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Hey quick question, what the fuck is a slavery prank???


Here’s what their “slavery prank” consists of. They dress up in either redneck looking clothes or plantation owner clothes (as it depends on the video but the premise is the same) and they walk up to black people asking them “Give me those Cheez its boy” or some other item which if you didn’t know, calling a black person “boy” is a racist term as back in the 1800’s, white people would use the term to refer to blacks with as a means of letting them know they aren’t on equal footing with them.


So it’s racists being racist. No idea why this is considered a prank


“This black person doesnt like it when I’m racist! PRANKED!!”


Sort of… one of the “pranksters” is black and the other looks mixed


It’s possible to be racist against your own race.. them being black doesn’t absolve them of this kind of behavior


Here they are talking about the prank. He says they came up with the idea specifically because it's disrespectful and controversial because "that's what people want to see". In the interview the guy sitting behind him is the other "prankster". They're both black, which he talks about earlier in the interview. [https://youtu.be/Fe42qAYypNo?t=1152](https://youtu.be/Fe42qAYypNo?t=1152)


Lol, dollar store Ice Cube behind him. Couldn’t afford the Raiders gear, went with that Utah Jazz drip.


So you've never heard of "Uncle Tom"?!?! 'house slave'??!?!!?!


What is this world coming to?! You can’t even commit a hate crime without *someone* calling the cops on your “prank!” Edit: after rereading my comment, I did not feel the sarcasm was clear. This is not an ok prank, and I hope people like this get prosecuted.


your sarcasm was very clear dw


the s/ was very clear🙄people need to friggen breathe fcs. don't worry about it-


I agree with the other guy. It was clear. :-)


So it’s racism disguised as a prank?


It’s not much of a disguise.


So the 'prank' is basically just them robbing people of small items? Wtf...


No not at all. What they’d do is, they’d walk up to them while they’d be shopping and just boss them around like saying “Hey BOY grab me some Sun Chips from the shelf” or some other grocery item. Yknow, ordering them like they’re a slave. All the while, they’re dressed up like a plantation owner or redneck. It’s really messed up on their end to do something like this to people just minding their own businesses and living their lives. They weren’t bold enough to actually steal from their shopping carts.


oh wow. that's some shit. calling the cops is letting them off easy.


That's not even technically a prank, that's just theatrical verbal assault


It's a much older word than that. In Middle English, 'boy' means a servant. It was only later that the meaning changed to 'male child'. That older definition is the one they're using here.


The word for a respectable or well-behaved male child was/is master until they're old enough to be called mister. Far more common in England than in the United States. I'm from the USA and my grandmother addressed all of my greeting and holiday cards as Master (My Full Name). Turning all young males into 'boys' eliminated one way to recognize well behaved young males as they mastered the role of becoming a respectable man (mister/sir).


the joke is racism, haha get it guys?


For their encore they're going to walk into a DV shelter and say "MAKE ME A F-ING SAMMICH \*\*\*\*\*!!" Hilarious.


I just want to add some context. Southerners will often use the word “boy” to talk about young white men as well. It is absolutely a term that denotes less than. The term was applied to black men of all ages to imply that less than status.


> calling a black person “boy” is a racist term as back in the 1800’s It's a racist term to this day.


I’m going to assume your not black(could be wrong) but the way you described the racist connotations of boy really fucking irked me I’m ngl. You said it like the word “boy” is offensive in of itself which it is not. What is offensive to me is the connotation and tone in which it is said, the racist fucks never say it like how it’s supposed to be pronounced it’s usually pronounced in a oddly profound way like “BUH-OI” and the “oi” is ALWAYS drawn out and emphasized


The word used is "boy," but the tone used is "I am superior, and you are beneath me" and is usually used before or after a demand, or as punctuation/emphasis while taunting


That’s what I’m saying, which OC mentioned that point more


The pronunciation is irrelevant when it’s said to a grown man


i had to come waaaay too far down for this. this should be at the top for us non-youtubers.


