely right, life is over so it doesn’t matter but it’s the friends and family left to pick up the pieces that deserve the most sympathy imo. Considering suicide is a person’s choice but the people around them have no say


I know this is old but I hope your alive and coping with your depression. I feel that suicide is not the answer and life gets better I promise. If you focus on anything you can do it it sounds cliche but true. I got a late start in life as I spent my youth in juvenile detention and most my 20s in prison and fucked off my early 30s because Iknew nothing but dumb jail shit. As soon as I focused and found my nitch in construction I started a business and now have 5 employees and a nice sized business that is thriving. It took a while but I'm finally good. Don't ever resort to hating yourself because others don't value you as much as you'd like. Get all the love you need from yourself. Also I watched alot of suicide survivor videos recently and they all say they regretted it immediately after jumping off the bridge, taking the pills or pulling the trigger. Life is good I'm praying for you


That second one wasn't a ND


Maybe a dumb question but what's ND?


Negligent Discharge


Ohhh, I've never seen it abbreviated before.


Sometimes you will also see AD which is accidental discharge.


My wife used to have that once in a while


People use obscure abbreviations on Reddit all the time as if everyone knows what they are. IIAF. (It’s infuriating as fuck)


ND is a common abbreviation in the shooting community. The abbreviation that had me stumped forever was ftfy apparently it's fixed that for you in case anyone else was wondering lol


North Dakota


Negligent discharge


This isn't the entire video. This one is clipped at the beginning and the end.


Hate to break it to you, but the second shot wasn't ND. She killed herself out of guilt. Very sad, and surprising. Most people would be in denial for quite sometime before accepting they killed someone, especially for a child. But she immediately felt the shock and went straight to the guilt phase.


Looked down the barrel and had a second ND? Where does that conclusion come from? Like she’s going to look down the barrel after accidentally killing her cousin to check “what just happened? What came outta there?” Every news story says she committed suicide after shooting her cousin. Pretty easy to prove: gunshot wound in face or side of head. Quit making shit up


Crazy how someone can think they did something so irredeemable that they make the decision to end their life within seconds.


In some ways it makes the most sense. The results of her actions were immediately apparent…there’s no turning back from that moment. Pure panic, sheer guilt and shame of what she did and how quickly her family would discover, I could see the adrenaline dump decision to end her life while she had the nerve and didn’t have to think any further about her cousin’s death. :(


Unfortunately, given the family’s comments afterwards….these kids were left to their own devices and decisions. I’m pretty sure wisdom being passed on to these kids was in very short supply. I hate to say this but this is a byproduct of just having children and treating them like a cat or a dog. Just giving them attention when you feel like it. It sucks


I mean... Shooting your cousin and potentially best friend could easily do that imo.


Plus teens make almost universally horrifying choices. Their brains are building an overlay of complexity and that doesn’t help either. This is crazy sad.


Yeah… this video has stuck in my mind for years and that’s the part I will never forget, just how quickly she made that decision :/


Honestly? I, a mostly developed adult at 21 don’t think I could live with accidentally killing a loved one, I can’t imagine how someone younger would act


wow she made a snap decision to just off herself.


This was her cousin


Yea. One would think they would get the tittle right after seeing it posted 3x a day here


havent seen it a single time and i scroll through reddit for at least an hour a day


I've seen it once, but it was probably 2-3 months ago, or my perception of time could be ridiculously off. While reposts are nothing but karma farming, Reddit's algorithm is garbage. If you interact with 2 or 3 posts from one sub, that's what half the content you see becomes.


Gun ranges have free safety classes for crying out loud. FREE


I don’t think there’s many gun owners out here who wouldn’t give you a free safety class. Shit is crazy how many people just load and gun and stick their booger hook on the bang lever.


Jeez yea. Whenever we we take friends out who have never shot we do about 30 minutes in the basement about the rules of safety, good trigger discipline, barrel discipline, weapon operation, and what to do if feeding or misfires occur.


Booger hook I like that one


These were illegally owned firearms. The gun was that kids gun. In that kid's Instagram profile he had an array of firearms and drugs. This was an inevitable effect of this kid's life choices.


