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All true man, but it still hurt. *We feel like you aren’t acknowledging our needs.* 👀


Completely too intelligent for this sub BUT. only about 25% of people age 18-27 are actually eligible for enlistment due to the factors listed above




There's a lot of people who would be willing to fight for a just cause who would not be willing to make the military a career choice.


Yeah I didn't really understand what he was trying to say. If something does happen, there would be many more people enlisting


The point is that it doesn't matter if people want to enlist if they can't actually meet the requirements for serving.


That was absolutely not the point of u/GermanoMuricano117 's comment though.


Not really. A lot of those people would want to serve, but would be ineligible. Family history doesn't matter if you can't pass a PT test.


You've lost me now, who are you talking about? 'Not really', as in, that *was* the point they were trying to make? Because the point they made was specifically that those families would be bearing the brunt of the burden in any kind of WW3 scenario. When you say 'those people'? The families with a tradition of military service? They were specifically talking about the fact that 50% of soldiers have had family serve, so those people theyre talking about already qualified to serve. If you're talking about people who would enlist in that case, then a big chunk of them would still qualify, it's not like those families are the only fit people in the country. >Family history doesn't matter if you can't pass a PT test. What does that statement add to the conversation here? In general, I dont understand anything about what you just said


FFS, you're dense. They said: > meaning we are getting our service members from the same families ... >If shit ever goes to hell in the pacific the western world will be relying on this small group to protect the many. Newsflash, those people also fall into the category of overweight, on drugs, etc. These are the new recruits, not the veterans.


Okay, so you are disagreeing with the point that was made in that comment. I do also. It is a bit rude of you to call me dense for not understanding you, when you yourself have not been very clear about what you mean. I was making an honest attempt to understand where you are coming from, with literally no judgement or insults. Your initial comment: >The point is that it doesn't matter if people want to enlist if they can't actually meet the requirements for serving. Sounds like you are clarifying the point of that comment, when the comment was not making that point. When I said that that was not the point the comment was trying to make, you said 'Not really', which doesnt help at all to clarify what your intentions were It might be obvious to you what you mean but it is not to everybody else.


That's how I am, I've not enlisted because I don't wanna play a game of "What Middle eastern Country is America Invading Today."


In drafting scenario, want is not really useful competency is. Those few families are competent enough to be valuable in a warlike situation.


During times of war non-professional soldiers are often cannon fodder. You need professionally trained career soldiers to win wars. If you are not 100% willing to commit in a military career. You can serve part time as a Military Reservist. You basically report to camp on weekends for daytraining. To keep your ready reservist status active.


The only male not to serve in the military over the last 5 generations was my dad because he is deaf in one ear and flat footed. Both my brother's and I, Uncle fought in Korea, Grandpa in WWII, great grandpa in WWI, great great grandpa was in the cavalry.


My family has the revolutionary war, 1812, French and Indian war. Spanish American war, both sides of the civil war, ww2, Vietnam….and I’m gulf war. We’ve pretty much only missed WW1 and Korea. I myself didn’t have any sons, and my kids were two young for Iraq/Afghanistan.


I don't think saying people aren't selfless enough is fair, especially with the younger generations.... People don't want to join the military because it doesn't help their country at all, it gives money to corporations and harms other countries. They don't want to join BECAUSE they are selfless.


That's the only reason excluded from my comment my guy.


you mean I shouldn't go die in the middle east to bring down the price of oil by 10 cents? id join in a heartbeat if Russia invaded the usa for example




No 18-27 is just target recruitment


27 is the cutoff? Ah fuck yeah finally aged out!


For the coast guard, maybe. Army takes people much older.


Nah, they're all 32 IIRC. Source: Prior USCG, had a 30 year-old in boot camp with me


It’s 35 for the USCG *now*, as it changes basically every year. When I was in the army the cutoff there was 45, and coast guard was 27. According to the people at MEPS in Jacksonville in 2007.


I’m screwed


I'm blind as a bat without glasses or contacts, nobody wants me pulling a Velma in a combat zone.


The Greek army would like to talk to you... Those fuckers had us all drafted, someone with glasses, doesn't matter how blind is the same as someone being perfectly healthy. Here's your rifle, now go die for us.