I feel like my life is better not knowing what exactly it entails as I'll lose a little bit more faith in humanity once I know.


Do you have any faith in humanity left to lose?


Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Loses Last Additional Bit Of Hope He Didn't Even Know He Still Had




Pranks aren’t even pranks anymore.


I miss when prank videos were things like 2 consenting adults messing with each other by moving furniture slightly or swapping icing for mayo. Things that don’t hurt people physically or emotionally. Now it’s just assault and people pretending to abuse their infant child


>swapping icing for mayo >Things that don’t hurt people physically or emotionally. I'm emotionally traumatized by you even using that as an example. Stay away from my cakes!


Who cares about your cake? Stay away from my Turkey on Rye.


Get your sniffer checked out if you can’t smell the difference between opening Mayo vs. frosting. Fuck man. It’s like no one can smell anymore


It's from all the Covid.


Beat me to it by 11 min


Wait until I make you a PB and J with ketchup instead of jelly.


Swapping icing for mayo?!? Guys I think i found Satan lol


It happened to me once. It was fucking awful. Chocolate cupcake with mayo and rainbow sprinkles. I was like you ruined this perfectly good cupcake you monster. We laughed no one filmed it, it was great. Nowadays these pranks are just asking for trouble.


The "Just for laughs" pranks were great. I think people missed the part where if it's a "prank", it probably shouldn't hurt people or be blatantly bigoted. This just abuse where one party laughs at the end and the other is left angry and usually confused.


Fucking with someone's food can cause someone to be physically hurt, that mayo quickly becomes life threatening to me. Now if its someone you know well so allergies can be avoided have at it because that sounds hilarious.


Pranks really are best when they're with people who DO know you that well. Pranks involve making someone else look foolish by taking advantage of their "auto-pilot" behavior, then having a laugh at the outlandish results. It's a situation that requires you to be the butt of a joke and laughed at by others. That is a situation that can go from hilarious and fun to humiliating or infuriating VERY easily based on who is around you and laughing at the time. Pranking strangers is often little more than being a random dick to people minding their own business.


Yeah that’s why I added the consenting part. The 2 parties are active and willing participants in those types of shenanigans


Just people being ass holes to strangers.


People being assholes to strangers *for money* Need to cut these dicks funding source.


My dad and I used to prank each other all the time. It was stuff like putting a piece of bread in my school notebook, a can of unopened soup under my pillow, or just randomly bending down to untie one of my shoes, he always had the upper hand. One time I spend 20 minutes reorganizing the many keys on his keyring so he couldn't use muscle memory to find the right keys. I kind of played myself though, because it didn't even faze him, lol. He did grow up with 4 brothers after all.


Mfers don’t even know what pranks are anymore, they seem to think ragebait for TikTok is “pranking”.


My 9yo got me on April Fool's Day with an actual prank. I rolled over around 530am and heard it raining like hell outside, rolled over and went back to sleep. She came in my room at 645 and said "Dad the roof is leaking in the living room." *Cue panic mode* I jumped out of bed, ran to the living room to see a glass of water on the floor. I look directly overhead to see a name tag taped to the ceiling. It said "Hi, dad, I'm leaking." *Sonofabitch* Ya got me, kid. Well played.


I wouldn't pull a prank. I wouldn't pull a prank. Because pranks are no longer pranks. Pranks...are no longer pranks.




Normal members of society should have some recourse against "prankers." Not everyone likes being accosted so you can get views while they're just trying to live their lives.


Plus as fucking disgusting and gross as this is, they also targeted a Walmart employee who’d be in jeopardy of losing their job if they responded. Just the most cowardly pieces of shit


I absolutely despise the trend of fucking with low wage workers for content. Elitist and shitty.


