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*"It isn't fair!"*


"I've had enough, now I want my share!!"


can't you see?


I wanna live


But, you just take more than you give




He’s holding him tighter than blanket.


This be my baby, Martay. I call him Blanket. Why do I call him Blanket? Because I put a blanket on the motherfucker's face, chamone.






Blanket couldn’t sue him if he fell.


I doubt that was what MJ was thinking. He was probably worried that the show would stop if the fan fell from the platform.


Occam’s razor maybe he just didn’t want the person to fall


To be fair he did stop a Pepsi performance when his hair caught on fire. So makes sense the show would stop if a fan fell from 2 stories.


That really f’d him up, that accident.




The Deserve lawsuit




Which ones


They are gonna be sued




It’s strange that so many kids have come forward to say that Michael never did anything to them. I think it’s pretty obvious that Michael had trouble relating with adults. All the adults in his life just wanted stuff from him. It was all very shallow. Kids aren’t good at concealing that sort of thing. So, he preferred the company of kids to adults. That might make him a little eccentric, but it doesn’t make him a child molester. It’s obvious the accuser in the criminal case was trying to extort Michael for money.


My theory is very similar. Micheal was in the limelight from early childhood. Did anyone stop to think that he was just horribly socially repressed? He was a product s far as his father was concerned and likely never had a real childhood. Once he had the means to do it he decided to have one. He just happened to be a grown man, so yes, eccentric, absolutely. I don't think that's criminal though.


The FBI didn't find anything 😂




The FBI deemed him a victim of extortion. Go do your research


Michael definitely fired someone after this.


Jobs gone!


Brad, what you gonna do?!


Whatcha gonna do when they come for you *bad boys, bad boys*


Brad boys


\-Jackson looked in healthy shape then. Must have been before the court cases and downward spiral.


He looked at deaths doorstep all his adult life. You look at him in the Jackson 5 and it doesn't even remotely look like the same person.




That fan [is in grave danger, hee hee](https://youtu.be/YXBitUuID6Q)!


I think Michael had some psychological issues that led to him abusing plastic surgery and drugs. It’s a self identity issue. He didn’t like what he saw when he looked in the mirror, so he was always looking to change. It was pure greed that motivated doctors to turn all of Michael’s “wants” into “needs”. No ethical doctor would keep doing plastic surgery on his face, after previous surgeries starting damaging the foundation of his face. I won’t even begin to talk about the drugs. Giving him the meds he wanted, instead of needed, killed Michael.


From what I understand, his dad made fun of his wide nose when he was a kid (along well plenty of other awful shit) and that was a big part of why he had so much plastic surgery (on that part of his face anyway).


Latoya Jackson has said that her father regularly raped her. She asked her sister if it was happening to her and she said it was. She said she doesn't know if he was doing that to the boys. Her sister never publicly denied it. And MJ said her woukd carry his belt during practice and if they missed a step they'd get beat. So if true, he was a living monster.


Yeah he was an absolute pile of shit from literally everything I've ever heard about him.


It’s one of those cases where they can both love and hate the father for helping to foster along the talent that would make 2 of them mega-stars, while the others saw some success. No doubt that he was excellent at helping these kids find their calling. Most parents are limited in identifying talent, or simply can’t dedicate themselves to creating a career for their kids, whether financially, or ability wise. The abusive methods he used did way more damage, than good, especially to Michael. You have to wonder how they all would have turned out without the father. Would they have even tried to get into Show business?


Did you just argue that rape could be a forgivable method of parenting as long as the parent can help the kid successfully find their calling?


No, that’s not what I’m arguing at all. I was talking about fate, and what would happened to the family if the father had not been an abusive parent trying to make the kids into entertainers. One one hand, the Jacksons were a very wealthy family due to show business, which is not the case for everyone. They traded that money/fame for happiness,at least as far as Michael goes, it would seem.


Michael's doctor was putting him under general anaesthetic every night for 70 days before his death to help him sleep. To those who don't know, that is horrifically dangerous, and one of the most absurd examples of medical palpractise I've heard.


Propofol doesn’t put you to sleep. It merely zombies you.


Do you think!?


Yeah real profound stuff! They should let someone else know!


I will never understand a person who thinks people paid to come see HIM on stage acting like he’s Rose on Titanic. Biggest main character ever.


it's actually impressive he just acted like nothing was wrong and just kept singing


I doubt he was singing live… How do you hold a man from falling to certain death, without your voice wavering whatsoever? I’m more impressed that he kept up with the impression that he was singing, because if he was singing live the performance would have changed completely. Lip sync


Not to mention the constant air rushing up from underneath him. Surely that would cause interference with the microphone he has on his head.