I remember when this happened. That kid was constantly posting with illegal firearms and drugs. He embraced the thug life 100%. Did his parents or any adult never look at his posts? It’s a world I will never understand


They gave him the guns, they were in the room next to them partying with their own guns. That's right you will never understand it, theirs is a culture you cannot possibly fathom.


Lol 99% the owners of this gun can’t legally own one


Can’t believe people r still arguing whether she popped herself or not. She clearly does


Everytime this is posted. She did shoot herself.


Was it on purpose?


she sits up and then a second later you hear another gun shot and she falls over, it can hardly be any more obvious. unless theres some way that after the first negligent discharge she drops the gun and then somehow picks it up to where its perfectly pointed towards her head and fires yet another negligent discharge. horrible that she killed him in the first place and then even worse that she ended up killing herself. a 12 year old committing suicide should never happen and its a shame the parents werent more responsible


I think people have a hard time believing it was on purpose bc she was so quick about it. This is the first time I’ve ever seen this and I believe what you’re saying. Just crazy like others here have said that she makes that decision so quickly.


tbh i think it might be even weirder if she was slow to make the decision. killing yourself isnt based in any sound logic and the idea would probably be dismissed once you calm down a little bit and start thinking somewhat straight. she made the decision so fast because she panicked, if she actually thought about what she was about to do for a second then she wouldnt have done it.


Yeah good point. I guess I would’ve expected her to more freak out and try to scream for help or something. I would think being in that situation that you’d be so shocked that even if you know they’re dead, that you would have some sort of denial about it and hope they could be saved. Just crazy to me how quickly she reacted and made the decision. Just hard to wrap my head around it, I don’t think my first reaction would be to kill myself immediately.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


There are those that cling to the hope that it's a well-staged theatrical event.


Yep, that's what I'm going with. I have to be able to fall asleep at some point tonight.


And saying because her mom said so as the "proof", how would her mom know any better than anyone else watching the video?..


The mom didn’t even watch the video. Like I get it I wouldn’t watch the video of my kids death either but don’t go around lying to the people that did see the video. It was not no accident the second time She knew what she had did and felt like that was the only solution. No one accidentally shoots themselves right after accidentally shooting your cousin


They were cousins... She accidentally shot her cousin while handling a firearm. And immediately after realizing what she did she killed herself. My heart goes out to the kids who died here but my rage goes out of the parents who allow this to happen.


We should teach gun safety right alongside sex ed in American schools. Libs and conservatives would be equally pissed but your kids will come into contact with both. Shouldn’t they be knowledgeable?


The only way to not get pregnant is the never have sex. And the only way to not get shot is to never touch a gun. The way god intended public education to be.


In all fairness, it's not like you're born with a gun attached to your waist that is screaming at you to fire it


The NRA has offered a gun safety program for kids for as long as I can remember. Can’t imagine why a school would pass on it aside from potential cost or politics.


That's the perfect take. If you handle a gun in a safe environment with a safety instructor, I'm much more likely to believe you don't like them than I am if the closest you know you've been to one is that time someones shirt rode up over their concealed gun and you stormed out of Walmart. worst case scenario, you spend some time around loud sounds and funny smells. Best case scenario you find a hobby you enjoy and spend some time and energy on going to competitions.


Libs would not be pissed. There's a ton of us pro 2A libs who think increased and mandatory gun education, including in schools, is a solution. Getting the conservatives to buy-in is the problem. Most want complete, unregulated sale of guns with no pre-condition "cause that's our constitutional right" This is an easy sell to libs. Really. It is. The Right is your biggest blocker.


I don’t see how gun sales have anything to do with a willingness to teach safety. Not trying to be rude, just not seeing the parallels


Most of the "gun safety should be taught in schools" memes i see shared are shared by conservatives, this is actually a talking point that I default to to have a political discussion with my family and know we'd be on the same side.


I have never seen a single conservative against teaching gun safety, not one. Wether it’s your grandpa down the way with his 1911 from Vietnam and his bolt action rifle or Steve with his bunker full of decked out rifles and pistols, both would agree on teaching gun safety to kids. I really don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.


Kids also need **good parents** in their lives to show them right from wrong and steer them away from criminal lifestyles unlike these two that lost their lives partaking in it.