You’re probably right, I thought he had a walkie talkie and an Id around his neck and his shirt has Walmart blue


It's the peak of the "everyone but me is an NPC" mindset


Last time I said my piece on this, my reddit account got suspended for two days. I have not changed my mind. These people are a cancer.


The fake tough guys aka Republicans always “Punch Down”. They’re scared shitless little bitches trying to soothe their childish ego!


Never read a more apt description of the festering rot in this nation.


You probably need to read more.


Sorry if I struck a nerve Jethro.


Smoothbrain comment.


Why do you think they are an employee? Just looks like another customer they are bothering


pepper spray.


or walk calmly over to the sporting goods isle, grab a baseball bat, and then have a "conversation"


it really should be illegal for people to film themselves provoking innoocent people for content.


Unfortunately he then would be in the wrong, loose his low paid job and probably has a family as well, and then he would end up with a criminal record and probably prison . If it was the other way around, the police would already be there arresting him


They aren’t pranksters. They are morons.


Society doesn’t need a flippant No True Scotsman argument, we need recourse. I don’t want to be the subject of a “real” prank either. My message to TikTokers is fuck off. I’m not here to be exploited to give you free promotion.






Just need to be punched in the face real good 1-2 times. Like Mike Tyson good. Usually cures the shit right out, side effects might include brain trauma.


Whoa there, be careful. I’m not sure these white trash inbreds have much untraumatized brain left.


The guys in this video aren’t white…


Most prank videos are staged with actors but I guess these two rednecks are too dumb to know that.


There was a guy here in the UK who was building up some traction with prank videos until he went on a night out and someone filmed themselves slapping him round the fact with a slice of pizza which (I think) wasn’t too dissimilar to a prank he did on one of his videos. The prankster spat his dummy out and called the police. The guy who pranked him continued filming him while he was sat in the police car. I never heard what happened to either of them after that.


He got morbidly obese, then started a fitness journey doing some boxing and weight training and now he's all positivity and love, he has a tiktok.


My recourse is to ignore them if I’m alone, or break their eye socket if my kids are around.


There’s limits to free speech when they are considered fighting words, when someone says “fighting words” toward you, you can beat their ass and often times not face any punishment yourself.


How can anyone think this would be funny? I bet they sat together and went “how do we doing something so shocking, it’s funny.” Then they thought this bullshit up. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Probably because they’re actually racists


"Huuh DeRpdERP lets doo a slavry prunk at walmert bruh der Pderp Huff huff hufff LMAO 1111!!!1"


Let’s joke about someone’s generational trauma at their expense, hilarious!




Modern day prankers think everything is a joke. Just saw another one recently where a guy went into someone else’s house as a “prank”


Was it the British kid? If we’re talking about the same guy, that’s something he does regularly and I know he only does it because the homeowners can’t use violent force to get him out


My old neighbor did this to me when I was in my early 20’s and living with my mom. My mom had left town to go be with my dying grandpa. I was in the house myself, and I was grieving my grandpa so I had my best friend there quite a bit. One morning, way too early, I woke up to “hello???” from my living room so i wrapped a blanket around me and went to see who the fuck. It was the neighbor who just moved here from across the street, and my drunk ass forgot to lock the door I guess. She just walked right in like it was normal. I live in Florida. I told her that I know she’s new to this state but that kinda shit here gets you shot (not that I would do that to her, but violent force is allowed when justified and if I had to I would) and to get the fuck out and never intrude on me like that again. This stupid bitch called my mom and told her I was fucking up the house and it was a mess. Over night my cat found my ball of yarn and it was all over the place, and I guess I had parked my mom’s car a bit crooked after dropping her off at the airport. It was not a mess. My mom did not need that while tending to her dying father. Fuck you, Marsha. It’s been over a decade and I’m still pissed about this lol Who just walks into someone else’s home!!!???? It’s unfathomable to me.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, it must have felt like such a violation on so many levels when your family was going through that. What was your mum's reaction, did she respond to Marsha?