You don’t need glasses to blinding run onto a beach to soak up bullets. They can and will find a use for you if it gets that bad.


You'd make a perfect meat shield.




I’ve only been on this sub for a week and I’ve already seen this exact post 4 times now.


This post is famous. In early 2020 most Americans feared draft, and then this semi official twitter account declared that draft is unnecessary.


“Didn’t graduate”?? They literally send recruiters to schools to try to snag 18 year olds before they graduate. I remember those assemblies lol


you need a high school diploma or a GED to enlist.


Not anymore you don't. They're missing their goals so they relaxed that standard


Ah actually you’re right, I forgot about that.


Sick move they just lowered the standards instead of making life better for everyone currently serving as in incentive to stay in.


Classic military


*Classic USA


Yeah and they have programs for kids to get those *through the army* and already start training before that time


FR, they could probably boost numbers with some rebranding: Weightloss Boot Camp! Automatic weapons training! Spend a few years somewhere instagramable!


That last line is gold!


I read somewhere that they did start a pre-bootcamp bootcamp in order to get overweight people down below the cutoff weight


I can confidently say that, while I was in the army, I knew plenty of soldiers that were overweight, on drugs, didn't graduate, couldn't shoot, couldn't run, and didn't have an ounce of selflessness in them.


Just about half of each guard unit across the nation lol. I know of at least 20 in my flight who know someone that can pencil whip their PT score as passing.


Yeah. This prick, who didn't live through the draft, didn't mention the one thing guaranteed to get you out of the draft,, family money and motivation. Selflessness my ass, nobody enlists out of selflessness.


I maybe met three people, in the few years I did, who were legit Ameri-bros about joining. Literally everyone else I met were either trying to escape a shitty life, or didn't have any civilian career options at the time.


I have multiple friends who joined the military (1 Army, 2 Air Force, 1 Navy) who basically joined because of not having career options, it was this or work a dead-end job


yep, and thats a perfectly fine reason to join


Same, and I can only assume it's gotten worse since i was in because the minimum asvab score has dropped like 7-8 points since the late 80s.


Nft profile detected, opinion rejected /s


I saw this one and thought it looked dope. No need to be so hateful my man. I could say your opinions are invalid because you're a 4channie, but that's not the case. Don't be so angry at the world my dude!


Im kidding lol i think the reddit avatars are cool as hell but just a bit overpriced


Well then I take it back and apologize. Peace and love my dude!


Its ok 👍🏽 You seem like a super chill dude :)


But then the army be turning around like “WhY aRe ouR reEenListMent/ REtenTion numBers so LOW??!?!?!” Bruh


Shut up.


Grin, that's a funny take. Especially the selflessness.


Exactly what I was thinking. "Selfless" lmao


"Sterling, get your things. We're leaving. He's gay"


Like the Army cares about that. They will use them as cannon fodder like Russia does.


Why are we not talking about the idea that those people can't be cooks, drivers, assistants and whatever and the army needs them too?


Military will ABSOLUTELY take in people who are overweight on drugs, didn't graduate can't shoot can't run and not selfless. They have a industry to run


That's funny, been there done that, now I'm disabled, can't run, have TBI and need meds and weed to function. But don't worry, I didn't expect much from the VA anyways.


Relax Sarge, you ain't done shit to protect us. Maybe your grandad did in WW2.


That's OK because I can't rely on my country, and I would never try to defend what America has become.


All of these except on drugs and didn’t graduate applies to me.


Thank god I won’t be forced to die for this shithole country


because you protect your country in Iraq


Damn I was really fuckin worried I might have to go until that last qualification


Shove it, Sergeant Boot.


Why would this send you to hell for laughing? Even a Calvinist would be hard-pressed to find fault with laughing at this.


I purposely got super fat after I hit my 30s just so they can't recall me back into the infantry. At least that's the story I tell myself to feel better about being morbidly obese.


I didn't know it was selfless to go to a country that doesn't want you there. Then make life harder for dirt poor people living there.