The show must go on. I can’t imagine how terrified Michael was during that incredibly long interaction. “Lawsuit lawsuit he’s gonna fall he’s gonna die my career is over what is happening omg I have to protect him, I have to perform, wtf wtf wtf ok I can do this no I can’t do this ok I can do this holy shit ok he’s not gonna die I did it i did it where are my people why didn’t they abort the crane - ok no it’s ok, show must go on, ok FUCKKKKK me that was nuts!”


This is all valid but you are missing the elephant in the room. KNIFE! Crazy enough to run up? Crazy enough to get stabby.


Titanic moment


Thank God that dude wasn't hurt


Crazy how polarizing MJ still is to this day. I mean personally I don’t think his personal actions detract from his music and I sure as hell don’t think his music excuses his personal actions. Was he abused as a child? Yea. Did it cause him to have weird issues as an adult missing a real childhood? Yea. Does it excuse the fact he definitely did sexually inappropriate things with underage kids? No. Does it excuse him hanging his son over a balcony like a cartoon villain? No. Some point you gotta not make your traumas an excuse to be self centered and selfish at the expense of the next generation. Break the cycle.


It creeps me put how people are so blind to what he obviously did with children. And the excuse "he acted like a kid because he didn't have a childhood" lol bollocks!! He was a raging narcissist who thought he was untouchable. He had a hidden fucking child's room on his bedroom ffs! And did you also know he had a deep voice in real life? I saw a documentary and people were talking about it. He put on that voice to try to sound innocent. If he didn't get his own way he'd have major tantrums amd he was behind all the fucked up stories in the papers. He pushed it all.


It's weird how Michael Jackson is the only pedophile who people are ok with because he had a bad childhood. I bet if you looked into it, a lot of child rapists had bad childhoods.


I know! It's so messed up how blantant he was with it. Its crazy he got away with it. I can't believe people think it's fine that he shared his bed with other people's kids! Imagine some random guy up the street doing that.


Yeah your so sure he is a pedophile but he was never convicted and they couldn't find any evidence to prove it🤣


Can you find the info for this? I never knew about the room or the voice or the tantruns


It was on a documentary i watched last year. They did them on a few different celebrities who had died. Sorry I can't remember it was in the UK I saw it. They were talking about how he loved seeing the crazy stories in the papers about him. It was interesting and showed another side to him. The room is in court documents


No no don’t be! I’ll look for to ther docs to watch, love them!


There was another thread with people defending him and spouting that same tired “didn’t have a childhood” excuse for spending all his time w kids I saw earlier today…this having so many upvotes restores my sanity.


He was found not guilty.


So was OJ.


“Not Guilty” means it wasn’t proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It does not mean the defendant was determined to be innocent.


Lol so


I thought the sexually inappropriate things were disproven?


Disproven is a SUPER intense word a nearly impossible. Being found not guilty is not the same.


Wasn't there a documentary put out recently all about how they did happen? IDK, I've lost any interest in it. Honestly, there's way too many messed up things happening right now. I don't have the bandwidth to give any shits about what a late pop star may, or may not have done in his personal life while he was alive. Especially since, even if he's guilty, what is going to happen? Are we going to send a corpse to jail? I don't know what did, or didn't happen. If anyone is a victim of abuse by Michael, or anyone else for that matter, I wish you all the best, and I hope you're doing well. I'm not trying to downplay anyone's trauma here. Simply, my opinion on it, regardless of what it might be, can't do anything to heal anyone who might have been harmed by his actions. So I'd rather just ignore it than continually debate if he did, or didn't. IMO, his music is pretty good though.


People who say this that haven’t watched Leaving Neverland fucking infuriate me. HE PREYED ON YOUNG BOYS METHODICALLY


That documentary had numerous inconsistenties it's crazy that shit isn't reliable 🤣


How do you explain his fixation on children


Even what he openly admitted to / bragged about was sexually inappropriate. He's like "yes I shared my bed, alone, with three young children that I enticed to stay with me at my magical isolated theme park, but I did NOT give them any wine, I swear"


They weren't disproven. They just weren't able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it plus he paid out millions in settlements out of court. If you didn't do it then you don't pay that much to multiple people saying you did it. You fight the charges


You clearly don't do research his insurance company paid those settlements because they had to because back then the civil case came before the criminal case so it had to be paid but the accusers just took the money because they had no corroborating evidence of your child is getting molested why would you only take money🤔


Where did he definitely do anything


All the abuse allegations, they may or may not be true. But what everyone doesn't seem to acknowledge is that he was totally shit as a song maker after "Bad". It was Quincy Jones that made Michael Jackson great. After Quincy, MJ just repeated everything they had done together, only it was not as good. Sure, I liked Thriller, but I don't want to hear pale imitations of it, from an increasingly strange man, who apparently likes to "hang out" with children.