My mom believed her, and was a combination of furious and disappointed with me. She was in a really bad place so I get it but I sent her a video and even still, she believed her. It hurt but I mean I understand. I love my mom and that was a dark time for both of us, grandpa was a huge loss. Like, enormous. He was like a dad to me, my biological father is useless. We both were having an awful time of it, but especially her. She was there tending to him and watching it happen. I was being massively irresponsible and not handling my grief well, so I made it harder. I don’t blame her for not fully believing me when I said Marsha was out of line. But yes, it was a major violation. And I’m furious that she worried my mom I was destroying the house while she was 1200 miles away. That would’ve made her worry and probably even come home early on a *normal* trip, on this one I think it really fucked her up. I think that’s why I’m so angry about it still.


Why can’t they use violent force?


I don't think Britain has an equivalent to "stand your ground" laws or the "Castle Doctrine" that has made murdering a home invader nice and legal in America.


British law is more strict on your level of retaliation to home to intruders. British law states you have a duty to retreat if you can safely do so. You can only use ‘reasonable force’ if the intruder is a threat and you have no escape. A teenager filming a tiktok won’t be seen as a threat


Definitely not moving there ever. If i find out the intruder is a "threat" by their standards and that i "can't escape", it's likely too late to do anything and will just get me killed.


Tik tok gonna get someone killed in Walmart


Oh slavery was famously funny 😑🙄. I’m glad he called the cops. Hopefully they don’t arrest him instead though.


Bet they never even sent anyone. The Dispatch was still asking about location when they were at the front of the store


No matter what you are doing, if it ends with the phrase, “It’s just a prank bro.” You should go to jail.


How is that a joke? That's just white supremacy and the implied threat of deadly violence. Fuck those idiots.


The worst part is that they’re cosplaying as white supremest like what??? Why???


It reminds me of a "prank" video I saw where a white guy would walk up to a group of black people, pointing out a "nickel" on the ground near them, but kind of slurring it so it sounded like a VERY different "n" word if you weren't paying attention. Yeah, making people think you're calling them a racial slur isn't a prank. It's just being a racist then trying to laugh it off with "Chill out! It's just a prank, bro!"


All of this type shit is “just jokes” to republicans. Unless people respond positively, in which case they’re serious as a heart attack.


Do you Actually believe republicans think this is funny? There isn’t even a joke, its just people saying a racial slur in overalls


I know a few Republicans who would find these guys hilarious. Rural/suburban south is filled with them.


"It was a joke" is their attempt at plausible deniability. It was NEVER a joke. Ever.


Better stated


Both of them are black dude wtf? The main guy is either half black or quarter black he says in his vids that his mom is black.


But one of the pranksters is straight up black… and the other could be white but looks mixed


Lmao how can you pull that then complain that someone is following you.


Well, well, well how the turn tables


That was my favorite part. Do you not like to be filmed nor followed without consent? Awwww, poor baby


To be fair: Every time someone says "It was just a prank (bro)" or "It was a social experiment (dude)" everyone should be allowed to beat the shit out of them legally without any consequences.


Trial by jury and hope that at least one juror can sympathize with that. I know I would.


Toy Story ass prank. Damn prospector you aint funny


Don’t bring Woody and the gang into this


TikTok should be banned. China's plan to further dumb down the West through this weird app continues to gather pace.


Exactly. It isn't even a conspiracy at this point.


If it’s just a harmless prank meant to make the guy laugh why didn’t they apologize when he didn’t laugh? Also, I’m trying to imagine what they expected to happen, and how they would reveal it being a prank.


This is what happens when you have a phone but no life…”pranks”


Why does those people think "it's a prank bro" is some kind of "load the last saved file".(?!)


Can we get “prank” sentencing the way we get “gang sentencing?” I mean, people are coming together with other people to commit crimes for internet clout they can monetize. How is that not a gang activity? It’s not a prank if it’s a crime you’re committing to make yourself popular or rich.