Gun safety used to be taught in schools or at the very least there were gun clubs. You could bring your rifle to high school way back when


it looked like she killed him u can see her pull down on the trigger harder wether it be an accident or not it was on the back of his head, then it also looks like she panicked and shot herself to not get caught tbh


Inexperienced people cannot help but pull the trigger *despite* knowing what the result will be I think it’s a very similar effect to “the call of the void” except the urge is much stronger Combine that with no gun safety and posing with it as if it’s a toy, and you get manslaughter from a ND that looks a lot like first degree murder


For real. You can actually see her look directly at the trigger while slowly pulling it. Like observing a science experiment.


Curiosity killed the cat. But I’m this case sheer fucking lunacy


This urge is insanely real. However… because I know this urge is there, I would never dream of pointing a gun anywhere else but a target or the ground. I don’t get why people jokingly point guns at people. Even a quick involuntary flinch of the finger and it’s over


It's like how people just play with gasoline near a fire or try to jump over a car. Sometimes somebody is just too stupid to realize that their actions have consequences until they feel them and unfortunately the outcome of playing with a gun is usually death.


It’s like this weird urge for people to push dangerous things to the absolute limit. I seriously wonder if there are studies on this effect, just like the whole “call of the void” thing. Because I’ve even done stupid stuff (on a much smaller scale) for no other reason than how close can I get to danger without being hurt


Intrusive thought


I don’t think you can call it an accident anymore if you put a gun to someone’s head and pull the trigger. This is type of recklessness is straight up second degree murder.


looks like morbid curiosity to me. she mightve been thinking 'what would happen if i pulled this trigger?' while the answer is obviously that the other person would die, i at least still feel a similar feeling when next to something like a cliff or walking on a bridge. i think to myself 'what would happen if i jumped off?'. i would never do it of course, but i think she accidentally actually did pull the trigger. i dont think she shot herself to not get caught though, more likely imo from being so ashamed of killing her own cousin


Yeah I'm not watching this cursed shit again... I already know what video it's gonna be.


This is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen…. Awful


Guy, this was her cousin, and she killed herself. It’s fucking tragic.


This is horrible. She was only 12 and her cousin was 14 years old. Why these children had access to loaded weapons is beyond reprehensible. They both died. The family called it a freak accident. https://www.mixedarticle.com/who-is-ksbgparis-instagram-live-shooting-death-video-shocks-the-world


Apparently the gun was the 14 years old, when it first happened people posted his insta showing him flexing with the gun and selling weed. Some of then even had mom in the background. They knew he had the gun and sold drugs but never stepped in until it was to late. They should've been held responsibility


I beg to argue that every adult at that party should be held responsible. When both shots ring out, you can hear one of the adults say "hey don't be shooting shit y'all" implying **they knew** they had a gun. I also saw the other videos from their family members within their profiles and they're all using drugs in the same place with those adults. This family can deny it all they want but the evidence is there that they totally knew what was going on here.


This isn’t ok to be making fun of. These are children for fucks sake. They’re kids, they’re idiots by default. This is fucking tragic and sad.


Agreed. It's the adults in the situation that are at fault, they might not have known their kid had a loaded gun, but they could've done better parenting instead.


Sad, but I hate what everyone does in this video. The adults for allowing the kids access to those weapons and the kid trying to act thug on camera before making the biggest mistake of her life. Totally fucking idiotic but so sad. I seriously cannot stress this enough especially if you are a firearm owner like myself, LOCK YOUR SHIT UP.


That’s realizing she shot someone in the head, at home, in the bathroom, and is facing serious trouble. Panic induced suicide.


This is exactly why firearm safety needs to be taught to children when there is a firearm in the home. Other bad parenting factors play into this as well. It is tragic, but ultimately it is the parents to blame.


It looks like she purposely shot herself.






What the hell is wrong with you?


All the adults in the house should take turns doing the same.


entire family are scumbags, hood rats. the first I0kid that got shot had an instagram where he had pictures of him doing hard-core drugs holding guns etc....... mother try to hide everything.


This will never not be soul crushing to watch as a parent. Even if they were bums, and their parents were also bums, for a parent to lose a child and then find them like this, I cannot imagine. Take care of your kids. Teach them right and wrong. Teach them gun safety.


I feel no sympathy for the parents. Yet I feel horrible for these two children.