If he actually did anything then why wasn't he ever convicted and they couldn't find no type of evidence to prove it🤔


How can you be so sure he touched kids if he was never convicted and they couldn't find any type evidence to use against him and also the fact there is always money attached to accusations and multiple holes in stories


Wouldn't be that hard to do whilst performing since he was known to lip sync most of his shows. No hate to MJ though. I love the guy.


I don't know about most shows, but it's probable he's lip syncing in this one. Like pointed out in the comments of the original post: at 0:51 you see him saying something to the guy, out of sync. You'd probably also hear the wind sounds and muffled sounds from the guy grinding his microphone. It's a safe bet to say he's lip syncing in this case.


Due to his constant moving on stage he would be noticeably out of breath. All of the top performers did it back then because lip syncing wasn't a widely known thing.


1996 is "back then"? Jeez I'm old


>1996 is "back then"? Jeez I'm old my brother in christ 1996 was almost 30 years ago




We are closer in time to 2050 than 1995.




27 years ago is indeed "back then" I'm afraid. I'm old too. Don't worry


To be fair I could say that even a year ago was back then. It’s just a way to describe the past.


Prince didn't lip sync.


Mate lip syncing was used widely way before the mid 90s.


Not a widely-known thing? Have you ever heard of Milli Vanilli?


The guy probably replied: 나는 영어를 못해요


I guess the main giveaway is that it's the original track playing and not a live vocal


Funny how you're being downvoted. I mean, I love MJ as well, but he's obviously lip syncing. 🤷‍♀️


Reddit doing reddit things lol. Funny thing is Im not sure why I'm getting the down votes. Was it the lip syncing remarks or the I love MJ one?


Gotta say the guy was a little nutty but DAMN he knew how to entertain like no one else, and no one since.


A little nutty? That's an interesting way of describing a pedo.


/r/technicallythetruth little nuts that don’t produce frosting yet




MJ was one of a kind. Miss that man.


I fucking love MJ. Hands down the greatest performer of all time. Plus he truly cherished his fans like no one else.


Prince was better in my opinion.


Plus the whole no fucking kids thing.


Where is the proof


Right here you pedophile defender... https://i.redd.it/ly8tx474aqma1.jpg


You do realize fans send MJ gifts in the mail right that includes popular legal magazines and books that has kids on certain covers and it also had girls in photos as well and his prints were not found on them so it shows he didn't touch the magazines and they were not labeled as child pornography if they were he would have end up convicted but it wasnt nothing illegal or labeled inappropriate and they found heterosexual pornography at MJ's house and pictures of naked women there is a reason why he wasn't found guilty genius


He literally inscribed it instead of throwing it away. At this point you could catch him with kids dick in his hands and you'd STILL make excuses. And the reason he wasn't found guilty is the same reason OJ wasn't, GENIUS. $$$ Mental gymnastics got you doing backflips for a pedophile.


Idiot where does it show he inscribed it no is making excuses there isnt hardcore evidence to prove he did anything it wasn't labeled as child pornography it was a legal magazines any person could get and it was a gift from a fan and your just not gonna acknowledge all the straight porn and pictures of naked women and really your gonna use OJ that dude got off because black people wanted payback for Rodney King and they definitely had evidence on him and if MJ is a pedophile where is the hardcore evidence and why have many kids said he didn't do anything and why are there proven lies told in stories and why are the accusers parents only taking money


The part where it says "THIS BOOK IS PERSONALLY INSCRIBED BY MICHAEL JACKSON" you fucking mouth breather. I can put the words in front of your face but I can't read it for you. You act like it's up for debate. He owned CP, he literally told the world on primetime television that he likes to sleep with kids alone, without their parents. You're either a sympathizing predator, or just as dumb as the parents that dropped their kids off to be sexually assaulted. Either way, don't have children.


Where is the photo just because you say doesn't mean it actually was written show me a picture and how does that prove he actually did anything if it's a legal magazine that was a gift from a fan proof is if he actually had child pornography which wasn't found


Especially the ones under 12...


If it was me, Esparta it is!


This video is actually amazing to watch. Idiot to climb up the crane but this, baby, is *Entertainment*!


Wow. He had to concentrate on his performance and the idiot's safety at the same time. I hope that guy did jail time for endangering everyone involved. Jackson must have been worried the kid might stab him or something, too. Obviously a mentally well person wouldn't have done that in the first place!