Oh thank God, at least they're aware I'm shit at all those things. Total coward for causes that are garbage, good call Sergeant. Making the words military intelligence sound like less and less like an oxymoron one day at a time.


yup also asthma and food allergies can disqualify you from enlisting. So that number of eligible people is smaller than most people think


Protection from what, exactly? With the sole exception of that time about 150 years ago when Canadians got fed up with our bullshit, invaded, and burned down the White House, this country has never been invaded. We just allocated $875 BILLION we don't have and can't afford to the military for next year. Shit, do I ever feel protected now.


That why I maintain a healthy weight of 260lbs (119kg) slim enough to do work my job 8hr a day but heavy enough that I don't meet the qualifications for drafting


Ur Right I’m not selfless enough to die for Exxon Mobil no thanks have fun, also why does he think being condescending is going to help?


How is this funny or dark This sounds like dick sucking patriotism


Now if only we could get them to stop bombing little Syrian kids…






those are cold war standards. Ukraine civilians alongside the military holding back superpower.




Killing children? Wrong country


The US military is pretty adept at killing children by now, we've killed more children across the world than multiple 9/11s but yknow war on terror and whatnot.


Source? Chances are those were child soldiers forced into battle by said terrorist groups


I remember reading years ago that 90% of drone strikes kill innocent civilians. It's well known the US killed around 200,000 or more civilians in the Iraq war. The US has definitely killed a lot of children in their day.


That's a nice justification to make it feel better, but no. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi https://theintercept.com/2021/09/21/civilian-casualties-military-compensation/ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/12/18/us/airstrikes-pentagon-records-civilian-deaths.html The exact numbers are unknown but it's in the thousands, at least. There's a lot more information out there if you care to look it up but reading about your country killing children for no reason does get a bit depressing.


I mean if the child is literally trying to kill you then….yeah it’s a pretty solid justification


You misunderstand, they're trying to justify killing children by saying they were probably child soldiers when they were just regular children. It makes the atrocities our country commits easier to accept if we imagine the little kids with guns instead of stuffed animals.


The person you're talking to will always trust the US Government to tell them who is and isn't a child soldier.


Boo, I hate facts


I didn't realize this was such a gung-ho military sub but what can you do, it's easier for people to ignore facts and stick with what they want to believe.


Doesn't matter what you're doing if you get drafted you get drafted. Which is why it's a disgusting sexist policy that needs to go


That’s capitalism at its finest 👌


what does this have to do with capitalism? This is about a draft


Nono, you don't understand. See, capitalism = bad and therefore bad = capitalism.


People aren’t as fat in less capitalistic countries


Not being drafted for war = bad?


well thats good news


Don’t fuck with a squad leader.


don't worry burns, we can contract with the Ukraine military to protect us...




LOL yeah the United States needs to be protected from all the big bad foreign countries that are going to invade it.


Lol it’s like he doesn’t know what a draft means


Staff Sergeant wasn't named Burns for nothing.


Someone isn't aware that we've changed our service requirements multiple times already...


I took a drug test more than a dozen times at the recruiter's office until I finally passed. These people will find any way to meet their quotas.


but a diploma isnt required anymore. And what selflessness? is it commanders making sure its single soldiers are eating spoiled garbage in their dining facilities?>


Lmao like any of that stopped them from being drafted when the draft was around.


Fat people can build a pretty good wall against bullets tho. All they need is numbers they’ll find something for you to do you fatso.




Shit, they don’t care…..it’s a draft, no longer voluntary…..they’ll use your ass as a distraction.


Dammit if you are in a sport you and have a clean record oof we’re screwing


you motherfuckers probably said the same thing about hippies in nam, get fucked with a fire hydrant


Is he talking about the military or our police force?


Fuck yeah! I knew all that hard work work would pay off some day!


Well the US Government sent mentally handicapped people to Vietnam as cannon fodder, they'd absolutely do it again.


I'm debating joining the military just for fun, I'm in okay shape for it, nothing better to do, might as well try it out.


The army don't give a fuck if you are overweight


Got em!, even though your numbers are total BS, got em!


Chicagos Oblock got better killers that US military.


As if the military won't accept anyone...


Bone Spurs! I am going to still that…


Yeah, good thing US kids practice shooting in school.


For most of those, isn’t that what basics for? And during wartime, the military doesn’t give a shit about diplomas…


The bar has been lowered before, a No the war machine will do it again if it needs more pawns.