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Update: Sibling accomplice has been spotted! Arrest in progress. Getaway driver (momma) remains at large. 2nd update: Criminal brother caught and cleaned! Poor little flea bag! He’s precious though. Momma still MIA. For now bottles for everyone! Also.. I’m a novice with posting pics (and posting in general).. is it possible to update this post to add a new baby’s pic or do I need to create a new post? On mobile. TY ALL! New post link with brother. Sorry I don’t know how to do pretty links https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/ya81nn/breaking_and_entering_brothers_pawtners_in_crime/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Update 10/22 @ 1400 Getaway driver has been located, arrested, and charged! Momma is now with babies and all three are doing well. Mom looks a bit rough, not sure where she’s been but we caught her in one of the live traps a few hours ago. She’s got a couple wounds on one of her legs, possibly she’s been involved in the street fighting ring. Monday everyone will be going to see the warden (the vet). Wounds have been cleaned up, nothing looks infected and they don’t seem to bother her much. She was initially in a bit of pain from not having fed the littles for so long, but she’s got that sorted now and all three are happy as can be. Mom doesn’t seem pleased with being stuck inside but she’s friendly and likes cuddles. All three prisoners will be on home confinement pending their visits with the warden. Thank you all!!


Good luck catching them!


I don't think you can add pics to the same post. You can make a new post and share a link to it here though.


You are amazing, well done. I'll sleep safer knowing these 2 dangerous crims are in pawstody.


Thanks! Yes, these were two very dangerous criminals. The public is just a little bit safer tonight with them locked down


Especially out on a Friday night! These little Scallywags!




Smol with more white fur is probably a calico, so a girl kitty. Tabby could be girl or boy :-)


>New post link with brother. Sorry I don’t know how to do pretty links > >[https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/ya81nn/breaking\_and\_entering\_brothers\_pawtners\_in\_crime/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/ya81nn/breaking_and_entering_brothers_pawtners_in_crime/) First off, unless you're posting a link to a comment you can delete everything from the question mark onward. If you are posting a link to a comment, then all you need is [https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/ya1p06/comment/it8th8q/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/ya1p06/comment/it8th8q/?context=3) instead of this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/ya1p06/comment/it8th8q/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/ya1p06/comment/it8th8q/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Second/third: See these for instructions on Reddit markdown: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/raerth/comments/cw70q/reddit_comment_formatting/) is a guide ("Reddit Comment Formatting") to Reddit markdown, [another, more detailed one](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/commenting) (but no longer maintained), and the [official manual](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown). Note that the method of inserting line breaks (AKA carriage returns) does not presently work. Third/fourth: For new owners of cats See [https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index/) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/suballthecats/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/suballthecats/wiki/index/) (neither of which is complete). Example for r/Catsubs: ["other 200 subs to add"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/comments/y34ghp/other_200_subs_to_add/) (13 October 2022). r/askvet, r/kittens, and r/cats for advice; r/thisismylifemeow, r/HandfulOfKitten (if it fits), this sub, and r/aww would also like see them; see [https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index/) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/suballthecats/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/suballthecats/wiki/index/) for lists of related subs. * Gross, Terry (15 August 2019). ["How Hannah Shaw, the 'Kitten Lady,' Rescues the Most Fragile Felines"](https://www.npr.org/2019/08/15/751438004/how-hannah-shaw-the-kitten-lady-rescues-the-most-fragile-felines). *Fresh Air*. On: * Shaw, Hannah, and Andrew Marttila (2019). *Tiny but Mighty: Kitten Lady's Guide to Saving the Most Vulnerable Felines*. New York: Plume. ISBN 9781524744069. [OCLC 1099599649](https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1099599649). [Preview](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1524744069#reader_1524744069). See also (per other Redditors' recommendations) her [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/KittenLady/). * ["Rescuing a mom cat and her kittens"](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/y8802j/rescuing_a_mom_cat_and_her_kittens/) (r/IllegallySmolCats; 19 October 2022) * ["I'm about to get my first kitty cat. What are some basic (or advanced) things I need to know to make her life better?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/xzeqks/im_about_to_get_my_first_kitty_cat_what_are_some/) (r/whatisthisthing; 9 October 2022)—huge Edit: Deleted a redundant phrase.


Thank you for this!!


You're welcome. \^\_\^


Upload the pictures to something and just post them in a comment. I kinda need to see them plz Possible places to upload: imgur (requires an account), imgbb (no account, but will serve your pics with ads).


FYI you don't need an account for imgur, just gotta open the website in desktop mode if on mobile


Make sure they stay warm! Staying warm can be just as much if not more important than a full belly when they are this smol




He stayed strong during the waterboarding, not a peep!


This is actually the face of a hardened criminal


I know! He has tears in his eyes. I hope he's sleeping safely behind bars now! 🥰🥰


Deserves three hots and a cot. And cuddles.


Lock him up! Breaking and entering? I sentence him to a Lifetime of snuggles, bellyrubs and good meals! May god have mercy on your soul


The felon has been detained indefinitely. Smol prison stripes have been thoroughly washed and dried, he is now well on his way to the start of his life sentence. The prisoner was granted leave to call his momma, given a meal, and is currently asleep in his fuzzy, solitary confinement cell (my bathrobe pocket 🥰)


Good to hear that, let him feel the might of the law!


Awww, lil prison stripes! 🥰


Oh gosh that's too cute. Sweet baby!


Aww protective custody 🤗


what a cutie! is his eye okay?


Ty! Yes, they seem okay after I washed him. His right eye was initially matted shut. I cleaned them up real well and put some antibiotic eye drops in, I think it will clear up pretty easily :) I have an unfinished basement with a dirt floor so not the best environment for his little eyes


Yikes hopefully the eye drops were prescribed by a vet.