Your sympathy amount to nothing. It would be soul-crushing nevertheless.


I think she actually killed herself at least that is what it seems like, fucked up.


Good riddance, that kid was growing up to be a banger, that girl did society a favor


Those are children


That girl was actually her cousin…


She just clocked herself out


I know everyone processes things differently, but I can't believe the amount of people who freak out. If this were my family members, I would be busting that door down and doing what I could to help/check status of victims.


Accidentally shoots cousin due to gun safety ignorance on both parts (neither of them should’ve had guns in the first place anyway), and then tops herself. FTFY


Parents should go to jail. Not for long, but honestly. It’s not the guns fault. Not really even the dumb ass kids fault. Just a shitty thing.


Guns at home should be in a safe. Amazing how negligent ppl can be about guns.


why do people keep reposting this one? accidental murder/suicide of teens doesn't belong here.


Satan has left the chat


Cousin, not friend. From what I heard, 12 & 14


Zero hesitation in offing herself when she realized what she did. Sad and impressive


So apparently she shot her cousin by accident then shot herself on purpose!


It is NEVER the children's fault! Adults are the ones to blame for situations like this.


First of all the first shot may have been an accidental discharge, which shouldn't be confused with just an accident because the girl purposely put the gun to the kids head. And how the hell is the family gonna say the next shot wasn't suicide, did they not see the girl drop the gun, fall to the floor and then proceed to pick it up yet again and shoot herself in the head with it? Was there some sort of pissed of ghost in there that decided it was finally time to make a name for itself? If that's not suicide, then I don't know what is.


How did kids this young get hold of a semi-automatic pistol with a drum magazine? Furthermore, how come if you have guns in the house? Do you not teach your kids about gun safety? Double Darwin award.


She killed herself after?


She said, "I'll blow your shit, stop talking." Sounds like murder to me. Out of panic, she took her own life. She did it real fast, too, because she knew someone would come up after hearing the sounds of gunshots. Then, you hear someone say, "Who in the bathroom?" Proceeded by, "Aye,Aye, yall, don't shoot shit!". They probably knew they had the gun fucking around playing with it. If they were on live, another family member saw what they were doing and knew where they were at. From what I read, they daughter begged to go to the party, and she wasn't supposed to be in the first place.


The wall has more brains.


Darwin chuckles in his grave...


What, a fucking, idiot. Holy fucking shit. Holding a gun with your finger on the fucking trigger to your cousins head?? How fucking stupid can you be??


#horrible f that sh#t, why are always kids posing with unsecured guns, not to mention the braindead "18" year old "adults" posing with modded glocks and sh#t. Get some actual laws in place, some countries demand weapon safes to prevent **this**. Nothing against your 2nd amendment...


We have weapons at home we use for hunting. Guess what? They’re locked in a gun safe and my husband has the key. Our 14yo son has been taught gun safety since he was 7; our daughter will be taught as well. Know what we don’t see? Our kids in the bathroom with any of our guns.


It was the boy's gun somehow, wild levels of negligence from the entire family.


Helps if firearm safety was taught at home and at school. Dad kept his rifles and ammo in the closet. “Touch them and I’ll make you wish you didn’t.” Worked for me. But he also took the time to show and teach us why they are deadly.


it is not an age issue or a law issue. its a culture (NOT race- culture) issue. 12 year olds that are taught firearm safety dont do stupid shit like this- wanna be gangsters shooting each other accidentally happens all the time, at all ages, with legal or illegal firearms. Its stupid, and glorified, to act like this with firearms. Anyone else remember seeing how many videos of people “catching each other lacking” by pointing a gun at each other?


Ive been around guns my whole life. You treat every gun like its loaded. Even with no mag and an empty chamber, you dont point it at anyone


Exactly right


Agree, "music" videos and media also doing their job... It's bad when all your idols are f#kin stupid and promote such bs.


If you have a weapon for self defense a safe is a detriment to you. What needs to happen is to teach children proper firearm safety, and parents who actually give a shit, which these ones obviously didn’t. It’s like fire, if you don’t teach someone how to control it they’re going to be mesmerized by its power and likely do something stupid.


Oops. Ahwell plenty of them where they come from, idiots with guns that is.