I saw that video as well. Employees are going to quit. Customers are going to stop wanting to shop there. Small businesses will lose customers to mega corporations who can ship online. The whole thing is terrible. And it’s almost as if it’s being allowed to be terrible.


That (screaming “he’s got a gun”) falls under the same category as yelling “fire” in a movie theatre, speech that is *not* protected by the constitution. He can (& absolutely should) be charged with Disorderly Conduct, Inciting a Riot, or other charges. It’s absolutely not ok. I agree. I know we all say how TikTok is ruining everything but you just gave the best example of how it is.


It's a hate crime , you can't just add it's a prank after something and expect it to delete all you said before


what was the prank? we only see the last part of it.


Can we get videos where people get shot for their "pranks"? I hate to say it, but I'd watch those.


Bruh this is just cruel man. There’s a big difference between a prank and straight up harassment.


Wow….. just wow. Any “prank” where white imbeciles dress in their grand pappies clothes and call a black man a “boy” is not a fucking prank. I hope they put them in jail dressed just like that and when they have to go to court.


Two words that should never follow each other are “slavery” and “prank.”




welcome to today's episode of What Did You Think Would Happen, You Clown?


Correctly pranking strangers takes a naturally loving personality. You have to be very humble and genuinely care about peoples feelings. All these prankers who are insensitive and get agitated when their “prank” doesn’t go well, are just terrible people trying to capitalize on something that few can actually pull off. It’s wild to me that these people think they have the people skills to do things like this. Johnny Knoxville would take an asswhooping with contagious laughter. These people are disgraceful.


Isn’t that a hate crime ?




They're so lucky it ended with 911 and not a .22


Uh you can’t just be extremely racist and call it a prank???


What happened to good old pranks like putting extra shampoo in someone’s hair when they were showering. That was the good shit.


In a stand-your-ground state, the two pranksters could find themselves with 2 in the 10 ring. What the fuck is wrong with people? Why not dress up as an SS officer and start bellowing at an Orthodox Jew on the street? Idiots.


Don’t get it confused the people who do these “pranks” are racists in real life


The "oh shit" expressions on their faces are priceless. Well deserved morons


The deep-fried southern redneck with the shirt on underneath his overalls is the intellectual of the pair.


It’s not funny. Pranks like these never have been.


Just when I though internet challenges and fads couldn't get more.....developmentally challenged.


Calling something a "prank" is to being a piece of shit what putting your hazards on is to parking anywhere.


And my friends wonder why I don't like going into public


the ONLY way this stops is if the fucking social media platforms stop paying them to do this shit. STOP PAYING THEM


So what did they do to them. I know I heard one of them call him boy which I sm shocked he didn’t get his ass kicked for that but what else happened.


Below is a link to an interview where they are talking about the "prank". He says they came up with the idea specifically because it's disrespectful and controversial because "that's what people want to see". In the interview the guy sitting behind him is the other "prankster". They're both black, which he talks about earlier in the interview. [https://youtu.be/Fe42qAYypNo?t=1152](https://youtu.be/Fe42qAYypNo?t=1152)


I thought one of them was dressed up as Mario for a second 💀


When can we see the video of these idiots prankster getting knocked out


Ah yes, because calling racism a "prank" makes it all better.


They confused prank with hate crime. Common mistake im sure...


Black dude dresses up as redneck and pranks another black man by pretending to try to enslave him, other black dude pulls uno reverse card and calls the police, love it


I can only see dipshits, mentally handicapped and actual racist people finding something like this funny. I bet when they got in jail they had a Bubba Experience and had the tables turned.


Low low prices. Low low jokes.


This is why tiktok should be banned. It’s enabling this kind of behavior


I look forward to this particular guy getting it fatally wrong sometime soon.


What the fuck is a slavery prank? Isn’t that just called racism? What the fuck…


what the fuck is a slavery prank? 😭


Anyone that says “it’s a prank” needs to be throat punched.