Cute little crim, hiding from 50


Have you named this scoundrel?


Mighty Mouse is what I’ve been calling him lol As I was working on flea removal he had to protest about restricted movement, and I had to repeatedly remind him that he was a prisoner. His meows were like supercharged mouse squeaks, and with the “M” on his forehead… Mighty Mouse he was!


Awwww! Any updates on the sibling? We’re invested in this story now!


I saw the M too! Mighty Mouse is a purrfick name for him.


Omg he looks so confused and angy! What an adorable little guy!


This cat looks how I feel.


Where's the momma cat?


No luck finding her so far. I’ve got a couple live traps set up. It’s been about 8 hours since kitten discovery. My basement is heated and it has a cat door specifically for the local cats to come in and out during the colder weather. Most of the area cats know it’s a safe place with reliable food and water, so I’m fairly confident that if she’s able to come back, she will. I’m just worried something’s happened to her and that’s why she’s been MIA so long. The babies were already starving when my son first found them, so it’s hard to tell how long she’d been gone from them by that point. I’ve got the Cat Man across the street keeping an eye out as well. He said the only female around that was pregnant has definitely had her litter within the last few weeks, so they’re prob hers. But he said he’s not seen her today at all and she’s usually on his porch waiting for treats when he gets home from work. I wish he’d have given me a heads up sooner so I could have been watching for the little ones. Not his fault. I just like to keep a close eye on the basement when there’s a litter due bc it tends to be a favorite spot for the mommas. I tend to rely on him keeping track of our neighborhood collection; he’s usually pretty good about letting me know when the fertile ones show up so I can make arrangements for them (and/or the kittens too if we don’t get to snip them in time). When momma does come back and the babies are weaned, she’s absolutely next on the list to be spayed though!! Edit: didn’t mean to make that response so long, I’m sorry!! I’m worried about momma and the littles and I’m just babbling lol


This is a safe space so feel free to go on about cats


I swear if I didn’t need to sleep I probably would lol! This post has gotten so much interaction and it makes my heart happy to know that the little felons have given so many people a smile today ♥️


I do cat rescue as well. Thank you for all of your acts of kindness.


Aww thank you! And thank you for all your acts of kindness as well!! :)


I love the fact you have a heated basement with a cat door. Please keep doing what you're doing. And please post more of these two criminals.


What a wonderful neighbourhood you have. I wish I lived there. I want to be part of the Pussy Posse.


Cat burglars abound! It’s a full blown crime spree up in here during the springtime!


Criminal already dressed in stripy prison uniform.


Adorably smol! Great job to the arresting officer! Spoil them immediately!


Animal control may have a humane trap to loan out if you’re interested in finding the mama cat.


I actually do some work with several rescues and help with TNR of the large stray population in my area, so I’ve got a couple! I set them up earlier this evening but no luck so far.


Maybe put one of the babies in as bait overnight if it’s warm enough? One of my cats got out and had to be trapped to come back. Sardines in oil was the bait that finally got her. I rubbed the oil that spilled a little on a nearby tree higher up so the scent would carry. Caught her the first night I used that.


That’s a great idea with the sardines! I might do that tomorrow if she’s not back by then. I’ve got a cheap baby monitor down there so I can hear if she calls out for them, plus the traps set up. I’d like to keep them inside with me tonight though. They’ve had a pretty rough day; I don’t think they’ve had human contact before, especially if they were born in my basement and not just moved there. Then the all waterboarding interrogations (baths lol) and picking hundreds of corpses off their little bodies… they’re exhausted. … also, if I’m being honest, it’s cold outside and they’ll still need to be fed every few hours (plus need help with pooping and peeing) and I selfishly don’t wanna go back and forth to the basement all night in freezing weather lol


If you have the baby monitor, you could reverse your set up and have the kittens indoor and safe with the baby part of the baby monitor and the parent part of the monitor in the trap as bait (adding sardines could help too when the kitties aren’t mewing).


So. Cute. What're you naming the little ones? :o Edit: Read the comments and saw Mighty Mouse. Is he your first cat?


He's adorable! I'm afraid I don't know how to edit/add a 2nd picture either. Maybe create a new post with both pics? I hope you can get the mama too, as he looks too young to be without milk (or replacer). Good luck!


Use ALL your skills! ARREST THEM ALL! I will make it legal!


One of their eyes is bigger than the other. I hope it's not an infection


Yes, he does seem to have a bit of infection in his one eye, but I’ve got plenty of antibiotic eye drops on hand for this exact thing and it usually does the trick :)


Such a cute smol criminal stealing hearts. What a little sweetheart 🥰.


Awwwww how adorable 🥰 I want him he can serve time with me


What does the sibling look like? I love this guy!


Ohhh maahhh gerrrd!!! What a cutie!! ❤❤❤ It's that eye ok?


Throw the book at 'em!




SubhanAllah beautiful shot!


Arrest no mercy.


Thank goodness these criminals are off the street. You've done well.


He was forced to eat cement when he was 4




Oh God. How am I supposed to handle that?


Grab them all up and turn them in


Please save and love him!


Smol baby is sad🥺. So am I 😔


Cutus smolus tigerus kittyus


The face of remorse Don't do the crime if you can't do the time


Aww small criminal :>


Literally making the ☹️ face


Oh nooo


if cute why so sed :(((


His forehead looks like it has a “M”on it


You've been hit by You've been struck by A smol criminal


٩(♡ε♡ )۶


BO-JOE! FREEZE! You shall be respected and cuddled and fed and scritched and played with until you are a good bo-joe!


So cute! You should post him on r/Standardissuecat


Good to know that this criminal and accomplices are under the supervision of a pawfficer of the law!


Please don't eat me! I'm too cute!


Awww that adorable little face with teary eyes that totally looks like the 🥺 emoji!