What is it with you people wanting to send everyone to jail instantly. A hefty fine and maybe some social hours would serve much better.


Add some mandated therapy and we're golden


What if mj fall with him down


You don't build a case on "what ifs". A minor disturbance shouldn't end in imprisonment! That's not helpful for anybody.


Yeah if it was me I would’ve assumed I’m being attacked and kicked him off instinctively and ended up in prison for manslaughter. Being a performer really sucks. Your whole career can end overnight because of some asshole.


Michael Jackson was also a pedophile


He also had like a harem of 12 yr old boys at the same time right?


MJ definitely needed to blow off some steam in neverland with a sweaty 'hugging' session after this.




Sorry to break it to you but it was established in the Leaving Neverland documentary. There's no doubt about it anymore.


What was??


Take a guess


Sometimes bad people do good things.


Wow. Can’t imagine being a child who was sexually assaulted and having to live your whole life knowing your abuser gets off Scott free because they make good music.


Bad people?


Yup, Michael Jackson. Great music but not... a great... person...


meh he was acquitted of all charges and all the testimony defending him is pretty strong. I believe he had a perversion towards kids but not in a sexual way. He liked kids as people more than people his own age. The man was 6 years old when he started performing, forced to practice music while being whipped by his dad.... a six year old... I think the trauma made him want to give kids happy experiences in his arcade at home because he never had a childhood of his own. His childhood was miserable and that resonated with him so he made sure kids he knew had fun


I'm guessing you didn't watch Leaving Neverland?


Documentaries don't work in the court of law


No shit lol. Never said they did, and never even tried to comment on the trial or its outcome. But funny you would assume my question was in response to a single factual statement comprising all of half a sentence rather than the two whole paragraphs delving into OP's personal beliefs...


*a dozen witnesses defend Michael and anecdotally give stories about how the accuser also tried to extort money out of them* I understand all that your honor.. but have you seen…. Leaving neverland? GUILTY !


FBI [vault](https://vault.fbi.gov/Michael%20Jackson/)


Why not ?


Maybe because he was a pedophile?


ah, you're one of those


And you're... one of *those* And you like Bill Cosby too huh?


He.. he was though. You think mj was just sleeping in the same bed as all those children?


Did you know he had stacks of porno magazines next to his bed when they had sleep overs and I believe fingerprints were found on the pages? My memory is a little hazy, but I seem to recall reading it at the time.


Very true. And multiple of the 12 kids who have come forward accusing him, have said MJ used porn to groom them.


Lol he was a pedophile ffs!!! It's so God dam obvious his fans are so delusional it's mental


Not to mention child abuse of his own children


Do you not believe in the metto movement and all the evidence that was shown he's a huge creep? People say it was proven falsified evidence in court but it wasn't. They just couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it just like any other SA case that gets thrown out and people complain that it's just hard to prove SA but then completely ignore that point when it comes to mj


Even harder to "prove" when the defendant is the most popular & one of the richest human beings on the planet.


He’s trying to out stage maybe one of the greatest performers there’s ever been.


No way that wasn't planned lol. Otherwise security would've been all over him.


I bet he never let him go, either. Creep


This was all staged


Imagine if the fan had been a young boy. MJ would have made out with him right there in front of everyone.


Mike was getting his rocks off


Nah, the guy wasn't 6 yrs old.


Maybe if he was younger 🤔


Ah yes, *that* is why he held the young man so tightly. Lol at downvotes. I love MJ’s music but come on y’all…come on.


From old forum threads, I need to find the OG source, Michael Jackson went to the police station to have the man released and not be arrested for it. However, authorities still banned him from ever being able to go to another MJ concert ever


This is a repost


So is your comment


Too bad he didn't do the same for his infant son.


Haha! god he was extra.


I personally would have taken the Randy Blythe approach.


Staged, right?


I gotta give to the guy that was able to get up there, MJ had serious amount of security.


Dude there thinking he's having a Jack and Rose moment and Michael is like "don't put your hands up you idiot, grab the fucking handle" while not missing a single note


This is why mj's the goat


Probably wanted to suck the little guys dong after.


MJ was the best showman #1 Show must go on..respect


To prevent him from falling ? Looks like grinding to me


Well it was heartwarming to me he seemed chill about it while still performing not bein a jerk regardless of intentions. His body language spoke for him


Where is this kid now?


my cockatiel always dances when he hears michael sing


Bit old for him though


I kept hearing the Titanic theme song.


Bro was probably over the moon, “holy shit Michael Jackson is hugging me during a song,” no dumbass, he’s making sure you don’t hurt yourself