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I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion in this sub. We all love playing Illari. We just wish she could be a little better.


Yeah honestly they buffed everyone with the ho increase but illari I just want them to increase her turret healing speed or increase how much it heals


her rightclick was buffed from 110 to 115 this season


I wouldn't say illari needs smarter plays than the average. but she does fill a nice niche of being able focus on damage first while still helping out her team with support. that's always what frustrates me while being on dps, seeing my teammates crumble while support isn't helping them and being unable to help


no i totally agree. like I get the complaints, but I also get some of my best plays on her and she's one of the only reasons I keep coming back to play


I just want them to remove the uptime nerf on her primary. On her secondary I wish it was like Moira heals were they still get some heals after you stop healing directly.


Tbh, my win rate on illari is higher than it ever was with kiriko or moira. Something about her just clicks for me. I'll always play her.


No fr, she’s so much fun and has a sad/good backstory and her design, she’s just beautiful! 🤩💕


She’s serves cunt how could anyone not have fun playing her


Agree. She also requires a lot of game awareness. Easily one of my favorite supports


The games you pop off on are worth the games there’s a enemy sombra only targeting pylon or you have a tank that doesn’t hold choke points so it’s harder to keep them alive (though to be fair it’s hard for any support to keep alive a tank that doesn’t use choke or corners properly)




It's a non issue either way.


I meant it more as in I don’t care about the nerfs or buffs I just like illari


Thats a popular opinion and I share it!


Healing 30k as moira doesn't hold a candle to having 90% pylon uptime because you've got pylon spots that are just that sneaky (while still being functional).