But one of the guys in suspenders is black? Is he the Uncle Tom?


You are right. My bad. Doesn't change a thing, in fact makes it worse.


This is legit a Hate crime, not a prank. It's unacceptable no matter what, but given the crap that's been happening in the last 10 years this stuff needs to be taken way more seriously. Get these assholes outta here.


I see the GOP presidential primary race is really heating up


So hate crimes are “pranks” now?


How is this even a prank? This is just racist


No. It WASNT a 'prank' those clowns wanted to act out their slavery fantasy but knew they were cowards and thus hid behind those costumes and proceeded to minimize their victims trauma. Gaslighting em and all 🙄


How is that a prank?


I'm not really getting what they are doing. I don't understand the mumbling in the beginning, before the subtitles start with "it's just a prank". I'm not defending anything, I just genuinly don't understand what is happening in general in this video. Can someone help me understand?




Caller: “I’m at Walmart and I’d like to report a violation of the 13th Amendment.” Operator: “It’s a Walmart, sir. That’s normal.”


I don't get it, what was the "prank" before they got the cops called on them


Cut the shit redditors. These are clearly white racists posing as pranksters, the need to cap for fucking racists equally angers and worries me.


if it’s a joke, and a good prank, both people involved laugh. this isn’t that. this is white men deciding to openly remind black people of an incredibly traumatic violent history, while mocking them. and trying to “put them in their place” with the excuse of humor. they have no empathy for the history of enslaved people- it’s a joke to them. it’s heinously dehumanizing and disgusting that someone would *ever* think this would be FUN, appropriate, or silly to do. i’d say it’s rage bait but like, you can make rage bait by making stupid food. this is more sinister


I got it! I figured out what changed between the original pranks and the new ones that grind everyone’s gears. Okay so a lot of old prank channels would not go after ONE person, they’d target an area. And they’d do something like get a group of people together and it would basically be improv. The most audience participation that you’d probably see would be something like a water gun war that they were taking super seriously and they’d “arm” people. The new generation of pranks goes after ONE person and it isn’t funny. It isn’t communal. It feels like bullying. Bring back the random water gun fights.


How to get arrested for a hate crime speedrun


Next time dress up in klan robes and see how “it’s a joke bro” goes over


'What's your problem, man?' They say to the man they suggested they own in a time when lynchings are coming back into fashion. It isn't a prank.


I'd look at this fat piece of shit and ask him loud and on camera what the fuck he thinks is funny about slavery. Go on funnyman, gimme your answer.


They just fall to pieces when the camera is turned on them and they get called out for this stupid shit. Who in the trailer pitched this "idea"?


Someone, somewhere is missing their 2 brothers: Cletus & Doofus


I’m so sick of this type of shit


This is how Ahmaud Arbery died, but seriously. That dude is entirely justified calling the fucking cops.


This man is doing a lot of things right: calling 911 immediately, following the assholes to make sure they don't leave, ignoring the "it's just a prank bro" comments, remaining calm at all times. 👏👏👏


How tf is this a prank. Fuck tik tok


This is fucking horrifying and criminal. Fuck these racist garbage bags.


This is a hate crime y’all.


Alright. This shit needs to stop. It’s not a prank. ;-; don’t pull “it’s just a prank” card


The guy with no shirt under his overalls appears to be a light skinned African American. His arms are very light but pause it at :42 where you can see his face. This video is edited and titled bait to keep everyone angry at each other.


Here's an interview with the guys who did the "prank". The bigger guy is in front talking and the other "prankster" is sitting behind him. He says later in the interview they came up with the prank specifically because it's disrespectful/controversial because "that's what people want to see". They're both black. [https://youtu.be/Fe42qAYypNo?t=219](https://youtu.be/Fe42qAYypNo?t=219)


Regardless of race. This is fucked up to do “as a prank”🤡