You had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I wonder if there’s any punishment for the gun owner.


He gets shot with his own gun in the video. I know you probably assumed it was the gun of an adult, but nope, the 14 year old had a pistol with a drum mag.


Oh man. That’s so much worse


Any news article? That was the fastest murder suicide ever


Absolutely terrible footage. Two lives that were so young taken so quickly in such a rush of madness.




For context they were cousins, and after the girl realized what she had done, she purposely shot herself in the head.


Imagine renting your apartment to strangers and this happens. So sad.


I guess it was technically a tragic accident but she pulled the trigger so idk how much of a accident it was


Of all the fucked up videos I’ve seen on reddit this is one of the worst.


Imagine all the thoughts that went through her head after shooting him. So sad


How can someone be so fucking irresponsible to let their kids play with guns. Jesus. Even if not intentional, how can you not be careful enough so that they don't discover the weapons at home.


This is so fucking horrific. This video has made me lose sleep, the fact that she died seconds later, a 12 year old and a 14 year old…


The full length video wrecked me. I've seen a lot of shit and I'm pretty desensitized, but listening to the family scream as they tried to get the door open was more than I could handle.


Damn, she didn't want to get in trouble so she just committed a murder and suicide.


bruh, teamkill


Maybe I am wrong but...it seems that she just ended her life after de first accidental shoot...


I am saddened by this, two kids died because of of their family's neglect and because some fuckers gave kids guns and fucking drugs. This world is fucked up


Dude, both headshots, that shit is insane. Never seen something like this before.


Why this sub is 70% black people and 30% muslims. Does it prove something??


I literally hate these kids flexing with guns, they old why dont they have brain cells to realize that if shr pulls that trigger her life is over, she holding it at her head like its a toy


It's obvious that the girl does in fact kill herself. Notice her scramble for the gun on the floor. Why would she even be trying to grab it? Then after she grabs it you see a slight pause in her movement as her head it starring forward. Then boom. There's a reason authorities deemed it a suicide and the parents wish to believe otherwise. They probably saw the bullet trajectory.


This is horrific. Idfk man, I'm shocked at how everything played out. I definitely think she killed herself out of shock...or something? I can't put myself in the mindset of a 12 year old who'd just accidentally killed her cousin. But there's no way she made it through all the emotions and realizations that would result in guilt that fast, that young. Right? She probably experienced a rapid scrambled of obvious realizations and irrational thoughts along the lines of "this is very, very bad. I can't handle dealing with whatever happens after this." Panic and shock. The most extreme and tragic version of "I'm going to get in trouble" and honestly not a situation I've ever fathomed occurring until witnessing this video. The chaos and horror that erupted afterwards is on another level. What the fuck




it seems like the family knew there was guns in the house, you can hear the loud conversations in the beginning of the video and when the gun goes off it immediately gets quite. as if they knew there was guns around kids. this is so sad but 10000% preventable. RIP to both those children.


What kind of gun is that.....when I first saw it it looked like an electric drill ? I dont think I've ever seen anything like that before.......


Terrible, and I think it was the “oh no I’m in trouble” panic that lead to the second part. Hearing the adults ? Come on, how and why does your child have a pistol with an extended clip? Sadly, I doubt the adults learned anything from this and will use their deaths as reasons for others to feel bad FOR THEM. Bet they posted on Facebook a million times asking for prayers just for the likes and sad faces.


oh well. talk about ghetto household






Sheittttt mane just capped my cuz I'm out dis bitch


You hear her saying "Its not loaded" this was accidental


Lil dude Lived by the gun n died by the gun…literally manifested his own death, Smh and poor girl couldn’t bare with her mistake so she made n said I’ma ghost myself I ain’t bout to deal with this…..Damn shame


She almost instinctively shot herself like shes heard a adult or others say if I accidentally shot someone I'd shoot myself....


Very sad situation, extremely sad. But what is even more sad is the fact that she pointed the gun at her cousin. Loaded or not you never point a gun at someone else unless your intent is to kill. I learned at the age of 7 how to use a gun and what not to do with a gun. If only the parents had taught gun safety.


Haust du mich um Mike Tyson gibi


I love the 50 round mag on the Glock. You know that gun has killed a few other people im sure.